programming windows forms petzold

Chapter 3: Programming with Windows Forms pps

Chapter 3: Programming with Windows Forms pps

... with Windows Creating MDI applications with Windows Forms Forms Deploying Windows Forms Applications Deploying Windows Forms Applications What is Windows Forms (a.k.a. What is Windows Forms ... Introduction Windows Forms Introduction Windows Forms How to handle events in Windows Forms How to handle events in Windows Forms Adding controls to forms (design-time) Adding controls to forms (design-time) ... (a.k.a. WinForms)? WinForms)? Windows Forms is part of the .NET Windows Forms is part of the .NET framework framework core classes in System.Windows.Forms core classes in System.Windows.Forms

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 21:20

18 280 0
Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 3) ppt

Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 3) ppt

... source file is shown here private System .Windows. Forms. MenuItem menuLoad; private System .Windows. Forms. MenuItem menuItem1; private System .Windows. Forms. MenuItem menuExit; private void ... InitializeComponent() { this.menuLoad = new System .Windows. Forms. MenuItem(); this.menuItem1 = new System .Windows. Forms. MenuItem(); this.menuExit = new System .Windows. Forms. MenuItem(); // // menuFile ... .NET architecture and Windows Forms programming provided in chapter 1. Here we pick up where chapter 2 left off and provide a some- what systematic discussion of basic Windows Forms development.

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

50 393 0
Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 11) ppsx

Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 11) ppsx

... this.treeViewMain.Nodes.AddRange(new System .Windows. Forms. TreeNode[] { new System .Windows. Forms. TreeNode("Default Albums", 5, 5, new System .Windows. Forms. TreeNode[] { new System .Windows. Forms. TreeNode("Album ... 1", new System .Windows. Forms. TreeNode[] { new System .Windows. Forms. TreeNode("Photo 1", 0, 3) }), new System .Windows. Forms. TreeNode("Album 2"), new System .Windows. Forms. TreeNode("Album ... various forms of the... horizontal splitter // ( not part of our final application ) this.listViewMain.Dock = System .Windows. Forms. DockStyle.Fill; this.treeViewMain.Dock = System .Windows. Forms.

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

50 341 0
Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 13) ppt

Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 13) ppt

... menu. This often requires members of the System.Windows.Forms.Design namespace to properly interact with the Windows Forms Designer and Property windows. IBindingList This interface permits two-way ... within a Windows Forms control This class enables synchronization of all controls with a property bound to the associated data source This class is part of the System .Windows. Forms namespace ... entry and a Windows Form control The Binding instances defined for a control are contained by the DataBindings property of that control This class is part of the System .Windows. Forms namespace

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

50 223 0
Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 14) ppsx

Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 14) ppsx

... ActiveX support in Windows Forms is the AxHost control. This abstract class is, quite simply, a control that hosts, or displays, an ActiveX control as a full-featured Windows Forms control. The ... directory for holding the generated wrapper class cd Windows Forms\ Projects mkdir WebBrowser Note: This example uses the directory “C: \Windows Forms\ Projects\WebBrowser” for this purpose You ... from an application, using Windows Forms timers, dragging and dropping objects into and out of an application, and hosting an ActiveX control within a Windows Forms program On the final

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

50 436 0
Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 15) ppsx

Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 15) ppsx

... [...]... functionality required by Windows Forms applications This figure shows the complete set of Windows Forms classes derived from the System .Windows. Forms. CommonDialog class COMMON ... EVENT DATA This table shows the Windows Forms. .. The related System .Windows. Forms. Design namespace is used to provide design-time support for Windows Forms controls, most notably for ... visual representation on the Windows desktop This and the preceding figure show the complete set of Windows Forms classes derived from the System .Windows. Forms. Control class CONTROLS

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

50 255 0
Addison Wesley Windows Forms Programming In Visual Basic Dot NET Nov 2003 ISBN 0321125193

Addison Wesley Windows Forms Programming In Visual Basic Dot NET Nov 2003 ISBN 0321125193

... original GDI has been a mainstay in Windows since there was a Windows, providing an abstraction over screens and printers to make writing GUI-style applications easy.[2] GDI+ is a Win32 DLL (gdiplus.dll) that ships with Windows XP and is available for ... and the basic building blocks of drawing [1] The standard controls that come with WinForms are listed in Appendix D: Standard WinForms Components and Controls Note that all the drawing techniques discussed in this chapter ... coding details are very different between unmanaged C++ and managed anything else, so keep an eye out [2] GDI programming certainly isn't easy when compared with System.Drawing programming, but it's orders of magnitude easier than supporting printers and video display adapters by hand,

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2019, 17:13

11 76 0
Tài liệu Windows Forms

Tài liệu Windows Forms

... applications with Windows Forms Deploying Windows Forms Applications What is Windows Forms (a.k.a WinForms)? Windows Forms is part of the NET framework core classes in System.Windows.Forms namespace design-time ... Chapter Programming with Windows Forms Department of Software Engineering Faculty of Information Technology Natural Sciences University Agenda Introduction Windows Forms How to handle events in Windows ... in various namespaces Windows Forms provides classes for building UIs e.g custom forms, common controls, standard dialogs Visual Studio NET provides tools for using Windows Forms templates for

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2012, 09:38

18 617 0
Tài liệu Windows Forms

Tài liệu Windows Forms

... applications with Windows Forms Deploying Windows Forms Applications What is Windows Forms (a.k.a WinForms)? Windows Forms is part of the NET framework core classes in System.Windows.Forms namespace design-time ... Chapter Programming with Windows Forms Department of Software Engineering Faculty of Information Technology Natural Sciences University Agenda Introduction Windows Forms How to handle events in Windows ... in various namespaces Windows Forms provides classes for building UIs e.g custom forms, common controls, standard dialogs Visual Studio NET provides tools for using Windows Forms templates for

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2013, 08:50

18 338 0
Thiết kế các ứng dụng GUI bằng windows forms

Thiết kế các ứng dụng GUI bằng windows forms

... điều hành Pocket PC Windows CE NET Hai tảng có hàm giao diện người sử dụng API khác Một dự án SDE thao tác cách gọi thư viện khác cho tảng 2.4.1 Nền tảng Windows CE NET Dự án Windows CE NET giống ... FormBorderSytle.None Trên Windows CE vị trí cửa sổ ln ln thuộc tính Location, trừ ứng dụng đưa vào trạng thái phóng to thu nhỏ hết cỡ 2.6 Điều khiển Button Lớp System.Windows.Forms.Button NET bổ sung ... Những ứng dụng Windows CE NET thay đổi kích cỡ Nó thu nhỏ, phóng to hết hình, kích cỡ thuộc tính Size 2.4.2 Nền tảng Pocket PC Các ứng dụng Pocket PC tương lai theo hướng dự án ứng dụng Windows NET

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2013, 21:20

12 376 0
Reporting with Windows Forms

Reporting with Windows Forms

... will cover • “Windows Forms 101,” a step-by-step tutorial for using Windows Forms • A variety of reporting projects • Troubleshooting tips • Exercises for you to practice Windows Forms 101 Let’s ... on Windows Forms. I know you might be thinking, “ This book is about client-side repor ting; why do I need to know Windows Forms?” Well, since we’re going to host our reports with Windows Forms, ... CHAPTER 4 ■ REPORTING WITH WINDOWS FORMS84 8547ch04final.qxd 8/30/07 4:08 PM Page 84 [...]... 108 CHAPTER 4 s REPORTING WITH WINDOWS FORMS Creating a Windows Forms Project Please open

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48

72 388 0
Tài liệu Pro .NET 2.0 Windows Forms and Custom Controls P2 pptx

Tài liệu Pro .NET 2.0 Windows Forms and Custom Controls P2 pptx

... the Windows Forms architecture Controls Are Classes In... its properties, and use its methods The difference is in the lineage Every Windows control inherits from System .Windows. Forms. ... book focuses relentlessly on Windows Forms, the .NET toolkit for building modern Windows interfaces. In this book you’ll learn about several sides of user interface programming. Some of the key ... covers. If you already have some experience with Windows Forms, feel free to skip from chapter to chapter. If you’re relatively new to Windows Forms development, it’s probably best to read through

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 11:20

20 430 0
windows applications windows forms- phần 1

windows applications windows forms- phần 1

... Windows Applications Windows Forms – Phần 1 Hầu hết mọi ứng dụng Windows Form mở rộng chức năng của System.Windows.Forms. Chức năng cơ bản của lớp Form ... thêm của hai biến.. .Windows Applications Windows Forms – Phần 2 Windows Form sử dụng Visual Studio NET Giống như trong NET, sử dụng Visual studio.NET tạo các ứng dụng Windows Form đơn ... Windows Form đơn giản nhất sẽ trình bày bên dưới: using System; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace WindowsFormsApp { class MyForm : Form { static void Main(string[] args) { MyForm

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 15:22

66 546 0
Microsoft Press eBook Programming Windows 8 Apps with HTML CSS and JavaScript First Preview ppt

Microsoft Press eBook Programming Windows 8 Apps with HTML CSS and JavaScript First Preview ppt

... was when software developers got their first taste of the Windows API and the programming model for desktop apps. The longevity of that programming model has been impressive. It's been in ... and install the Windows 8 Release Preview along with the Windows SDK and tools. These, along with a number of other resources, are listed on . ... Kraig Brockschmidt Windows ® 8 Apps Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript FIRST PREVIEW PUBLISHED BY Microsoft Press

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 04:21

161 665 0
Giáo án - Bài giảng: Tài liệu Windows Applications - Windows Forms

Giáo án - Bài giảng: Tài liệu Windows Applications - Windows Forms

... Windows Applications Windows Forms – Phần 1 Hầu hết mọi ứng dụng Windows Form mở rộng chức năng của System.Windows.Forms. Chức năng cơ bản của lớp Form ... studio.NET Windows Applications Windows Forms – Phần 3 Resizing Windows Một vấn đề với cửa sổ thực thể dữ liệu của chúng ta là khi nó được thay đổi kích thước thì các.. .Windows Applications ... Windows Form đơn giản nhất sẽ trình bày bên dưới: using System; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace WindowsFormsApp { class MyForm : Form { static void Main(string[] args) { MyForm

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 16:33

66 458 0
quản lý  windows forms

quản lý windows forms

... Chương 15: Quản lý Windows Forrms Chương 15: Quản lý Windows Forms oOo Nội dung thảo luận: - Thêm vào một form mới cho chương trình - Thay đổi vị trí của form trên màn hình Windows Desktop - ... Quản lý Windows Forrms Ngoài ra bạn còn có thể sử dụng thuộc tính StartPosition với các đặc điểm: Manual – bằng tay, CenterScreen – giữa màn hình, WindowsDefaultLocation – vị trí mặc định, WindowsDefaultBound ... "Form mới" form2.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog 'Chỉ định vị trí của form được đặt thủ công form2.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual 'Khai báo

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2014, 09:13

11 352 0
Pro .NET 2.0 Windows Forms and Custom Controls in C# pot

Pro .NET 2.0 Windows Forms and Custom Controls in C# pot

... task-based approach of Pro NET 2.0 Windows. .. Windows Forms and Custom Controls in C# allows it to cover a wide range of Windows Forms topics, but still provide the technical ... that are built into the Windows Forms model—GDI+ (for hand-drawing controls) and. .. about programming Windows smart clients with NET Although both Web and Windows applications have ... always offers invaluable... to programming journals, and the author of more than a dozen books about NET programming, including User Interfaces in C#: Windows Forms and Custom Controls

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 12:20

50 456 0


... THIẾT KẾ CÁC ỨNG DỤNG GUI BẰNG WINDOWS FORMS Thu vien Hoc Lieu Mo Viet Nam module: m49331 Thiết kế ứng dụng GUI Windows Forms∗ Nguyễn Tuấn Anh This work is produced by Thu ... điều hành Pocket PC Windows CE NET Hai tảng có hàm giao diện người sử dụng API khác Một dự án SDE thao tác cách gọi thư viện khác cho tảng 4.1 Nền tảng Windows CE NET Dự án Windows CE NET giống ... FormBorderSytle.None Trên Windows CE vị trí cửa sổ ln ln thuộc tính Location, trừ ứng dụng đưa vào trạng thái phóng to thu nhỏ hết cỡ Điều khiển Button Lớp System.Windows.Forms.Button NET bổ sung

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 10:20

14 358 0
Session 7: Advanced Windows Forms Features ppsx

Session 7: Advanced Windows Forms Features ppsx

... Contents Windows Forms / Session 7 / 22 of 40 Help in Winforms Index Contents Search Windows Forms. .. userControl11 Windows Forms / Session 7 / 19 of 40 Handling Mails in WinForms ... changed by custom methods and Windows Forms / Session 7 / 14 of 40 Inheriting from existing WinForms controls Contd… New 1 Windows Project... Windows Forms / Session 7 / 21 of 40 ... Session 7 Advanced Windows Forms Features Windows Forms / Session 7 / 2 of 40 Review  GDI+ provides the basic functionality to implement graphics in WinForms. GDI+ resides in System.Drawing.dll

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 17:20

40 213 0
Sử dụng System.Windows.Forms doc

Sử dụng System.Windows.Forms doc

... Lập trình trên Windows với Microsoft® .NET Lập trình với Winform User Interface Program Lập trình với Winform  Sử dụng System.Windows.Forms  Dùng chung giao diện với các

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2014, 03:20

15 181 0

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