prices of lan management software in 1995

Telecomunications & networks hussain

Telecomunications & networks hussain

... Internet and cyberspace Introduction Cyberspace Internet Connecting to the Internet Surfing on the Internet Internet and businesses Security on the Internet Organization of the Internet The Internet ... Networking at SKF, Sweden Bibliography 89 Organization for networking Introduction Location and organization of network management Structure of network administration Planning for networking Planning ... discussed in Chapter 20 Networks in the 1990s The 1980s was a decade in which a large number of LANs were installed In the 1990s, many of these LANs will be joined into national and international...

Ngày tải lên: 05/04/2014, 23:26

292 554 0
Multi-criteria Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Scenarios for Small Towns in Developing Countries - Case Study of Toan Thang Town in Vietnam

Multi-criteria Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Scenarios for Small Towns in Developing Countries - Case Study of Toan Thang Town in Vietnam

... social aspects of sanitation and broader economic aspects An integrated view of sanitation planning where planners move beyond figures of initial investment, and operation and maintenance (O&M) ... population in income group i in inventory year Ti,j = degree of utilization of treatment/discharge pathway or system, j, for each income group fraction i in an inventory year i = income group: ... Tobias S (2002) Improving Sanitation in Small Towns In Latin America and the Caribbean - Practical Methodology for Designing a Sustainable Sanitation Plan, Office of Health, Infectious Diseases...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

23 780 0
Assessment of the Use of Hand Warmer for Nitrate Retardation in Porous Media

Assessment of the Use of Hand Warmer for Nitrate Retardation in Porous Media

... soils As seen in Fig 2, the peaks of BTCs appear in the vicinity of the unity In order to clarify the effect of HWCs, temporal moment approaches are carried out to analyze BTCs in terms of the mean ... retardation of peak time with the increase of the amount of HWCs while there is a slight change of the peak concentration in Andisol (Fig (b)) except for the more pronounced tailing of the BTCs ... completely saturated before packing to avoid the entrance of air and filled into the column (30 cm in length and 10.6 cm in diameter) layer by layer in increments of cm Each layer was compacted...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

8 523 0
Tài liệu First Principles: Designing Effective Education Programs for School Health in Developing Countries doc

Tài liệu First Principles: Designing Effective Education Programs for School Health in Developing Countries doc

... increasing number of funders demonstrates the growing awareness of the importance of school health and the increasing opportunity to maximize the investments of every organization investing in ... can be administered without side effects, teachers can easily be trained to administer the treatments Capitalizing on existing teacher training systems and incorporating deworming within a comprehensive ... use of existing infrastructure where possible, such as teacher training systems, the inspectorate, or perhaps the ministry of health’s drug distribution systems Principal Help the ministry of...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 13:20

28 455 0
Lifelong Learning in the Global Knowledge Economy - Challenges for Developing Countries pptx

Lifelong Learning in the Global Knowledge Economy - Challenges for Developing Countries pptx

... the financing of education and training In many industrial countries, governments that once focused exclusively on public financing and public provision of education and training are now trying ... Training Sector The private education and training sector is growing, not only in the United States and other industrial economies but also in low-income countries, including many in Africa In ... Learning 76 Policy Options for Financing Learning beyond the Core Competencies 79 Policy Options for Financing Training and Nontraditional Learning 92 Financing Lifelong Learning...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20

167 441 1
ECONOMIC DIVERSIFICATION IN AFRICA: A Review of Selected Countries pdf

ECONOMIC DIVERSIFICATION IN AFRICA: A Review of Selected Countries pdf

... its investment in other countries in the region By 2008 China had invested in just five mining projects in South Africa (mostly in chrome), with little investment in infrastructure However, China ... 2010 Doing Business Index It performs particularly poorly in terms of enforcing contracts, employing workers, and registering property An ongoing challenge, in spite of a huge level of investment, ... to have crosscutting actions that included the targeting of industrial financing, the enhancement of innovation and technology, intellectual property protection, and reducing input costs through...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 08:20

70 305 0


... planning increases In both Egypt and Palestine, less than percent of married women with no children practice family planning But this percentage is higher in WOMEN’S NEED FOR FAMILY PLANNING IN ... planning providers require training to strengthen their communication skills so that they can meet their client’s individual needs Their training should also include involving men in family planning ... number of unintended births in that year would have been reduced by 10,000, or percent of all births in that year.17 The Growing Need for Family Planning Services The need for family planning commodities...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20

8 358 0
Health Expenditures and the Elderly: A Survey of Issues in Forecasting, Methods Used, and Relevance for Developing Countries doc

Health Expenditures and the Elderly: A Survey of Issues in Forecasting, Methods Used, and Relevance for Developing Countries doc

... useful in assessing the importance of these links and other possible “indirect” influences of ageing, defined in the sense of a changing age-distribution, on health spending One key source of information ... importance of ageing in the increase in health expenditures per capita during the period from 1940 to 1990 in the United States He found that that ageing, in the sense of an increasing proportion of ... rate of increase in health spending This holds whether we consider increases in Medicare spending, or expenditures on nursing home care Find a small “pure” effect of ageing, once changes in the...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 13:20

44 652 0
Trends of Health Education in the Developed Countries and Recommendations for Health Education in the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia potx

Trends of Health Education in the Developed Countries and Recommendations for Health Education in the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia potx

... safe training inside laboratories before indulging in the real-life field training Developments in Nursing Sciences & Research: The nursing research is highly important in the improvement of health ... expansion in health services The Ministry of Health strategies and future plans in health field include the establishment of specialist hospitals in all regions of the kingdom, an increase in bed ... critical thinking and problem solving Giving priority to information technology (informatics) and electronic learning as an advanced trend in health education in general, and in nursing education in...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20

83 555 0
Savings accounts for young people in developing countries: Trends in practice potx

Savings accounts for young people in developing countries: Trends in practice potx

... increasing recent attention in the microfinance industry to savings, youth savings are a hot topic In the face of the increase in and diversity of current practice on YSAs, financial institutions, ... remains unclear as to whether they actually increase average savings balances The second type of incentive, financial, are much less common than in- kind incentives; relatively few financial institutions ... institutions offering YSAs use a range of promotional techniques to directly encourage use of the account and/or accumulation of balances These techniques generally utilize two kinds of incentive: in- kind...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

18 395 0
An estimation of the economic impact of chronic noncommunicable diseases in selected countries ppt

An estimation of the economic impact of chronic noncommunicable diseases in selected countries ppt

... Deepening Poverty and inequality Increased consumption and reduced savings and investment in physical capital May ultimately discourage foreign direct investment in country N.B Channels indicated in ... annum-increase in economic growth of between 0.3 to 0.4% is associated with a 10% increase in life expectancy (Report of CMH), which is mainly accounted for by the reduction in the burden of cardiovascular ... burden of chronic disease indicate that these expenditures continue to increase annually As indicated in this model, medical expenses are initially covered by current earnings, then by savings...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 20:20

21 412 0
Model Policy Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Social Media and Social Networking in Medical Practice ppt

Model Policy Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Social Media and Social Networking in Medical Practice ppt

... disciplined for posting unprofessional online content.6 In addition, most physician licensing authorities in the United States have reported incidents of physicians engaging in online professionalism ... modes of communication, such as live voice or video calling LinkedIn - LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking site Founded in December 2002 and launched in May 2003, it is mainly used ... of which have resulted in serious disciplinary actions In a 2010 survey of Executive Directors at state medical boards in the United States, 92 percent indicated that violations of online professionalism...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 02:20

17 720 0


... gained in France in conjunction with the reform of 1999 in the following key domains: – The legal and actual conversion of the savings banks into cooperatives, – The use of the revenues accruing ... association of the savings banks In addition, the savings bank group consists of around 450 local savings companies at its disposal since 1999 These are not involved in the financial business but ... shares in the savings companies, which in turn use all the funds obtained in this way to obtain shares in the savings banks As a result, the importance of a savings companies to its savings bank...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 08:20

6 436 0
The Society for Cinema and Media Studies’ Statement of Best Practices for Fair Use in Teaching for Film and Media Educators ppt

The Society for Cinema and Media Studies’ Statement of Best Practices for Fair Use in Teaching for Film and Media Educators ppt

... from taking unfair or intimidating action; and To formalize customary practices that over time can help guide courts in determining what types of uses are generally accepted as non-infringing by ... person may be infringing on the owner’s rights and may thus be held liable for damages In the interest of balancing copyright owners’ rights against potentially beneficial uses of the works by ... DISPLAYING OR PERFORMING FILM AND MEDIA IN ONLINE INSTRUCTION Institutional Faculty Information Technology Your institution must be a government body or an accredited nonprofit educational institution...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 12:21

10 533 2
báo cáo hóa học: " Selected basis for PAR reduction in multi-user downlink scenarios using lattice-reduction-aided precoding" doc

báo cáo hóa học: " Selected basis for PAR reduction in multi-user downlink scenarios using lattice-reduction-aided precoding" doc

... with Gaussian integers are not incorporated into the counting In the following, we assume that the channel remains constant for the duration of NB OFDM symbols Hence, for this block of OFDM symbols ... by avoiding power loading over the users In this case, there remains an individual scaling of each user, which can be equalized within the receiver’s automatic gain control However, in this article, ... round towards plus infinity) However, this index is extraordinarily sensitive to transmission errors as the application of the wrong inverse mapping leads to the loss of the whole OFDM frame Possible...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 02:20

11 229 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " An Evaluation of Media-Oriented Rate Selection Algorithm for Multimedia Transmission in MANETs" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " An Evaluation of Media-Oriented Rate Selection Algorithm for Multimedia Transmission in MANETs" potx

... the remaining correlation within the sequence of symbols (remaining inter symbol dependency) In practice, the decoding algorithm can be regarded as a soft-input soft-output sequential decoding technique ... texture information, hence to support fine-grain scalability An inter-GOF temporal prediction is also used as an option in the above coding system The inter-GOF temporal prediction leads to GOFs of ... enhancement of IEEE 802.11a wireless LAN via link adaptation,” in Proc IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC ’01), vol 7, pp 1995 2000, Helsinki , Finland, June 2001 Mohammad Hossein Manshaei...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 00:20

17 246 0
The chart shows the number of mobile phones and landlines per 100 people in selected countries ppsx

The chart shows the number of mobile phones and landlines per 100 people in selected countries ppsx

... In conclusion, it seems that mobile phone use is higher in Europe than in North America ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

2 720 0
media release continued recovery in third quarter 2003 improves initial outlook for 2004 holcim

media release continued recovery in third quarter 2003 improves initial outlook for 2004 holcim

... minority interests Net income after minority interests Net income margin Cash flow from operating activities Cash flow margin Net financial debt Shareholders' equity including interests of minority ... Sales of cement and clinker Sales of aggregates Sales of ready-mix concrete Net sales Operating EBITDA Operating EBITDA margin EBITDA EBITDA margin Operating profit Operating profit margin Net income ... capacity in Switzerland and its neighboring countries into line with the longer-term trend The Geisingen cement plant in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, as well as the small grinding facility...

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 16:15

6 211 0