principles of rational behavior at work in society and business

A study of instructions for group work in 2nd year non English major classrooms at Thai Nguyen University = Nghiên cứu việc hướng dẫn hoạt động nhóm trong các l

A study of instructions for group work in 2nd year non English major classrooms at Thai Nguyen University = Nghiên cứu việc hướng dẫn hoạt động nhóm trong các l

... shaped in the changes in the British language teaching tradition dating from late 1960s CLT marks the beginning of a great innovation within language teaching because of its superior principles, ... teaching theory, the use of teacher talk, group work – its advantages and organization, the nature of instructions, and principles for giving instructions when organizing group work Chapter provides ... Brumfit and Roberts (1983: 85) Syllabus aiming at communicative competence no longer concentrates so much on grammar but looks at the nature of meaning and of interaction Syllabus of this kind is...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:58

93 755 0
An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of idioms denoting work in english and vietnamese

An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of idioms denoting work in english and vietnamese

... ways of learning and teaching English idioms denoting work FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 SYNTACTIC FEATURES OF ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE IDIOMS DENOTING WORK 4.1.1 Syntactical Glimpse at English and ... demonstrate linguistics features of idioms contexts, in short stories, novels, newspapers and magazine in both denoting work in English and Vietnamese Typical examples and English and Vietnamese statistic ... The meaning of idioms cannot be determined just by looking at or understanding the meaning of the components in isolation, we had better obtain the relationship between the connotative and Prepositional...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16

13 1,9K 4
An analysis of errors related to the uses of english prepositions at, on, in produced by elementary level students at foreign languages & informatics center vinh city

An analysis of errors related to the uses of english prepositions at, on, in produced by elementary level students at foreign languages & informatics center vinh city

... in conducting data gathering, research analysis and interpretation of gathered information In addition, qualitative method allows the presentation of the phenomenon being investigated in a more ... Usage of AT and IN in comparison Table 2.2 Usage of IN and ON in comparison Table 2.3 Usage of temporal AT- IN - ON in comparison Table 2.4 Some expressions of temporal AT Table 4.1 Results of multiple-choice ... unspecified static point Again, ignorance of rules caused the error No (15): * I am going to finish my studies IN the university 45 Because of the similarity between AT and IN in indicating location;...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:04

67 706 3


... Management, business, and financial operations occupations Professional and related occupations Service occupations Sales and office occupations Sales and related occupations Office and ... computer and the Internet at work by occupation and industry, October 2003 (Numbers in thousands) Occupation and industry Total employed Used a computer at work Used the Internet at work Total ... as “Internet use.” In addition, the data in this release cover the incidence of computer and Internet use at work and job search activity using the Internet Since 1984, surveys of computer and, ...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20

13 406 0
Science at Work in BASKETBALL pdf

Science at Work in BASKETBALL pdf

... Library of Congress Cataloging -in- Publication Data Hantula, Richard Science at work in basketball / Richard Hantula p cm — (Sports science) Includes index Summary: “Explains how the laws of science, ... movement of an object topspin: A type of spin in which the front of a ball rolls down and toward the back It is the opposite of backspin 30 velocity: In physics, the speed and direction of a moving ... information about the basics of basketball, including some physics pointers 31 31 Science at Work in Basketball INDEX Page numbers in bold type are for photos, charts, and illustrations acceleration,...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 01:20

33 382 0
The Project Gutenberg EBook of Social life at Rome in the Age of Cicero by W. Warde Fowler doc

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Social life at Rome in the Age of Cicero by W. Warde Fowler doc

... contracting companies; in the age and writings of Cicero; their political influence; and power in the provinces; the bankers and money-lenders; origin of the Roman banker; nature of his business; ... religion in that intensely interesting period The society of the Augustan age, which in many ways was very different, is known much better; and of late my friend Professor Dill's fascinating volumes ... in education at Rome; biographies silent; education of Cato the younger; of Cicero's son and nephew; Varro and Cicero on education; the old Roman education of the body and character; causes of...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 17:20

891 367 0
Criteria of labor relations at enterprises in hanoi, vietnam

Criteria of labor relations at enterprises in hanoi, vietnam

... and beneficial to both parties The cooperation between workers and employers in the workplace is manifested in following factors: 26 - Coordinating activities, including information sharing and ... relations, the state acts as a third party The Sate involves in labor relations as representing national interests and the interests of society State may intervene directly or indirectly in the ... period of weekly day off at least 24 hours continuous in each a period of days If for the feature of working, or the need of production – business office‟ services, who can not be off from working...

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 01:45

136 343 0
An application of semantic mapping in teaching English vocabulary for students of food processing at Nghe An trading and tourism vocational college

An application of semantic mapping in teaching English vocabulary for students of food processing at Nghe An trading and tourism vocational college

... proficiency-based instruction, and communicative language teaching Communicative Approach is aimed at training students' listening and speaking, so it relatively ignores the training of reading and writing ... including those words that can be recognized and used in listening and speaking but also in print forms to be recognized and used in reading and writing 15 Second, word knowledge also comes in ... investigation by taking the four features of setting, participants, data types of methods of data collection, and analytical framework into account Chapter presents the data analysis and interpretation...

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2015, 18:49

107 799 2
An investigation into the effectiveness of using task-based method in teaching and learning reading for 11th form students at Nguyen Trai High school, HN

An investigation into the effectiveness of using task-based method in teaching and learning reading for 11th form students at Nguyen Trai High school, HN

... teachers find the situation of teaching and learning Reading is better Moreover, after learning the M.A training course at University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, ... perceptions of the effectiveness of using of Task-based language teaching in teaching and learning reading to 11th form students at Nguyen Trai High School in Hanoi held by teachers and students; ... students’ reading skills? 1.4 Scopes of the study The study is concerned with investigating the effectiveness of using Task-based language teaching in teaching and learning reading for the 11th...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:49

5 703 3
skkn The effectiveness of pair work and group work in teaching and learning English

skkn The effectiveness of pair work and group work in teaching and learning English

... work and group work in most of my teaching periods 14 The effectiveness of pair work and group work in teaching and learning English Suggestions for some popular kinds of practice Pair work and ... work and group work in teaching and learning English improve motivation and contribute to a feeling of cooperation and warmth in the class, so that organizing pair work and group work effectively ... apply pair work and group work in most of my teaching English periods B AIMS OF THE RESEARCH - To introduce pair work and group work and to show the advantages of working in pairs and groups - To...

Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2016, 18:01

18 720 2
An investigation into some types of verbal responses to questions in English and Vietnamese conversation

An investigation into some types of verbal responses to questions in English and Vietnamese conversation

... examining the relationship between gender, closeness of relationship and status of the interlocutors and the kinds of responses to questions - putting forward some implications for teaching and ... straightforward and informative In contrast, the findings reveal that the Vietnamese often think over before deciding what strategies will be employed to provide the information needed In the situation ... elicitation in the examples above is to get B to provide a piece of information (a) and (b) in and (d) and (e) in fulfill the illocutionary intent of As elicitation They provide the information...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54

42 1,1K 4
A study of semantic and syntactic features of idioms relating to fruits in english and vietnamese

A study of semantic and syntactic features of idioms relating to fruits in english and vietnamese

... Study of Semantic and Syntactic Features of Idioms Relating to Fruits in English and Vietnamese” 1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1.2.1 Aims of the Study The study aims at: - Investigating the semantic and ... features of English and Vietnamese idioms relating to fruits (IsRTFs) in the combined analysis of both features - Finding out the similarities and differences in the semantic and syntactic features ... general and idioms relating to fruits in particular Presenting original reference material limitation Besides, due to the limited sources of meaning of an idiom and learning its derivation is...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21

13 1,3K 8
A study of linguistic features of adjectival phrases denoting personality in english and their vietnamese equivalents

A study of linguistic features of adjectival phrases denoting personality in english and their vietnamese equivalents

... positive meanings and negative meanings some implications on the teaching and learning translation 5.2 IMPLICATIONS ON TEACHING, LEARNING AND TRANSLATION 5.2.1 Implications on Language Teaching 5.3 ... idle, and lawless, and vulgar, and bad in (82); bad in (83) and full of the old scratch (84) In the scene of (96) comes from the final confrontation between a woman and a man She says that he ... basic foundation of data analysis and findings discussion in the Wilkes’ cousin who lives in Atlanta, Miss Pittypat following chapters Hamilton—Charles and Melanie Hamilton’s aunt.” “I do, and a sillier...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:25

13 731 1
A contrastive study of connotation of the vietnamese zodiac animals in english and vietnamese idioms and proverbs

A contrastive study of connotation of the vietnamese zodiac animals in english and vietnamese idioms and proverbs

... translating, teaching and learning English and Vietnamese idioms and proverbs in particular and for translating, teaching and learning English as a idioms and metaphorical idioms (which consists of ... procedures for data analysis - Describing and analyzing the connotation of VZAs in English and Vietnamese idioms and proverbs - Comparing and contrasting the connotation of VZAs in idioms and proverbs ... VZAs IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE IDIOMS AND PROVERBS 4.1.1 The Connotation of VZAs in English Idioms and Proverbs like a cat on a hot tin roof), promiscuous (Alley cat), imitative (Copy cat) and...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:29

13 1,1K 4
A contrastive analysis of semantic and pragmatic features of the words denoting birds in english and vietnamese

A contrastive analysis of semantic and pragmatic features of the words denoting birds in english and vietnamese

... not only conveying the denotative as well as analysis of pragmatic aspects of these kinds of words will meaning but also communicating and expressing speakers’ and provide great benefits for ... knowledge of collocation, idioms, semantic structures, semantic pedagogical implications An investigation into semantic and fields as well as pragmatic features of the WDBs The finding of the pragmatic ... implications for the teaching and learning of English 3 1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS: (1) What are the similarities and differences of semantic features of the WDBs in English and Vietnamese? (2) What...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:30

13 1,7K 5
A contrastive investigation into linguistic features of socio cultural propaganda slogans in english and vietnamese

A contrastive investigation into linguistic features of socio cultural propaganda slogans in english and vietnamese

... semantic and pragmatic features of using S.C.P.Ss in English and Vietnamese CHAPTER FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES IN GRAMMATICAL FEATURES OF S.C.P.SS IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE ... ADVERTISING Propagandistic advertising function is aiming at providing readers with topical issues, informing them of key information, persuading them to act in a certain way, and making them ... linguistic features in compiling slogans 1.3.2 Objectives - Analyze the nature of propaganda slogans - Describe and comment on the grammatical, semantic, and pragmatic features of S.C.P.Ss in...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:30

26 763 3
A contrastive analysis of linguistic and socio cultural features of words denoting male characteristics in english and vietnamese

A contrastive analysis of linguistic and socio cultural features of words denoting male characteristics in english and vietnamese

... relationships in the family and even in society and in some social and religious relations e Occupations WsDMC in English have many words containing inherent and socio-cultural meanings of [male] through ... (kinterms) denoting kinships in Vietnamese contain inherent meanings of [nam gi i] The words reflect (1) blood and (2) marriage relationships in the family and in some social and religious relations ... different level of discrimination, the discrimination of gender in the any society is still “respect man and despise women” The similarities in term of sociocultural features of English and Vietnamese...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:31

13 930 0
Discrimination at Work The Psychological and Organizational Bases pot

Discrimination at Work The Psychological and Organizational Bases pot

... underlying components of discrimination in organizations, the authors of the chap­ ters in part II explore specific manifestations of discrimination including discrimination on the basis of race and ... examine how social categorization and category-based responding influence intergroup relations and discrimination generally COMMON PROCESSES IN DISCRIMINATION Discrimination, or unfair treatment, ... teamlevel interpersonal processes and financial outcomes Within the domain of workplace diversity, her work has included an examination of employ­ ees' attributions regarding discrimination and how...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 05:20

537 256 0