programming windows forms pdf

Tài liệu Using a DataView to Control Edits, Deletions, or Additions in Windows Forms pdf

Tài liệu Using a DataView to Control Edits, Deletions, or Additions in Windows Forms pdf

... Additions in Windows Forms Problem You need to selectively prevent users from editing, deleting, or adding data in a Windows Forms application. Solution Bind a DataView to Windows Forms controls. ... The DataView class represents a view of the DataTable that can be data bound on both Windows Forms and Web Forms. The DataView can be customized for editing, filtering, searching, and sorting....

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:16

3 532 0
Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 1) pdf

Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 1) pdf

... common functionality required by Windows Forms applications. This figure shows the com- plete set of Windows Forms classes derived from the System .Windows. Forms. Common- Dialog class. Common ... first Windows Forms program pro- duces this skeleton form. We'll build on this program throughout the rest of this chapter. xx ABOUT THIS BOOK affectionately known as Windows Forms. Windows ... default. We will see how to create a Windows- based application using the /target switch in chapter 5. 3 CHAPTER 1 Getting started with Windows Forms 1.1 Programming in C# 4 1.2 Adding controls...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

50 464 0
Tài liệu Publishing Events in Windows Forms 1 pdf

Tài liệu Publishing Events in Windows Forms 1 pdf

... Events in Windows Forms If you are familiar with Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), or any of the other tools available for building GUI applications for Windows, you ... that Windows uses an event-driven model to determine when to execute code. In Chapter 16, “Delegates and Events,” you saw how to publish your own events and subscribe to them. Windows Forms ... Notice that the event method conforms to the convention in that it takes two parameters: the sender (an object) and additional arguments (an EventArgs). The Windows Forms runtime will populate...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 13:20

4 294 0
Windows Forms and the User Interface pdf

Windows Forms and the User Interface pdf

... Chapter 1: Windows Forms and the User Interface  Lesson 1: Adding and configuring Windows Forms  Adding Forms to the project  Properties of Windows Forms  Creating non-rectangular Windows Forms  Lesson ... Lesson 1: Configuring Controls in Windows Forms Slide 19 Properties of Windows Forms  Note: p.11 p.9 p.11 Chapter 1 - Lesson 1: Adding and configuring Windows Forms Slide 4  SplitContainer control ... Lesson 1: Adding and configuring Windows Forms Slide 3 Layout toolbar  Adjust controls with Layout toolbar (p.51) Chapter 2 - Lesson 1: Configuring Controls in Windows Forms Slide 16 ...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 02:20

28 1,6K 0
Chapter 3: Programming with Windows Forms pps

Chapter 3: Programming with Windows Forms pps

... Agenda Agenda Introduction Windows Forms Introduction Windows Forms How to handle events in Windows Forms How to handle events in Windows Forms Adding controls to forms (design-time) Adding controls to forms (design-time) Dynamically ... (a.k.a. What is Windows Forms (a.k.a. WinForms)? WinForms)? Windows Forms is part of the .NET Windows Forms is part of the .NET framework framework core classes in System .Windows. Forms core classes ... standards. may benefit from the standards. Windows Forms Application Windows Forms Application Structure Structure A Windows Forms application has three pieces A Windows Forms application has three pieces the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 21:20

18 280 0
windows forms programming with c#

windows forms programming with c#

... BOOK affectionately known as Windows Forms. Windows Forms applications are programs that are executed by the Windows operating system, and that employ the user inter- face features familiar to Windows desktop ... within a container. This figure shows the complete set of Windows Forms classes derived from the System.ComponentModel.Component class. WINDOWS FORMS OVERVIEW xxxi is represented by the StatusBarPanel ... System .Windows. Forms. Application.Run(goodForm); } However, this variable is not needed, so we wrote the Main function without it. public static void Main() { System .Windows. Forms. Application.Run(new...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 01:22

754 10,7K 0
Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 2) ppt

Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 2) ppt

... this.pbxPhoto.Anchor = (((System .Windows. Forms. AnchorStyles.Top | System .Windows. Forms. AnchorStyles.Bottom) | System .Windows. Forms. AnchorStyles.Left) | System .Windows. Forms. AnchorStyles.Right); SET ... System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion("1.3")] namespace MyNamespace { using System; using System.Drawing; using System .Windows. Forms; public class MyForm : System .Windows. Forms. Form { Button btnLoad; PictureBox pboxPhoto; public MyForm() ... </summary> c The Windows Forms Designer requires this field in order to ensure that components are properly managed on the form at run time, and specifically for components that are not also Windows Forms...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

50 333 0
Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 3) ppt

Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 3) ppt

... source file is shown here. private System .Windows. Forms. MenuItem menuLoad; private System .Windows. Forms. MenuItem menuItem1; private System .Windows. Forms. MenuItem menuExit; . . . private void ... { . . . this.menuLoad = new System .Windows. Forms. MenuItem(); this.menuItem1 = new System .Windows. Forms. MenuItem(); this.menuExit = new System .Windows. Forms. MenuItem(); . . . // // menuFile ... these actions. private System .Windows. Forms. StatusBarPanel sbpnlImagePercent; private System .Windows. Forms. StatusBarPanel sbpnlImageSize; private System .Windows. Forms. StatusBarPanel sbpnlFileName; ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

50 393 0
Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 4) pptx

Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 4) pptx

... IDisposable interface and is the basis for most classes in the System .Windows. Forms namespace, most objects in the Windows Forms namespace provide a Dispose method for just this purpose. Let’s ... component that appears as a panel within a StatusBar con- trol. This class is part of the System .Windows. Forms namespace, and inherits from the Sys- tem.ComponentModel.Component class. A panel must ... Object methods will come in useful in future chapters. Since they are found in every object, Windows Forms controls make use of these methods whenever an object must be compared with another object...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

50 359 0
Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 5) doc

Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 5) doc

... although the actual windows are quite different. Also of note are the PageSetupDialog and PaintDialog classes. These common dialogs are used when printing from Windows Forms ap- plications, ... distinguished among the dif- ferent types of windows an application may display. In MFC, for example, there is one hierarchy ( CFrameWnd) for framed windows such as MDI windows and control bars, another ... Open- FileDialog and SaveFileDialog classes used in this chapter can be configured directly in the Windows Forms Designer window. They are available in the Toolbox window, and can be dragged onto the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

50 299 0
Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 6) pps

Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 6) pps

... this.btnOK = new System .Windows. Forms. Button (); this.btnCancel = new System .Windows. Forms. Button (); this.label1 = new System .Windows. Forms. Label (); this.label2 = new System .Windows. Forms. Label (); ... this.Controls.AddRange(new System .Windows. Forms. Control[] { this.txtCaption, this.lblImage, this.label2, this.label1, this.btnCancel, this.btnOK}); this.FormBorderStyle = System .Windows. Forms. FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog; ... = new System .Windows. Forms. Label (); this.lblImage = new System .Windows. Forms. Label (); this.txtCaption = new System .Windows. Forms. TextBox (); • Next the nondefault properties are set for each...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

50 407 0
Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 7) docx

Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 7) docx

... 339 10.5 Owner-drawn lists 343 10.6 Recap 352 This chapter continues our discussion of the Windows Forms controls available in the .NET Framework. The controls we saw in chapter 9 each presented ... controls added to the Form class in previous chapters. this.panel1.Controls.AddRange(new System .Windows. Forms. Control[] { this.txtPhotographer, this.txtDate, this.txtCaption, this.txtPhotoFile, ... that displays a text string or image within a form. This class is part of the of the System .Windows. Forms namespace, and inherits from the Control class. A Label object can be assigned a tab...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

50 342 0
Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 8) ppsx

Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 8) ppsx

... can display as a simple text string or a custom graphic. This class is part of the System .Windows. Forms namespace, and inherits from the ListControl class. See .NET Table 10.1 on page 316 ... specifies the display behavior of a combo box control. This enumeration is part of the System .Windows. Forms namespace. Enumeration Values DropDown The text portion of the control is editable. The ... handler for the lstPhotos list box. private void lstPhotos_MeasureItem (object sender, Windows. Forms. MeasureItemEventArgs e) { 3 Calculate the size of the image when scaled into the drawing...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

50 299 0