plant secondary metabolites as determinants of quality

GC-MS Analysis of Volatile Plant Secondary Metabolites

GC-MS Analysis of Volatile Plant Secondary Metabolites

... the gas chromatograph With the aim of increasing extraction efficiency while reducing distillation time, during the last 25 years there has been an increased use of microwave radiation as a heat ... method permits enrichment of the collected volatile substances Basically, the method consists of a purge of the vapor phase of the sample with a stream of an inert carrier gas which removes the VOC´s ... and mobile phases) of all mixture components are different The detector response (signal) results from the GC-MS Analysis of Volatile Plant Secondary Metabolites 251 measurement of a physical

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2023, 16:33

24 0 0
Here, individual chapters deal with diverse aspects of plant communication such as evolution of plan...

Here, individual chapters deal with diverse aspects of plant communication such as evolution of plan...

... decreased (16% of cases) For the carbon-based terpenoids, concentrations increased in 11% of cases and decreased in 27% The same was true for the C-based volatile class with increases in 17% of cases ... identification of cis-jasmone as a plant- derived insect semio-chemical and activator of plant defence is a classic example of where mass spectrometry has a key role in the identification of plant- derived ... diversity as low as in farmers’ fields Mixing of species or varieties has been suggested as a means for reducing effects of pests and diseases in agriculture An effect of plant diversity has indeed

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2020, 22:47

261 2 0
Organizational capabilities A review of middle managers’ involvement in strategy-making process and their ability to take autonomous actions as determinants of company performance

Organizational capabilities A review of middle managers’ involvement in strategy-making process and their ability to take autonomous actions as determinants of company performance

... concept of organizational capability has generated much interest in the field of strategic management Organizational capability has been considered as a major source of generation and development of ... considered as one of the key drivers of the performance of organizations (Mair and Thurner, 2008); and on the other hand, they are known as organizational individuals who can play the role of intermediary ... in ensuring the implementation of innovative ideas as well as in 21 controlling and monitoring them Otherwise, the results of this study contradict the conclusions of some previous studies that

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 15:21

33 4 0
Determinants of quality of shared sanitation facilities in informal settlements: case study of kisumu, kenya

Determinants of quality of shared sanitation facilities in informal settlements: case study of kisumu, kenya

... importance of aspects such as hygienic status of sanitation facilities, state of the superstructure, presence of smell, presence of flies, and the state of the slab (especially in the case of pit ... and their quality decreased with an increase in the number of households sharing The effect of numbers on quality is explained by behaviour reflected in the CPR principles, as it was easier to ... have calculated the quality of sanitation as a score of the various attributes [5, 7], the quality of shared sanitation facilities was calculated as a score, summed from each of the three main

Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2022, 17:42

13 3 0
Knowledge sources as determinants of firm level innovation in vietnam an empirical study

Knowledge sources as determinants of firm level innovation in vietnam an empirical study

... EMPIRICAL STUDY DISSERTATION FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN ECONOMICS HANOI – 2020 Phùng Minh Thu Thủy KNOWLEDGE SOURCES AS DETERMINANTS OF FIRM LEVEL INNOVATION IN VIETNAM: AN EMPIRICAL ... .39 3.2 Types of Innovation 41 3.3 Determinants of Innovation 44 3.3.1 Following Resources Based view theory 44 3.3.2 Following Knowledge based view theory ... 6.3 Limitations of the research .112 LIST OF RESEARCH BY THE AUTHOR REFERENCES APPENDIX LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1: List of innovation models .15 Table 2.2: List of main innovation

Ngày tải lên: 30/12/2022, 23:10

138 2 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Identification and characterization of plant Haspin kinase as a histone H3 threonine kinase" ppsx

báo cáo khoa học: " Identification and characterization of plant Haspin kinase as a histone H3 threonine kinase" ppsx

... sequence of AtHaspin cDNA showed 38% similaritywithhumanHaspininthekinasedomain. Recently, the crystal structure of the kinase domain of human Haspin was solved [28,29]. Although AtHaspin showed ... binding, has no kinase activity [13]. To examine whether purified GST-AtHaspin has kinase activity, an in vitro kinase assay wa s performed using purified GST-AtHaspin and GST-AtHaspin KD (kinase dead) ... ( Gray box indicates kinase domain. (C) Multiple alignment of kinase domain of AtHaspin, human Haspin, and fission yeast Haspin. Missing residues are shown as dashes, identical amino acids

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

14 333 0
deis and giroux - 1992 - determinants of audit quality in the public sector

deis and giroux - 1992 - determinants of audit quality in the public sector

... Auditor-Reputation As auditor tenure (TENURE) increases, audit quality is expected to decrease score) is (higher QUALITYscore) In contrast, improved audit quality (lower QUALITY expected with increases in ... choice of quality A higher percentage of board turnover (BOARD)is expected, as a measure of political competition and board inexperience, to be associated with lower audit quality (higher QUALITYscore) ... In (QUALITY) = natural log of the weighted quality metric based on the QCR letters of findings.10 Reputationeffects: TENURE= number of years the auditor has audited the ISD; = CLIENTS number of

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:42

19 638 0
Determinants of secondary school dropout in Viet Nam  Luận văn thạc sĩ

Determinants of secondary school dropout in Viet Nam Luận văn thạc sĩ

... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS, HO CHI MINH CITY NGO HOANG THAO TRANG DETERMINANTS OF SECONDARY SCHOOL DROPOUT IN VIET NAM MASTER OF PUBLIC ... framework of determinants of the dropout … …… ……………… ……08 2.4 Empirical studies of school leaving in Viet Nam……… …………… ……… 16 2.5 Conclusion …………………………………………………………….……… 19 CHAPTER 3: OVERVIEW OF SECONDARY ... upper secondary school was higher than that from lower secondary school The average dropout rate in lower secondary school in this period was about 6.41% and 7.5% in upper secondary.

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2015, 04:04

96 447 0
Determinants of consumer satisfaction on service quality in private comercial banks in ho chi minh city

Determinants of consumer satisfaction on service quality in private comercial banks in ho chi minh city

... PART III : MORE SUGGESTIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF SERVICE QUALITY Do you have any ideas to contribute to the improvement of service quality of commercial banks in HCMC? This section is used ... defined as an intangible offer by one party to another in exchange of money for pleasure 2.1.3 Service Quality : - Organizations operating within the service sector consider service quality ... competitors by offering high quality product or service to ensure satisfaction of customers In proportion to Magesh (2010), satisfaction means a feeling of pleasure because one has something...

Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2015, 16:19

73 481 0
Identifying determinants of background matching and disruptive colouration using computer simulations and humans as predators

Identifying determinants of background matching and disruptive colouration using computer simulations and humans as predators

... factor as the contrast difference increased. As a result of high variability caused by the location of the morph when the contrast difference was low, and very low variability when the contrast ... the element size class difference increased. In addition, morph-background ESCD as high as two (i.e. three pixels) would still offer reasonably similar protection as those with ESCD of zero, suggesting ... higher contrast mismatching was similar. In the present study, the fall in survivorship as the contrast mismatch increased was more dramatic than the gradual decrease in survivorship that was found

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2015, 11:06

121 426 0


... system in "Vascular Plants Families and Genera", names of species were adjusted under the "Flora of Vietnam" and "Checklist of Plant Species of Vietnam." - Establishment of the checklist of the flora ... methods of plant diversity in the laboratory Analysis and treatment of plant samples and assessment vegetation *Determination of scientific names and development of lists Kormobionta vascular ... area of 1m2 Biomass was calculated under weight of shaping earthworms, including food in the gut 2.2.6 Method of interview and sociological survey To get more database serving orientation of plant

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2016, 10:39

27 532 0
Friendship Quality and Peer Attachment as Predictors of Adolescents'''' Subsequent Academic Achievement

Friendship Quality and Peer Attachment as Predictors of Adolescents'''' Subsequent Academic Achievement

... nominations to assess objective peer acceptance However, many aspects of friendship quality are personal and thus perhaps better measured subjectively The use of teens’ self-report of friendship quality ... limitation of this study was the decrease in number of participants over time Participants dropping out of high school may account for some of this decrease This limits the generalizability of the ... variables may not measure distinct aspects of friendship quality and peer Academic Achievement 33 attachment As a result, it may only be possible to interpret the results of this study as relating academic

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2016, 11:05

39 262 0
Determinants of enrollment for secondary education in daklak province

Determinants of enrollment for secondary education in daklak province

... not a member of your household? = ':::l C>2B21) Has your household grown the following crops during the past 12 months? Coffee Black pepper Cassava/Manioc Other What was the area planted in [ ... during the past 12 months? (m2) How much [ ]was harvested in the last 12 months? (kg) How much [ ]was sold or bartered in the past 12 months? (kg) What was the money value per kg of[ ] sold ... viii LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1: Summary of the empirical studies 22 Table 3.1: Secondary School Enrollment in Vietnam in Selected Years, 1995-02 27 Table 3.2: Index of pupils at secondary

Ngày tải lên: 07/01/2018, 21:40

93 104 0
Determinants of secondary school propout in vietnam  a panel data evidence

Determinants of secondary school propout in vietnam a panel data evidence

... School Quality? Determinants of Dropout Behavior in Developing Countries National Bureau of Economic Research 50 Le Thi Nhat Phuong (2008) Determinants of dropping out of school: the case of Vietnam ... head education, number of children aged from to 17, cost of school, squared costs of school, ruralurban, and regions are associated with the likelihood of dropping out of secondary schools These ... the Faculty of Development Economics of HCMC University of Economics I would like to express my gratitude to Prof Dr Ardeshir Sepehri who has sparked the idea of analyzing VHLSS dataset by panel

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2018, 12:45

62 128 0
Metabolic engineering of plant secondary metabolism (2000)

Metabolic engineering of plant secondary metabolism (2000)

... production of a compound of interest in another plant species, e.g more suitable for cultivation, or even the production of complete new compounds II - altering the quality of a plant, e.g used as food ... the production of secondary metabolites used as specialty chemicals, such as drugs, insecticides, dyes, flavours and fragrances This includes improving the production in plants or plant cells, ... engineering of plant secondary metabolism, and show by a series of reviews the progress made in applying molecular biology to alter the production of certain compounds Several approaches are presently of

Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2018, 13:35

296 197 1
Determinants of secondary school dropouts in vietnam panel data evidence

Determinants of secondary school dropouts in vietnam panel data evidence

... School Quality? Determinants of Dropout Behavior in Developing Countries National Bureau of Economic Research 48 Le Thi Nhat Phuong (2008) Determinants of dropping out of school: the case of Vietnam ... the Faculty of Development Economics of HCMC University of Economics I would like to express my gratitude to Prof Dr Ardeshir Sepehri who has sparked the idea of analyzing VHLSS dataset by panel ... head education, number of children aged from to 17, cost of school, squared costs of school, rural-urban, and regions are associated with the likelihood of dropping out of secondary schools These

Ngày tải lên: 07/12/2018, 23:33

61 131 0


... logistic transformation of that constant gives the PD of a loan with the same characteristics as those of the excluded loan 12 The goodness of fit measure is based on the association of predicted probabilities ... duration of the However, in the case of Italy, Foglia et al (1998) find that relationships with multiple banks is associated with greater borrower risk (measured as the ex ante probability of default) ... This paper analyses the determinants of the probability of default (PD) of bank loans We focus the discussion on the role of a limited set of variables (collateral, type of lender and bank-borrower...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 08:20

30 486 1
báo cáo hóa học:"Personality and the physician-patient relationship as predictors of quality of life of cardiac patients after rehabilitation" pptx

báo cáo hóa học:"Personality and the physician-patient relationship as predictors of quality of life of cardiac patients after rehabilitation" pptx

... HRQOL was measured using various instruments It was seen that the disease characteristics are generally less significant, with the exception of the risk score as a measure of the severity of the ... significance of SES for the HRQOL in the context of cardiac rehabilitation is not surprising, although there has thus far been little proof, as social inequality in cardiovascular diseases has been ... show the relevance of income for the improvement of the psychological quality of life After the baseline value, income was the most important Farin and Meder Health and Quality of Life Outcomes...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:20

11 363 0
báo cáo khoa học:" Determinants of quality of life in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes" ppsx

báo cáo khoa học:" Determinants of quality of life in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes" ppsx

... Prediction of mortality in type diabetes from health-related quality of life (ZODIAC-4) Diabetes Care 2008, 31(5):932-933 11 Imayama I, Plotnikoff RC, Courneya KS, Johnson JA: Determinants of quality of ... health-related quality of life, LS: life satisfaction Smoking was coded: non-smoker=0, current smoker=1 31 Table Interaction effects of diabetes type on determinants of health-related quality of life ... the use of validated measures of HRQL, life satisfaction and personality assessment Several limitations however need to be acknowledged First, because this was a secondary study, some measures...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 23:22

34 254 0
Relevance of mineral nutrition and light quality for the accumulation of secondary metabolites in centella asiatica and hydrocotyle leucocephala

Relevance of mineral nutrition and light quality for the accumulation of secondary metabolites in centella asiatica and hydrocotyle leucocephala

... was assayed in duplicate Asiaticoside, madecassoside, asiatic acid, and madecassic acid are the quality determining saponins and sapogenins of C asiatica (Stahl-Biskup, 2006) and were chosen as ... infectious diseases, and gastro-intestinal diseases Furthermore, different pharmacopoeias and traditional systems of medicine report on the usage of the plant, e.g., in the therapy of leprous ulcers, ... OH asiaticoside madecassoside asiatic acid madecassic acid R1 = H R1 = OH R1 = H R1 = OH R2 = Glu-Glu-Rha R2 = Glu-Glu-Rha R2 = H R2 = H Fig Chemical structure of asiaticoside, madecassoside, asiatic...

Ngày tải lên: 19/11/2015, 16:47

149 319 0