proportion of population living in urban areas 1950 2000



... population and settingThe reference population of this study is Vietnamese adults aged 20-60 years of both gender living in urban areas of Southern provinces and cities of Vietnam The source population ... trying to lose or not to gain weight MethodologyStudy designCross sectional study of a representative sample of adults aged 20-60 years living in the urban areas of Hochiminh City (HCMC).Study population ... determine body composition since it provides a direct measure of body fat Source of variation in skinfold thickness measurements include differences in the site of measuring of each skinfold,

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2024, 08:26

155 0 0
PhD student chose the study: State management of investment in housing development in urban areas in Vietnam

PhD student chose the study: State management of investment in housing development in urban areas in Vietnam

... in the field of housing investment in urban areas in Vietnam today Second: Defining the basic and important contents of state management in the field of investment in housing development in urban ... housing development in urban areas; State management of the housing market in urban areas; State management on the inspection and examination of investment in housing development in urban areas ... Housing, characteristics of urban housing Concept of housing According to housing law No 65/2014 / QH13, housing is a building for the purpose of living and serving the needs of living of

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 05:57

27 22 0
PhD student chose the study: State management of investment in housing development in urban areas in Vietnam

PhD student chose the study: State management of investment in housing development in urban areas in Vietnam

... in the field of housing investment in urban areas in Vietnam today Second: Defining the basic and important contents of state management in the field of investment in housing development in urban ... housing development in urban areas; State management of the housing market in urban areas; State management on the inspection and examination of investment in housing development in urban areas ... Housing, characteristics of urban housing Concept of housing According to housing law No 65/2014 / QH13, housing is a building for the purpose of living and serving the needs of living of

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2020, 13:52

27 24 0
Summary of doctoral thesis: Improve the performance efficiency of public transport system in urban areas

Summary of doctoral thesis: Improve the performance efficiency of public transport system in urban areas

... (or input increases with slower speed); (2)- Maintaining the results obtained on the basis of reduction of inputs; (3)- Increase results (benefit) obtained at the output on the basis of reducing ... maximizing the profit or minimizing costs; By passenger’s view, gaining best service quality on minimum trip cost Method of evaluating the efficiency of urban public transporation Method of ... with the urbanization led to the explosion of travel demand in urban areas, especially in metropolitans To meet the increasing travel demands of urban transit has been also a challenge of public

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2020, 07:50

27 49 0
Summary of economic doctoral thesis factors affecting the intention to buy houses of people in urban areas of vietnam

Summary of economic doctoral thesis factors affecting the intention to buy houses of people in urban areas of vietnam

... appearance of urban areas The increase in density in new urban space areas, often located on the suburban, is seen as a result of the urbanization process through new urban area projects Urbanization in ... intention in urban areas of Vietnam In particular: comparing the differences in the influence of factors on the buying intention of middle-class customers for apartments and private houses in urban areas ... intention of people in urban areas of Vietnam The regression analysis to test the influence of factors on buying intention in urban areas of Vietnam is divided into two groups: one is apartment buying

Ngày tải lên: 30/04/2021, 14:19

16 11 0
edom to explore examining the influence of independent mobility on weekday weekend and after school physical activity behaviour in children living in urban and inner suburban neighbourhoods of varying socioeconomic status

edom to explore examining the influence of independent mobility on weekday weekend and after school physical activity behaviour in children living in urban and inner suburban neighbourhoods of varying socioeconomic status

... explore: examining the influence of independent mobility on weekday, weekend and afterschool physical activity behaviour in children living in urban and inner-suburban neighbourhoods of varying socioeconomic ... examining the influence of independent mobility on weekday, after-school and weekend physical activity behaviour in children living in urban/ suburban, low/high SES neighbourhoods [abstract] Int ... limitations of this study include the narrow age range of children sampled and the examination of children living in neighbourhoods throughout the city of Toronto, preventing the generalizability of findings

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2022, 09:27

11 7 0
Xác định tiềm năng năng lượng mặt trời và gió bền vững ở các khu vực đô thị bằng phương pháp GIS (Identification of the Sustainable Wind and Solar Potential in Urban Areas Using a GIS Methodology)

Xác định tiềm năng năng lượng mặt trời và gió bền vững ở các khu vực đô thị bằng phương pháp GIS (Identification of the Sustainable Wind and Solar Potential in Urban Areas Using a GIS Methodology)

... mặt trời gió bền vững khu vực thị phương pháp GIS (Identification of the Sustainable Wind and Solar Potential in Urban Areas Using a GIS Methodology)” gồm vấn đề sau: 1) Tính cấp thiết đề tài ... thiệp liên quan đến việc tạo bóng cho tuabin gió pin quang điện (tấm PV không gây nhiễu cho hoạt động tuabin gió). Do đó, diện tích bóng gây tuabin gió pin quang điện ước tính, xem xét trường hợp ... bền vững khu vực đô thị phương pháp GIS (Identification of the Sustainable Wind and Solar Potential in Urban Areas Using a GIS Methodology)” Từ kết tìm hiểu đánh giá nêu trên, báo rút số kết luận

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2023, 16:16

18 5 0
Analysis of factors affecting purchase intention for dietary supplements in urban areas of vietnam

Analysis of factors affecting purchase intention for dietary supplements in urban areas of vietnam

... UNIVERSITY OF DANANG UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS FACULTY OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS BACHELOR’S THESIS ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING PURCHASE INTENTION FOR DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS IN URBAN AREAS OF VIETNAM ... intention of Vietnamese people in terms of the dietary supplement products The model also introduces two independent variables including health consciousness and country -of- origin, which is often ... applied to ensure representativeness of the population Survey is carried with 220 participants, who are currently living in the urban areas of Vietnam, since they could be considered as ideal

Ngày tải lên: 28/12/2023, 07:11

53 6 0
A critical analysis of environmental governance in urban china a case study of nanjing

A critical analysis of environmental governance in urban china a case study of nanjing

... China Environmental Science Press, Beijing [in Chinese]. Ma, Q 2009, ‘Eco-city and eco-planning in China: taking an example for Caofeidian eco-city’, The 4th international conference of the international ... sparsely inhabited areas, nor just a district or residential district within a city With these contrasting sides of urban in mind, we can conclude that the underlying meanings of urban ... contradictions present in the urban ecological planning process in Nanjing and how they have been (and can be) mediated both in Nanjing, and more broadly, in urban China as well. In short, this thesis

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 12:31

150 388 0
Social integration of rural migrants in urban wuhan

Social integration of rural migrants in urban wuhan

... restructuring of the rural area, the rural -urban transition of peasants, and the process of urbanization (Xu and Tan 2002). Banister examined the definitions of urban area and urban population in China ... participation, intermarriage, and social mobility (Massey 1981). In studying the floating population of urban China, Solinger delineated both the traits 2 of migrants as well as features of the receiving ... 74% of the urban population increase has been due to net rural- to -urban migration, while the remaining 26% resulting from natural increases in the urban population after discounting

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 15:39

161 194 0
Public Finance Implications of Population Aging in Argentina: 2010, 2050, 2100

Public Finance Implications of Population Aging in Argentina: 2010, 2050, 2100

... the financial burden associated with financing health care In the case of Argentina, the near-death population has been declining since 1965, when it was about 15 percent of the working-age population ... Implications of Population Aging in Argentina Figure 4.6 Elderly Population Relative to Working-Age Population, Spain, Argentina, and Brazil, 1950 2100 80 Percent of working-age population ... U-shaped curve Initially, declines in mortality rates lead to declines in the proportion of the population near death As is evident in the case of Turkey as shown in figure 4.8, such declines can be

Ngày tải lên: 21/04/2016, 07:22

20 289 0
Potential use of lichens as an indicator of air polution in urban airshed

Potential use of lichens as an indicator of air polution in urban airshed

... difference between lichen abundance in Kings Park, within 1km of Kings Park and within 5km of Kings Park Based on the initial results lichens were more abundant at sites within the 1km buffer zone than ... correlation of NOx concentration sites with lichen abundance or used only NO x to taking sample sites of interpolation model to investigate for bioindicator of lichens might be incorrect The results of ... the roof had been cleaned recently Alternatively, it may indicate that using NOx concentrations as an indicator of air quality may not have been the best indicator of poor air quality in Perth

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2016, 13:41

51 521 0
Study on species composition and some biological characteristics of eleotridae living in the bassac river

Study on species composition and some biological characteristics of eleotridae living in the bassac river

... identifying indicators: the width of mouth, length and body length of their intestine (Pravdin, 1973) To determine their feeding habits based on the correlation between the length of intestines ... breeding season of E melanosoma focused in rainy season, starting in May and ending in October, focusing on May to July The stages of sexual maturity of O urophthalmus varied over time In stage ... cytoplasmic staining of Eosin pinkis : Crystalline cells of primary : Crystalline cells of secondary : Spermatid The sperm cells of primary, secondary and spermatid have purple blue of Heamatoxylin Eleotris

Ngày tải lên: 15/06/2016, 17:49

26 737 0
Determinants of business householdsperformance in rural areas of vinh phuc and bac ninh provinces

Determinants of business householdsperformance in rural areas of vinh phuc and bac ninh provinces

... 50 Analysis of Situation of Business Activities and Business Environment of the Business Households in Rural Area of Vinh Phuc and Bac Ninh ………………… 50 Determination of Formality Indexes ……………………… ... How the income of local people affects the operation of your business? Increasing income have positive influence on the operation Increasing income have negative influence on the operation Income ... ………………………………………… 20 Determinants of Business Households’ Performance in Rural Areas of Vinh Phuc and Bac Ninh Provinces ………… 40 Nine Factors which creates Business Results of the Households ………………………………………………………

Ngày tải lên: 11/10/2017, 09:15

174 174 0
An analysis of access to formal credit of the households in rural areas

An analysis of access to formal credit of the households in rural areas

... rapid growing economy in the world The average growth rate of GDP in the period 2000- 2008 is about 7.4%/year, in 2009 is 5.32% and in 2010 is 6.78% With 75% of the population live in the rural ... "limited access to available resource including financial capital, is among the main underlining causes of poverty in Vietnam Microfinance is a key part of such resources from which the poor can choose ... main reason of this from dataset of VHLSS 2006 Except the variable PURPOSEOFLOAN, the sign of this variable is minus in the Equation Y2-Loan amount, that can be explained by the higher amount of

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2018, 12:44

84 151 0
Mitigation performance of household living in disaster prone II of MT.Slamet

Mitigation performance of household living in disaster prone II of MT.Slamet

... support their life The sampling distribution for household living in disaster prone II of Mt.Slamet describe in Table 808 Table Distribution of sampling for household living in the disaster prone II ... mitigation performance of household living in disaster prone II of Mt.Slamet Household living in disaster prone II explained by the characteristics and also the capitals owned in each household However, ... independent variables on income Chemical fertilizer utilization improve the agriculture harvesting and increase income of the households in positive indirectly to disaster management Increasing

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2020, 16:30

10 26 0
Effects of home-based play-assisted stimulation on developmental performances of children living in extreme poverty: A randomized single-blind controlled trial

Effects of home-based play-assisted stimulation on developmental performances of children living in extreme poverty: A randomized single-blind controlled trial

... main objective of this study was to examine the effects of play-assisted intervention integrated into basic services on the developmental performance of children living with foster families in ... children and mothers in the context of extreme poverty Immediately after finishing the theoretical training, they practiced with children and mothers in a similar setting During all their practical ... theoretical training Written informed consents were also obtained from the mothers of participating infants and children before the start of the actual study The study was conducted in accordance

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2020, 21:38

11 20 0
Challenges to implementation of developmental screening in urban primary care: A mixed methods study

Challenges to implementation of developmental screening in urban primary care: A mixed methods study

... screening: lack of time to conduct screening, lack of reimbursement for completing developmental screening tools, and lack of training in the use of developmental screening tools Time constraints ... allotting extra time during well visits to conduct screening Finally, clinicians perceived a lack of training on the administration, scoring, and interpretation of tools Strategy for implementing ... domains ii Parent given tool on paper at check -in iii Scored by clinician at visit Training & education A To provide incentives for completing training I Developed training video B To have clinic

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2020, 17:17

11 19 0
Tài liệu Health of Children Living in Urban Slums in Asia and the Near East: Review of Existing Literature and Data pdf

Tài liệu Health of Children Living in Urban Slums in Asia and the Near East: Review of Existing Literature and Data pdf

... 90% of the urban poor live in informal settlements.92 Urbanization in Egypt The population of Egypt in 2001 was 69.536 million.93 In 1998 the country was 45% urban. 94 With a 2000 population of ... rise in urban poverty Nearly one billion residents in cities of the developing world are estimated to be poor, with both urban and poverty trends increasing.72 The number of people living in urban ... ways of reaching the children of the urban poor (Annex contains a simplified table of the advantages and constraints facing USAID in urban child health programming.) Country Examples of Urbanization...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 12:20

104 1,5K 0


... Consolidating route network in the form of combining Optimizing interchange utilization; Limiting route opened in centre area to Ring road 3; Redirecting routes; Establishing more feeder bus using minibus ... (or input increases with slower speed); (2)- Maintaining the results obtained on the basis of reduction of inputs; (3)- Increase results (benefit) obtained at the output on the basis of reducing ... maximizing the profit or minimizing costs; By passenger’s view, gaining best service quality on minimum trip cost Method of evaluating the efficiency of urban public transporation Method of...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2014, 12:44

27 459 0