plant tissue culture techniques and applications ppt

Laser-Tissue Interactions Fundamentals and Applications pptx

Laser-Tissue Interactions Fundamentals and Applications pptx

... field of laser tissue interactions and which have been published during the past three decades. This comprises the description of experiments and techniques as well as their results and the theoretical ... will evolve and take their places in hospitals and medical centers. Miniaturization will enhance their usefulness and applicability, and highly specialized delivery optics will expand the surgeon’s ... of different indices of refraction such as air and tissue. The simple law of reflection requires the wave normals of the inci- dent and reflected beams and the normal of the reflecting surface to lie...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 10:20

316 241 0


... in any direction and the optimal direction is dependent on the patient’s vascular anatomy and the individual findings and therefore should be done individually and not in a standardized way. ... Scanning – Techniques and Applications 40 Figure 2 is a schematic picture of an optical CT scanner using a broad, collimated beam and a charge coupled detector (CCD) (Krstajic and Doran, ... upper lobe and the lingular arteries, which may course CT Scanning – Techniques and Applications 16 consequently missed. Therefore, the use of a modified relatively wide soft tissue window...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 19:20

358 558 1
Ecological Informatics Scope, Techniques and Applications 2nd Edition pptx

Ecological Informatics Scope, Techniques and Applications 2nd Edition pptx

... sets, and parallel posting and retrieval of data; - Remote sensing and GIS to facilitate spatial data visualization and acquisition; - Animation to facilitate pictorial visualization and simulation. ... synthesis and forecasting: - High performance computing to provide high-speed data access and processing and large internal storage (RAM), and to facilitate high speed simulations; - Internet and ... discusses applications for knowledge-based modeling, clustering and kriging related to ecotoxicological, geological and population dynamics data. Giraudel and Lek discuss the design and application...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 17:20

509 1,6K 0
Tài liệu Metal Machining Theory and Applications ppt

Tài liệu Metal Machining Theory and Applications ppt

... the chip and the tool and the plas- tic flow stress of the work material. It also introduces observations on the length of contact between a chip and tool and on chip radius of curvature; and discusses ... yields the D 3 and D 2 relations derived in the previous paragraph. Machine tool technology 13 Fig. 1.13 A traditional – column and knee – design and (right and below) partly-built and complete ... further and batch size increases, say to tens and thousands respectively, the organization known as a flexible manufacturing system becomes justifi- able. Heavy use can be justified of turning and/ or...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 11:15

416 540 0
Management Accounting in networks: Techniques and applications

Management Accounting in networks: Techniques and applications

... be a priority, and Management accounting in networks: Techniques and applications Research Executive Summaries Series | 4 Introduction Collaboration between rms – a quick and exible way ... coordinate inter- organisational activities; and monitor the level of mutual performance and satisfaction. Management accounting in networks: Techniques and applications 1 | Research Executive Summaries ... generalisable framework for describing and understanding management accounting and control patterns in networked organisations. 2. Introduce new concepts and techniques that are suitable to...

Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2014, 21:12

8 385 0
Enzyme Biocatalysis Principles and Applications pptx

Enzyme Biocatalysis Principles and Applications pptx

... cellulose fibers down to glucose (Ryu and Mandels 1980). Cellulases have many and increasing applications in the food, feed, detergent and textile industries and also in the pharmaceutical industry ... hydrolase (1,4 β-D-glucan glucano hydrolase) and a cellobiase (β- D-glucoside glucohydrolase) (Mandels and Reese 1960; Illanes and Rossi 1980; Marsden and Gray 1986). These fractions act synergistically ... Enzymes in industry: production and applications. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 484 pp Aguilera JM (1994) Identifying opportunities for engineering applications in agriculture, food and nutrition biochemistry...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 14:20

398 886 0
Đề tài " Holomorphic disks and threemanifold invariants: Properties and applications " ppt

Đề tài " Holomorphic disks and threemanifold invariants: Properties and applications " ppt

... n z r ()=0for r<i 2, and n z r ()=1for r ≥ i − 2. Also, n z r (ψ)=1for r ≤ i − 2, and n z r (ψ)=0for r>i− 2. Proof. We draw the domains D(φ) and D(ψ) belonging to φ and ψ in Figures 2 and 3 respectively, ... has only 0 and 1 coefficients, it follows HOLOMORPHIC DISKS AND THREE-MANIFOLD INVARIANTS 1197 and β  , resp. ξ and ξ  . In view of Proposition 6.4, the maps [x,i] → [x × Θ 2 ,i] and [y,j] → ... this one-handle. After handleslides across α 2h+1 , we can arrange that all the other additional one-handles were attached in the complement of F 2h . The domain in F 2h between and α 2h+1 and β 1 represents...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

88 535 0
Multiprocessor Scheduling by Theory and Applications ppt

Multiprocessor Scheduling by Theory and Applications ppt

... Scheduling: Theory and Applications, Edited by Eugene Levner p. cm. ISBN 978-3-902613-02-8 1. Scheduling. 2. Theory and Applications. 3. Levner. Multiprocessor Scheduling: Theory and Applications ... parts and robot is given in Fig. 3. Machines 0 and 6 stand for the loading and unloading stations, correspondingly. Three identical parts are introduced into the system at time 0, 47 and 94, ... with performance guarantees, heuristics and metaheuristics; novel models and approaches to scheduling; and, last but least, several real-life applications and case studies. The brief outline of...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 20:21

447 471 0