raising and handling stored procedure errors

Tài liệu Raising and Handling Stored Procedure Errors pptx

Tài liệu Raising and Handling Stored Procedure Errors pptx

... Attach handler for SqlInfoMessage events. conn.InfoMessage += new SqlInfoMessageEventHandler(conn_InfoMessage); // Define a stored procedure command and the parameters. SqlCommand cmd ... command and the parameters. SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SP0210_Raiserror", conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add("@Severity", SqlDbType.Int); ... resultTextBox.Text += "MESSAGE: " + e.Message; } Discussion Errors and messages are returned from a SQL Server stored procedure to a calling application using the RAISERROR (note the spelling)...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 05:15

4 372 0
Stored Procedure and Advance T

Stored Procedure and Advance T

... command Ví dụ xp_cmdshell 'dir c:\' . Nhiều loại extend stored procedure được xem như system stored procedure và ngược lại. 5. Remote Stored Procedure : Những stored procedure gọi stored ... sau về Stored Procedure: Ðể tạo một stored procedure bạn có thể dùng Enterprise Manager click lên trên Stored Procedure -> New Stored Procedure Trong ví dụ này ta sẽ tạo ra một stored procedure ... Return Ðể tạo ra một stored procedure ta dùng lệnh CREATE PROCEDURE theo sau là tên của nó (nếu là temporary stored procedure thì thêm dấu # trước tên của procedure. Nếu muốn encrypt...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 17:20

8 433 0
Gọi thực thi Stored Procedure

Gọi thực thi Stored Procedure

... sql; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Ma",txtMaHS.Text.Trim()); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Ten",txtTenHS.Text.Trim()); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Ns",dtNgaySinh.Value); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Dc",txtDiaChi.Text.Trim()); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Diem",txtDiemTB.Text.Trim()); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Lop",cboLop.SelectedValue.ToString()); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); 5. Thực thi thông qua các Stored procedure a. Cách tạo Stored Procedure - Tạo mới Stored ... dụng được cách thực thi các câu lệnh SQL thông qua Stored Procedure. o Stored Procedure không có kết quả trả về (parameter input) o Stored Procedure có kết quả trả về (parameter output) 2. ... MaLop=@Lop Where MaHS=@Ma"; command.Connection = connection; command.CommandText = sql; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Ma",txtMaHS.Text.Trim()); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Ten",txtTenHS.Text.Trim()); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Ns",dtNgaySinh.Value); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Dc",txtDiaChi.Text.Trim()); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Diem",txtDiemTB.Text.Trim()); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Lop",cboLop.SelectedValue.ToString()); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); 5....

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2012, 11:13

9 1,4K 11
Báo cáo y học: "Refractive Status and Prevalence of Refractive Errors in Suburban School-age Children"

Báo cáo y học: "Refractive Status and Prevalence of Refractive Errors in Suburban School-age Children"

... a l f o r f u r t h er diagnosis and treatment. Data Management and Analysis Household selection and clinical examination data were reviewed for accuracy and completeness before the computer-aided ... Sci. 2002;4: 615-622. 14. Dandona R, Dandona L, Naduvilath TJ, Srinivas M, McCarty CA, Rao GN. Refractive Errors in an urban population in Southern India: the Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study. ... refractive errors by gender. (C) Prevalence of refractive errors by school type (academically challenging schools and regular schools). For the prevalence with the academically challenging schools and...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:40

12 552 0
SQL stored procedure testing

SQL stored procedure testing

... write stored procedures in C# and other .NET languages. This will certainly increase the use and importance of stored procedures and the importance of thoroughly testing them. CHAPTER 9 ■ SQL STORED ... and the stored procedure under test; script makeDbTestCasesAndResults.sql, which creates test case data and result storage; and script SQLspTest.sql, which is the actual test harness. The stored ... writing code and a testing database that testers use when testing. Because the process of testing stored procedures often changes the database containing the stored procedures (because stored procedures...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 14:20

28 516 1
Debugging a SQL Server Stored Procedure

Debugging a SQL Server Stored Procedure

... Select and expand the node for the database that contains the stored procedure. 4. Expand the Stored Procedures node. 5. Right-click on the stored procedure to be debugged and select Step Into Stored ... SQL Server stored procedures (in both standalone mode and from managed code). Discussion Debugging a stored procedure in standalone mode You can debug a stored procedure in standalone mode ... the stored procedure to be debugged and select Step Into Stored Procedure from the popup menu. 2. If requested, supply the parameter values on the Run Stored Procedure dialog. Debugging a stored...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 13:15

3 423 0
Tài liệu Executing a SQL Server Stored Procedure By Using ActiveX Data Objects doc

Tài liệu Executing a SQL Server Stored Procedure By Using ActiveX Data Objects doc

... this routine, called UseAStoredProcedureWithAParameter, in Listing A.8. Listing A.8 basCommandExamples.vb: Calling a Stored Procedure By Using Parameters Sub UseAStoredProcedureWithAParameter(ByVal ... Command object, as well as the Parameter object if you are passing parameters. You will create a Command object and supply the command text, which in this case will be the name of the stored procedure, ... A.7. This stored procedure returns product names and the total quantity purchased of those products for a given customer. Listing A.7 Northwind SQL Server Database: T-SQL for the Stored Procedure...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 20:16

2 450 0
Tài liệu Retrieving Stored Procedure Return Values Using a DataReader docx

Tài liệu Retrieving Stored Procedure Return Values Using a DataReader docx

... InputOutput The parameter is both an input and output parameter, allowing the caller to pass a data value to the stored procedure and the stored procedure to pass a data value back to the ... allowing the stored procedure to pass a data value back to the caller. ReturnValue The parameter represents the value returned from the stored procedure. Return parameters from the stored procedure ... Team LiB ] Recipe 2.12 Retrieving Stored Procedure Return Values Using a DataReader Problem You are using a stored procedure to create a DataReader and need to get the return value. When...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 05:15

4 339 0
Tài liệu Stored Procedure và T-SQL pptx

Tài liệu Stored Procedure và T-SQL pptx

... sau về Stored Procedure: Ðể tạo một stored procedure bạn có thể dùng Enterprise Manager click lên trên Stored Procedure -> New Stored Procedure Trong ví dụ này ta sẽ tạo ra một stored procedure ... 'dir c:\' . Nhiều loại extend stored procedure được xem như system stored procedure và ngược lại. Viết Stored Procedure Tên và những thông tin về Stored Procedure khi được tạo ra sẽ chứa ... dụ, * Remote Stored Procedure : Những stored procedure gọi stored procedure ở server khác. sp_who @loginame='DomainName\Administrators' . Có hàng trăm system stored procedure trong...

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 21:20

9 505 2
Tài liệu Using a Single Stored Procedure to Update Multiple Changes to a SQL Server Database pdf

Tài liệu Using a Single Stored Procedure to Update Multiple Changes to a SQL Server Database pdf

... cmd.CommandText = STOREDPROCEDURE_NAME; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // Inserted and updated records if (ds.HasChanges(DataRowState.Added ... connection and command for the update stored procedure. SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection( ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Sql_ConnectString"]); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( ... sp_xml_preparedocument and invalidates the handle. The syntax of the stored procedure is: sp_xml_removedocument hDoc The argument is: hDoc An integer parameter that returns a handle to the internal...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 11:20

7 442 0
Tài liệu Getting Stored Procedure Parameter Information at Runtime ppt

Tài liệu Getting Stored Procedure Parameter Information at Runtime ppt

... demonstrates creating a stored procedure Command object. The name of the stored procedure and the Connection object are both specified in the Command constructor. The Connection is opened and the DeriveParameters( ... DeriveParameters( ) method, and you can use it to return results for more than one stored procedure at a time. It also supports filtering options and does not require a stored procedure Command object. Executing ... SqlCommand(procedureName, conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; Discussion This solution demonstrates two techniques to retrieve information about parameters for a stored procedure. DeriveParameters(...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 10:20

4 292 0


... REFERENCES [1] Curry, I-Iaskell and Robert Feys: 1958, Combi- natory Logic, North Holland, Amsterdam. [2] Dowry, David: 1988, Type raising, functional composition, and non-constituent coordination, ... 145-150. [4] Pereira, Fernando, and Smart Shieber: 1987, Pro- log and Natural Language Analysis, CSLIAJniv. of Chicago Press. [5] Steedman, Mark: 1987. Combinatory grammars and parasitic gaps. ... Unification Grammar, and Pars- ing. [9] Zeevat, Henk: 1988, 'Combining Categorial Grammar and Unification', in U. Reyle and C. Rohrer (eds.), Natural Language Parsing and Lin- guistic...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 21:20

8 386 0

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