[ Team LiB ]
Recipe 4.9 Getting StoredProcedureParameterInformationatRuntime
You want to get information about the parameters used by a storedprocedure at runtime.
Use DeriveParameters( ) method of the CommandBuilder. With Microsoft SQL Server,
you could also use system stored procedures.
The sample code demonstrates either one of these techniques, as specified by the user. In
either case, the results are stored to a DataTable and its default view is bound to a data
grid on the form.
The C# code is shown in Example 4-12
Example 4-12. File: SpParameterForm.cs
// Namespaces, variables, and constants
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.OleDb;
// . . .
String procedureName = "Sales by Year";
// Create the table to hold the results.
DataTable dt = new DataTable( );
// Build a command object for the 'Sales by Year' stored procedure.
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(procedureName, conn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
// Get the parameters.
conn.Open( );
conn.Close( );
// Define table columns to hold the results.
// Retrieve the results from the command object to the table.
foreach (SqlParameter param in cmd.Parameters)
dt.Rows.Add(new object[] {param.ParameterName,
param.Direction.ToString( ),
param.SqlDbType.ToString( )});
dataGrid.CaptionText = "Stored procedure '" + procedureName +
"' parameters using CommandBuilder.DeriveParameters";
else if(spRadioButton.Checked)
// Build a command object to use SQL Server storedprocedure
// to retrieve parameters.
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("sp_sproc_columns", conn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlParameter param = cmd.Parameters.Add("@procedure_name",
SqlDbType.NVarChar, 390);
param.Value = procedureName;
// Fill the results table.
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
dataGrid.CaptionText = "Stored procedure '" + procedureName +
"' parameters using sp_proc_columns.";
// Bind the default view of the results table to the grid.
dataGrid.DataSource = dt.DefaultView;
This solution demonstrates two techniques to retrieve information about parameters for a
stored procedure.
DeriveParameters( ) method
The first technique uses the static DeriveParameters( ) method of the CommandBuilder
object to populate the Parameters collection of the Command object with the parameter
information for the storedprocedure specified by the Command. Any existing
information in the Parameters collection is overwritten.
The example demonstrates creating a storedprocedure Command object. The name of the
stored procedure and the Connection object are both specified in the Command
constructor. The Connection is opened and the DeriveParameters( ) method is called to
retrieve the information about the parameters for the storedprocedure into a Parameters
collection. The collection is iterated over to extract information about the parameters,
which is subsequently displayed.
If the storedprocedure specified does not exist, an InvalidOperationException is raised.
The DeriveParameters( ) method incurs a performance penalty
because it requires an extra round trip between the application and
the data server to retrieve parameter metadata. It is more efficient to
populate the parameters collection explicitly if the parameter
information is known. As a result, the DeriveParameters( ) method is
not recommended for use in production environments. The method
exists primarily for design-time or ad-hoc use.
Microsoft SQL Server System stored procedure: sp_sproc_columns
The second technique is specific to Microsoft SQL Server. The system storedprocedure
sp_sproc_columns returns parameterinformation for one or more stored procedures.
Unlike the DeriveParameters( ) method, you cannot use it to automatically populate a
Parameters collection with parameter information. It does, however, return more
information than the DeriveParameters( ) method, and you can use it to return results for
more than one storedprocedureat a time. It also supports filtering options and does not
require a storedprocedure Command object. Executing this procedure returns a result set
in which the rows correspond to storedprocedure columns. For more information about
the parameterinformation returned, see SQL Server Books Online.
The example demonstrates retrieving information about parameters for only a single
stored procedure by specifying the name of the storedprocedure in the
@procedure_name parameter. See SQL Server Books Online for other parameters that
you can use to filter the information returned.
[ Team LiB ]
. 4.9 Getting Stored Procedure Parameter Information at Runtime
You want to get information about the parameters used by a stored procedure at runtime. . retrieving information about parameters for only a single
stored procedure by specifying the name of the stored procedure in the
@procedure_ name parameter.