... that this document is error-free Oracle, SQL* Plus, SQL* Net, Oracle Developer, Oracle7 , Oracle8 , Oracle Designer and PL/ SQL are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation All other ... preferences and templates • Identify the input sources for the Web PL/ SQL Generator and explain the generated output • Explain how generated PL/ SQL creates HTML and JavaScript to implement applications ... Use Oracle Designer to: • Design and build a complete Web PL/ SQL application • Implement and enforce company standards • Implement security Browser: http:// 1-5 You learned the basic uses of Oracle...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 10:20
... is a registered trademark, and ConText, Oracle Store, Oracle7 , Oracle8 , Oracle8 i, Oracle9 i, PL/ SQL, Pro*C, and SQL* Plus are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation Other names ... Examples Code examples illustrate SQL, PL/ SQL, SQL* Plus, or other command-line statements They are displayed in a monospace (fixed-width) font and separated from normal text as shown in this example: ... example: package_name.type_name package_name.item_name package_name.subprogram_name 1-6 PL/ SQL Packages and Types Reference Summary of Oracle Supplied PL/ SQL Packages Abbreviations for Datetime and...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 17:15
Tài liệu Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle® Database: A Comparative Study on Total Cost of Administration (TCA) docx
... Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Databases within their enterprises, and were knowledgeable regarding both database environments and the work effort required to implement and manage both database platforms ... of both solutions including current and prior versions: for Microsoft, this included SQL Server 2000 and 2005, for Oracle this included Oracle Database 9i and 10g The analysis focused on the ... install and maintain, than Oracle Database Study participants reported that on average a Database Administrator (DBA) could manage over 30 Microsoft SQL Server databases, while Oracle Database implementations...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu introduction to oracle: SQL and PL / SQL doc
... is error free SQL* Plus, PL/ SQL, Procedure Builder, Developer/2000, Oracle7 Server, Oracle Server, Discoverer/2000, and Designer/2000 are trademarks or registered tradeĆ marks of Oracle Corporation ... problems in the documentation, please report them in writing to Worldwide Education Services, Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Box 659806, RedĆ wood Shores, CA 94065 Oracle Corporation does not ... permission of the Worldwide Education Services group of Oracle Corporation Any other copying is a violation of copyright law and may result in civil and/ or criminal penalties If this documentation is...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu introduction to oracle: SQL and PL / SQL using procedure builder ppt
... is error free SQL* Plus, PL/ SQL, Procedure Builder, Developer/2000, Oracle7 Server, Oracle Server, Discoverer/2000, and Designer/2000 are trademarks or registered tradeĆ marks of Oracle Corporation ... problems in the documentation, please report them in writing to Worldwide Education Services, Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Box 659806, RedĆ wood Shores, CA 94065 Oracle Corporation does not ... permission of the Worldwide Education Services group of Oracle Corporation Any other copying is a violation of copyright law and may result in civil and/ or criminal penalties If this documentation is...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu introduction to oracle: SQL and PL / SQL using procedure builder pdf
... is error free SQL* Plus, PL/ SQL, Procedure Builder, Developer/2000, Oracle7 Server, Oracle Server, Discoverer/2000, and Designer/2000 are trademarks or registered tradeĆ marks of Oracle Corporation ... problems in the documentation, please report them in writing to Worldwide Education Services, Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Box 659806, RedĆ wood Shores, CA 94065 Oracle Corporation does not ... permission of the Worldwide Education Services group of Oracle Corporation Any other copying is a violation of copyright law and may result in civil and/ or criminal penalties If this documentation is...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu introduction to oracle: SQL and PL / SQL using procedure builder doc
... is error free SQL* Plus, PL/ SQL, Procedure Builder, Developer/2000, Oracle7 Server, Oracle Server, Discoverer/2000, and Designer/2000 are trademarks or registered tradeĆ marks of Oracle Corporation ... problems in the documentation, please report them in writing to Worldwide Education Services, Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Box 659806, RedĆ wood Shores, CA 94065 Oracle Corporation does not ... permission of the Worldwide Education Services group of Oracle Corporation Any other copying is a violation of copyright law and may result in civil and/ or criminal penalties If this documentation is...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu Instructor Guide for Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL ppt
... http://st-doc.us .oracle. com/8.0/815/server.815/a67842/ 01_oview.htm#651 Oracle Education Products 17 PL/ SQL Environment PL/ SQL engine PL/ SQL block PL/ SQL block PL/ SQL SQL ... 20 30 Oracle Education Products 25 SQL and SQL* Plus Interaction SQL Statements SQL Statements Buffer Server SQL* Plus SQL* Plus Commands Query Results Hint ... database SQL* Plus commands Hint Explain the main categories of the SQL* Plus commands: environment, format, file manipulation, execution, edit, interaction, miscellaneous (as in notes pages) SQL* Plus...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20
Oracle® Database PL/SQL User''''s Guide and Reference potx
... Advantages of PL/ SQL Figure 1–1 PL/ SQL Boosts Performance SQL SQL Application Other DBMSs SQL SQL Application Application SQL IF THEN SQL ELSE SQL END IF; SQL Oracle Database with PL/ SQL RPC Oracle ... SQL engine in the Oracle database 1-18 Oracle Database PL/ SQL User’s Guide and Reference PL/ SQL Architecture Figure 1–3 PL/ SQL Engine PL/ SQL Engine procedural PL/ SQL Block PL/ SQL Block Procedural ... compile-time and runtime limits imposed by PL/ SQL Appendix D, "PL/ SQL Reserved Words and Keywords" Lists the words that are reserved for use by PL/ SQL PL/ SQL Sample Programs You can install the PL/ SQL...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 22:20
Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL Using Procedure Builder potx
... to Oracle Products and Services Introduction IĆ21 Server ÉÉÉÉ SQL and PL/ SQL Scripts IĆ22 Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/ SQL Using Procedure Builder SQL, SQL* Plus, and PL/ SQL SQL, SQL* Plus, ... Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/ SQL Using Procedure Builder SQL, SQL* Plus, and PL/ SQL continued SQL* Plus Command Categories Category Purpose Environment Affects the general behavior of SQL statements ... Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/ SQL Using Procedure Builder SQL, SQL* Plus, and PL/ SQL continued SQL is the industry standard language for relational databases The American National Standards Institute...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 00:20
professional oracle 8i application programming with java, pl sql and xml
... SimpleResult SimpleContainer SimpleText SimpleTextItem SimpleMenu SimpleMenuItem SimpleForm SimpleFormItem SimpleFormSelect SimpleFormOption SimpleTable SimpleTableHeader SimpleTableBody SimpleRow ... Programming with Oracle 8i 11 A Brief History of Oracle 12 Versions and Editions of Oracle 8i 13 Programming Support 14 PL/ SQL 14 The PL/ SQL Web Toolkit PL/ SQL Server Pages 15 16 Traditional Oracle Development ... Pages The PL/ SQL Web Toolkit A Stock Tracker using the PL/ SQL Web Toolkit and JavaScript Web PL/ SQL Application Development Using Designer 6i Java Oracle JVM and Java Stored Procedures Oracle Access...
Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 16:31
Trả lời bài tập ORACLE PL/SQL
... lặp PL/ SQL? Các kiểu vòng lặp có sẵn PL/ SQl là: • Lệnh loop-exit • Lệnh while-loop • Lệnh for-loop Phân biệt trỏ (cursor) ngầm trỏ tường minh? Cursor ngầm đòa không đặt tên lệnh SQL xử lý Oracle ... trỏ tường minh? Cursor ngầm đòa không đặt tên lệnh SQL xử lý Oracle và/hay chế thực thi PL/ SQL Mọi lệnh SQL thực cursor ngầm, bao gồm lệnh update, insert, delete lệnh select không thực cursors ... cursor tường minh, developer có toàn quyền điều khiển thực lệnh DECLARE CURSOR employee_cursor IS SELECT * FROM employee; ...
Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 09:51
Oracle PL SQL cơ bản
... - SQL PL/ SQL Hình vẽ Câu lệnh SQL* Plus Khác biệt lệnh SQL SQL*Plus SQL* Plus SQL Là ngôn ngữ để giao tiếp với Oracle Server việc truy xuất liệu Câu lệnh dựa ký tự chuẩn ASCII Nhận dạng lệnh SQL ... Quyển sách upload tại: hutonline.net Oracle - SQL PL/ SQL Chương CÁC HÀM SQL 4.1.TỔNG QUAN VỀ HÀM SQL 4.1.1 Cấu trúc hàm SQL Hàm SQL đặc điểm làm tăng khả sử dụng câu lệnh SQL Hàm SQL nhận nhiều ... Quyển sách upload tại: hutonline.net SQL PL/ SQL Cơ Quyển sách upload tại: hutonline.net Oracle - SQL PL/ SQL MỤC LỤC MỤC LỤC .1 CHƯƠNG GIỚI THIỆU CHUNG .5 1.1 NGÔN NGỮ SQL 1.1.1 Lịch sử...
Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2012, 16:46
Giới thiệu chung về Oracle PL SQL cơ bản
... 102 .103 103 103 Trang Quyển sách upload tại: hutonline.net Oracle - SQL PL/ SQL Chương GIỚI THIỆU CHUNG 1.1.NGÔN NGỮ SQL 1.1.1 Lịch sử phát triển ngôn ngữ SQL Mô hình sở liệu (CSDL) quan hệ - ... 1979, tập đoàn Oracle giới thiệu thương phẩm SQL SQL cài đặt hệ quản trị CSDL DB2 IBM SQL/ DS Ngày nay, SQL sử dụng rộng rãi đuợc xem ngôn ngữ chuẩn để truy cập CSDL quan hệ 1.1.2 Chuẩn SQL Năm 1989, ... Quyển sách upload tại: hutonline.net Oracle - SQL PL/ SQL 13.1.4 Database Trigger Edditor 13.2 CÁC HÀM, THỦ TỤC 13.2.1 Tạo hàm,...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 05:20
OCP: Oracle8i DBA SQL and PL/SQL Study Guide
... tools, such as Developer/2000, SQL, PL/ SQL, and SQL* Plus The following five tests comprise this track: 1Z0-001: Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/ SQL 1Z0-101: Develop PL/ SQL Program Units 1Z0-121: ... Technology and Simple SQL SELECT Statements ORACLE8 i SQL AND PL/ SQL EXAM OBJECTIVES OFFERED IN THIS CHAPTER: Overview of relational databases, SQL, and PL/ SQL: Discuss the theoretical and physical ... Administrator Tests and Passing Scores Total Questions Questions Correct Passing Score Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/ SQL 60 43 72% OCP: Oracle8 i™ DBA SQL and PL/ SQL Study Guide 1Z0-023 Oracle8 i: Architecture...
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 13:15
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P5
... following sections look at how you define, raise, and handle exceptions in PL/ SQL Previous: 7.7 Tips for PL/ SQL Loops 7.7 Tips for PL/ SQL Loops Oracle PL/ SQL Programming, 2nd Edition Book Index Next: ... different PL/ SQL programs even between client and server PL/ SQL programs Prior to PL/ SQL Release 2.3, you would have had to fetch all data from the cursor, store it in PL/ SQL variables (perhaps a PL/ SQL ... focus of this book is on standalone PL/ SQL development, I present cursor variables as a PL/ SQL Release 2.3 enhancement If you have PL/ SQL Release 2.2 and work with PL/ SQL in a host language environment,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 22:15
SQL and PL/SQL Using Procedure Buider
... to Oracle Products and Services Introduction IĆ21 Server ÉÉÉÉ SQL and PL/ SQL Scripts IĆ22 Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/ SQL Using Procedure Builder SQL, SQL* Plus, and PL/ SQL SQL, SQL* Plus, ... Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/ SQL Using Procedure Builder SQL, SQL* Plus, and PL/ SQL continued SQL* Plus Command Categories Category Purpose Environment Affects the general behavior of SQL statements ... Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/ SQL Using Procedure Builder SQL, SQL* Plus, and PL/ SQL continued SQL is the industry standard language for relational databases The American National Standards Institute...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 11:15
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P6
... through SQL cursor attributes The SQL cursor has the same four attributes as an explicit cursor: SQL% FOUND SQL% NOTFOUND SQL% ROWCOUNT SQL% ISOPEN 6.9.6 Differences Between Implicit and Explicit ... Previous: 6.3 Implicit and Explicit Cursors 6.3 Implicit and Explicit Cursors Oracle PL/ SQL Programming, 2nd Edition Book Index Next: 6.5 Opening Cursors 6.5 Opening Cursors The Oracle Library ... 6.3 Implicit and Explicit Cursors Let's take a closer look at implicit and explicit cursors and the ways you can put them in your programs 6.3.1 Implicit Cursors PL/ SQL issues an implicit cursor...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 17:15
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P7
... Management 6.1 Transaction Management Oracle PL/ SQL Programming, 2nd Edition Book Index Next: 6.3 Implicit and Explicit Cursors 6.3 Implicit and Explicit Cursors The Oracle Library Navigation Copyright ... lots of options in PL/ SQL for executing SQL, and all of them occur as some type of cursor Generally, there are two types of SQL that you can execute in PL/ SQL: static and dynamic SQL is static if ... to the explicit cursor Previous: 6.2 Cursors in PL/ SQL 6.2 Cursors in PL/ SQL Oracle PL/ SQL Programming, 2nd Edition Book Index Next: 6.4 Declaring Cursors 6.4 Declaring Cursors The Oracle Library...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 17:15