... and a hazard spreading inside it Civilians are located inside each floor of the building When the simulation begins, each civilian tries to evacuate and starts moving towards an exit In the case ... will take into account This research was undertaken as part of the ALADDIN (Autonomous Learning Agents for Decentralised Data and Information Networks) project and is jointly funded by a BAE Systems ... occupancy patterns, including cases where civilians are located near the hazard when it starts spreading Hazard spreading: The spreading rate of the hazard also differs between consecutive simulation...
Ngày tải lên: 07/12/2013, 11:41
... preference information In C .A Bana e Costa, ed Readings in Multiple Criteria Decision Aid Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 351382 Bana e Costa, C .A. , 2001 The use of multi-criteria decision analysis to support ... Prioritisation of public investments in social infrastructures using multicriteria value analysis and decision conferencing: A case study International Transactions in Operational Research, 13(4), ... Algorithm FindCandidates( , p*) Algorithm FindCandidates p that may be non-dominated by p* given an uncertainty domain The candidate portfolios p are stored in matrix mCP initialization c p*...
Ngày tải lên: 07/12/2013, 11:41
Báo cáo " A web-based decision support system for the evaluation and strategic planning using ISO 9000 factors in higher education " pot
... and plan for a strategy in educational management of organizations in Vietnam and Asia [3] However, there are no DSS applications to apply a real case in the domain of an evaluation and a strategic ... factors because of an insufficient international standard resources For instance, lack of funding, good staffs and good instructors are significant factor to mainly affect a model 3.2 Application ... for COE in higher education In this case, it is necessary to drop almost traditional educational management methods To adapt rapidly the teaching, learning methods and total quality management...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 14:20
... areas: Demand planning, supply planning, manufacturing planning and scheduling. Typically, decision support systems use the quantifiable information available to illustrate various ... essential for effective decision making. DSS in supply chain management are often called Advanced Planning and Scheduling systems. These systems typically cover the following areas: ... technology is widely perceived as the enabler of supply chain integration (Bechtel and Jayaram, 1997; Hewitt, 1994). Enterprises participating as partners in a supply chain 115 Lutfu Sagbansua have ...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 09:20
... for Clinical Practice Guidelines Representation in a Medical Decision Support System 47 Fernando Pech-May, Ivan Lopez-Arevalo and Victor J Sosa-Sosa Chapter Guideline-Based Decision Support Systems ... medical search engine, an SMS, and a medical data analyzer Such a Mashup allows a patient to access his/her medical data through the EMR; retrieve a doctor appointment from the calendar and drag ... tests and releases these clinical guidelines Between function and technical maintenance is the maintenance of the data and parameters used (data dictionary) When a parameter, location or database...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 14:20
... Management Agent, Data Mining Agent and the Sales Forecasting Agent The Data Management Agent supports receiving data from a data repository and data preparation for further analysis The Data Mining Agent ... displayed in Figure The system contains three interacting agents, namely Data Management Agent, Data Mining Agent and Decision Support Agent The Data Management Agent was included as the system ... Multidisciplinary Domains Will-be-set-by -IN- TECH DATA MANAGEMENT AGENT Demand time series with a switching point Querying data from database 2.1 Data cleaning Pre-processing data 2.2 Data normalization...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 14:20
báo cáo khoa học: " Designing an automated clinical decision support system to match clinical practice guidelines for opioid therapy for chronic pain" ppt
... CA 94305-5479, USA, 4VA Palo Alto Pain Management Service VA Palo Alto Health Care System and Stanford University Medical School, 3801 Miranda Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304-1290, USA, 5Chronic Pain ... SW, Advani A, Shankar R, O'Connor M: Implementing clinical practice guidelines while taking account of changing evidence: ATHENA DSS, an easily modifiable decision- support system for managing ... scenarios, management decisions, and alternative actions; a collection of situations that warrant warning messages; and declarative specification of the indications, contraindications, and dose ranges...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:22
Báo cáo y học: "Utility of routine chest radiographs in a medical–surgical intensive care unit: a quality assurance survey"
... arrest) Gastrointestinal complications* Other Sepsis Cardiovascular Gastrointestinal Gastrointestinal bleeding Liver failure/cirrhosis review Acute COPD exacerbation Gastrointestinal commentary Respiratory ... determine the percentage of routine and non-routine radiographs that change management in our medical surgical ICU, and to determine the specific resultant management changes Materials and methods ... changed management In surgical patients with ICU stays shorter than 48 hours, a smaller percentage of routine CXRs (17%) resulted in a change in management In both the medical and surgical patients,...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:45
... theory has successfully been applied in handling uncertainties in various application domains (Jang, Sun, and Mizutani 1997) including medical domain Inexact medical entities can be defined using ... diagnosis/classification tasks in the medical domain Montani et al (2001) has combined case-based reasoning, rule-based reasoning (RBR), and model-based reasoning to support therapy for diabetic ... significance in applying CBR and other artificial intelligence techniques in medical domain FEATURES EXTRACTION AND CASE FORMULATION Extracting appropriate features is of great importance in performing...
Ngày tải lên: 07/12/2013, 11:41
Fuzzy AHP based decision support system for selecting ERP systems in textile industry by using balanced scorecard
... scorecard is a tool that can help translate visions and strategies into an integrated set of performance and action Kaplan and Norton (1992) introduced The balanced scorecard concept as a strategic ... and innovation.” A strategic planning study such as balanced scorecard is very useful from vision to action Kaplan and Norton (1996) state that ‘‘the balanced scorecard translates an organization’s ... vision was determined by using a balanced scorecard project A management consultant managed the balanced scorecard project and the top management supported this strategic management application...
Ngày tải lên: 07/12/2013, 11:41
Decision Support Systems, Advances in ppt
... including input layers, transformed data and output data, i.e results; A relational database used to retrieve criteria features, constraints regarding carrying capacity as well as scenario parameters ... Australian grain belt (Hayman & Easdown, 2002) Use of Wheatman for tactical decision making has been limited by farmer perceptions about the nature of farm management in general and about Wheatman in ... constraint criteria and/or suitability criteria over a given area used as a mask Criteria are defined on the basis of a data source, i.e input layer and a series of parameters, e.g constraint levels,...
Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "A decision support system to simulate and compare silvicultural scenarios for pure even-aged larch stands" doc
... rotation (45 years) and thinnings that are designed so as to maintain a constant and relatively low basal area after each cycle (15 m3 ha−1 ) The rotation of scenario is fixed to 60 years As for ... dominant height, Age is the age of the stand (in years), a, c, d and p are the fixed parameters of the model, and bi is a variable parameter related to the stand site index (dominant height reached ... parameters and are arranged in the payoff matrix (Tab IV) In the first step, all indicators are weighted equally The thresholds are set according to the observed evaluations and the estimated inaccuracy...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 16:21
báo cáo khoa học: " The health disparities cancer collaborative: a case study of practice registry measurement in a quality improvement collaborative" pot
... data can be interpreted and compared to outside organizations Before external audiences use this type of data as an evaluation tool of an overall collaborative's performance, standardization in ... data, as well as share their local understanding with other health centers participating in the same type of quality improvement activities At the aggregate level, practice registry data shared ... of abnormal screening results and cancer diagnoses reported Health policy experts have emphasized that single -practice data systems are insufficient for effective care coordination across practices...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:23
báo cáo khoa học: " Usability evaluation of a clinical decision support tool for osteoporosis disease management" pps
... Implementing a clinical decision- support system in practice: A qualitative analysis of influencing attitudes and characteristics among general practitioners Informatics for Health & Social Care 2008, ... collection and analysis consisted of a combination of qualitative analysis to assess the effect of technology on participant reasoning and decision- making, and quantitative analysis to assess data from ... Clinical Decision Support Systems on Practitioner Performance and Patient Outcomes: A Systematic Review JAMA 2005, 293:1223-38 21 Kawamoto K, Houlihan CA, Balas EA, Lobach DF: Improving clinical...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:23
báo cáo khoa học: " Evaluation of a clinical decision support tool for osteoporosis disease management: protocol for an interrupted time series design" ppt
... osteoporosis risk management strategies Trials 2008, 9(1):62 39 Public Health Agency of Canada Canada’s Aging Population: Who are Canada’s Seniors? Division of Aging and Seniors, Health Canada 2002; [http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/seniors-aines/publications/public/various-varies/ ... osteoporosis disease-management tool by family physicians lead to enhanced osteoporosis management according to current clinical practice guidelines, as measured by increased BMD testing and prescription ... prototype in three family practices (phase 1), evaluation of the tool using an ITS design (phase 2), and a qualitative evaluation to identify the barriers to using the tool in practice (phase 3) Kastner...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20
báo cáo khoa học: "Computerized clinical decision support systems for primary preventive care: A decision-makerresearcher partnership systematic review of effects on process of care and patient outcomes" pdf
... publication bias was not assessed We confirmed our abstractions with primary authors We collaborated with clinical decision- makers in extracting and analyzing data, and formulating and disseminating ... Perkins SM, Maharry KS, Jones K, McDonald CJ: Inpatient computer-based standing order vs physician reminders to increase influenza and pneumococcal vaccination rates: a randomized trial JAMA 2004, ... interpreted data; drafted the manuscript; and provided administrative, technical or material support JP acquired data; drafted the manuscript; and provided administrative, technical, or material support...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20
báo cáo khoa học: "Can computerized clinical decision support systems improve practitioners’ diagnostic test ordering behavior? A decision-maker-researcher partnership systematic review" pdf
... provided statistical analysis JJY acquired, analyzed, and interpreted data; and critically revised the manuscript JD acquired data and drafted the manuscript DK analyzed and interpreted data, and critically ... critically revised the manuscript JAM acquired, analyzed, and interpreted data; drafted the manuscript; and provided statistical analysis as well as administrative, technical, or material support ... LWK and TN acquired data and drafted the manuscript NLW acquired, analyzed, and interpreted data; drafted the manuscript; and provided administrative, technical, or material support, as well as...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20
báo cáo khoa học: "Computerized clinical decision support systems for drug prescribing and management: A decision-maker-researcher partnership systematic review" pot
... monitoring, and 12,989 counselling in accordance with predefined standards of care in ambulatory care Adherence to recommendations for international normalised ratio monitoring in warfarin users, anticoagulation ... manuscript JAM acquired, analyzed, and interpreted data; drafted the manuscript; and provided statistical analysis LWK and TN acquired data and drafted the manuscript NLW acquired, analyzed, and interpreted ... strategies to increase beta-blocker use in heart failure Circulation 2003, 107(22):2799-2804 Filippi A, Sabatini A, Badioli L, Samani F, Mazzaglia G, Catapano A, Cricelli C: Effects of an automated electronic...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20
báo cáo khoa học: "Computerized clinical decision support systems for therapeutic drug monitoring and dosing: A decision-maker-researcher partnership systematic review" doc
... in Additional file 1, Table S1; system characteristics in Additional file 2, Table S2; study characteristics in Additional file 3, Table S3; outcome data in Additional file 4, Table S4 and Table ... funding; and study supervision He is the guarantor RN acquired, analyzed, and interpreted data; drafted the manuscript; and provided statistical analysis SJC analyzed and interpreted the data; and ... technical, or material support LWK and TN acquired data and drafted the manuscript NLW acquired, analyzed, and interpreted data; drafted the manuscript; provided administrative, technical, or material...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20