... has been built D has built 10 Nga is English for her work A to study B studied C studying D study 11 He arrived in England Monday evening A in B at C of D on 12 An wishes that he his ... because it is very INFORMATIVE (inform) 10 - He didn't feel happy because he worked _UNSUCCESSFULLY _ (success) 11 - Our school has a lot of _QUALIFIED _ teacher (qualify) 12 - She received ... 10 - In _addition , there are other religions (add) 11 - They like Pho Bo _Additionally _, they enjoy Bun Bo (add) 12 - The national _ anthem of Viet Nam is sung (nation) 13 -
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2017, 14:13
... heat 10 We are looking for the …….of recreation in the park a place b area c region d point 11 Lan is only 12 years old She has to …….her parents a depend to b depend on c live to d live on 12 ... 10 - What is the main language of at that school ? (instruct) 11 - English is the language in Singapore (office) 12 - Like Vietnam, Malaysia has climate (tropic) 13 - ... _ children from to 16 A to B at C between D for 11 - _ English is their official language, most of them can speak Chinese A Although B So C Despite D If 12 - They cannot decide
Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2017, 06:57
English worksheet activities for grade 1
... Answer Key RAINBOW OF EDUCATION 13 ruler pen desk pencil book chair notebook paperclips 10 scissors 11 eraser 15 1= F 2=C 3=A 4=G 5=H 6=D 7=E 8=B 9=J 10 =I 11 =K 16 pencil notebook book scissors ... 1 Grade 1, Cover RAINBOW OF EDUCATION Grade Basic English Language Course Rainbow of Education made it Grade 1, Basic English Language Course RAINBOW OF EDUCATION ... paperclip 10 pen 11 eraser 17 There are rulers There are crayons There is eraser There are scissors There are pens There is schoolbag There are 16 books There are chairs 10 There are notebooks 11 There
Ngày tải lên: 11/02/2019, 11:14
... 1 1 -10 Pictionary, Number Adjectives zero one two RAINBOW OF EDUCATION ten ten four five six three 1- 10 Pictionary Number Adjectives 10 seven nine eight RAINBOW OF EDUCATION Writing 1- 10, ... EDUCATION 10 B=dog=puppy C=duck=duckling D=sheep=lamb E=goat=kid F=pig=piglet G=cow=calf H=cat=kitten I=horse=foal 12 goat pig horse cat duck sheep cow dog chicken 14 1= 2 2=2 3 =1 4=3 5=3 6=2 7 =1 8=2 15 ... Phonics Unit 1, The Alphabet RAINBOW OF umbrella uniform Umbrella Uniform EDUCATION 46 Phonics Unit 1, The Alphabet violin RAINBOW OF vase Violin Vase EDUCATION 47 Phonics Unit 1, The Alphabet
Ngày tải lên: 11/02/2019, 11:19
English grammar activities for 1 bachillerato
... arrived in Ireland and christianised it - 11 71: - 15 56: - 19 19: - 19 21: - 19 22-23: - 19 32-59: - 19 37: - 19 49: - 19 73: 3.- Choose the right meaning for these words: - High king: a) the king of all the ... division and in 19 22-23 a Civil War started In 19 23 the truce arrived W.T.Cosgrave was chief of government from 19 22 to 19 32 In 19 32 Eamon de Valera became Prime Minister until 19 59 From then ... men there in 11 70 and helped MacMurrough to be king When MacMurrough died in 11 71 Henry II became king of Ireland The Norman barons began to conquer lands in Ireland and by the year 12 00 most of
Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 11:48
(SKKN 2022) how to utilize communicative activities in english grammar instructions for 6th grade students in tran mai ninh secondary school
... when performing them (Q .11 ) I don’t like CA as I find it time-consuming when practising them (Q .17 ) Valid N (listwise) 5.26 78 0 .15 4.84 4.89 1. 03 99 0. 21 0.20 5.06 84 0 .17 2.38 1. 06 0.45 17 Table ... perspective TESLEJ, 11 (2), 1- 12 Batstone, R (2000) Grammar Hong Kong: OUP Baturkkmen, H (19 94) Using learners’ writing for oral information-gap activities ELT Journal, Vol 32 (1) Borg, S (19 98) Teachers’ ... student-related difficulties 18 N= 11 7 Std Coefficient Deviatio of Variation Mean n My English competence is still poor (Q .19 ) 4.59 91 0.20 I am used to working individually (Q.20) 3.54 1. 12 0.32 I am ashamed
Ngày tải lên: 09/06/2022, 22:18
Using pể interaction activities to enhance english speaking skills for grade 10 students at dong son 1 high school
... speaking 1. 1.4 Elements of speaking 10 1. 1.5 Problems with Speaking Activities and Solutions 12 1. 1.5 .1 Problems .12 1. 1.5.2 Solutions 12 1. 2 Interactionism ... skills 29 3 .1. 1.2 Form and time of learning English Speaking Skills . 31 3 .1. 1.3 Difficulty learning English Speaking Skills 33 3 .1. 1.4 The current situation of teaching English Speaking ... Interactionism .13 1. 2 .1 Definitions .13 1. 2.2 The Interactionist Perspective 14 1. 2.3 Interaction in Second Language Learning .16 1. 2.3 .1 Role of interaction in
Ngày tải lên: 18/07/2023, 00:17
English Exercises for Grade 8
... never (lose) it I’ll give you one doing homework the English exercises until you quit (try) Task Rewrite • “Listen to English cassette about 15 minutes every day” → He advises me “Please give ... hát cho hòa bình Hãy ca hát cho lẽ phải → 12 .*Dù anh có làm nữa, không yêu → 13 Hãy hành động: “MỘT NGÀY KHÔNG DÙNG BAO BÌ NI LÔNG” → POINT BOARD 1 1 2 2 T A S K T A S K T A S K T A S K T A S ... this form, please? the baby I’ll look the disabled her while you’re away • Remote controls are used to interact • Tuan left school • I was born in Can Tho 19 82 • I first were in Da Lat 20 01 •
Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2016, 18:44
english grammar vocabulary of grade 12
... [bi'ha:f] 10 order of preference: thứ tự ưu tiên ['ɔ :də] ['prefrəns] 11 veternary science (n): khoa học thú y ['saiəns] 12 application for (n): sự gắn vào, sự áp vào [,æpli'kei∫n] 13 (to) apply for ... …and / two… 10 at the age of: ở độ tuổi 11 in danger of: đang gặp nguy hiểm 12 serious = worried, confused, sad + ABOUT 13 successful / succeed/ success, interested, rich + IN 14 clever, present, ... ['left'ouvə] (n): thức ăn thừa 10 . secure [si'kjuə] (adj): an toàn 11 . shift [∫ift] (n): ca trực 12 . supportive (of) + N [sə'p :tiv] (adj): ủng hộ 10 [...]... out: đi dạo 25 go off:
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2014, 03:20
grammar practice book grade 1
... RXENL08AWK 11_ GPB_006.indd 6RXENL08AWK 11_ GPB_006.indd 6 7/ 21/ 06 11 :40 :11 AM7/ 21/ 06 11 :40 :11 AM [...]... Lesson 4 1 2 16 RXENL08AWK 11 _ GPB_ 016 .indd 16 Grammar Practice Book 8/5/06 10 :26 :11 AM Name Telling ... Practice Book RXENL08AWK 11_ GPB_0 01. indd 1RXENL08AWK 11_ GPB_0 01. indd 1 7/ 21/ 06 11 :39:59 AM7/ 21/ 06 11 :39:59 AM Name Sentences Lesson 1 Circle each group of words that is a sentence. 1. the jam 2. sam ... correctly. 6. 7. 8. 3 Grammar Practice Book RXENL08AWK 11_ GPB_003.indd 3RXENL08AWK 11_ GPB_003.indd 3 7/ 21/ 06 11 :40:05 AM7/ 21/ 06 11 :40:05 AM Name Sentences Lesson 1 1. ran 2. we 3. the cat
Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2015, 14:51
Using group work in english grammar lessons for first-year students in the college of technologies and economics in trade
... observation 18 3.3. Data analysis and discussions 18 3.3 .1. Questionnaire 18 3.3 .1. 1. Pre-treatment questionnaire 18 3.3 .1. 1 .1. Students’ awareness of the importance of learning English grammar. 18 ... 18 3.3 .1. 1.2. Students’ attitudes towards learning English grammar. 19 3.3 .1. 1.3. The students’ evaluation of English grammar teaching they have learnt in the class 20 vi 3.3 .1. 1.4. The ... arrangement 13 2.6.5. The grammar activities for group work. 14 2.6.5 .1. Doing grammar exercises 14 Reading dialogues 14 Practicing using language according to situations 14
Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:42
English first addtional language grade 1 workbook
... 636 12 586 5 English Platinum English Gr1_FAL_WB_Promo.indd 16 7 /15 /11 11 : 51 AM [...]... hhhh 12 Workbook Platinum English Gr1_FAL_WB_Promo.indd 12 7 /15 /11 11 : 51 AM Worksheet 12 ... Workbook Platinum English Gr1_FAL_WB_Promo.indd 11 11 7 /15 /11 11 :50 AM Worksheet 11 Gg Join the things that start with g to the g g Trace... We, the publisher, apologise for any errors or ... n o p Workbook Platinum English Gr1_FAL_WB_Promo.indd... m 14 n o p Workbook Platinum English Gr1_FAL_WB_Promo.indd 14 7 /15 /11 11 : 51 AM Worksheet 14 Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt Trace the
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2015, 21:39
Grammar Practice Book Grade 1
... and are, 10 5? ?10 8 go and went, 11 7? ?12 0 was and were, 11 3? ?11 6 W T Word Order, 5–8 Tenses past, 10 9? ?11 2 present, 10 1? ?10 4 12 2 Grammar Practice Book © Harcourt • Grade [...]... 7 8 18 Grammar ... Questions, 21? ??24 Usage am, is, and are, 10 5? ?10 8 go and went, 11 7? ?12 0 was and were, 11 3? ?11 6 S Sentences capital letters and end marks, 1, 17 ? ?18 , 20–22, 24–25, 27 exclamations, 26–28 naming parts, 9? ?12 ... questions, 21? ??24 telling parts, 13 ? ?16 telling sentences, 17 –20 word order, 5–8 Subjects See Sentences, naming parts V Verbs, 97? ?10 0 that tell about now, 10 1? ?10 4 that tell about the past, 10 9? ?11 2 am,
Ngày tải lên: 29/12/2015, 05:07
English grammar practice for upper intermediate students
... GetPedia : Get How Stuff Works! Search GetPedia Works! Welcome To GetPedia.com : The Online Information Resource Search GetPedia Search GetPedia Business Advertising Branding Business Management ... Blogging, RSS & Feeds Domain Name E-Book E-commerce Email Marketing Ezine Marketing Ezine Publishing Forums & Boards Internet Marketing Online Auction Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Spam Blocking
Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2016, 13:03
200 ENGLISH grammar exercises
... shopping? 11 . cook his meals? 12 . polish her furniture? 13 . check his brakes? 14 . pump up his tyres? 15 . do his washing up? 16 . clean his flat for him? 17 . cut her hair? 18 . get his tickets for him? 19 . ... answer.) 12 . talks English. 13 . corrects the Spanish essays. 14 . explains in English. 15 . lectures in Spanish. 16 . broadcasts in Spanish. 17 . addresses students in English. 18 . cooks a Spanish meal for ... perfect PEG 14 2, 14 3 Ann, a student at a summer school, has the following programme: 7.00 - 7.30 7.30 - 8.00 8.00 - 8.30 8.30 - 9.30 9.30 - 10 .00 10 .00 - 10 .30 10 .30 - 12 .00 12 .00 - 1. 00 1. 00 - 2.00 get...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 14:14