price s covering letter university of durham effective applications guide

your guide to writing an effective cv and covering letter

your guide to writing an effective cv and covering letter

... Lisa Cheung s CV and Effective CV Speak Cardiff University Careers Service, Resources for International students Victoria Price s covering letter - University of Durham, Effective Applications ... and serving them in a professional manner Handling cash and supporting the manager as directed Awareness of health and safety issues in the workplace 02/07 to 10/07 Sales Assistance (Assistant) ... responsibilities e.g “I work as the systems analyst in a large department and my responsibilities include…” • Use the past simple for past positions of responsibility e.g “Held the position of...

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2015, 14:46

32 1,2K 0
Valentine's day Presentation University of Science

Valentine's day Presentation University of Science

... Lunar 7th of July Taiwan Mr Han Rongxing 79 years old gives roses to his wife – Mrs Zheng Qi’e 99 years old before the Lunar 7th of July Taiwan Girls are scooping water Taiwan Taiwan 1 rose: You ... values “sanbai gaeshi” - tripple) Japan Japan South Korea South Korea 14/2 14/3 14/4 South Korea “Hangwa” cake * Chilsok Day ( Lunar 7th of July ) South Korea • White day South Korea Black Day: Single ... Welcome to our Valentine s d presentation ay Legend of Valentine s Day Saint Valentine of Terni and his deciples Emperor Claudius Valen tine i n We Europ stern ea n c ountr i es  Italy  France ...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 16:06

40 1,5K 1
University of Liverpool''''s DBA is designed around this proven educational methodology. pptx

University of Liverpool''''s DBA is designed around this proven educational methodology. pptx

... doctoral thesis can be a daunting task For this reason, the University has integrated a support system into the programme to enable students to progress successfully through the stages of thesis development ... concepts of stakeholder analysis and the triple bottom line with a focus on personal and organisational ethics and issues of transparency ƒƒ Ethical, sustainability, and social impact (ESSI) issues ... to give students an intuitive appreciation for the behaviour of organisations as complex adaptive systems Students will also explore how organisations respond successfully and unsuccessfully to...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20

8 396 0
Excerpt from the Examination Regulations for the Master’s Program in Economics at the University of Mannheim docx

Excerpt from the Examination Regulations for the Master’s Program in Economics at the University of Mannheim docx

... master s thesis is assessed by the examiner who has issued the topic The assessment is made according to the “assessment of exams” part In case of failure (5.0) a second assessor has to be designated ... topic, supervision, and assessment of the master s thesis can only be administered by professors, junior professors, and affiliated professors A assigned topic can be returned once within the first ... credits assigned to the master s thesis (see respective attachment) A failed master s thesis can only be re-taken once When re-taking the master s thesis a new topic is issued A passed master thesis...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 05:20

15 496 1
Bell''''s Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Durham pdf

Bell''''s Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Durham pdf

... many foundation scholarships and exhibitions in arts, classics, mathematics, and theology, besides a long list of private foundations and fellowships The university consists of one college and ... attitude of deep reverence, is worthy of the name of its sculptor On the west wall of the same transept is a tablet to the memory of the officers, non-commissioned officers, and privates of the Durham ... liberality of several bishops and priors its original endowment increased, until provision was made for eight fellows and eight scholars This was the case at the time of the suppression of the monasteries...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 12:20

54 348 0


... types: linguistic awareness, psycholinguistic awareness, discourse awareness, communicative awareness, sociolinguistic awareness and strategic awareness • Linguistic awareness where the aim is ... representation of ideas It is also a difficult, sophisticated, prestigious social activity of communication and an important skill for language learners as well as native speakers 1.2 Reasons for ... reflecting on his topic then starts to write When writing is finished, he improves his writing by checking for errors Recent years research has stressed the shift of EFL/ESL writing instructions from...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 19:20

109 614 1
Research on factors affecting the student’s  satisfaction: a case study at the Da Nang University  of economics, in Vietnam.

Research on factors affecting the student’s satisfaction: a case study at the Da Nang University of economics, in Vietnam.

... reliability, responsiveness and empathy) Section C: Measurement of Student Satisfaction RESEARCH METHODS qSample selection The population of this study is the student of Danang University of economics In ... to SPSS software qData analysis The data analysis for this study will be conducted through SPSS software CONCLUDING REMARKS Expected Results and Contributions q Theoretical significance Results ... with Student satisfaction H4: Assurance has positive relationship with Student satisfaction H5: Empathy has positive relationship with Student satisfaction Measureming instrument This study use...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 16:25

24 791 2
Báo cáo y học: " An open letter to George M Philip, President of the State University of New York At Al" potx

Báo cáo y học: " An open letter to George M Philip, President of the State University of New York At Al" potx

... trust a friend who deserts you in a pinch.’ I first learned that fable, and its valuable lesson for life, in a freshman classics course Aesop is credited with literally hundreds of fables, most ... interest you I started out as a classics major I’m now Professor of Biochemistry and Chemistry Of all the courses I took in college and graduate school, the ones that have benefited me the most ... humanities don’t pay their own way, well, I guess that s true, but it seems to me that there s a fallacy in assuming that a university should be run like a business I’m not saying it shouldn’t...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 22:23

3 307 0
proposed training module for enhancing teacher’s motivational techniques and students’ performance in basic english course in hanoi university of industry (haui) (sum)

proposed training module for enhancing teacher’s motivational techniques and students’ performance in basic english course in hanoi university of industry (haui) (sum)

... techniques and students’ performance in Basic English Course in Hanoi University of Industry” is chosen to study The structure of dissertation includes chapters 3 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study ... Results of the level of test performance of 225 student respondents of Hanoi University of Industry in Basic English Course indicate of a generally low performance of students in all test areas ... students of Master of Arts in English language Teaching of Batangas State University to determine the degree of appropriateness of the items for teachers and students respectively The survey questionnaire...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2014, 04:46

25 379 0
proposed training module for enhancing teacher’s motivational techniques and students’ performance in basic english course in hanoi university of industry (haui)

proposed training module for enhancing teacher’s motivational techniques and students’ performance in basic english course in hanoi university of industry (haui)

... and simple notes as well as messages and personal letters 29 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines As in the case of Hanoi University ... University of Industry, English as a Basic course is compulsory to all students across disciplines The total number of units of Basic English is units per term, a total of twelve units for one school ... topics and lessons attributed also to students‟ difficulty and discouragement in learning English Classes in Vietnam also comprised of forty five to fifty students per class These language classes...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2014, 04:46

240 389 0
Effect of teachers' feedback on freshmen's motivation to learn writing skill - a survey research at Hanoi University of business and technology

Effect of teachers' feedback on freshmen's motivation to learn writing skill - a survey research at Hanoi University of business and technology

... teacher-class conference because this makes everybody interested, classmates’ writing are compared Besides, I pay attention and learn from mistakes of other classmates.‖ SS3, SS4, SS5 also agree ... strengths/ drawbacks/error of students’ writing Otherwise, teachers can address some good or weak pieces of writing, so that the class can gain some experience This can be called class-discussion ... attendance, as well as free of all end -of- term tests, 240 questionnaires were distributed to classes (Each class is expected to have 30 studnets) All students were noticed that this survey was not to evaluate...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2015, 07:57

89 794 2
Effects of teacher's feedback on freshmen's motivation in speaking lessons  A survey research at Hanoi University of Business and Technology = Ảnh Hưởng từ phản

Effects of teacher's feedback on freshmen's motivation in speaking lessons A survey research at Hanoi University of Business and Technology = Ảnh Hưởng từ phản

... its effectiveness in speaking lessons 22 Use of teacher 's feedback in speaking lessons 23 Effectiveness of teacher 's feedback in speaking lessons 26 3.1.3 Freshmen 's ... of Strategic feedback Q2 (S2 ,S4 ) Part III Teacher 's Feedback Effectiveness feedback of Corrective Q3 (S1 ,S3 ,S5 ,S7 ) 17 Effectiveness of evaluative Q3 (S6 ,S8 ,S9 ,S1 0) feedback Effectiveness of strategic ... a less disciplined or motivated class To share Ur 's ideas, Davies (2000) describes some challenges in the English class First, many students no like speaking in front of group of people just because...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:16

51 933 1
Determinants of student's learning case study in macroeconomics at the university of econommics-Ho Chi Minh city  Luận văn thạc sĩ

Determinants of student's learning case study in macroeconomics at the university of econommics-Ho Chi Minh city Luận văn thạc sĩ

... principles of economics are basic courses for any student, not only in universities of economics and business administration but also some other universities of social science At the University of ... (3 semesters) and specialized period (4 semesters for academic study and semester for internship as well as writing dissertation) Students at the UEH must study principles of m1croeconom1cs ... Bowles (f970) discussed that theieast squares-technique yields unbiased estimates of the regression coefficients only if the independent variables are exogenous When some school inputs can perhaps...

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2015, 08:46

63 576 0


... speaking activities and general comments on the effect of lessons Questionnaires After periods of class observations, the researcher designed a set of survey questionnaires for students, as a main tool ... learners are the centre of the lesson, the teachers act as controllers, prompters, participants, resources, tutors, 13 organizers, assessors or observers (Harmer 1999:57-62) In a lesson, he/she ... frequency of speaking English in class was rather low As we can see, 66.7% of the students respectively spoke English and 33.3% often spoke Vietnamese in class In small talks with the researcher, some...

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2015, 14:50

61 638 0
The Emergence of the “I” Reflections on the Use of Qualitative Research Methods in a Master´s Program in Educational Management and Leadership at the VNU University of Education

The Emergence of the “I” Reflections on the Use of Qualitative Research Methods in a Master´s Program in Educational Management and Leadership at the VNU University of Education

... to several groups of _ 51 school personnel who used these as the basis of discussions as to how the school personnel could “help students in their daily lives” Very significant was Ms T s use ... small groups of both teachers and students (!) to compose their own lists of criteria for evaluating teachers and lessons The groups then met and discussed the strengths and weaknesses of their ... how to solve a specific exercise instead of discussions about useless things Most important is the “reflection workshop” Here Ms L included two essential aspects of qualitative methods - the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2015, 10:21

14 337 0
Giới thiệu University of Liverpool

Giới thiệu University of Liverpool

... full assessment of their safety Nevertheless, it is possible to assess their safety against specific types of failure (i.e to consider only single failure modes) Hedges & Reis (1999) start with ... MUD SUSPENSIONS AND FLUID MUD Supervisors: Dr K H M Ali, Dr S Pan and Professor R Burrows This research will enhance understanding of the behaviour of High-Concentrated Mud Suspensions (HCMS) ... combinations of waves and currents using several arrangements of multiple piles in the form of offshore structures, uniform sediment will be used Measurement of pore pressures and verification of three-dimensional...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2012, 09:51

12 934 0


... (MANGANH, TENNGANH, SOCD, TSSV) Tân từ: Mỗi ngành có mã ngành nhất, có tên ngành SOCĐ cho biết s chun đề mà sinh viên theo học ngành có mã MANGANH phải học TSSV cho biết tổng s sinh viên theo học ... chun đề sinh viên Sau kết việc phân tích thiết kế ứng dụng trên: SINHVIEN (MASV, HOTEN, PHAI, NGAYSINH, DCHI, MANGANH) Tân từ: Mỗi sinh viên có mã s nhất, họ tên, thuộc phái, có ngày sinh, địa ... Phần S dụng MS Visio, PowerDesigner để vẽ ERD, s đồ biểu diễn lược đồ CSDL Hướng dẫn: thể dạng mơ hình vật lí, cần đưa vào thuộc tính khố chính, khố ngoại (ghi pk, fk) mà thơi Hình vẽ gọi s ...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2012, 10:04

5 478 0
Revision of Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) and Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) Indices.doc

Revision of Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) and Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) Indices.doc

... average of a basket of currencies, which would offset fluctuations in individual currencies Moreover, from a statistical perspective, the choice of SDR as numeraire facilitates inclusion of the US, ... which is a major trading partner of India The exchange rate of a currency is expressed as the number of units of numaraire (SDRs) per ith currency A rise in ‘e’ or ‘e/ei,’ thus represents an appreciation ... of substitution between the sources of supply is zero The domestic producers are the only competitors of India s export and competition from third country exporters not exist An ideal measure of...

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2012, 16:47

8 723 4