... 1994). In- situ electrokinetic remediation essentially involves installing trenches andyor wells to encompass the con- taminated soil zone, inserting electrodes into these trenches or wells and ... is proportional to the dissolved species present in the solution (Acar and Alshawabkeh, 1993). The presence of Cr(III) in dis- solved form in kaolin and the presence of Cr(VI) in dissolved form ... 97 Based on the actual mass of the soil used in electrokinetic cell and the concentrations measured in the contaminated soil prior a to electrokinetic testing. NDsnot detected. b in both soils. Initially,...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:07
... is proportional to the dissolved species present in the solution (Acar and Alshawabkeh, 1993). The presence of Cr(III) in dis- solved form in kaolin and the presence of Cr(VI) in dissolved form ... non-uniform contaminant distri- bution within the selected soil sample for chemical analysis and to the adsorption of contaminants onto the electrodes and porous stones. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. ... contaminated clays was not studied. This paper presents the results of a laboratory inves- tigation performed to systematically evaluate the effects of the initial form of chromium on electrokinetic...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:07
Effects of innitial form of cr on electrokinetic remediation in clays
... is proportional to the dissolved species present in the solution (Acar and Alshawabkeh, 1993). The presence of Cr(III) in dis- solved form in kaolin and the presence of Cr(VI) in dissolved form ... non-uniform contaminant distri- bution within the selected soil sample for chemical analysis and to the adsorption of contaminants onto the electrodes and porous stones. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. ... 97 Based on the actual mass of the soil used in electrokinetic cell and the concentrations measured in the contaminated soil prior a to electrokinetic testing. NDsnot detected. b in both soils. Initially,...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:07
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Influence of the form of nitrogen nutrition reductase activity in young black locus" doc
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A zymogen form of masquerade-like serine proteinase homologue is cleaved during pro-phenoloxidase activation by Ca2+ in coleopteran and Tenebrio molitor larvae docx
... Pro-PO activation system. Furthermore, we examined the effects of serine proteinase inhibitors against proteolysis of the 55-kDa Tm-mas and PO activity by using two kinds of serine proteinase inhibitors, such ... protein sequence. Stars indicate the residues of the catalytic triad of serine proteinase. The conserved cysteine residues are indicated by d; residues conserved in all sequences are shown within ... determine the substrate specificity of active serine proteinases, were present in the 45-kDa Tm-mas. The six cysteine residues (closed circles in Fig. 5), which form three disulfide bridges in most serine...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Interaction of human stefin B in the prefibrillar oligomeric form with membranes Correlation with cellular toxicity doc
... type of disease. Protein aggregation can result from external insults or aging, however, inherited forms of neurodegenera- tive diseases, such as familial Parkinson s disease, Huntington s disease ... that observed for some proteins that bind specifically to membranes, such as the small membrane-binding domains involved in cell signaling [39,40] or domains used by pore -form- ing toxins for attachment ... that of some specialized proteins, such as pore-forming toxins. For example, leakage from liposomes is routinely observed at sub- micromolar concentrations with pore-forming toxins, such as actinoporins...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 17:20
Báo cáo khoa học: The propeptide in the precursor form of carboxypeptidase Y ensures cooperative unfolding and the carbohydrate moiety exerts a protective effect against heat and pressure pot
... independent domains the sensitivities of which to temperature and pressure are different from those of each other. In contrast, the precursor form, proCPY, consists of a single domain, which exhibits a two-state ... large conformational change induced by higher pressures at 150–500 MPa (Fig. 3B, solid line) shows a two-state transition, accompanied by an increase in ANS-binding fluorescence and a loss of enzymatic ... 3B). Discussion Structural properties of mature form (CPY) As far as can be seen in the experiments involving the stepwise increase in temperature and pressure, the heat- induced unfolding of CPY and...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Mutagenesis of hydrogenase accessory genes of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Additional homologues of hypA and hypB are not active in hydrogenase maturation ppt
... directly upstream of hypA2. Studies on arginine catabolism in Synechocystis could not clearly assign the substrate of SpeB2 [22]. Agmatinases belong to arginase-related enzymes that catalyse the splitting of ... GTPases. HypB of E. coli hydrolyses GTP when processing the large subunit of hydrogenase 3 [13,14]. The N-terminal histidine residue of HypA also takes part in the pro- cess and seems to play an essential ... McIntosh, East Lansing, MI, USA [41] Plasmids pBlueGM Source of Gm r cassette; amplified with with Gen-up, Gen-down-primers, digested with SalI and inserted in the SalI site of the pBlueskript SK Derivative...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 08:20
... also increasing. Similarly, Son and Gulam (1995) in Malaysia isolated plasmids of E. coli with high resistance rates to 9 antibiotics in clinical use for humans. Table 4 Serotypes of organisms ... resistant strains of E. coli arising from the exposure of animals to antimicrobials may possibly become infectious organisms in humans. Antimicrobial agents are widely used in the poultry indus- try ... veterinary purposes. Multidrug resistance is alarmingly high in all groups but was highest in chicken isolates (77.4%). Serotyping of E. coli isolates showed that 27% of the organisms isolated...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 09:20
Báo cáo Y học: Regulation of RAS in human platelets Evidence that activation of RAS is not sufficient to lead to ERK1-2 phosphorylation pot
... H-RAS is expressed in platelets, but expression of the isoform ki- and N-RAS was not excluded [5]. Activated RAS w as detected with an anti-(pan RAS) Ig, which does not distinguish the various isoforms ... nhibitor of SRC kinases PP1 inhibits activation of RAS but not ERK2 in response to thrombin. Our results demonstrate that activation of RAS is not necessarily cou- pled to ERK i n human platelets. Keywords: ... convulxin and TPO induce activation of RAS RAS activation was measured through the ability of its activated form (RAS–GTP) to bind to a GST fusion protein consisting of the RAS-binding domain of...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 16:20
... eVWQVW\Q`SOaSaWba bVWQY\SaaT]c`b]aSdS\bW[Sa7\ B/2^O ^S` bVSab`cQbc`SWa`SbOW\SR eVS\bVS^O ^S` Wa[]WabS\SReVS `SOaQ]\dS\bW]\OZ^O ^S` Q]ZZO^aSa BVWabSQV\W_cSWa[]`SS \S` UgQ]\ ac[W\UPSQOcaS[]`SeObS`VOa b]PSabSO[SR]TTW\abSOR]TPSW\U ^`SaaSR]cb 212@G1@3>3( A]TbO\ROPa]`PS\b^O ^S` bVObUSba Wbaa]Tb^`] ^S` bWSabV`]cUVQ `S^ W\U 0SbbS `S\ S`UgSTQWS\QgbVO\B/2 ^S` YWZ]U`O[]T^O ^S` E1E3B1@3>3(Ab`]\UPcbabWT TS`bVO\R`gQ `S^ SO\ReWbVa] [SeVObZ]eS`OPa]`^bW]\=c`]ZR Sabbg ^S] T^O ^S` bVSORdO\bOUSWa VWUVS \S` UgSTQWS\Qg 6=EB=7:3B>/>3@7A;/23 2WTTS `S\ bab`]YSaT]`RWTTS `S\ b T]ZYaOabVSaOgW\UU]SaO\R bVObáab`cS]Tb]WZSb^O ^S` ^`STS` S\ QSaW\RWTTS `S\ bQ]c\b`WSa 7\\]bVS`\3c`]^SVgUWS\SWaOa a]QWObSReWbVeVWbSb]WZSb^O ^S` eVWZSQ]Z]`SR^O ^S` Wa^]^cZO`W\ Q]c\b`WSaTO`bVS`a]cbV;]ab 5S` [O\aO\RAQO\RW\OdWO\aT]ZRbVSW` ^O ^S` eVWZSbVS[OX]`WbgW\3\UZO\R Pc\QVbVSW`a/\]bVS`ZSaaT `S_ cS\b dO`WO\bW\3c`]^SWa`]ZZW\UbVS^O ^S` O`]c\R] \S aVO\RZWYSOPO\ ROUSBVSaSQ]\ac [S` PSVOd ]`aO`SbOYS\W\b]OQQ]c\bW\ RSdSZ]^ [S\ b ;SfWQO\aO`SUS \S` OZZgT]ZR S` aOZbV]cUVOZO`US\c[PS`OZ a]caSbVSbSQV\W_cS]T`]ZZW\UbVS ^O ^S` O`]c\RbVSW`VO\Ra/ca b`OZWO\aOZa]T]ZRbVSW`^O ^S` Pcb<]`bV/ [S` WQO\aO`SZO`USZg Pc\QVS`a 7\/aWOO\RW\;caZW[Q]c\ b`WSaeObS`WacaSR[]`ST `S _cS\bZgbVO\b]WZSb^O ^S` 27443@3<BB316<7?C3A 7<27443@3<B1=C<B@73A BVS^O ^S` ^cZ^ WaRSeObS`SRPg Zb`ObW]\ 2`gW\U `S[ ]dSabVS `S[ OW\W\UeObS` BVS^O ^S` Wae]c\R ]\Oa^]]Z >`SaaW\U R`OW\abVS ^O ^S` SdS\ [] `S BVS^O ^S` WaQ `S^ SR ... ' OUSU`]c^QVO\USbVSW`c\RS`eSO` abgZSeVS\bVSgcaS^O\bgZW \S` a O\R[]`SbVO\& ^S` QS\b]Te][ S\ bVW\YbVOb`SUcZO`^O\bgZW \S` a R]\ábbbVSW`c\RS`eSO`ảaOgaAbS TO\3UUS`[]\bb`ORS[O`YSbW\URW `SQb]``SbOWZ> ;S` a]\OZ1O `S3 c`] ^S :WP`SaaS`SQS\bZgZOc\QVSRO \Seac ^S` bVW\^O\bgZW \S` bVObáa a^SQWOZZgaVO^SRb]bVW^abS`aO\R P]fS`a àE] [S\ caSOdO`WSbg]T RWTTS `S\ bYW\Ra]Tc\RS` eSO`O\R:WP`SaaS6W^abS` VOaPSS\RSdSZ]^SRPOaSR ]\O\c\RS`abO\RW\U]T V]ee] [S\ caSbVS[ả 3UUS`[]\baOga 1]\ac [S` bSabaT]`bVS \Se:WP`SaaS6W^abS`ZW\ S` VOdSPSS\dS`g S\ Q]c`OUW\U à<W\SbgaWf ^S` QS\b ]T:WP`SaaS6W^abS`caS`a OU`SSbVObbVS^`]RcQbWa O\O\aeS`b]O`SOZQ]\ ac [S` \SSRả3UUS`[]\baOgaà/Z []ab& ^S` QS\b]TbV]aSeV]ádS caSR:WP`SaaS6W^abS`ZW \S` aaOg bVSg`SOZZgZWYSbVS^`]RcQbả ... A/<7B/@G>@=B31B7=<933>7<5 C>E7B64/A67=< 7\5`O\\gáaROgaO\WbO`g^`] bSQbW]\eOaV] [S[ ORS]TbS\ Y\WbbSR]`[ORST`][UOchS]` ]bVS`TOP`WQ:WTST]`e] [S\ U]bO ZWbbZSSOaWS`W\bVS'!aeWbVbVS W\b`]RcQbW]\]TRWa^]aOPZS\O^YW\a caSReWbVUW`RZSaA1/eOa] \S] T bVS^`]RcQS`a A^SQWOZ^O\bgZW \S` abVObeS `S bVW\ \S` bVO\`SUcZO`\O^YW\aeS `S `abRSdSZ]^SRW\bVS'%aW\ `S a^]\aSb]bVS\SeabgZS]TbWUVbb bW\UQZ]bVSaEWbVbVSW`bVW\aVO ^S ^O\bgZW \S` aeS`SOZa] ^S` TSQbT]` ROWZgcaS :WYS]bVS`^`]RcQS`aA1/VOab] YSS^c^eWbVbVSb `S\ RaO\Rb]ROg Wb]TTS`aO`]c\RRWTTS `S\ b[]RSZa ]T^O\bgZW \S` aEVS\bV]\Uc\RS` eSO`[ORSWbaP`SOYbV`]cUVA1/ RSdSZ]^SRbVSaO\WbO`g^OR:WP`Sa aSAb`W\UO^`]RcQbbVOb_cWQYZgPS QO[SO[OX]`aSZZS`BVWagSO`bVS \Seac ^S` bVW\ZW \S` :WP`SaaS6W^ abS`eOaW\b`]RcQSRBVSb `S\ R]T ^ObbS`\SRc\RS`eSO`Wa\]ePSW\U T]ZZ]eSReWbV^ObbS`\SRaO\WbO`g ^`]bSQbW]\ à/TbS`OZZSdS\^O\bgZW \S` aQO\ PS[ORSb]PS[]`STc\ảaOga;OU ROZS\O5c\\O`aa]\O^`]RcQbRS dSZ] ^S` ObA1/à=c`OW[Wab]VOdS ZW \S` abVObO`SOaaW[WZO`b]^O\ bWSaOa^]aaWPZSa]bVObbVSgPZS\R W\eSZZả /ZW \S` bVObáaXcab[WZZW[SbS`abVWQY WaTSZbb]PSXcabZWYSSfb`OTOP`WQ àB `S\ RaO\R^`STS `S\ QSaW\c\ RS`eSO`O`STOW`ZgaW[WZO`bVSe]`ZR ]dS`ảaOga5c\\O`aa]\OZbV]cUV bVS`SO `S` SUW]\OZdO`WObW]\aW\aWhS bVWQY\SaaO\R]bVS`_cOZWbWSa à7\eO` [S` QZW[ObSaZWYS:ObW\ / [S` WQOO\Ra]cbVS`\3c`]^SWbáa ^]^cZO`b]VOdSZWUVbZgaQS\bSRaO\ WbO`g^`]bSQbW]\eVWQVWaaSS\Oa ^`]dWRW\UO\Sfb`OaS\aS]TT`SaV \SaaảaVSaOga ;OR]\\OeOa ] \S] TbVS ^S] ^ZS eV]VSZ^SRbc`\ c\RS`eSO`W\b] O^^O`SZbVObQ]cZRPSe]`\ ZWYS`SUcZO`QZ]bVW\U ;OR]\\Oe]`Sc\RS`eSO`Pg RSaWU \S` 8SO\>OcZ5OcZbWS`]\bVS ]cbaWRSO\RQ`SObSRO\SeTOaVW]\ '' ...
Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 00:20
To Cut or Not to Cut? That is the (Central Bank’s) Question In Search of the Neutral Interest Rate in Latin America pdf
... policy is effective in fine-tuning the business cycle as periods of relaxing policy (declining interest rate gaps) are followed by shrinking (negative) output gaps (and vice-versa). Our analysis ... International Financial Statistics International reserves International Financial Statistics. Exchange rate International Financial Statistics. Real effective exchange rate Information Notice System. Haver ... period/country observations lacking policy rates, we use an alternative interest rate that is a good proxy—such as an interbank interest rate—or interpolate the series using changes in an interest rate...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Isothermal unfolding studies on the apo and holo forms of Plasmodium falciparum acyl carrier protein Role of the 4¢-phosphopantetheine group in the stability of the holo form of Plasmodium falciparum acyl carrier protein docx
... 2007 FEBS E. coli AcpS thus expressed has broad substrate specif- icity. It utilizes apo-ACP and various acyl-CoAs as substrates to give corresponding acyl-ACPs. This prop- erty of AcpS was utilized ... membrane-derived oligosaccharide biosynthesis, and activation of RTX (repeats in toxin), toxins of Gram-negative bacteria [6– 13]. In particular instances, specialized ACPs operate in restricted pathways such as ... chaotrope-induced unfolding was almost fully reversible in both forms of the protein. Removal of the perturbation makes the protein regain its native form. The unfolding reactions of both forms are simple...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 10:20
The Evolving Spatial Form of Cities in a Globalising World Economy pot
... controlcentres withintheinterlockingglobalisingdynamics of financialmarkets,high-levelproducer services industries, corporate headquarters and other associated business-services industries ... MartinJMurray 10 TheEvolvingSpatial Form of Cities in aGlobalisingWorldEconomy 11 bothmetropolitanregionshaveundergonesimilarprocesses of industrialrestructuring whichhaveresulted in plantclosuresandthespatialdispersal of manufacturingsites, thehaemorrhage of jobs,labourredundancies,the‘informalisation’ of labourmarkets andthesteadyinflux of newimmigrants.Theirtransformation,fromconcentrated centres of industry and manufacturing into service-oriented sites for business and finance,representsinstances of similarprocesses of world-historicaltrendsthathave reshapedmetropolitanregionsoverthepastseveraldecades. 17 Like ... office enclaves,enclosedmalls,gatedresidentialcommunitiesandvariousotherprivatised ‘sites of assembly’are not merelyinertbackgroundstotheproduction of meaning,or simplybenignandpassivecontextswithinwhichthepractices of everydaylifetake place.Instead,thecarvingout of distinctivespacesispart of anactiveorderingand organisingprocessthattransformssocialrelations,restructuresmeaningsandshapes subjective identities in such dystopian urbanlandscapesasJohannesburgand S o Paulo(Epstein1999). Theevolvingpatternsthroughwhich‘ordinarycities’areincorporatedintoglobal circuits of tradeandinvestmenthaveledtowidelydivergentsociospatialoutcomes. Whilethespatialdynamics of postmodernurbanismoriginated in leadingcities in thecoreareas of theworldeconomy,itsmoresinister,dystopianfeaturescanoften befound in regionallysignificantcitieslikeJohannesburgand S oPaulothataspire to‘world-class’status. In thetypicalcase,thesecitiesare‘latedeveloping’,sprawling megalopolisesthathaveundergoneunprecedentedurbangrowthandexpansionover thepasthalf-century.Forthemostpart,theyareplacesthataremarkedbyextreme disparities in wealth,incomeandopportunitiesforsocioeconomicadvancement,and whereexistingclassdivisionsareoverlaidbydistinctkinds of sociocultural(racial, ethnic,religious)fragmentation. The...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 11:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Logical Form of Complex Sentences in Task-Oriented Dialogues*" docx
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo khoa học: A truncated form of DNA topoisomerase IIb associates with the mtDNA genome in mammalian mitochondria doc
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 07:20