practise reading english online

Unit 8 Reading English 11 CB

Unit 8 Reading English 11 CB

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 23:10

23 762 3
Unit 11 Reading English 10 CB

Unit 11 Reading English 10 CB

... North ??? climate ??? POST READING POST READING 10 minutes 10 minutes toxic (adj) độc wilderness (n) vùng hoang dã vùng hoang dã WHILE READING WHILE READING 25 minutes 25 minutes ... will present in front of class. TEACHING TEACHING VOCABULARY VOCABULARY PRE -READING PRE -READING 10 minutes 10 minutes “see” “do” Cat’s answers Cat’s answers toxic w i l d e r n e s s N a t i o n a l ... state of being polluted e. A group(s) of animals or plants Answer: 1-b 2-e 3-c 4-a 5-d Reading Reading Unit 11: Unit 11: NATIONAL PARKS NATIONAL PARKS What activities can we do...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 23:10

24 1,2K 2
Unit 13 Reading English 10 CB

Unit 13 Reading English 10 CB

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 07:10

27 2,3K 8
Unit 14 Reading English 10 CB

Unit 14 Reading English 10 CB

... commend.  Students at low level: - In while reading, point out which paragraph to find ideas POSSIBILITIES While reading Task 1: The word in A appear in the reading passage. Match them with their ... ENGLISH EDUCATION 02 - C29 GROUP 3 Post reading Discussion You are discussing with your friends about football. Use ... elimination game: Trận đấu loại  To eliminate  A finalist: Đội vào vòng chung kết Before reading 2. How many teams are there in the final round of the World Cup? 3. When was the World...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 07:10

15 3K 4
Unit 10 Reading English 11 CB

Unit 10 Reading English 11 CB

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 17:10

27 2,1K 3
unit 7-reading english 10

unit 7-reading english 10

Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2013, 00:11

26 556 1
Reading English Bon

Reading English Bon

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2014, 23:23

136 318 0


... TIN KHOA MẠNG MÁY TÍNH VÀ TRUYỀN THÔNG    PHÂN TÍCH XÂY DỰNG TRANG WEB ENGLISH TEST ONLINE I. Mô tả đề tài ENGLISH TEST ONLINE Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ giao tiếp phổ biến nhất trên thế giới.Ở Việt ... chăm chỉ và phải trải qua rất nhiều kì thi, dĩ nhiên không phải lúc nào bạn cũng ………đậu! ENGLISH TEST ONLINE là chương trình nhằm kiểm tra lại kiến thức Anh Văn một cách tổng quát nhất theo ... can có giao diện web(Admin,User),các chức năng và nhiệm vụ của Admin và User. Trong web ENGLISH TEST ONLINE: Admin có các chức năng nhỏ : thêm học sinh vào dữ liệu,xóa học sinh ra khỏi danh...

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2012, 11:51

9 1,2K 11
Anthony Huge English4today The Online English Grammar

Anthony Huge English4today The Online English Grammar

... PDF version of the Online English Grammar has a number of advantages over the version that you can find online for public viewing: ● It covers more grammar topics than the online version ● You ... release of the Online English Grammar as a desktop edition, we are developing a range of new English language guides and worksheets to help both students and teachers with their English language ... to Using English ● Writing Letters ● A Guide to English Pronunciation ● Grammar Games Pack We are also in the process of working on Version 2.0 of the PDF Version of the Online English Grammar...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 08:20

261 899 5
Designing & evaluating an English reading test for the non-majors of Civil Engineering at Haiphong private university

Designing & evaluating an English reading test for the non-majors of Civil Engineering at Haiphong private university

... are non - English - majors. The specific aims of the research are:  to assess the learners’ achievement in improving reading skill with English of Civil Engineering after 120 period reading course.  ... 15-unit textbook on English for Civil Engineering. 2.4.Methods of data collection and data analysis To collect data for the research, a 34-item test of Civil Engineering English reading was delivered ... background knowledge of English. The non-majors of CE have chances to learn General English (GE) during their first three terms to prepare for their 120 periods of English for Specific Purposes...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:12

51 1,2K 7
Using information technology in teaching and learning reading skill of english for biology for 2nd-year students

Using information technology in teaching and learning reading skill of english for biology for 2nd-year students

... learning -English years found a reading- English- for-Biology lecture more effective. 7 7 3 2 9 18 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2-5 years 6-11 years A B C Question 4 Chart 4. Efficiency of a reading- English- for-Biology ... in HNUE, including the Faculty of English. The lecturers of English have often used IT to teach English- major students. However, they only sometimes teach non -English- major students with IT. ... teaching and learning reading English for Biology promotion in the coming time. If that comes true, ESP in general and English for Biology in particular will definitely interest non -English- major students...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:31

43 1,4K 8
A study on possible effective pre-reading activities to improve reading skills for 2nd- year english majors at the military science academy

A study on possible effective pre-reading activities to improve reading skills for 2nd- year english majors at the military science academy

... topic of the thesis: reading and reading comprehension, classification of reading, role of reading in foreign language learning, motivation and factors in teaching and learning reading. Chapter ... conceptualization of reading which is interferes with their reading in English. More Reading Power aims to help students acquire an accurate understanding of what it means to read in English. Student ... of the research 1.2. Theoretical background of reading 1.2.1. Definitions of reading and reading comprehension Definition of reading Reading is often referred to as the most important...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:50

45 1,7K 22
Developing critical reading skills for first year students in English department, college of foreign languages, Vietnam national university, Hanoi

Developing critical reading skills for first year students in English department, college of foreign languages, Vietnam national university, Hanoi

... - Types of reading tasks in general reading skills and critical reading skills 3.2. Teaching critical reading As critical reading comprises various complex skills, teaching critical reading is ... practice critical reading skills, those steps can be integrated into a procedure which contains three indispensable stages: pre -reading, while -reading and post -reading. The pre reading stage brings ... Why? - What do you think about our current reading syllabus? - What is the frequency of your use of three reading stages (pre -reading, while -reading and post -reading) in your actual teaching? - Which...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:50

59 1,4K 4

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