recency reading of the indefinite present perfect

Grammar of the english verb phrase, the grammar of the english tense system, vol I

Grammar of the english verb phrase, the grammar of the english tense system, vol I

... Introduction Towards a theory of tense and time The absolute use of the present tense The absolute past tense The absolute use of the present perfect The present perfect vs the preterite in clauses ... Introduction The formation of the present tense The formation of the past tense The formation of the other tenses The meanings of tenses: expressing temporal relations Special uses of tenses Aspect ... expresses that the theft was committed before the confession The time of the confession is thus the orientation time to which the time of the theft is represented as anterior by the past perfect In...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 02:18

856 6,9K 0
Báo cáo Y học: Characterization of four substrates emphasizes kinetic similarity between insect and human C-domain angiotensin-converting enzyme pptx

Báo cáo Y học: Characterization of four substrates emphasizes kinetic similarity between insect and human C-domain angiotensin-converting enzyme pptx

... improve the immunogenicity, mg synthetic Neb-ODAIF1–9 was coupled to 25 mg bovine Identification of the purified peptides ESI-TOF MS confirmed the purity of the fractions and yielded the mass of the ... Identification of the proteases present in the vitellogenic follicles in combination with the elucidation of the full sequence of the Neobellieria yps will allow unraveling the exact digestive pathways of ... concentration because of the limited amounts of this peptide available In Fig the results of the assays are shown for one representative concentration of peptide with the different types of ACE Using...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:21

9 405 2
Báo cáo y học: "Sequence similarity between the erythrocyte binding domain 1 of the Plasmodium vivax Duffy binding protein and the V3 loop of HIV-1 strain MN reveals binding residues for the Duffy Antigen Receptor for Chemokines" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "Sequence similarity between the erythrocyte binding domain 1 of the Plasmodium vivax Duffy binding protein and the V3 loop of HIV-1 strain MN reveals binding residues for the Duffy Antigen Receptor for Chemokines" ppsx

... erythrocytes in the same manner as the P knowlesi b protein, but only in the presence of C4-C5 of the P knowlesi b protein This again suggests that the homology of the polycationic site within the EBP ... surface of COS-7 cells was confirmed by immunofluorescence staining, and the number of COS-7 cells stained was 5-10% of the population The same number of COS-7 cells transfected with the parental ... sufficient as shown by nonbinding of pv22d5C4 It is possible that the deletions we have made change the folding of the receptor binding site, with the exception of the deletion of amino acids 198-216 Previous...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:22

10 370 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Remarkable sequence similarity between the dinoflagellate-infecting marine girus and the terrestrial pathogen African swine fever virus " pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Remarkable sequence similarity between the dinoflagellate-infecting marine girus and the terrestrial pathogen African swine fever virus " pdf

... interpretation of data and wrote the manuscript All authors read and approved the final manuscript Additional material Additional file Transcription of the PolB gene of HcDNAV To verify the transcription of ... sequences had their best hit to other viruses or cellular organisms Therefore, most of the ASFV/HcDNAV-like PolB sequences in the marine environmental collection are more closely related to the ASFV ... against the NCBI non-redundant sequence database and the HcDNAV PolB sequence Of the 267 sequences, 15 showed their best hit to the ASFV PolB, one showed its best hit to HcDNAV (gi|136563424), and the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:20

8 209 0
Financial liberalisation and the relationship between finance and growth

Financial liberalisation and the relationship between finance and growth

... unlike the IMF’s, is linked to the date of the liberalization Eichengreen forthcoming reviews the data and methodological differences among most of these and other studies (For discussions of the ... growth regression But, because of the clustering of variables, we cannot directly tell whether the levels of Openness, or some other aspects of the repression syndrome or the liberalization cycle, ... constrains the ability of these democratic countries to maintain these other forms of compensation We might therefore expect that the transactional costs of dismantling traditional methods of compensation...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 08:50

44 597 0
Báo cáo y học: "Pathogenic Mechanisms Shared between Psoriasis and Cardiovascular Diseas"

Báo cáo y học: "Pathogenic Mechanisms Shared between Psoriasis and Cardiovascular Diseas"

... contributes to an increase in the passing of the neutrophils through the walls of the vessels Therefore, IL-8 contributes to intensification of the reaction and to activation of the neutrophils in both ... and the expression of adhesion molecules on vascular endothelial cells [28-30] IL-8 is a chemokine with main roles of neutrophil chemotaxis and stimulation of the activity of granulocytes in the ... TNF-α influence the adhesive properties of neutrophils due to an increase in the expression of surface adhesive molecules, thus improving the inter-cellular interactions with the endothelial cells,...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:40

6 389 0
How does ppp hold between australia and its trading partners.pdf

How does ppp hold between australia and its trading partners.pdf

... frictionless the price of identical products and services should be the same in different markets For instance, if the price of the product in Australian dollar is PAUD, then the price of the identical ... literature, in which the subsection on PPP theoretical background highlights the law of one price and the role of international trade as crucial conditions for the existence of the parity condition ... REVIEW Theoretical background Economists widely believe that the PPP theory hold at least approximately because of the possibility of the international goods market arbitrage In the formal way, the...

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2012, 16:32

26 452 0
Xác định độ bám dính của gỗ cao su và keo dyno trong sản xuất ván ghép thanh determiation on adhesiveness between rubberwood and dyno glue

Xác định độ bám dính của gỗ cao su và keo dyno trong sản xuất ván ghép thanh determiation on adhesiveness between rubberwood and dyno glue

... (1) kiểm tra theo tiêu chuẩn như: tính có ý nghóa hệ số, tính tương thích mô hình toán theo bảng 3 Bảng ANOVA for YLdd - Lddinh.vghep Effect A:X1 B:X2 C:X3 AB AC BC AA BB CC Lack -of- fit Pure error ... Thuật CHAO CHISON, 1994 Properties and utilization of fast-growing trees China Forestry Publishing House CHAVALIT, U., 1989 Prodution and utilization of para-rubber wood in Thailand Royal Forestry ... 50 213,6 56,8 20 1,5 10 Độ bám dính keo gỗ tiêu kỹ thuật quan trọng sản xuất ván ghép xác đònh theo tiêu chuẩn ΓOTC 11496-65 Để xác đònh độ bám dính áp dụng công thức sau: δ = PMax b (KG/cm2)...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2012, 16:53

5 986 7
 Báo cáo y học: "Discriminating between elderly and young using a fractal dimension analysis of centre of pressure"

Báo cáo y học: "Discriminating between elderly and young using a fractal dimension analysis of centre of pressure"

... data as these variables act independently of each other [20, 21] Total excursion area is a cumulative sum of the product of the distance travelled in each of the A/P and M/L directions Therefore, ... in the COP data was not due to random fluctuations but rather, it is more likely they are the consequence of some deterministic process of control These findings concur with a number of other ... that the development of natural systems involves controlling the Int J Med Sci 2004 1(1): 11-20 13 degrees of freedom inherent in the system In the case of infants developing their control of sitting...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 10:09

10 458 0
A comparative study of criticism between american and vietnamese online newspapers

A comparative study of criticism between american and vietnamese online newspapers

... the subject and the main verb In this case, subject and main verb are together at the beginning of the sentence, but in other case, they are separated or the writer delays the appearance of the ... Structure of the articles Each of the three main part of an article (the headline, the lead and the body) has its own distinctive style and content 16 The headline The headline is the extra ... makes the articles highly artistic The transfer from the past to the present with its color of contrast interests the readers They are not only reminded of the old tales, but also receive the new...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:44

37 766 6


... frictionless the price of identical products and services should be the same in different markets For instance, if the price of the product in Australian dollar is PAUD, then the price of the identical ... literature, in which the subsection on PPP theoretical background highlights the law of one price and the role of international trade as crucial conditions for the existence of the parity condition ... REVIEW Theoretical background Economists widely believe that the PPP theory hold at least approximately because of the possibility of the international goods market arbitrage In the formal way, the...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2013, 11:10

26 495 0


... account (money of customers) Setting think, if the ACB is not divided by two types of such cards but only change the name of the Visa Debit into the “Debit " and instead use the ATM now, the ACB will ... through the credit card as payment (interact) C an speak their ATM cards as the Visa Debit of the ACB so now Authors found that ATM and Visa Debit of the ACB have used money available in the client ... and there is bank directorate's undertaking F Fund structure HSBC Vietnam is a branch of the HSBC Group is based in the UK Therefore, capital structure is 100% of the original letter from the...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2013, 14:53

45 422 0
Differences and similarities between prescriptive and descriptive strategiesx

Differences and similarities between prescriptive and descriptive strategiesx

... “Art of War,” the principles of general nature come into play • Moral Law: degree to which the people trust their government • The Sky: climate conditions • The Earth: conditions of the land • The ... virtues of wisdom, sincerity, benevolence, courage, and righteousness • The Method and discipline: the correct deployment of the army These principles of nature in regards to the book support the ... pitching speed, weather elements, batting stance, ect These are all factors that if you keep doing the same thing, will result in the same outcome If someone keeps striking out, they would need...

Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2013, 10:02

3 632 0
CFD model of air movement in ventilated façade: comparison between natural and forced air flow

CFD model of air movement in ventilated façade: comparison between natural and forced air flow

... depends on the definition of the nodes The definition of a good mesh is crucial to find the optimum between the smallest number of nodes and the accuracy of the results Finally, the mesh for the volume ... improve the cooling capacity of ventilated façade is analyzed in this paper The objective is the quantification of the improvement in the efficiency of thermal behavior of buildings when this sort of ... is presented Two cases are compared The cooling effect of ventilated façade is dependent on the air velocity The analysis of the temperature in the external face of the building wall with the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:58

12 508 0

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