political cultural and social environments

asking questions the definitive guide to questionnaire design—for market research, political polls, and social and health questionnaires

asking questions the definitive guide to questionnaire design—for market research, political polls, and social and health questionnaires

... design—for market research, political polls, and social and health questionnaires / Norman M Bradburn, Brian Wansink, Seymour Sudman.—Rev ed p cm Earlier ed by Sudman and Bradburn with Sudman named ... Scholar and professor of marketing, of nutritional science, of advertising, and of agricultural and consumer economics at the xv xvi THE AUTHORS University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) and is ... professor at Cornell University and at Wageningen University in the Netherlands He directs the Food and Brand Lab, which focuses on psychology related to food choice and consumption (www.FoodPsychology...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 01:19

446 452 0
the language mixing phenomena in verbal communicative process between vietnamese and english ( viewed from language, cultural and social perspective

the language mixing phenomena in verbal communicative process between vietnamese and english ( viewed from language, cultural and social perspective

... forms and meanings, and the distribution of forms and meanings of their native language and culture to the foreign language and culture – both productively when attempting to speak the language and ... Vietnamese and English (viewed from language, cultural and social perspectives) CHAPTER III: DISCUSSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR SOLUTION III.1 Origin of Vietnamese and ... Vietnamese and English (viewed from language, cultural and social perspectives) come closer in a shortest way Computer and internet present at all offices and...

Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2015, 11:54

45 563 0
Political theory and feminist social criticism

Political theory and feminist social criticism

... philosophy of social criticism This anecdote raises three sets of questions about social critics and social criticism in everyday life: how social critics social criticism? what social critics do? and ... see White (1992) for a local and anthropological description and Roushan Jahan (1995) for a more general and political description 4 Political Theory and Feminist Social Criticism particular ... This page intentionally left blank Political Theory and Feminist Social Criticism In Political Theory and Feminist Social Criticism, Brooke Ackerly demonstrates the shortcomings...

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2013, 20:16

248 334 0


... understand the ethical, moral and political consequences of their actions Given that coaching does not occur in a social vacuum (Schempp 1998; Jones 2000), we also believe that the social and educational ... introduction to the theory and practice of sports coaching, highlighting the social, cultural and pedagogical concepts underpinning good practice The book aims to deepen coaches’ understanding of the coaching ... University of Otago, New Zealand UNDERSTANDING SPORTS COACHING THE SOCIAL, CULTURAL AND PEDAGOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF COACHING PRACTICE Tania Cassidy, Robyn Jones and Paul Potrac First published 2004...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 00:21

226 321 0
The Social-cultural and Economic Implications of the Presence of Mobile Phones Among Overseas Migrant Worker Families in Kecopokan Hamlet, East Java, Indonesia

The Social-cultural and Economic Implications of the Presence of Mobile Phones Among Overseas Migrant Worker Families in Kecopokan Hamlet, East Java, Indonesia

... where the families live and to what extent those families use the technology and perceive changes in their own behaviour As such, this study illuminates the social -cultural and economic impact that ... impacts social -cultural and economic change Goggin (2000) believes that the mobile phone, through its involvement in people’s cultures and lives, has impacted people; as a medium of new culture and ... phones impacts the social -cultural and economic aspects of any given social setting, including in the rural areas where families of OMWs live   30  Chapter 2: Research Methods and Study Area A...

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2015, 10:07

120 362 0
The making of chinas kogury  political motivations and cultural strategies in the borderlands

The making of chinas kogury political motivations and cultural strategies in the borderlands

... emphasized that Koguryo had inseverable cultural and political ties with China, and wars fought between China and Koguryo were separatist or civil wars and not wars between two nations For some ... between the borderlands and the center Academic institutions are influential as the research they endorse is usually perceived as value-free and apolitical, and are thus useful for the political purposes ... divergent aims and attitudes towards Koguryo in China and South Korea Chapter two will examine the historical circumstances in which Koguryo heritage first became perceived as culturally and politically...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 15:57

113 1K 0
Environmental and Social Impacts of Shrimp farming in Tam Giang lagoon, Vietnam-Local perception

Environmental and Social Impacts of Shrimp farming in Tam Giang lagoon, Vietnam-Local perception

... different ways and about various concerns: shrimp farmers, non-shrimp 17 farmers, old and young, men and women, rich and poor in a flexible ways and an open atmosphere 2.3.3 Standard survey The ... the inland might have no relationship with salinisation of crop land, but in the long run, salt water might leak out and penetrate through dike system to the rice land, and render those lands saline ... planning and building capacity for local authorities and lagoon resource users v List of Abbreviations and Acronyms CRES Centre for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies CSSH Centre for Social...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 10:15

130 696 2
The University of Labour and Social Affairs

The University of Labour and Social Affairs

... classes were at the ages from 19 to 20 and had been living in a variety of provinces in the north and central of Vietnam This may be inferred that their social and cultural background was relatively ... aims and objectives of the program, and giving instructions on how to select and borrow texts should be done in the first class At home students read their texts and some tasks (if required) and ... code and the reader is a passive decoder whose main task is to identify graphemes and convert them into phonemes Information is received and processed beginning with the smallest sound units, and...

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 08:49

51 1K 0
Discourses of widening participation and social inclusion

Discourses of widening participation and social inclusion

... civil and political rights and includes a social element’: ‘By the social element I mean the whole range from the right to a modicum of economic welfare and security to the right to share the social ... colleges and centres for adult and community education, and as a student studying social policy These two roles of practitioner and student have interacted in a number of ways I chose to study social ... What is social exclusion? The report ‘Preventing Social Exclusion’ begins with a section entitled Social exclusion and why it matters’ (p.11) and this section begins with a listing of social...

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 10:29

344 304 0
Comparing the cultural and linguistic analysis of the English word “meal” and words relating to it in contrast with Vietnamese equivalents.

Comparing the cultural and linguistic analysis of the English word “meal” and words relating to it in contrast with Vietnamese equivalents.

... They often have cereal or porridge, egg and bacon followed by toast and marmalade and coffee and tea or they may just have a toast and marmalade and coffee and tea *Elevenses - brunch Elevenses ... word and meaning _ Introducing lexical and semantic field of word _ Analyzing the culture and linguist of the word meal in English and in Vietnamese equivalents _ Comparing the cultural and linguistic ... Definitions of word and meaning _ Some information about lexical and semantic field of word, lexical meaning, cultural meaning _ Cultural and linguistic analysis in English word meal and its Vietnamese...

Ngày tải lên: 15/04/2013, 15:11

54 1K 1
Environmental, economic and social benefits of 3R approach in VN

Environmental, economic and social benefits of 3R approach in VN

... agricultural waste, and the 3Rs in Vietnam In addition, this component will review the recent trends and current status related to: : - Agricultural waste related environmental problems and their ... their impact in Vietnam - Baseline data on agricultural waste - Status of agricultural waste management in Vietnam Collect and provide data/or comment and discuss to support quantitative analysis ... of agricultural wastes Increasing environmental awareness among government agencies, business sector, and the general public; Rising cost of fossil fuels needs to raise the use of biomass and biogas;...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2013, 12:31

10 462 1
Ethical and social aspects of evaluating fetal screening

Ethical and social aspects of evaluating fetal screening

... ethical and social pre-evaluation in basic research is unrealistic, but such steps could be taken prior to product development Further, active research support for and dissemination of ethical and social ... value of a technology, in isolation from the social situation and people This is relatively artiWcial even in regard to health eVects, and when social and ethical dimensions are introduced, the ... personally and as a disciplinary group, may depend on it Because evaluations currently are narrowly done and the crucial ethical and social elements are usually not there, the strong commercial and...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20

12 394 0
Class and Social Change

Class and Social Change

... pressures – demanding speed and relative brevity in the novelist – are creating an ideological squeeze on the novel, demanding the omission of social history, and the exclusion of the kind of political ... responsive to social change than their reputation suggests Writers like Amis and Wain identified with socialist agitation early in their careers (both Lumley and Dixon put forward socialist arguments), ... middle and lower collective groups; and the dichotomous, adversarial picture, where society is sundered between “us” and “them” ’.46 Understandings of class, then, are variously constructed, and...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20

34 348 0
Personality and social behavior

Personality and social behavior

... Evolution and Social Psycholog y, Schaller, Simpson, & Kenrick Social Psycholog y and the Unconscious, Bargh Affect in Social Thinking and Behavior, Forgas Science of Social Influence, Pratkanis Social ... to understand phenomena, not merely to predict them, and prediction and understanding often fail to go hand-in-hand It is here, in the effort to develop scientific understanding of the social behavior ... strive to understand personality and social behavior by exploring the mental systems—the social- cognitive and affective structures and processes—that contribute to the coherent and distinctive...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2013, 23:54

318 336 1