rats vervet monkeys and humans

Guidelines for the rehabilitation and release of vervet monkeys

Guidelines for the rehabilitation and release of vervet monkeys

Ngày tải lên : 04/09/2015, 08:08
... 2013 (27): 55–63 Guidelines for the Rehabilitation and Release of Vervet Monkeys Amanda J Guy and Darren Curnoe School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South ... conori et al et al 2007) and et al 56 - Vervet monkey rehabilitation - c c c c c.11% c.4% - - c c c c c.5% Rhus chirindensis (Ficus Venter 2005 - Housing, training, and preparation - Table aethiops ... recom- et al 2001) Figure - et al 57 Guy and Curnoe et al et al - et al Figure et al et al - et al et al - et al et al et al - et al et al et al 2000), Vervet monkey rehabilitation et al - (Guy...
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Ngày tải lên : 12/02/2014, 16:20
... Environments 79 Form and Movement as Perception Marks 86 Goal and Plan 92 Perception Image and Effect Image 98 The Familiar Path 103 Home and Territory 108 The Companion H3 Search Image and Search Tone ... it expands phenomenology; and it integrates the primary data of perceptual experience into behavioral psychology Uexkull's notion of the Umwelt and his work in general was popularized and developed ... evolves between organisms and their environments, among organisms of the same species and across species, and within individual organisms such as h u m a n s attempting to understand the symptoms of...
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Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of solanesyl and decaprenyl diphosphate synthases in mice and humans docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of solanesyl and decaprenyl diphosphate synthases in mice and humans docx

Ngày tải lên : 16/03/2014, 23:20
... homologs from mice, humans and S pombe (A) Q10 standard, (B) wild-type (WT), (C) E coli harboring pBSDPS1 and pSTVhDLP1, (D) pBmSPS1 and pSTVhDLP1, (E) pBSDPS1 and pSTVmDLP1, (F) pUhDPS1 and pSTVmDLP1, ... kDa), myoglobin (17 kDa) and vitamin B12 (1.35 kDa) standards (Lower) Fractions containing standards and analyzed proteins of (1) GST–mSPS1 and (2) His–mDLP1, or (3) GST–hDPS1 and (4) His–hDLP1, or ... cerevisiae and E coli the side chains are comprised of six and eight isoprene units, respectively, whereas the side chain in mice and C elegans has nine units and that in S pombe and humans has...
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cooperation in primates and humans mechanisms and evolution -  peter m. kappeler

cooperation in primates and humans mechanisms and evolution - peter m. kappeler

Ngày tải lên : 08/04/2014, 12:58
... Cooperation in Primates and Humans Mechanisms and Evolution Peter M Kappeler Carel P van Schaik (Eds.) Cooperation in Primates and Humans Mechanisms and Evolution With 61 Figures and 18 Tables 123 ... a summary of recent work and progress in these related areas, integrating inter-related theoretical problems and their evolutionary and proximate solutions by humans and primates for the first ... sharing and other relevant topics (2) The range of behavioral mechanisms underlying cooperative behavior in primates and humans is documented and critically assessed to identify mechanisms of, and...
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reticulate evolution and humans origins and ecology dec 2008

reticulate evolution and humans origins and ecology dec 2008

Ngày tải lên : 11/06/2014, 06:00
... evolution and mammals: oryx and sable antelope 6.2.17 Reticulate evolution and mammals: elephants and wooly mammoths 6.2.18 Reticulate evolution and mammals: pigs 6.2.19 Reticulate evolution and mammals: ... origin and development of (1) our own species, (2) primates in general, (3) the organisms on which humans depend for food, clothing, and so on, and (4) the disease carrying and causing vectors and ... to 1982 pairings of Geospiza fortis and Geospiza scandens and Geospiza fortis and Geospiza fuliginosa resulted in and 32 fledgling(s), respectively (Grant and Grant 1993) Of these F1 hybrids,...
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Animals, Gods and Humans - Intro docx

Animals, Gods and Humans - Intro docx

Ngày tải lên : 04/07/2014, 10:20
... complex (Midgley 1988) How kinship and otherness, closeness and distance between humans and animals are experienced and expressed varies in different types of discourse, and different cultural interpretations ... thoughts and a multitude of emotions, animals become natural symbols and such stuff as myths are made of The relationship between animals and humans is a relationship between one species and a tremendous ... interaction between gods and human beings, often as mediators In this trinity, animals and humans share a flesh -and- blood reality, while gods are creatures of human imagination and tradition This does...
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Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 1 pot

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 1 pot

Ngày tải lên : 04/07/2014, 10:20
... between humans and animals, the arenas served to brutalize and radicalize the divisions between humans and non -humans And while the sacrifice served as a focus for the relationship between humans and ... animals and humans in the same way as humans made contracts with each other, there was in some cases a notion of the existence of a natural agreement between animals and animals and between humans and ... the link between animals and humans as being closer than others did Animals and humans in some instances have similar functions and roles One example is that of animals and children, who are often...
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Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 2 ppt

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 2 ppt

Ngày tải lên : 04/07/2014, 10:20
... principle a contest of wits and skills between hunters and fishermen, between land animals and sea animals, but also between fish and fishermen, and between land animals and hunters (965F–966B, 975D, ... and should be given justice The speakers in this dialogue are Philo and Alexander Like Philo, Alexander is both a literary device and a real person: the real Alexander – Tiberius Julius Alexander ... taught to perform, and they can serve humans Both tame and wild animals may be trained, according to Alexander The longest part of Alexander’s exposition is about the virtues and vices of animals...
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Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 3 pps

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 3 pps

Ngày tải lên : 04/07/2014, 10:20
... animals and humans, was used to show differences between man and beast In this way, a shimmering tapestry of similarities and differences characterizes the relationship between animals and humans ... atmosphere and a fog of gross vapours, we not see it clear and bright, but submerged and misty, with elusive rays In just the same way, then, when the body is turbulent and surfeited and burdened ... the lustre and light of the soul inevitably come through it blurred and confused, aberrant and inconstant, since the soul lacks the brilliance and intensity to penetrate to the minute and obscure...
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Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 4 pdf

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 4 pdf

Ngày tải lên : 04/07/2014, 10:20
... serious and moving passages are also found Human bodies are changed into animals, as well as into trees and plants, always into new and different forms of flora and fauna In a few cases, humans ... former human shape And as she turned to go, she sprinkled her with drugs of Hecate, and in a trice, touched by the bitter lotion, all her hair falls off and with it go her nose and her ears Her ... between the external elements and bodily structures of animals and humans A metamorphosis is usually described as flux and movement and sometimes as a large-scale process (as in Ovid’s poem) In...
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Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 5 potx

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 5 potx

Ngày tải lên : 04/07/2014, 10:20
... of division between humans and animals that the Israelites did, for example, and that the distinction between humans and animals was more blurred in Egypt (Hornung 1967: 69) Humans simply did not ... adorn them in processions to Isis and sacrifice and worship heads of bulls and rams Minucius Felix derides half-goats, half -humans and gods with lion or jackal heads, and he 101 T H E R E L I G I ... On the one hand, there are the lions and the sea monster of Jonah, which refer to danger and deadly peril On the other, there are various birds, fish and lambs, mostly small animals and animals...
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Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 6 pps

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 6 pps

Ngày tải lên : 04/07/2014, 10:20
... the sacrifice were prosperity for the land and for those humans and animals who lived on the land These aims were continued and reinterpreted in new urban and imperial settings, for instance in ... animals and humans and in the notion that the sacrificial animals were willing victims Thus the traditional blood sacrifice was part of a cycle of life and death from which both animals and humans ... placed their hopes for themselves and their wives and children, for their oxen and for the ground they have sown and planted” (For the Temples, 30.10) That animals and humans had a mutual interest...
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Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 7 ppsx

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 7 ppsx

Ngày tải lên : 04/07/2014, 10:20
... and humans on a par with each other He points to the similarities in the physical equipment of humans and animals, he compares the killing of sacrificial animals with the killing of humans, and ... reincarnation and souls that were able to migrate between human and animal bodies was now questioned, and the differences between humans and animals were accentuated During these centuries and within ... hymn singing and fine thoughts (2.34.4–5) Then come the other gods, the cosmos, and the fixed and wandering stars – they should be offered sacrifices of inanimate things (2.37.3) – and, finally,...
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Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 8 ppt

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 8 ppt

Ngày tải lên : 04/07/2014, 10:20
... proportions, and a basic duality between oppression and despair on the one hand and hope and victory on the other The seer describes in imaginative language the heavenly world, approaching distress and ... division between clean and unclean animals Pedagogical points are made by the use of duality, for instance by contrasting worms and fish, rams and sheep, goats and sheep, and wolves and sheep (Matthew ... and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will strike your head, and you will strike his heel” (Genesis 3:15) The evil nature of the snake was developed in Christian tradition, and...
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Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 9 pdf

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 9 pdf

Ngày tải lên : 04/07/2014, 10:20
... Martyrdom of Polycarp Andrew McGowan has recently pointed out how in the Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicitas there is a contrast “between blood and killing on the one hand, and milk and peace on the ... weapons and is guarded by the dragon, and the spectacles in the arena are described as extremely bloody But even if there is a contrast between milk, peace and paradise on the one hand and killing, ... frightened of Perpetua, and she uses its head as the first step and climbs up (4.3–7) Afterwards, when Perpetua and her fellow martyrs have been found guilty of the charges against them and sentenced to...
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Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 10 pps

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 10 pps

Ngày tải lên : 04/07/2014, 10:20
... mind and soul, and intensify the struggle against every folly of the passions of love and base wickedness, and love of praise, and fondness of contention, and tiresome jealousy and wrath, and ... and Stoic and Middle/Neoplatonic 209 INTERNAL ANIMALS AND BESTIAL DEMONS ideas and on the basis of these offers instruction to a pupil It shows many similarities with Alexandrian theology (Zandee ... spirituality of Elohim and the psychic and material nature of Eden But when Elohim discovers that a transcendent divine being exists and leaves Eden, Eden is frustrated and angry and wants revenge...
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Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 11 pptx

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 11 pptx

Ngày tải lên : 04/07/2014, 10:20
... relation to Greeks and Romans on the one hand and Jews on the other This expression is found for instance in Tertullian (Ad Nationes, 230 THE CHALLENGE OF BEASTS 1.8) and Clement of Alexandria (Stromateis, ... anthropocentrism and cultural change Christianity and Judaism share anthropomorphic ideas about God In these religions, both humans and animals were created by God, but only humans were made ... problems, and passed their wickedness by And we have approached the calm lands of the truth, after negotiating every rough place, enduring every squall, foaming, and tossing of billows, and, as...
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Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 12 ppt

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 12 ppt

Ngày tải lên : 04/07/2014, 10:20
... position, and size of the stars, and reaps a harvest both from land and sea, scorning the rage of wild beasts, and the might of the whales He learns all kinds of knowledge, gains skill in arts, and ... morals and blessed immortality as characteristics that make them better than demons Man is not only better than birds and demons, he is “a rational being and therefore more excellent and outstanding ... child” and rebuked the leopard for its fierce heart and bestial ways Gradually, the leopard softened and abandoned its intention of eating its prey At this moment, the leopard saw the apostles and...
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Animals, Gods and Humans - CONSEQUENCES doc

Animals, Gods and Humans - CONSEQUENCES doc

Ngày tải lên : 04/07/2014, 10:20
... soul and body, reason and emotions, salvation and damnation were conveyed by means of animal symbols and metaphors As a parallel to animals being described as essentially different from humans, ... man, the human body and flesh as pivots of salvation, and human relics as objects of sacralization, symbolization and ritualization Christ had made the ultimate sacrifice and made all other sacrifices ... CONSEQUENCES and clashes of interests were made manageable through a polarized language that included a basic opposition between animals and humans When animals are used to describe human identity and...
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Animals, Gods and Humans - Notes doc

Animals, Gods and Humans - Notes doc

Ngày tải lên : 04/07/2014, 10:20
... crocodiles and with animals such as snakes, scorpions, lions and gazelles dangling from his hand Spells are inscribed on the base, back and sides These stelae were apotropaic and kept demons and hostile ... Christians and other convicts, living and dead, onto a ship, and rowed them out on the Mediterranean and dumped them in the sea Immediately, dolphins came and rescued the Christian bodies and brought ... primordial landscape According to Endsjứ, Antony lived on the periphery and in a landscape that was liminal Animals are natural inhabitants of this landscape, pointing back to a time when humans and...
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