quotes from the book three cups of tea

three cups of tea - greg mortenson

three cups of tea - greg mortenson

Ngày tải lên : 11/07/2014, 22:35
... a circle of children sitting in the cold, on the other side of the world, scratching at their lessons in the dirt with sticks? He pulled the light cord, extinguishing the particularity of the objects ... wilderness. Now, the proceeds from the car would help send him to the other side of the Earth. He patted the big burgundy hood, pocketed the money, and carried his duffel bag toward the taxi waiting ... their tents resting and rehydrating, then they packed their gear and went back out. Descending from their seventy-six-hundred-meter Camp IV, Pratt and Mazur found themselves in the fight of their...
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Tài liệu Fertility, Family Planning, and Women’s Health: New Data From the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth pptx

Tài liệu Fertility, Family Planning, and Women’s Health: New Data From the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth pptx

Ngày tải lên : 12/02/2014, 23:20
... thepopulation.Thenumberofwomen sherepresentsinthepopulationiscalled hersamplingweight.Sampling weightsmayvaryconsiderablyfromthis averagevaluedependingonthe respondentsrace,theresponseratefor similarwomen,andotherfactors.As withanysamplesurvey,theestimatesin thisreportaresubjecttosampling variability.SignicancetestsonNSFG datashouldbedonetakingthesampling designintoaccount. Nonsamplingerrorswereminimized bystringentquality-controlprocedures thatincludedthoroughinterviewer training,checkingtheconsistencyof answersduringandaftertheinterview, imputingmissingdata,andadjustingthe samplingweightsfornonresponseand undercoveragetomatchnationaltotals. Estimatesofsamplingerrorsandother statisticalaspectsofthesurveyare describedinmoredetailinanother separatereport(13). Thisreportshowsndingsby characteristicsofthewomaninterviewed, includingherage,maritalstatus, education,parity,householdincome dividedbythepovertylevel,andraceand Hispanicorigin.Ithasbeenshownthat blackandHispanicwomenhavemarkedly lowerlevelsofincome,education,and accesstohealthcareandhealthinsurance, thanwhitewomen(14).Theseandother factors,ratherthanraceororiginperse, probablyaccountfordifferencesinthe behaviorsandoutcomesstudiedinthis reportamongwhite,black,andHispanic women(15). TableBshowsafactorthatshould beconsideredininterpretingtrendsin pregnancy-relatedbehaviorintheUnited States:thechangingagecompositionof thereproductive-agepopulation.In 1982,therewere54.1millionwomenof reproductiveageintheUnitedStates;in 1988,57.9million;andin1995,60.2 million(16).Thelargebabyboom cohort,bornbetween1946and1964, was1834yearsofagein1982,2442 yearsofagein1988,and3149years ofagein1995.Theselargebirthcohorts werepreceded(upto1945)and followed(196580)bysmallercohorts. Whiletheoverallnumberofwomen 1544yearsofageroseby6million,or 11percentbetween1982and1995 ,the numberofteenagewomendroppedby about6percent,thenumberofwomen 2024yearsofagedroppedby 15percent,andthenumberofwomen 2529droppedby6percent(tableB).In contrast,thenumberofwomen3044 yearsofageincreasedsharplyfor example,thenumberofwomen4044 yearsofageincreasedby59percent between1982and1995.Also,women 3044yearsofageaccountedfor 54percentofwomen1544yearsofage in1995comparedwith44percentin 1982.Thesedifferencesinage compositionmayberelevantwhenever timetrendsamongwomen1544years ofagearebeingdiscussed. Publicuselesbasedonthe1995 NSFGareavailableoncomputertape. TheywillalsobeavailableonCompact DiscRead-OnlyMemory(CD-ROM). Questionsaboutthecostandavailability ofthecomputertapesshouldbedirected totheNationalTechnicalInformation Service(NTIS),5285PortRoyalRoad, Springeld,VA22161,703487-4650, or1800-553-NTIS.Questionsregarding theCD-ROMlesshouldbedirectedto NCHSDataDisseminationBranchat 301436-8500. Results T ables117containmeasuresof pregnancyandbirthintheUnited States. ChildrenEverBornandTotal BirthsExpected In1995,women1544yearsof ageintheUnitedStateshadhadan averageof1.2birthsperwoman (table1).Thiscompareswith1.2in 1988and1.3in1982(17).In1995, women1544yearsofageexpectedto nishtheirchildbearingwithan averageof2.2childrenperwoman (table1)comparedwith2.2in1988 and2.4in1982(17). Theproportionwhoreportthatthey haveneverbeenpregnantwasmarkedly higherforcollegegraduatesthanfor thosewhodidnotcompletehighschool (table3).Thissamepatternbyeducation isalsoseenwhendataforlivebirthsare examined(tables45):about49percent ofwomen2244yearsofagewhohad graduatedfromcollegehadhadnolive birthsasofthedateofinterview comparedwithjust8percentofwomen 2244yearsofagewithoutahigh schooldiploma(table4).Withinrace andHispanicorigingroups,thepattern wasthesame:collegegraduateshad markedlyhigherpercentschildlessthan womenwithlesseducation(table5). Table6showsacomparison betweenlivebirthsreportedinthe NSFGandlivebirthsregisteredonbirth certicatesintheyears199194.In eachindividualcalendaryearandfor thesumoftheyears199194 ,the NSFGestimateofthenumberofbirths isveryclosetothebirthcerticatetotal anddiffersfromitbylessthanthe NSFGssamplingerror.TheNSFG estimateisalsoverycloseforwhite women.TheNSFGestimateforblack womenisslightlylower,andthe estimateforotherracessomewhat higherthanthebirthcerticatedata.A discussionofthisdifferenceisgivenin thedenitionofRaceandHispanic originintheDenitionsofTerms. Overall,andbycharacteristicsother thanrace,however,table6showsthat TableB.Numberofwomen,byage:UnitedStates,1982,1988,and1995 Ageơ ... nonvoluntaryintercourse.Onesetof questionswasintheinterviewer- administeredportionofthesurveyand thesecondwasintheself-administered portion(AudioCASI).Inthe interviewer-administeredseries,they wereaskedwhethertheirfirst intercoursewas‘‘voluntaryornot voluntary.’’Forabout8percentof women15–44yearsofagewhohave hadintercourse,theirfirstintercourse wasnotvoluntary(table21).Forthose whosefirstintercourseoccurredatage 15oryounger,thatfirstintercoursewas nonvoluntaryfor16percentcompared with7percentorlessforthosewhose firstintercourseoccurredatage16or older.Thepercentwhosefirst intercoursewasnonvoluntaryisnearly 10percentamongwomenwhosefirst intercoursewasbefore1975compared withabout6percentamongwomenwho firsthadintercourseinthe1990’s (table21). Intheself-administered(Audio CASI)portionoftheinterview,women wereaskedarelatedbutdifferent question:whethertheyhadeverbeen forcedbyamantohavesexual intercourseagainsttheirwill.About 20percentofwomenreportedthatthey hadbeenforcedbyamantohave intercourseagainsttheirwillatsome timeintheirlives(table22).Thus, table21showsthatfor8percentof women,theirfirstintercoursewas nonvoluntary;table22showsthat 20percenthadhadnonvoluntary intercourseatsometime—not necessarilyatfirstintercourse.Table22 alsoshowsthat6percentofwomen reportedthattheywereforcedtohave intercoursebeforetheywere15and another6percentbeforetheywere18.A fairlyhighpercentofformerlymarried (divorcedorseparated)women—about 35percent—reportedthattheyhadbeen forcedtohaveintercourse.Thisfinding deservesfurtherstudy. FirstSexualPartner Therehasbeenmuchpublic discussionaboutthepartnersofsexually activeteenagers.Table23profilesthe ageofmalepartnersatwomen’sfirst voluntaryintercourse.Abouttwo-thirds (66percent)ofwomenwhohadtheir firstvoluntaryintercoursebeforethey were16hadfirstpartnerswhowere under18yearsofage;21percenthad firstpartners18–19yearsofage; 7percenthadfirstpartners20–22years ofage,2percenthadfirstpartners 23–24yearsofage,and4percenthad firstpartners25yearsofageorolder (table23). Only3percentofwomenhadtheir firstintercoursewithamantheyjust met.About3outof5women (61percent)were‘‘goingsteady’’or ‘‘goingtogether’’withthemantheyhad intercoursewiththefirsttime,andabout 1in5wereengagedormarriedtohim. About12percentofallwomenwere marriedwhentheyhadtheirfirst intercourse.Amongwomen40–44years ofage(bornin1951–55),23percent weremarriedtotheirpartneratfirst intercoursewhileabout2percentof women15–19yearsofage(born 1971–75)weremarriedtotheirfirst partner.Womenwholivedwithbothof theirparentsthroughouttheirchildhood weremorelikelythanotherwomento havebeenmarriedtotheirpartnerat firstintercourse(table24). FirstIntercourseRelativeto FirstMarriage Amongever-marriedwomen15–44 yearsofage,82percenthadfirst intercoursebeforetheyweremarried. About69percentofthosefirstmarried in1965–74hadtheirfirstintercourse beforemarriagecomparedwith 89percentofthosefirstmarriedinthe 1990’s.Only2percentofthosefirst marriedin1965–74hadtheirfirst intercourse5yearsormorebefore marriagecomparedwith56percentof thosefirstmarriedinthe1990’s (table25). NumberofSexualPartners Asmentionedpreviously,some questionsonabortion,sexualpartners, andforcedsexualintercoursewere askedinboththeinterviewer- administeredandtheself-administered (AudioCASI)portionsoftheinterview. Responsestosensitivequestionsappear tohavebeenaffectedbythecomputer self-administeredmodeofinterviewing. Tables26–31showdataonthenumber ofsexualpartnersinthelast1year,5 years,andlifetime,usingboththe interviewer-administeredandself- administeredmethods.Presentingdata basedonbothmodesofinterviewing allowstheexaminationofdifferencesin reportingduetothemodeof interviewing(table26versus27, table28versus29,andtable30versus 31);andtheselectionoffindingsmost appropriateforcomparisontoother surveys. About3percentofunmarried womentoldtheinterviewerthatthey hadhadfourormoremalesexual partnersinthelast12months(table26), comparedwith9percentreportingfour ormorepartnersinAudioCASI (table27).Asimilardisparitywasfound whencomparingtheinterviewerresults withAudioCASIresultsforthenumber ofpartnerssinceJanuary1991(alittle lessthan5years,onaverage). Amongunmarriedwomen,14percent toldtheinterviewertheyhadfouror moremalesexualpartnerssinceJanuary 1991(table28)while18percent reportedinAudioCASIthattheyhad hadfourormorepartnersinthattime (table29). Thistopicdeservesmoredetailed study,butitappearsthatusingthemore privateinterviewtechniquegavea higherandpresumablymorecomplete estimateofthenumberofpartners amongunmarriedwomen(8,11). MarriageandCohabitation Tables32–37show1995dataon formalmarriageandunmarried cohabitation.About38percentof women15–44yearsofagehadnever beenmarriedwheninterviewedin1995 (table32).Thepercentnevermarried washigherineveryagegroupin1995 thanitwasin1982(24).Abouthalfof women25–39yearsofagehavehadan unmarriedcohabitationwithamanat sometimeintheirlives;10to 11percentofwomenintheirtwenties arecurrentlycohabitingwithaman (table33). About30percentofwomen25–39 yearsofagelivedwithaman (cohabited)beforetheirfirstmarriage (table34).Overone-half(57percent )of Series23,No.19[Page5 ... U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. These organizations, along with leading researchers from outside the government, helped to design the survey. Further details on the planning and operation of the...
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Tài liệu Fertility, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health of U.S. Women: Data From the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth doc

Tài liệu Fertility, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health of U.S. Women: Data From the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth doc

Ngày tải lên : 13/02/2014, 10:20
... disagreement about the intendedness (at time of conception) of recent births, with the father’s attitudes based on the mother’s reports of his attitude. A forthcoming report will describe fathers’ attitudes ... attitudes toward the intendedness of pregnancies based on their own reports (13). + Of all births in the 5 years before interview, 55 percent were intended by both the mother and the father (as ... (tables 97,98) The NSFG is one of the few reliable sources of nationally representative data on the use of infertility services. Earlier reports have documented the rise in use of these services...
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Tài liệu Results From the 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy doc

Tài liệu Results From the 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy doc

Ngày tải lên : 14/02/2014, 09:20
... member of the AIR team during the early stages of the NAAL, and the project greatly benefit- ed from his experience and wisdom.Another former member of the AIR team, Eugene Johnson, who directed the ... and suggestions. Cynthia Baur, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office of Public Health and Science, Office of the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, played ... had Proficient health literacy. The distribution of adults among the different health literacy levels is similar, although not identical, to the distribution of adults among the levels of the prose,...
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Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Malawi: Results from the 2004 National Survey of Adolescents pdf

Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Malawi: Results from the 2004 National Survey of Adolescents pdf

Ngày tải lên : 05/03/2014, 16:20
... with their mothers than their fathers: More lived with their biological mothers (73%) than with their biological fathers (62%) and fewer had no contact with their mothers (2%) than with their fathers ... as many respondents had lost their father (14%) than had lost their mother (8% of the females and 7% of the males). Approximately 6% of the respondents report- ed that they had lost both biological ... shows the length of interview, privacy of interview and how well the interviewer thought the re- spondent understood the survey questions in general. The duration of the interview can indicate the...
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“Marketing is the whole business, taken from the customer’s point of view.” - Peter Drucker docx

“Marketing is the whole business, taken from the customer’s point of view.” - Peter Drucker docx

Ngày tải lên : 06/03/2014, 21:20
... getting the most from your money. 80/20 rule Keep the 80/20 rule in mind: 80% of your business comes from 20% of your customers. (Koch, 1998). Getting to know the names and preferences of this ... Shoppers Electronically or the Old Fashioned Way Market newsletters are a great method of reminding your shoppers of why they love the market. The trend in this type of communication is the e-newsletter ... vendors may not achieve their potential. Through marketing the market, many of the preced- ing relationships can been strengthened. When vendors make the effort to market the market as a whole...
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Best Practices in Social Media / Summary of Findings from the Second Comprehensive Study of Social Media Use by Schools, Colleges and Universities docx

Best Practices in Social Media / Summary of Findings from the Second Comprehensive Study of Social Media Use by Schools, Colleges and Universities docx

Ngày tải lên : 08/03/2014, 19:20
... with the use of social media 4% Another unit manages all of our social media activities, without any input from us 3% Another unit manages all of our social media activities, with input from ... inaugural study was, from what we could tell, one of the first studies conducted of the institutions themselves about how they use social media. Our overarching goal of this research is to ... 7. 13. Which of the following do you use the most in meeting your unit's goals? Please select the three you use the most (Select no more than three) . Facebook 91% Twitter 43%...
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Báo cáo khoa học: Small peptides derived from the Lys active fragment of the mung bean trypsin inhibitor are fully active against trypsin pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Small peptides derived from the Lys active fragment of the mung bean trypsin inhibitor are fully active against trypsin pptx

Ngày tải lên : 15/03/2014, 09:20
... describe the cDNA cloning of MBTI, and the gene expression of a 35-residue peptide and its mutant both derived from the long chain of the Lys active fragment of MBTI. The total synthesis of a 16-residue ... expression of the intact MBTI was unsuccessful because of mispairing of its seven disulfide bonds, and the inhibitory activity of the recombinant only accounted for 1 ⁄ 10 of the activity of the native ... to the active core of the fragment, was synthesized. Both the recombinant and the synthesized peptides had the same inhibitory activity toward trypsin at a molar ratio of 1 : 1, implying that the...
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Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Ghana: Results from the 2004 National Survey of Adolescents doc

Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Ghana: Results from the 2004 National Survey of Adolescents doc

Ngày tải lên : 22/03/2014, 12:20
... friends of the same sex as the most common source of sex-related information (24%), followed by teachers (20%); while 20% of females received infor- mation from friends of the same sex, and 25% from teachers. ... the last section of the questionnaire. The Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research of the Uni- versity of Ghana, Legon, conducted the pretest with 292 adolescents aged 12–19. The ... distributions of the pilot sur- vey results. One of the strategies was to ensure that most of the contents of the survey were comparable across all four countries. Both the screener and the sur- vey...
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Báo cáo khoa học: Structure and function of the 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate lactonizing enzyme from the protocatechuate degradative pathway of Agrobacterium radiobacter S2 pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Structure and function of the 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate lactonizing enzyme from the protocatechuate degradative pathway of Agrobacterium radiobacter S2 pdf

Ngày tải lên : 30/03/2014, 10:20
... than the isofunctional enzymes from other bacteria (Fig. 2). Expression of ArCMLE1 Comparison of the sequence of ArCMLE1 with that of the recently published crystal structure of the CMLE from ... catalysis. The alignment of the small CMLEs from different members of the Rhizobiales with these sequences demonstrated that in A. radiobacter S2 (and the other member of the Rhizobiales), the amino ... created from the coordinates of the P2 1 2 1 2 1 structure of ArCMLE1 and of PpCMLE (Protein Data Bank code 1RE5). (B) Water cavity below the active site. The view is from the top of the active...
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Titu andreescu   problems from THE BOOK

Titu andreescu problems from THE BOOK

Ngày tải lên : 01/06/2014, 19:50
... Now, we need another observation: the sum of digits of a number A when written in binary is at most the number of digits of A in base 2, which is 1 + [log 2 A] (this follows from the fact that ... problems in which the Cauchy- Schwarz inequality is the key idea of the solution. In this unit we will not focus on the theoretical results, since they are too well-known. Yet, seeing the Cauchy-Schwarz ... are the sides of a triangle ABC, since otherwise the left-hand side in (1) is negative. This is true because no more than one of the numbers a+b−c, b+c−a, c+a−b can be negative. Let R be the...
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Problems from the book titu andreescu,gabriel donpinescu

Problems from the book titu andreescu,gabriel donpinescu

Ngày tải lên : 05/06/2014, 19:02
... decomposition of a is at least the exponent of that prime number in the decomp os ition of b. For sim- plicity, let us denote by v p (a) the exponent of the prime number p in the decomposition of a. Of ... problems in which the Cauchy- Schwarz inequality is the key idea of the solution. In this unit we will not focus on the theoretical results, since they are too well-known. Yet, seeing the Cauchy-Schwarz ... Here, s p (n) is the sum of digits of n when written in base b. Observe that 3) and 4) are simple consequences of the definitions. Less straightforward is 5). This follows from the fact that there are  n p  multiples...
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Báo cáo hóa học: " Algorithms for Blind Components Separation and Extraction from the Time-Frequency Distribution of Their Mixture" docx

Ngày tải lên : 23/06/2014, 01:20
... peaks of the TFD slice T(t 0 , f ). By searching and counting the peaks of each TFD slice, we end up w ith a set of numbers. The number corre- sponding to the maximum of the histogram of these ... a slice of the TFD T(t, f ). (2) Search and count the number of peaks in each slice. (3) Evaluate the histogram of the obtained set of peaks numbers. (4) Estimate the total number of the signal ... to group the halves (or parts) of the actual components together. This is performed in the third and last phase of the algorithm. Algorithm 3 gives the details of the second phase. The classification...
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How To Sell Equine Real Estate(Straight From the Horses Mouth) PRE-RELEASE TEASER EDITION pptx

How To Sell Equine Real Estate(Straight From the Horses Mouth) PRE-RELEASE TEASER EDITION pptx

Ngày tải lên : 27/06/2014, 23:20
... allow that to happen. Within the course of this book we will talk about the contour of the land, its drainage, quality of the soil for hay production and what type of land is not safe for expensive ... you told them by the time you leave his office. It isn’t that they are bad brokers or bad managers. They got to where they are by being really good residential agents. That’s why there is no ... " ;The Economic Impact of the Horse Industry on the United States" provides compelling details and describes overall trends that are shaping the industry today. Highlights of the study...
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Ngày tải lên : 28/06/2014, 11:20
... Fig. 3). The fruiting bodies of wild C. militaris are expensive due to rarity and host specificity in nature. There- fore, the production of adequate quantities of the fruiting bodies of wild C. ... at 70 C, then mixed with a 5ì rst-strand buffer, 10 mM dNTPs, and 0.1 M DTT. The reaction mix- ture was further incubated for 5 min at 37 ◦ C, then for 60 min after the addition of 2U of MuLV ... able to induce the functional activation of macrophages (Fig. 2). Polysaccharides, polymers of Table 3 Identification and linkage analysis of partially methylated alditol acetates of the purified...
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