psychosomatic medicine and consultation psychiatry in the general hospital

Báo cáo y học: "The clinical assessment study of the foot (CASF): study protocol for a prospective observational study of foot pain and foot osteoarthritis in the general population" docx

Báo cáo y học: "The clinical assessment study of the foot (CASF): study protocol for a prospective observational study of foot pain and foot osteoarthritis in the general population" docx

... will be made to maintain the quality of the data obtained and minimise information bias in the data that will be collected at the research clinics Standardised interview questions and physical assessment ... hand and wrist [67]: the distal interphalangeal joints (DIP), the proximal interphalangeal joints (PIP), the interphalangeal joint of the thumb (IP), the metacarpophalangeal joints (MCP), the ... participated in the conception and design of the study, and drafting of the manuscript All authors read and approved the final manuscript Competing interests HBM is Editor -in- Chief of Journal of Foot and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 21:24

16 555 0


... Pharmacy, Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Tay Ninh University (Faculty of Medicine) , Ho Chi Minh University of Medicine and Pharmacy and Can Tho ... it changes the mental students There is a conflict between theory and practice The medical profession requires high moral both in training and working During studying at the hospital, the morality ... patients and the relative’s patients They only think about how to cure, without thinking about the cost and whether patients can afford or not Finally, they lose the humanitarian ideals of medicine...

Ngày tải lên: 09/06/2016, 22:40

78 404 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Type D personality in the general population: a systematic review of health status, mechanisms of disease, and work-related problems" docx

báo cáo hóa học: " Type D personality in the general population: a systematic review of health status, mechanisms of disease, and work-related problems" docx

... 2), Canada, Ireland, Poland, and Ukraine The results of the studies included in this review are first described below according to the impact of Type D personality on mental and physical health ... during experimental stress Type D was also associated with a decreased activity in the amygdala in response to fearful expressions [10], suggesting inadequate emotion-processing in the brain Finally, ... and (2) if they only reported results on negative affectivity or social inhibition instead of Type D The literature search was conducted independently and in duplicate by both investigators The...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

10 595 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Onset and persistence of person-perceived participation restriction in older adults: a 3-year follow-up study in the general population" pptx

báo cáo hóa học: " Onset and persistence of person-perceived participation restriction in older adults: a 3-year follow-up study in the general population" pptx

... of the individual in 11 aspects of life mapped to domains and sub-domains of the ICF: mobility within the home, mobility outside the home, self-care, looking after belongings, looking after the ... experience in involvement in life situations" and refers to the personal and societal consequences of health conditions [3] There is a growing interest in such consequences and the influence of ... and age for the remaining nine aspects of life Persistence was greater in women than men for four aspects of life (looking after the home, looking after belongings, interpersonal interaction,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

11 498 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Methods to recognize work-related cancer in workplaces, the general population, and by experts in the clinic, a Norwegian experience" pptx

báo cáo hóa học: " Methods to recognize work-related cancer in workplaces, the general population, and by experts in the clinic, a Norwegian experience" pptx

... reporting, corresponding to the average time she/he spends on compiling necessary information on exposure, filling the form and filing the report Informed consent should be obtained prior to filing ... welders in the neighborhood, if there was ongoing concomitant insulation (asbestos), the extent to which he use certain kinds of respirators, and finally - the extent to which there were other possible ... cancer in Finland where the incidence in women in the 1950 was about cases per 100,000 per year [6] The use of these two alternative entities as reference may result in differences in the attribution...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

10 390 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Usefulness of five-item and three-item Mental Health Inventories to screen for depressive symptoms in the general population of Japan" ppt

báo cáo hóa học:" Usefulness of five-item and three-item Mental Health Inventories to screen for depressive symptoms in the general population of Japan" ppt

... rather than "depression." Like the rest of the SF-36, the MHI-5 was administered as a paper -and- pencil questionnaire The instrument contains the following questions: 'How much of the time during ... found that the MHI-3 performs almost as well as the MHI-5 The best-performing single item was the one asking about "feeling downhearted and blue," which was also the case in the US [6] The usefulness ... of the time (5 points), or none of the time (6 points) Because items (iii) and (v) ask about positive feelings, their scoring was reversed The score for the MHI-5 was computed by summing the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

7 547 0
Báo cáo y học: " Prevalence of hallux valgus in the general population: a systematic review and metaanalysis" pdf

Báo cáo y học: " Prevalence of hallux valgus in the general population: a systematic review and metaanalysis" pdf

... investigating the prevalence of HV and the influence of age and gender Therefore, the aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to examine HV prevalence in the overall population and in age and ... undoubtedly, a poor understanding of the terms used in a questionnaire or interview will result in inaccurate self-report data Finally, there has been poor reporting of the reliability and validity of methods ... Foot and Ankle Research 2010, 3:21 (37%) were conducted in the USA, 21 (28%) in the UK, (10%) in Australia, and (5%) in Germany, with the remaining...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 21:24

9 454 0
Báo cáo y học: " Epidemiologic heterogeneity of common mood and anxiety disorders over the lifecourse in the general population: a systematic review" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: " Epidemiologic heterogeneity of common mood and anxiety disorders over the lifecourse in the general population: a systematic review" ppsx

... authors, and the study design in the first column, the age group of the sample in the second column, the timeframe of interviews in the third column, and the main findings in the fourth column These ... enrolled in the WIC program in Pittsburgh also identified four trajectories of symptoms of anxiety, including low, low-increasing, highdeclining, and high-increasing groups [52] In contrast to the ... interest and/ or pleasure, and increased appetite and weight gain, and five additional subtypes varying according to their patterns and degree of classical depressive symptoms In contrast to these...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20

11 487 0
Báo cáo y học: " Level and course of FEV1 in relation to polymorphisms in NFE2L2 and KEAP1 in the general population" pps

Báo cáo y học: " Level and course of FEV1 in relation to polymorphisms in NFE2L2 and KEAP1 in the general population" pps

... baseline (and their interaction with time) and correlation of lung function measurements within subjects (random factor assigned to the intercept and time) and cohort binary variable for the pooled ... in KEAP1 and NFE2L2 affect the level, but not the longitudinal course of FEV1 in the general population Therefore, it remains for future considerations whether these SNPs play a role in the development ... significant interaction between SNPs in KEAP1 and NFE2L2 (using combinations of dominant and/ or additive effects) in relation to the level of FEV1 in the pooled cohort analysis (data not shown) Interaction...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 14:20

12 599 0
Báo cáo y học: "Predicting iron and folate deficiency anaemias from standard blood testing: the mechanism and implications for clinical medicine and public health in developing countries" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "Predicting iron and folate deficiency anaemias from standard blood testing: the mechanism and implications for clinical medicine and public health in developing countries" ppt

... deficiency the Hb is 111, still within the normal range, but the RDW-CV% has risen further to 21.3% The Hb continues to fall and the RDWCV% continues to rise until all the normal cells formed before the ... 11.7 11.7 The rows in normal print show the levels with normal haemopoiesis; the rows in bold print show the changes in levels during iron-deficiency The columns marked with a * show the characteristics ... characteristics of the RBC formed on that day The seven columns on the right show the haematological findings in the blood as would be found in a standard haematological report folate; in developing countries,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 23:20

5 427 0
thảo luận tiếng anh :Why people in the general and business manager in particular need to plan ahead ?

thảo luận tiếng anh :Why people in the general and business manager in particular need to plan ahead ?

... in distributing work, human resources and expense Moreover, company could not determine its major aim leading difficult in offering detail competed methods In addition, manager is hard to point ... exchange and connect their targets Therefore, business could not get success No overall orientation in business Unless organizing clearly plan, manager does not have overall vision Hence, they face ... arranging and order ideal logically At that time, a clear and wide strategy is an intelligent solution What are the side effects of not planning? No connection between members If there is no plan in...

Ngày tải lên: 04/03/2015, 20:34

2 2,5K 5
 Báo cáo y học: " High blood pressure, antihypertensive medication and lung function in a general adult population"

Báo cáo y học: " High blood pressure, antihypertensive medication and lung function in a general adult population"

... manoeuvres in order to obtain a minimum of two acceptable and reproducible values Before the tests the examiner demonstrated the correct performance of the manoeuvres and then the individuals ... and JH assisted in the interpretation and critical revision of the results SK, HS, CM, MH, H-EW and AP were responsible for the data All authors read and approved the final manuscript Competing ... throughout the tests According to the ATS recommendations [17] the tests were performed in a sitting position and with wearing noseclips The best results for FVC and FEV1 were taken and percent...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:45

8 579 1
Báo cáo y học: Esterified Hyaluronic Acid and Autologous Bone in the Surgical Correction of the Infra-Bone Defects"

Báo cáo y học: Esterified Hyaluronic Acid and Autologous Bone in the Surgical Correction of the Infra-Bone Defects"

... bone graft in the damaged site and on the other hand, it creates an environment with a rich content of HA, with all the advantages deriving from the phenomenon The present study’s clinic and radiologic ... for the tools and facilitate the direct clinical view of the defect [fig 3-4] A full-thickness flap was elevated and the granulation tissue was removed showing the true extension and depth of the ... membrane in the treatment of infra bone defects, our clinical results are encouraging considering that in a similar study a mean value of the increase of the bone height of 0.5 mm was obtain with...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 11:35

7 770 0


... of the coastline Winds acting on this sub-region are generated from strong typhoons directly approaching the coastline between Hai Phong and Ninh Binh, the coastline of Thanh Hoa and the southern ... typhoons and inundation are one of the many factors causing hunger and poverty hindering the socio-economic development of Vietnam Therefore, planning and construction of houses and buildings against ... level above the windows and door (to be replaced the lintel) in the brick wall and continuously run around the house The starting rebars should be arranged at the location where the roof-trusses...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2013, 22:47

12 584 0
Food, Animal production and Human Comsumption in the Asian Region

Food, Animal production and Human Comsumption in the Asian Region

... the world will sufficiently accommodate and feed its human population with out destroying the enviroment and depleting natural resources???” Land used by region and country group, 1961,1991 and ... wastes Weeds, marginal land Rice straw, corn stalk Other crop wastes trees, marginal land Poultry (Chicken, Duck & Turkey) Pig and small ruminant (Pigs, Goat & Sheep) Large ruminants ( Cattle, ... research and knowledge management Science based solutions to emerging issues 49 Livestock in a changing world  Genetics and breeding  Feed resources and Utilization  Human resource  International...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2013, 10:35

51 453 0
Improvement of nutrient removal and phosphorus recovery in the anaerobic/oxic/anoxic process combined with sludge ozonation and phosphorus adsorption

Improvement of nutrient removal and phosphorus recovery in the anaerobic/oxic/anoxic process combined with sludge ozonation and phosphorus adsorption

... phosphorus was then accumulated in the sludge in the subsequent oxic tank by normal oxygen-utilizing PAOs The residual phosphorus was removed in the final anoxic tank without oxygen Especially in Phase ... ozonation) and effluent of the phosphorus adsorption column are shown in Fig During the operation, about 70% of the phosphorus in the sludge was solubilized by ozonation, and a large part of the solubilized ... 2008) The reactivated adsorbent was packed into the column again, and phosphorus was effectively adsorbed Figure Concentration of each type of phosphorus in the influent and effluent of the phosphorus...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

8 916 1
Characteristics of Leachate from Citrus Groves and their Changes in the Collecting Reservoirs in Matsuyama, Japan

Characteristics of Leachate from Citrus Groves and their Changes in the Collecting Reservoirs in Matsuyama, Japan

... and periphery of the Seto Inland Sea The location of the research area and the distribution of the citrus groves in Matsuyama region are shown in Fig Matsuyama is situated in Shikoku Island in ... 66m, and 60m, respectively Stream water samples were collected at the middle parts of the grove from points Sampling points St.1 and St.2 are in the same stream, and sampling point St.3 is in the ... in the other stream The two streams flow together to be one stream and the sampling point St.4 is situated in the joined stream, which is the only stream that flows into the reservoir The reservoir...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:17

10 717 0
Cadmium Removal by the Hydroponic Culture of Giant Reed (Arundo donax) and Its Concentration in the Plant

Cadmium Removal by the Hydroponic Culture of Giant Reed (Arundo donax) and Its Concentration in the Plant

... was removed within days in every run Assuming the zero-order kinetics, the average cadmium removal rates within the days calculated from the linear approximations of the plots in Fig were estimated ... concentration in giant reed as a result of Run 6, indicating that the cadmium was highly concentrated in the rhizome The transportation index, Ti, indicates the ability of the plant to translocate the ... cadmium, and is synthesized from glutathione (GSH) Inouhe et al (1994) reported that the cadmium binding complex containing PCs has an important role for the cadmium-tolerance of seedlings of...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:17

7 701 0


... compensation and firm performance in the U.S airline industry may aid those seeking to invest in the industry as well as forward looking investment decisions by various groups interested in the U.S airline ... cyclical and the structure of the industry causes instability Hecker (2005) argues that the inherent instability of the airline industry can be traced to the structure of the industry and its ... … by diluting and distorting managers’ incentives and thereby hurting corporate performance” (p 72) The authors argue that the inability of the optimal contracting approach in explaining executive...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2013, 11:44

132 640 0
Endface Geometry and Connector Reliability in the Outside Plant

Endface Geometry and Connector Reliability in the Outside Plant

... optical fiber, the region on the right is the ferrule, and the thin section in the middle is the epoxy Notice how the fiber is lower than the ferrule in the right photo This is the phenomenon ... be the original position of the new apex We can then use these values of x0 and y0 to calculate the new apex location, x and y, by inserting these values into (7) and (8) Now that we have the ... permanently withdraw into the ferrule if the epoxy holding the fibers creep If the initial fiber height is too recessed into the ferrule, the fiber may creep too far back into the ferrule causing loss of...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 18:15

12 527 0