physical food food lecture physics

ĐẠI LƯỢNG VÀ ĐƠN VỊ - PHẦN 8: HÓA LÝ VÀ VẬT LÝ PHÂN TỬ Quantities and units – Part 8: Physical chemistry and molecular physics

ĐẠI LƯỢNG VÀ ĐƠN VỊ - PHẦN 8: HÓA LÝ VÀ VẬT LÝ PHÂN TỬ Quantities and units – Part 8: Physical chemistry and molecular physics

... LƯỢNG VÀ ĐƠN VỊ - PHẦN 8: HÓA LÝ VÀ VẬT LÝ PHÂN TỬ Quantities and units – Part 8: Physical chemistry and molecular physics Lời nói đầu TCVN 6398 - : 1999 thay TCVN 5558 - 1991 TCVN 6398 - : 1999 ... phân tử” hồn tồn tương đương với ISO 31 - 8: 1992 "Quantities and units - Part 8: Physical chemistry and molecular physics" Các phụ lục A, B, C tiêu chuẩn qui định TCVN 6398 - : 1999 phần TCVN 6398, ... LƯỢNG VÀ ĐƠN VỊ - PHẦN 8: HÓA LÝ VÀ VẬT LÝ PHÂN TỬ Quantities and units – Part 8: Physical chemistry and molecular physics Phạm vi áp dụng Tiêu chuẩn quy định tên kí hiệu cho đại lượng đơn vị hóa

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2021, 22:34

16 2 0
ĐẠI LƯỢNG VÀ ĐƠN VỊ - PHẦN 9: HÓA LÝ VÀ VẬT LÝ PHÂN TỬQuantities and units - Part 9: Physical chemistry and molecular physics

ĐẠI LƯỢNG VÀ ĐƠN VỊ - PHẦN 9: HÓA LÝ VÀ VẬT LÝ PHÂN TỬQuantities and units - Part 9: Physical chemistry and molecular physics

... LƯỢNG VÀ ĐƠN VỊ - PHẦN 9: HÓA LÝ VÀ VẬT LÝ PHÂN TỬ Quantities and units - Part 9: Physical chemistry and molecular physics Lời nói đầu TCVN 7870-9:2010 thay cho TCVN 6398-8:1999 (ISO 31-8:1992); ... LƯỢNG VÀ ĐƠN VỊ - PHẦN 9: HÓA LÝ VÀ VẬT LÝ PHÂN TỬ Quantities and units - Part 9: Physical chemistry and molecular physics Phạm vi áp dụng Tiêu chuẩn quy định tên, ký hiệu định nghĩa đại lượng đơn ... Vật lý nguyên tử hạt nhân [3] CODATA 2006, [4] IUPAC, Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry, 3rd ed., 2007 Prepared by: R

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2022, 10:51

22 8 0
ĐẠI LƯỢNG VÀ ĐƠN VỊ - PHẦN 8: HÓA LÝ VÀ VẬT LÝ PHÂN TỬQuantities and units – Part 8: Physical chemistry and molecular physics

ĐẠI LƯỢNG VÀ ĐƠN VỊ - PHẦN 8: HÓA LÝ VÀ VẬT LÝ PHÂN TỬQuantities and units – Part 8: Physical chemistry and molecular physics

... LƯỢNG VÀ ĐƠN VỊ - PHẦN 8: HÓA LÝ VÀ VẬT LÝ PHÂN TỬ Quantities and units – Part 8: Physical chemistry and molecular physics Lời nói đầu TCVN 6398 - : 1999 thay TCVN 5558 - 1991 TCVN 6398 - : 1999 ... tử” hoàn toàn tương đương với ISO 31 - 8: 1992 "Quantities and units - Part 8: Physical chemistry and molecular physics" Các phụ lục A, B, C tiêu chuẩn qui định TCVN 6398 - : 1999 phần TCVN 6398, ... LƯỢNG VÀ ĐƠN VỊ - PHẦN 8: HÓA LÝ VÀ VẬT LÝ PHÂN TỬ Quantities and units – Part 8: Physical chemistry and molecular physics Phạm vi áp dụng Tiêu chuẩn quy định tên kí hiệu cho đại lượng đơn vị hóa

Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2022, 00:00

15 7 0
Lecture physics a2 einstein’s special relativity   phd  pham tan thi

Lecture physics a2 einstein’s special relativity phd pham tan thi

... just look like it is moving at exactly the speed of light Classical and Modern Physics Classical Physics Modern Physics Large, Slow moving Object • Newtonian Mechanics • Electromagnetism and ... confirmed? ✴How does this influence our thinking today? The Special Theory of Relativity • The laws of Physics are known to be unchanged (“invariant”) under rotations • A rotation mixes the space coordinates ... According to Relativity, it is the same in every reference frame • Relativity states that all laws of physics are invariant under those linear transformations: xi → X Mij xj j=1 which leave x2 + y2

Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2023, 08:11

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Lecture physics a2 interference   phd  pham tan thi

Lecture physics a2 interference phd pham tan thi

... phase of one speaker by 90o.What is the intensity I at the listener? I= φ φ Lecture 2, p.7 I= I =? Lecture 2, p.7 φ Lecture 2, p.7 Quiz Each speaker alone produces an intensity of I1 = W/m2 at ... phase of one speaker by 90o.What is the intensity I at the listener? I= φ φ Lecture 2, p.7 I= I =? Lecture 2, p.7 φ Lecture 2, p.7

Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2023, 08:11

10 1 0
Lecture physics a2 schrodinger equation and applications

Lecture physics a2 schrodinger equation and applications

... SCHRÖDINGER EQUATION AND APPLICATIONS Tran Thi Ngoc Dung – Huynh Quang Linh – Physics A2 HCMUT 2016 CONTENTS I Schrödinger equation II Applications of Schrödinger equation Particle ... wave function / Điều kiện chuẩn hóa hàm sóng Constraints on Wavefunction In order to represent a physically observable system, the wavefunction must satisfy certain constraints: (x,t) - Must be

Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2023, 08:12

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Lecture physics a2 special relativity

Lecture physics a2 special relativity

... SPECIAL RELATIVITY Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Tran Thi Ngoc Dung – Huynh Quang Linh – Physics A2 HCMUT 2016 OUTLINES • • • • • • • • • Einstein’s Postulates Lorentz Transformation The ... Postulates   Einstein’s first postulate, called the principle of relativity,states:The laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference dW Einstein’s second postulate states:

Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2023, 08:12

10 0 0
Lecture physics a2 waves

Lecture physics a2 waves

... WAVE Tran Thi Ngoc Dung – Huynh Quang Linh – Physics A2 HCMUT 2016 Contents Mechanical waves Transverse, longitudinal, surface waves Speed of ... mechanical waves require (1)some source of disturbance, (2)a medium that can be disturbed, (3)and some physical mechanism through which elements of the medium can influence each other Transverse wave

Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2023, 08:12

10 0 0
Lecture physics a2 angular momentum, atomic states,  the pauli principle   huynh quang linh

Lecture physics a2 angular momentum, atomic states, the pauli principle huynh quang linh

... Lecture 11: Angular Momentum, Atomic States, & the Pauli Principle z z Parametric Curve 1.2 |Y00| ... are known as “Spherical harmonics” They are related to the angular momentum of the electron Last lecture we studied the properties of the radial part Today we will examine the angular part Quantized

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2023, 13:31

10 1 0
Lecture physics a2 introduction to quantum physics matter waves and the schrödinger equation   huynh quang linh

Lecture physics a2 introduction to quantum physics matter waves and the schrödinger equation huynh quang linh

... weights on springs, or like anything that you have ever seen.” Richard P Feynman Lecture 6: Introduction to Quantum Physics: Matter Waves and the Schrödinger Equation Content  Electron Diffraction ... Principle Schrödinger Equation (SEQ)   Time-independent SEQ gives static solutions for wavefunctions Physical interpretation of the wavefunction Matter Waves  DeBroglie (1924) proposed that, like

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2023, 13:32

10 0 0
Lecture physics a2 particles in 3d potentials and the hydrogen atom   huynh quang linh

Lecture physics a2 particles in 3d potentials and the hydrogen atom huynh quang linh

... hasn’t understood it.” Neils Bohr Discussion: Is there a particle flying faster than light speed ? Lecture 10: Particles in 3D Potentials and the Hydrogen Atom r / ao (r )  e ao  ( x, y, z ) ... quantum particles bound in one-dimensional potentials This situation can be applicable to certain physical systems but it lacks some of the features of many “real” 3D quantum systems, such as atoms ... the whole problem simplifies into three one-dimensional equations that we’ve already solved in Lecture  d  ( x)   U ( x) ( x)  Ex ( x) 2m dx n   n ( x)  N sin  x  L h  nx   

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2023, 13:32

10 0 0
Lecture physics a2 schrödinger’s equation and the particle in a box   huynh quang linh

Lecture physics a2 schrödinger’s equation and the particle in a box huynh quang linh

... Lecture 7: Schrödinger’s Equation and the Particle in a Box y(x) U= n=1 n=3 U= L n=2 x Content ... square well  Wavefunction normalization  General properties of bound-state wavefunctions Last lecture: The time-independent SEQ (in 1D) KE term  d y ( x)   U ( x)y ( x)  Ey ( x) 2m dx Total ... e-ax For negative C, what is the form of the solution? a) sin kx b) cos kx c) eax d) e-ax Last lecture: The time-independent SEQ (in 1D) KE term  d y ( x)   U ( x)y ( x)  Ey ( x) 2m dx Total

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2023, 13:32

10 1 0
Ebook Food physics (Physical properties – Measurement and applications): Part 2

Ebook Food physics (Physical properties – Measurement and applications): Part 2

... of the food materials In order to increase the internal temperature of a food product, heat must first be transferred to the outer surface of the food, and then transmitted through the food material ... 7 Thermal Properties Most of the food processing operations used to prolong the shelf life of foods involve heating foods to temperatures capable of inactivating microbial ... juices heat exchange medium food examples Table 7.1 Thermal process operations important in food engineering: 258 Thermal Properties 7.1 Temperature 259 caloric value of foods We will also introduce

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2020, 03:46

287 89 0
Lecture Discovering nutrition - Chapter 13: Food safety and technology

Lecture Discovering nutrition - Chapter 13: Food safety and technology

... consistently Keeping Food Safe: Consumer • Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold Keeping Food Safe: Consumer • • • • Clean Separate Cook Chill (refrigerate promptly) Risk for Foodborne Illness ... ollutants Food Safety: Harmful Substances • Natural toxins – Aflatoxins – Ciguatera – Methyl mercury – Poisonous mushrooms – Solanine • Other food contaminants Keeping Food Safe: Food Industry ... Chapter 13 Food Safety and Technology: Microbial Threats and Genetic Engineering Food Safety • Harmful substances in foods – Pathogens • Bacteria, viruses, parasites – Foodborne illness

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2020, 11:41

19 85 0
Lecture Discovering nutrition - Chapter 3: The human body: From food to fuel

Lecture Discovering nutrition - Chapter 3: The human body: From food to fuel

... From Food to Fuel • Taste and Smell: The Beginnings of Our Food Sight, smell, thought, taste, and sound Experience – Trigger a set of responses that prepare the digestive tract to receive food ... food The Gastrointestinal Tract • Variety of functions, including: – Ingestion of food – Transport of ingested food – Secretion of digestive enzymes, acid, mucus, and bile – Absorption of end ... Longitudinal muscle – Sphincters Overview of Digestion • Physical movement – Peristalsis • • – Wavelike, muscular contractions Transport food and nutrients along the GI tract Segmentation • • Series

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2020, 22:42

38 41 0
Lecture Discovering nutrition - Chapter 1: Food choices - Nutrients and nourishment

Lecture Discovering nutrition - Chapter 1: Food choices - Nutrients and nourishment

... Chapter Food Choices: Nutrients and Nourishment The Science of Nutrition • Identifies amount of food we need • Recommends best food sources • • Identifies components in food that are helpful ... Nutrients • Energy in Food – Be Food Smart: Calculate the Percentages of Calories in Food Diet and Health • What does it mean to be healthy? – WHO defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental, ... healthful is the “American” diet? – Too few nutrient-dense foods • – Fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, and whole-grain foods Too much of the foods known to be harmful • Sodium, solid fat, saturated

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2020, 16:42

39 28 0
Lecture Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition): Chapter 1 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller 

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition): Chapter 1 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller 

... © 2011John Wiley & Sons Food and Beverage Cost Control, 5th  Edition Dopson, Hayes, & Miller Main Ideas           Professional Foodservice Manager Profit:  The Reward for Service Four Major Foodservice Expense Categories ... than for manufacturing or retailing  management counterparts  The food service operator must serve as a  food factory supervisor, and a cost control  manager © 2011John Wiley & Sons Food and Beverage Cost Control, 5th  Edition ... © 2011John Wiley & Sons Food and Beverage Cost Control, 5th  Edition Dopson, Hayes, & Miller Common Percentages Used  in a P&L Statement Food and Beverage Cost        Revenue                          =  Food and Beverage Cost %

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2020, 02:43

40 52 0
Lecture Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition): Chapter 2 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller 

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition): Chapter 2 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller 

... schedules Better accuracy in purchasing the correct amount of food for immediate use Improved ability to maintain proper levels of nonperishable food inventories Improved budgeting ability Lower selling ... Maintaining Sales Histories  Sales Variances  Predicting Future Sales  Technology Tools © 2011 John Wiley & Sons Food and Beverage Cost Control, 5th  Edition Dopson, Hayes, & Miller Importance of Forecasting Sales ...        guests you will serve and the revenues they              will generate in a given future time period © 2011 John Wiley & Sons Food and Beverage Cost Control, 5th  Edition Dopson, Hayes, & Miller Importance of Forecasting Sales

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2020, 02:43

40 35 0
Lecture Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition): Chapter 3 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller 

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition): Chapter 3 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller 

... Cost of Food Sold Food Sales © 2011 John Wiley & Sons       = Food Cost% Food and Beverage Cost Control, 5th  Edition Dopson, Hayes, & Miller Determining Actual Food Expense  Food Cost % represents that portion of food sales  ... Food Cost % represents that portion of food sales  that was spent on food expenses  The physical inventory may be taken as often as  desired to estimate the daily cost of food sold © 2011 John Wiley & Sons Food and Beverage Cost Control, 5th  ... of Food Consumed LESS Employee Meals Cost of Food Sold to $ $ $ $ $ $ $   © 2011 John Wiley & Sons Food and Beverage Cost Control, 5th  Edition Dopson, Hayes, & Miller Determining Actual Food Expense

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2020, 02:43

103 22 0
Lecture Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition): Chapter 5 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller 

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition): Chapter 5 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller 

... Managing the Food and  Beverage Production  Process © 2011 John Wiley & Sons Food and Beverage Cost Control, 5th  Edition Dopson, Hayes, & Miller Main Ideas • • • • • • • • • Managing the Food and Beverage Production Process ... © 2011 John Wiley & Sons Food and Beverage Cost Control, 5th  Edition Dopson, Hayes, & Miller Managing the Food and Beverage  Production Process • The most important function of management is  controlling the food and beverage production process ... controlling the food and beverage production process • Fundamentally, each foodservice manager is in charge  ofkitchenproduction â2011JohnWiley&Sons FoodandBeverageCostControl,5th Edition Dopson,Hayes,&Miller ManagingtheFoodandBeverage ProductionProcess

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2020, 02:44

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