racial ethnic minorities and health

Ethnic minorities and the clash of civilizations  a quantitative analysis of huntingtons thesis

Ethnic minorities and the clash of civilizations a quantitative analysis of huntingtons thesis

... with regard to Islam and the West, see Jonathan Fox, ‘Two Civilizations and Ethnic Conflict: Islam and the West’, Journal of Peace Research, 38 (2001), 459–72 Ethnic Minorities and the Clash of ... and International Conflict’; Davis and Moore ‘Ethnicity Matters’; Midlarsky, ‘Democracy and Islam’; and Price, Islamic Political Culture Ethnic Minorities and the Clash of Civilizations 434a ... Similarity States, and the Onset of War, 1820–1989’, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 41 (1997), 649–68 27 David R Davis, Keith Jaggers and Will H Moore, ‘Ethnicity, Minorities, and International

Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2020, 11:40

28 56 0
Knowledge and behaviour of ethnic minorities on reproductive health

Knowledge and behaviour of ethnic minorities on reproductive health

... Ministry of Health 2006.Project Progress Report 2005 and End-Project Report of VIE/01/P10 2002 - 2005 Ministry of Health: Hanoi Knowledge and behaviour of ethnic minorities on reproductive health ... to quality of life and reproductive health The programme consisted of two sub-programmes namely, Reproductive Health (RH) and Population and Development Strategies Advocacy and Information-EducationCommunication ... limited, especially among male group [sic] and in remote, isolated and ethnic minorities areas where people's knowledge is low and backward customs and practices persist" There is substantial

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2023, 22:29

36 0 0


... use between Muong and Thai ethnic minorities 43 4.4 Summary 48 CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS 49 5.1 Introduction 49 5.2 Discussion 49 5.2.1 Muong and Thai ethnic minorities? ?? attitude ... Thai and Muong ethnic minorities at TBU. The present study investigated the use of reading learning strategies of 12 third year English major students of Thai and Muong minorities at TBU and ... strategy use between Muong and Thai ethnic minorities 51 5.3. Reading strategies that Muong and Thai ethnic students need to develop 54 5.3.1 Reading strategies that Muong ethnic students need to

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:33

94 590 7
Summarized doctoral dissertation in political science: Sourcing commune officials and civil servants as ethnic minorities at the Western Highlands provinces at present period

Summarized doctoral dissertation in political science: Sourcing commune officials and civil servants as ethnic minorities at the Western Highlands provinces at present period

... Highlands, ethnic minorities at the Western Highlands and sourcing cadres at the Western Highlands The Western Highlands and ethnic minorities at the Western Highlands with reality and tend ... AS ETHNIC MINORITIES AT WESTERN HIGHLANDS PROVINCES REASONING AND REALITY ISSUES 1.1. COMMUNES AND SOURCES OF COMMUNE OFFICIALS AND CADRES OF ETHNIC MINORITIES AT THE WESTERN HIGHLANDS ... servants as ethnic minorities at the Western Highlands. .. importantly and positively on such ethnic minorities; officials and civil servants as ethnic minorities

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 12:31

24 223 0
DSpace at VNU: Income sources and inequality among ethnic minorities in the Northwest region, Vietnam

DSpace at VNU: Income sources and inequality among ethnic minorities in the Northwest region, Vietnam

... Income sources and inequality among ethnic minorities in the… and perennial crops (industrial crops, fruit and nuts, etc.), and crops by-products for the last 12 months Livestock and aquaculture ... urban areas are 0.399 in 2002 and 0.365 in 2012, and those for rural areas are 0.358 and 0.383 (McCaig et al 2015) 123 Income sources and inequality among ethnic minorities in the… inequality ... participation 87.00 Other income SD Mean Mean SD All ethnic minorities Kinh/Hoa Gifts and remittances Table continued Income sources and inequality among ethnic minorities in the… 123 T Q Tuyen Table Pairwise

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2017, 15:12

16 107 0
Ethnic Minorities in Northern Mountains of Vietnam Employment, Poverty and Income

Ethnic Minorities in Northern Mountains of Vietnam Employment, Poverty and Income

... employment, poverty, and welfare of ethnic minorities in Northern Mountains of Vietnam The ethnic minorities in Northern Mountains have much lower assets and income than ethnic minorities in other ... from crops and livestock Compared with Kinh/Hoa (ethnic majorities) and ethnic minorities in other regions, ethnic minorities in the study area have substantially lower income from wage and non-farm ... 2010 NMBS and the 2010 VHLSS are presented in Tables 10 and 11 in Appendix Poverty and Living Standards 3.1 Poverty Poverty remains substantially higher among ethnic minorities Ethnic minorities

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 00:02

23 123 0
DSpace at VNU: Nonfarm employment and household income among ethnic minorities in Vietnam

DSpace at VNU: Nonfarm employment and household income among ethnic minorities in Vietnam

... 2005, 532, 1-13 653 52 X G Meng and W Wang, Book of posters of the rd Inter Conf on Arsenic 654 Exposure and Health Effect, Society of Envir Geochemistry and Health, University of 655 Colorado ... Lees, M Fomitšenko, P Kubáň and M Kaljurand, Electrophoresis S K S S Porto, T Nogueira, L Blanes, P Doble, B D Sabino, C L Lago and L C Gaertner, R Sewart, R Klemm and H Becker, Sensing Technologies ... I H Sung and D S Chung, Microchem J., 2013, 106, C A Suarez, G C L Araujo, M F Gine, M H Kakazu and J E S Sarkis, APHA, 22nd Edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and L Blanes,

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 11:45

42 106 0
165. Nonfarm employment and household income among ethnic minorities in Vietnam

165. Nonfarm employment and household income among ethnic minorities in Vietnam

... http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rero20 Nonfarm employment and household income among ethnic minorities in Vietnam Tuyen Quang Tran To cite this article: Tuyen Quang Tran (2015) Nonfarm employment and ... for ethnic minorities Keywords: ethnic minorities; nonfarm participation; propensity score matching; North-West; Vietnam JEL classification: I32; O12; J15 Introduction Vietnam has 54 distinct ethnic ... deltas and coastal areas and enjoys higher living standards than ethnic minority groups ‘Hoa’ or the Chinese group is a relative rich group that also resides in inland deltas and coastal areas (Imai,

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 14:49

15 97 0
Prevalence and risk factors for anemia among female students of ethnic minorities in thai nguyen province, vietnam

Prevalence and risk factors for anemia among female students of ethnic minorities in thai nguyen province, vietnam

... the health problems among ethnic minorities In Vietnam, there are up to 54 ethnic minority groups residing in mountainous regions of the country This study aimed to determine the prevalence and ... thalassemia among 275 women of ethnic minorities 16 Hematologic features among anemic and non-anemic women 17 Factors associated with anemia among 275 women of ethnic minorities 17 Distribution ... World Health Organization, United Nations University, and Unicef Iron deficiency anemia: assessment, prevention and control WHO 2010 23 Turgeon and Louise M Clinical hematology: theory and procedures

Ngày tải lên: 11/10/2018, 14:33

56 98 0
Resettlement, Livelihoods and Ethnic Minorities Development Program (RLDP)

Resettlement, Livelihoods and Ethnic Minorities Development Program (RLDP)

... support and resettlement upon land recovery by the State ; land allocation, land lease ; grant of land-use right certificates ; housing ownership certificates and other assets on land and land use ... and price frames for State recovery of land, as well as for taxation on land use and the transfer of land use rights and for land rents for government lands 2004 Circular 114/2004/TT-BTC guiding ... Mai Source: Health assessment (Ly and Surinder 2008) Resettlement, Livelihoods and Ethnic Minorities Development Program – March 2010 130 1.4 Average Village Incomes Table A 7: Incomes and Income

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2019, 12:35

127 40 0
Summary of the Doctoral thesis of Philosophy: Improving practical organizational capacity for district leaders and managers who are ethnic minorities in Ha Giang province today

Summary of the Doctoral thesis of Philosophy: Improving practical organizational capacity for district leaders and managers who are ethnic minorities in Ha Giang province today

... meet the target of implementing the Party? ?and? ?State democracy            Being aware of the role? ?and? ?importance of? ?ethnic? ?minority cadres? ?and? ?staff, Ha  Giang province has many policies for? ?ethnic? ?minorities? ?and? ?building EM staff. These  ... awareness plays a very important role in human life, it is the basis for training skills  and? ?formation of specific attitudes. Understanding the functions? ?and? ?tasks they must  assume as managerial? ?and? ?managerial positions; The guidelines, policies? ?and? ?policies  of the Party? ?and? ?the State; on management science  ... It is necessary to continue renewing the awareness about the enhancement of NLF   for? ?Ethnic? ?Minorities? ?Management Officers in Ha Giang Province; 2) It is necessary   to adjust, amend? ?and? ?supplement mechanisms? ?and? ?policies for training? ?and? ?fostering,   and   at   the

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 20:47

27 47 0
Racial ethnic differences in household loan delinquency rate in recent financial crisis: Evidence from 2007 and 2010 survey of consumer finances

Racial ethnic differences in household loan delinquency rate in recent financial crisis: Evidence from 2007 and 2010 survey of consumer finances

... Section and Panel Data Massachusetts: MIT Press 68 Okechukwu D Anyamele Table 1: Households Racial/ Ethnic Loan Application and Denial Rate, Loan Delinquency and Composition for 2007 and 2010 ... between 2007 and 2010 However, for whites, the rate is 2.98% and 7.39%, 5.70%, and 2.76% for African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians respectively African Americans are 2.48 times and 2.68 times ... African-Americans and Hispanics and the charges or the costs of these loans to African Americans References [1] Anderson, R., & Vanderhoff, J (1999) Mortgage Default Rates and Borrower Race Journal

Ngày tải lên: 01/02/2020, 23:15

25 37 0
Ethnic Minorities And Regional Development In Asia - Reality And Challenges potx

Ethnic Minorities And Regional Development In Asia - Reality And Challenges potx

... of choice of health care facility Use of health clinics and hospitals in urban-rural areas and by Han (H) and minorities (M) Proportion of use of clinics and hospitals by minorities and Han in ... sbranandosi quando il collo, e quando il gozzo, e quando il petto, e spesso il ventre sbudellandosi: le quali ferite, quando sono mortali, glie le curano balsami et olii preziosi, accarezzandoli ... related to minorities and their development: minority region development and ethnic mobility and urbanisation The first theme examines regional development among minorities and in minority regions...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 23:20

239 675 0
mobilize investment capital for socioeconomic development of ethnic minorities and mountainous regions of vietnam from 2010 to 2020

mobilize investment capital for socioeconomic development of ethnic minorities and mountainous regions of vietnam from 2010 to 2020

... MIDLAND AND MOUNTAINOUS REGION AND CENTRAL HIGHLANDS 2.1 Natural, socio-economic and defense characteristics have impacts on capital mobilization at the Northen midland and mountainous area and ... midland and mountainous regions and Central Highlands Mobilize according to socio-economic development investment capital of the Northen midland and mountainous areas and Central Highlands ... NORTHEN MIDLAND AND MOUNTAINOUS REGION AND CENTRAL HIGHLANDS OF VIETNAM UPTO 2020 3.1 Opinions and targets of socio-economic development for the Northen midland and mountainous region and the Central...

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2014, 08:52

24 320 0
A randomized controlled trial of interventions to enhance patient-physician partnership, patient adherence and high blood pressure control among ethnic minorities and poor persons: study protocol NCT00123045 pptx

A randomized controlled trial of interventions to enhance patient-physician partnership, patient adherence and high blood pressure control among ethnic minorities and poor persons: study protocol NCT00123045 pptx

... satisfaction, and important health outcomes Because racial, ethnic, and social class disparities in health care exist across disease conditions and types of care (preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic ... in primary care settings, and have been shown to be reliable and valid in inner city ethnic minorities and persons living in poverty Table shows the sociodemographic and attitudinal variables, ... elimination of disparities in health for racial, ethnic, and social class groups [5-8] However, differences in traditional barriers of access (such as socioeconomic status and health insurance coverage)...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:21

16 251 0
Birth weight ethnic differences and health outcomes in childhood

Birth weight ethnic differences and health outcomes in childhood

... content and quality of the databases, and this may vary between registries and for different outcomes All relevant information may not be available and the standardization may differ within and between ... 1992 and 1998, age standardized smoking rates for females were 2.9% and 3.2% for 1992 and 1998 respectively (National Health Survey 1998) In 1998 smoking rates for females aged 20-24 was 6.7% and ... death in the first year for Chinese, Malay and Asian Indian and All ethnic groups combined 30 Table 3.10 Infant mortality by ethnic groups, birth and maternal characteristics in term babies...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 09:17

156 391 0
Mobilize investment capital for socioeconomic development of ethnic minorities and mountainous regions of Vietnam from 2010 to 2020

Mobilize investment capital for socioeconomic development of ethnic minorities and mountainous regions of Vietnam from 2010 to 2020

... MIDLAND AND MOUNTAINOUS REGION AND CENTRAL HIGHLANDS 2.1 Natural, socio-economic and defense characteristics have impacts on capital mobilization at the Northen midland and mountainous area and ... midland and mountainous regions and Central Highlands Mobilize according to socio-economic development investment capital of the Northen midland and mountainous areas and Central Highlands ... NORTHEN MIDLAND AND MOUNTAINOUS REGION AND CENTRAL HIGHLANDS OF VIETNAM UPTO 2020 3.1 Opinions and targets of socio-economic development for the Northen midland and mountainous region and the Central...

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2016, 23:12

30 304 0
Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care pdf

Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care pdf

... Between Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Status and Healthcare, 35 Why Are Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Healthcare Important?, 36 Evidence of Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Healthcare, ... confronting racial and ethnic disparities in health care / Brian D Smedley, Adrienne Y Stith, and Alan R Nelson, editors ; Committee on Understanding and Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health ... Which Racial and Ethnic Minorities Receive Healthcare, 108 The Healthcare Professions Workforce in Minority and Medically Underserved Communities, 114 The Participation of Racial and Ethnic Minorities...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 23:20

781 371 0
Climate vulnerability and capacity of ethnic minorities in the northern mountainous region of vietnam

Climate vulnerability and capacity of ethnic minorities in the northern mountainous region of vietnam

... response to climate and weather conditions and events, and whether they are sustainable into the future CARE International in Vietnam 2013 : Climate vulnerability and capacity of ethnic minorities in ... vulnerability and capacity of men and women in ethnic minority groups, and puts forward a set of recommendations for addressing the particular vulnerabilities and capacities of these groups The analysis and ... both complex and interrelated This is certainly the case for ethnic minorities in Vietnam and particularly for ethnic minority women CARE believes that in order to affect meaningful and sustainable...

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2015, 23:30

28 388 0