praxis language and the action oriented perception of scenes

Measuring the long-term perception of monetary policy and the term structure docx

Measuring the long-term perception of monetary policy and the term structure docx

... Measuring the long-term perception of monetary policy and the term structure The views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily reflect the views of the Bank of Finland I would like to ... concerning among others the length of the window, the number of lags or the real rate level hypothesis rr and results are reported in the …rst eight rows of table For all these results, the ten-year ... previous periods The middle panel shows the volatility of the bond rate over 12 months This is computed at the date t as the standard error of the series over the interval [t-12, t] And the bottom...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20

46 392 0
state university of new york press aristotle on false reasoning language and the world in the sophistical refutations mar 2003

state university of new york press aristotle on false reasoning language and the world in the sophistical refutations mar 2003

... under the title of the Topics And the last chapter of S.E is intended as a conclusion to the whole of his treatments of both dialectic and eristic Nevertheless, the discussions of dialectic and ... capture the enemy Within the phrase, the pronoun can operate either as the subject or object of the indirect phrase, and the uidity of Greek word order allows either option.25 The ambiguity is then ... Resolutions of fallacies outside of language, on the other hand, require no such corrections This is not to say, however, that the correction of errors about the nature and use of language is...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:45

265 804 0
homomorphisms of the fundamental group of a surface into psu(1,1), and the action of the mapping class group

homomorphisms of the fundamental group of a surface into psu(1,1), and the action of the mapping class group

... to be crucial for the proof of the ergodicity of the mapping class group In section 6.3 we state the main theorem of this paper To proceed the proof of the theorem we state and prove two key ... the fixed point of g to compute ρ in the following manner: Let z0 be the fixed point of g, where z0 = e2πit0 , t0 ∈ R Under the action of g ∈ PSU(1, 1), z0 stays fixed, and therefore under the action ... ]} The level sets of R1 are connected ±1 {U0 } R1 (Ell × Ell) = R1 (G \ Hyp) × G ∪ G × (G \ Hyp) = {ρ = 0} We present the proof of the first and the third part of this proposition The proof of...

Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 09:14

88 324 0
Language and situated agency an exploration of the dominant linguistic and communication practices in the philippine offshore call centers

Language and situated agency an exploration of the dominant linguistic and communication practices in the philippine offshore call centers

... Practice theory is “a theory of the relationship between the structure of society on the one hand and the nature of human action on the other” (Ortner 1989, 11; 2006; in Ahearn 2001, 117) The focus ... establishment of and the changes brought about by the social movements of the 1960s and the 1970s, and the increasing fragmentation of the world and the human psyche within globalization The second ... out the relationship between language and agency Within the broad fields of social theory and anthropology, I locate my view of agency within practice theory and outline some of the pitfalls of...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 10:06

304 351 1
Tài liệu The Object Oriented Evolution of PHP5 ppt

Tài liệu The Object Oriented Evolution of PHP5 ppt

... manipulated by the script The script will pass the hashed value of the combination to itself as part of the web form that the user submits and then compare it to the hashed value of the user’s input ... Luckily, there are at least another couple of measures that you can take to counter the use of OCR programs The first consists of changing the “baseline” of the string outputted by the script If the ... This is the most easily handled type of information We can get it as they navigate, use it while we have them on the site, and then discard it when their session ends Unlike many other types of desirable...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 18:20

67 984 0
Tài liệu Health of Children Living in Urban Slums in Asia and the Near East: Review of Existing Literature and Data pdf

Tài liệu Health of Children Living in Urban Slums in Asia and the Near East: Review of Existing Literature and Data pdf

... educational, and other municipal services and infrastructure The programming approach to city officials will require strong advocacy based on an understanding of the system of land tenure in vigor and of ... to improve the health of these children The report tries to deal with the questions of what is different about the living situations and life chances of these children (compared with the “average” ... children and 11% of rural children), and 7% suffered from diarrheal disease (6.1% of urban children and 7.8% of rural children) in the two weeks preceding the survey • The Manshiet Nasser survey of the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 12:20

104 1,5K 0
Tài liệu Plain language and patient education: A summary of current research pptx

Tài liệu Plain language and patient education: A summary of current research pptx

... reflected none of the principles of clear language It had no illustrations or photographs and was written in a narrative format The main difference between this booklet and the others was that ... elements of the text A study of cancer patients in Australia (Butow), asked participants to examine five chemotherapy booklets and choose the most relevant and informative Patients uniformly chose the ... disregard of print materials? A few studies noted that people understand and remember what is important to them, yet the kinds of information that health professionals believe is important is not the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 13:20

4 406 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Second messenger function and the structure–activity relationship of cyclic adenosine diphosphoribose (cADPR) doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Second messenger function and the structure–activity relationship of cyclic adenosine diphosphoribose (cADPR) doc

... ether strands mimic the distance between the nucleobase and the diphospho-bridge, but on the other hand likely are involved in polar interactions with the cADPR receptor protein Certainly, the ... northern and southern riboses are primarily necessary as linkers between the base adenine (or hypoxanthine) and the diphospho-bridge, as they can be replaced by much simpler ether strands These ... (Fig 4; [46]) An even stronger modification of the original molecule cADPR was achieved by substitution of both the northern and southern ribose by ether strands, resulting in N1-[(phosphoryl-O-ethoxy)-methyl]-N9-[(phosphorylO-ethoxy)-methyl]-hypoxanthine-cyclic...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 01:20

8 469 0
Recommendations from the American Thoracic Society, CDC, and the Infectious Diseases Society of America docx

Recommendations from the American Thoracic Society, CDC, and the Infectious Diseases Society of America docx

... collection and analysis of epidemiologic and other data • Development of policies and procedures and of a plan for controlling TB, on the basis of the assessment of the problem • Assurance of diagnostic, ... The epidemiologic profile should include an assessment of the risk for TB in the population or at the site, the ease of access to the population or site, and the likelihood of acceptance of and ... depending on the history of signs and symptoms, particularly cough and the extent of disease The end of the period is defined as the time when contact with the index case is broken or when all of the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:20

84 847 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Computational Lexical Semantics, Incrementality, and the So-called Punctuality of Events" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Computational Lexical Semantics, Incrementality, and the So-called Punctuality of Events" potx

... terms of durativity, and not of atomicity 498 John drank a glass of beer In (9), the development of the drinking event can be measured along the subparts of the glass of beer Each subpart of the ... structure of one of their arguments (which he calls incremental theme) • *The soldierfinished crossing the border The soldiers finished crossing the border *John finished slamming the door open ... associate with the CONST qualia role of chambre such a collection of instances of the movable_phys obj type, the CONST role describing the meronymic constitution of a type In fact, the ability...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20

8 294 0


... tenure of their posts; and it is "armed with the tremendous weapons" which slay legislation And if the voice of the Church was the voice of God, so the voice of the Court is the voice of the American ... voice and, with some slight changes, became Article VIII of the report of the Committee of Detail of the 7th of August, which in turn became "the linch-pin of the Constitution." * Then, on the ... by the substitution of the phrase "judicial power of the United States" for the phrase "jurisdiction of the Supreme Court," and also by the insertion of the words "this Constitution" and "the" ...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 13:20

138 439 0


... of euro area retail markets 2.3.2 Determinants of the pass-through 2.3.3 Results of the estimations 2.3.4 The impact of EMU on the determinants of the pass-through Income and wealth effects of ... households in the four largest countries in the euro area The response of the value of a bond portfolio to horizontal shifts in the yield curve depends on the maturity of the portfolio The longer the average ... computation of the present value is, again, the long-term interest rate The lower the level of long-term interest rates, the higher the impact of a change in the long-term rate on the underlying value of...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 14:20

47 736 0
Strategic Marketing and the Resource Based View of the Firm pptx

Strategic Marketing and the Resource Based View of the Firm pptx

... Fahy, Smithee / Strategic Marketing and the Resource Based View of the Firm Strategic Marketing and the Resource Based View of the Firm Discourse in the field of strategic marketing ... growing body of literature, there is some ambiguity and inconsistency in the use of terminology and this is highlighted in a discussion on the principal insights of the RBV into the nature of competitive ... Over the past decade or so, there have been a large and diverse collection of contributions in the areas of economics and strategic management that seek to either refine the concept of the RBV...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20

21 670 0
Health Expenditures and the Elderly: A Survey of Issues in Forecasting, Methods Used, and Relevance for Developing Countries doc

Health Expenditures and the Elderly: A Survey of Issues in Forecasting, Methods Used, and Relevance for Developing Countries doc

... is the rate of growth of total population, ru is the rate of growth of utilization per capita, rp is the rate of growth of the general price level, rr is the rate of growth of the ratio of the ... level to the general price level, and rφ is the rate of growth of the “residual” term In sum, the rate of growth of health care spending is the addition of the individual growth rates of population, ... L(t) is the ratio of long-term care expenses to GDP in year ‘t’, rw is the rate of growth of earners and rd the rate of growth of the disabled The derivation of this equation assumes that there...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 13:20

44 652 0
Global Imbalances and the Financial Crisis: Products of Common Causes pdf

Global Imbalances and the Financial Crisis: Products of Common Causes pdf

... partial explanation of the high U.S external deficit over the 2000s See Chinn and Ito (2007) and Gruber and Kamin (2007) 12 2000, and other industrial country rates other than the United Kingdom’s ... March 2000 nor the timing of their subsequent fall is easily rationalizable in terms of standard economic theory.) In any case, the data not support a claim that the proximate cause of the fall in ... steadily in the U.S since the middle 1990s; they began to rise more rapidly.16 Given the wide extent of homeownership in the U.S and the relative ease, compared to other countries, of borrowing...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 02:20

70 414 0
The Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Infants and Children Older Than 3 Months of Age: Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of America pot

The Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Infants and Children Older Than 3 Months of Age: Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of America pot

... weighting of the quality of the evidence and the grade of the recommendation [3] (Table 1) A detailed description of the methods, background, and evidence summaries that support each of the recommendations ... living in the United States, with reasonable access to healthcare The history, presentation, and examination of the child are the major determinants of the severity of the illness and the appropriate ... beyond the endotracheal tube tip The inner catheter is then extended cm further and the protective plug expelled, allowing the brush to be advanced another 1-2 cm, and then retracted into the sheath...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 09:20

52 839 1
Governance and the Success of U.S. Community Banks, 1790-2010: Mutual Savings Banks, Local Commercial Banks, and the Merchants (National) Bank of New Bedford, Massachusetts doc

Governance and the Success of U.S. Community Banks, 1790-2010: Mutual Savings Banks, Local Commercial Banks, and the Merchants (National) Bank of New Bedford, Massachusetts doc

... under the control of Andrew Dexter.7 Other failures followed in the wake of the Panic of 1819, the Panic of 1837, and almost every other financial calamity to strike the nation since, including the ... Citizen, An Appeal to the Public on the Conduct of the Banks in the City of New York (New York, 1815), 5-7; An Inquiry Into the Causes of the Present State of the Circulating Medium of the United States ... as well as into the manner in which the books of the Branch are kept; and into the manner in which the Cashier and other Officers perform their respective duties; and report the result to this...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 08:20

34 471 0
The Internet of Things: A critique of ambient technology and the all-seeing network of RFID potx

The Internet of Things: A critique of ambient technology and the all-seeing network of RFID potx

... social interaction and communication topologies, the act of theft is where the people is deprived of their rights to re-use and re-create their own schemes of interaction with the devices they share ... wax image of the prototype” In Gell’s theory the index is located in the region where the sphere of agency (the primary agent) overlaps with the vulnerability of the causal milieu of the recipient ... through the disappearance of the author and style; in link through the disappearance of the image in the icon; in network through the disappearance of cable in mobile and satellite - towards the...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 20:20

62 649 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Dependency trees and the strong generative capacity of CCG" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Dependency trees and the strong generative capacity of CCG" pot

... comments The work of Alexander Koller was funded by a DFG Research Fellowship and the Cluster of Excellence “Multimodal Computing and Interaction” The work of Marco Kuhlmann was funded by the Swedish ... ε, 2]) and (f (g(a)), [1 · 1, ε, 1]) These expressions represent the dependency trees d1 = and a f b d2 = a f g Notice that it is because of the separate specification of the tree and the order ... list s of nodes of t either before or after the list s of nodes of t Using these two operations, the dependency trees d1 and d2 from above can be written as follows Let da = (a, [ε]) and db =...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 20:20

9 305 0