phase transition in cyclic armmovements

summary of the doctor thesis studying of the phase transition in linear sigma model

summary of the doctor thesis studying of the phase transition in linear sigma model

... 1.2 Phase structure in standard case 1.2.1 Chiral phase transition in case isospin chemical potential is vanishing Chiral limit In tree – level approximation pions are Goldstone bosons In ... different value of - In physical world, chiral phase transition for UQ has both first – order and crossover Two kinds of phase transition are sapareted by a CEP For TQ chiral phase transition is always ... chhiral phase transition in chiral limit is second – order if the Goldstone theorem was respected Taking into account the present of quarks, the phase diagram in - plane has a CEP, this result coincides...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 08:17

26 372 0


... term in right side of Eq.(12) depends on temperature and pressure At phase transition point in Eq.(10), T = Tc and η = η0 Therefore, from (10) and (11) we find the equation in order to determine ... value and is ignored Substituting (4) into (6) and (7), paying attention to (8) and (9) and carrying out some calculations, we obtain two equations in order to determine η0 and Tc as follows: PAuCu ... FOR ALLOY Cu3 Au UNDER PRESSURE The order-disorder phase transition in alloy Cu3 Au is the phase transition of first type [8], where the following relations are satisfy simultaneously: δΨCu3 Au...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2015, 19:50

6 269 0


... there is a second order phase transition PHASE TRANSITION IN THE ELECTROWEAK THEORY 85 IV SECOND SCENARIO: m2 < ≤ µ2 We focus on the dynamics in the second case m2 < in the presence of chemical ... sinθA3µ + cosθBµ (14) (15) where θ is the Weinberg angle, tgθ = g /g Define two new coupling constants gW = g e=g g (g + g )1/2 g (g + g )1/2 = gcosθ (16) = gsinθ (17) gW is just gauge coupling ... Substituting (56) into (55), we obtain the critical temperature TC2 = 16(µ2 − m2 ) 16λ + 3g + g or equivalently 4(µ2 − m2 ) (57) 2λ + e2 (1 + 2cos2 θ)/sin2 2θ It is shown that the phase transition...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2015, 20:55

9 236 0


... - plane plotted in Fig.6(a) for µ = and µ = 200 MeV Here, the solid lines (dashed lines) denote first order phase transition (crossover transition) In each diagram two types of transitions are ... chiral condensate in (T, L−1 ) plane at µ = (upper line) and µ = 50 MeV (lower line) The solid line denotes first - order phase transition Next the case µ = 50 MeV is concerned Solving Eqs (7) - ... of transitions are separated by a tri - critical point II.2.2 In the physical world, ǫ = and mq = 5.5 MeV We will consider in this part the phase diagrams in the (T, L−1 ) - plane corresponding...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2015, 10:40

10 198 0


... fraction of A atoms in the a sublattices and Cα (α = A,B)is the fraction of αatoms in the crystal In this way η = for the ordered phase and η = for the disordered phase Concerning the short-range ... evaluate the entropy in two cases First, we consider the system being in the completely disordered phase with zero long-range order parameter In this case one does not distinguish a-site or b-site ... to be independent of each other In our work, THE SURROUNDED ATOM THEORY OF ORDER-DISORDER PHASE TRANSITION 137 as in the quasi-chemical approximation, this is improved somewhat by counting bonds,...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2015, 10:44

7 265 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Cold- and light-induced changes in the transcriptome of wheat leading to phase transition from vegetative to reproductive growth" pot

báo cáo khoa học: " Cold- and light-induced changes in the transcriptome of wheat leading to phase transition from vegetative to reproductive growth" pot

... expressed in spring varieties: it remained low and unchanging in both tissues, however Thus, TaAGL42 might not be involved in phase transition at all A clue that instead it might be involved in cold ... Transcript of TaAGL42 increased, principally in leaf tissue, in the winter varieties and showed no response in Paragon If these two MADS-box genes are involved in cold induced phase transition, their ... occur during the winter in a northern climate – a gradual decline in temperature, day-length and light intensity In most previous studies, unnaturally high light intensities have been maintained...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 03:20

14 351 0


... given in (14), ρB given in (13) Two parameters gσ and gω are adjusted to yield the the binding energy Ebind = −15.8 MeV at normal density ρB = ρ0 = 0.16 f m−3 as is shown in Fig The corresponding ... coupling constants Gσ and Gω To this end, Eq.(17) or (18) is solved numerically for symmetric nuclear matter (Gρ = 0) Its solution is then substituted into the nuclear binding energy bind in (12) ... shortcoming of the present model It is evident that EOS of ANM is a fundamental issue for both nuclear physics and astrophysics It governs phase transitions in ANM However, we should bear in mind...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2015, 19:50

7 322 0
transition in economic

transition in economic

... more industrial and services products In addition, the population is rising day by day, the demand for industrial products and services increases Increasing in demand for goods requires increasing ... Economic transition toward industrialization, modernization in our country are a quick increase in GDP from industry and services, a decrease in GDP from agriculture at once The process of economic transition ... in 2010, this rate was 49,5% in Viet Nam Labour density in industry and service increased instead Therefore, economic transition happens while a country carries out industrialization and modernization...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2013, 22:47

6 2,2K 38
phase transformations in wo3 thin films during annealing

phase transformations in wo3 thin films during annealing

... given annealing temperature, the results are identical for a cumulative step-by-step annealing and after continuous annealing Results During annealing, the grain size and structure of thin oxide ... have defined three main temperature domains w20–100, 100–250 and 250– 450 8Cx for which the WO3 thin film exhibits one or two phases, according to the annealing temperature For an annealing temperature ... observed The thin film with monoclinic structure (part A in Fig 3b) exhibits a typical contrast with parallel strips This contrast has been interpreted as being twinned microdomains elongated in the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 13:05

8 324 0
Báo cáo Y học: Changes in ultrastructure and the occurrence of permeability transition in mitochondria during rat liver regeneration ppt

Báo cáo Y học: Changes in ultrastructure and the occurrence of permeability transition in mitochondria during rat liver regeneration ppt

... of protein) preparations were loaded onto an SDS/polyacrylamide gel Gels were then incubated in a medium containing tetrametylbenzidine in 10% isopropanol and 7% acetic acid After 10 min, H2O2 ... mitochondria incubated in the swelling medium (column a) or in the swelling medium after a Ca2+ pulse (70 nmolÆmg protein)1) (column b) Column c: as column b in the presence of CsA (1.7 nmolÆmg protein)1) ... the assay of the in vitro release of matrix proteins, mitochondria (10 mg proteinÆmL)1) were suspended in the swelling medium, above reported, and incubated at 25 °C for After incubation, the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 04:21

9 494 0
From Farm To Firm - Rural-Urban Transition In Developing Countries pdf

From Farm To Firm - Rural-Urban Transition In Developing Countries pdf

... 2009: Reshaping Economic Geography (WDR 2009) represented a turning point in the Bank’s thinking about the links among geography, poverty reduction, and growth In presenting this new thinking, the ... changes in these three capital cities We then look at income and nonincome welfare in the capitals versus the countries as a whole before examining the extent of intraurban inequalities In the final ... becoming increasingly urbanized.1 Indeed, half of humanity is now living in urban areas, and more than 70 percent of the populations of Latin America, North America, and Europe are living in cities...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 23:20

256 896 0
explosive phase transformation in excimer laser ablation

explosive phase transformation in excimer laser ablation

... Under rapid heating, it is possible to superheat the liquid metal to temperatures above the boiling point w5x The superheating process is represented by the ‘superheating’ line in Fig However, ... critical point w9x The decrease of density is mainly due to the intensified fluctuation of the specific volume, DV, and the increase of the specific heat is mainly due to the increasing fluctuation ... However, there is a well defined upper limit for superheating of a liquid, the spinode ŽFig The spinode is the boundary of thermodynamic phase stability and is determined by the second derivatives...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 08:55

6 329 0
jht xu willis non equilibrium phase change in metal induced by ns pulsed laser irradiation

jht xu willis non equilibrium phase change in metal induced by ns pulsed laser irradiation

... temperature corresponding to its surface pressure In this case, the heating process deviates from the binode, but follows a superheating line shown in Fig 1, and the liquid is in a metastable state ... additional incoming laser energy is consumed by nucleation instead of raising the temperature, and the nucleation rate increases exponentially around the spinode In a brief summary, these four independent ... Sokolowski-Tinken, K., Bialkowski, J., Boing, M., Cavalleri, A., and von der Linde, D., 1999, ‘‘Bulk Phase Explosion and Surface Boiling during Short Pulsed Laser Ablation of Semiconductor,’’ in Quantum...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 08:55

6 256 0
non equilibrium phase change in metal induced by nanosecond

non equilibrium phase change in metal induced by nanosecond

... temperature corresponding to its surface pressure In this case, the heating process deviates from the binode, but follows a superheating line shown in Fig 1, and the liquid is in a metastable state ... additional incoming laser energy is consumed by nucleation instead of raising the temperature, and the nucleation rate increases exponentially around the spinode In a brief summary, these four independent ... Sokolowski-Tinken, K., Bialkowski, J., Boing, M., Cavalleri, A., and von der Linde, D., 1999, ‘‘Bulk Phase Explosion and Surface Boiling during Short Pulsed Laser Ablation of Semiconductor,’’ in Quantum...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 08:57

6 270 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Nanoscale potassium niobate crystal structure and phase transition" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Nanoscale potassium niobate crystal structure and phase transition" ppt

... H, Pavlovic A, Pepinsky R: Phase Transitions in Ferroelectric KNbO3 Phys Rev 1954, 93:672-673 15 Akdogan EK, Safari A: Thermodynamic theory of intrinsic finite size effects in PbTiO3 nanocrystals ... present in the 800°C sample shown in Figure 1c Figure 1d, e, f shows TEM images of nanoscale KNbO particles in a brick-like morphology Increasing heat-treatment temperature led to an increase in particle ... TC and phase transition were independent of particle size Rietveld analysis showed increasing distortions with decreasing particle size Figure DSC plots of nanoscale KNO3 powders obtained by...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

6 276 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Influences of phase transition and microstructure on dielectric properties of Bi0.5Na0.5Zr1-xTixO3 ceramics" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Influences of phase transition and microstructure on dielectric properties of Bi0.5Na0.5Zr1-xTixO3 ceramics" potx

... milled in ethanol for 24 h The mixed powders were dried at 120°C for 24 h and then calcined in a closed alumina crucible at a temperature of 800°C for h with a heating/cooling rate of 5°C/min After ... s Binder removal was carried out by heating the pellets at 500°C for h These pellets were then sintered at 950°C for a 2-h dwell time with a heating/cooling rate of 5°C/min on a covered alumina ... plate The sintered samples were polished using sandpaper and cleaned using an ultrasonic bath After that, phase identification of ceramics was investigated in a 2θ range of 20° to 80° using an X-ray...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20

12 333 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Effects of NiO nanoparticles on the magnetic properties and diffuse phase transition of BZT/NiO composites" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Effects of NiO nanoparticles on the magnetic properties and diffuse phase transition of BZT/NiO composites" potx

... Examination of the dielectric spectra showed that the NiO additive promoted a diffuse phase transition, and the two phase transition temperatures, as observed for BZT93, merged into a single phase ... pressed into a disk shape and then sintered at temperatures ranging from 1,250°C to 1,450°C for h The densities of all the disks were determined after sintering using the Archimedes method Phase ... the sintering ability The optimum sintering temperature samples were selected for characterization The phase formation of the pure BZT93 ceramic and composites sintered at an optimum sintering...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20

12 400 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Efficient implementation of 90° phase shifter in FPGA" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Efficient implementation of 90° phase shifter in FPGA" pptx

... shown in Figure 15 adding one Here, we use a NOT gate for complementing and the carry of the tap adder is set instead of using an additional adder for adding one as shown in Figure The setting ... The phase shifts obtained are 90.7°, 89.98°, and 89.73°, respectively The data from FPGA are captured in the PC and visualized in MATLAB The phase shifted output for a 13-MHz sinusoidal input ... abbreviations CSD: canonic signed digit; FIR: finite impulse response; IIR: infinite impulse response Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests Received: March 2011 Accepted:...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

5 303 0
Annuities and Other Retirement Products: Designing the Payout Phase (Directions in Development)_1 doc

Annuities and Other Retirement Products: Designing the Payout Phase (Directions in Development)_1 doc

... underlying to’ the opposing party The decline in the value of other party, the put seller, consequently incurs the an underlying asset potential obligation to purchase the underlying Buying puts ... contract increases; as the interest rate rises, the price of the futures contract decreases An investor wishing to hedge a rise in the interest rate to per cent could pay 0.02 for the 94.00 put An investor ... margin or cash payment applies The following are general guidelines for interest rate and dividend pricing characteristics Except under special circumstances, interest rate and dividend pricing...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20

23 173 0
Annuities and Other Retirement Products: Designing the Payout Phase (Directions in Development)_2 docx

Annuities and Other Retirement Products: Designing the Payout Phase (Directions in Development)_2 docx

... call may exercise because he thinks that XYZ will increase in price during the next trading session, or he may simply want to own it while risking a shortterm decline The owner of a 100 put may ... like underlying contracts: they have profit swings that resemble standard deviation moves Many people in the industry, including, it seems, senior management of some very large banks, insurance ... of an in- the-money option increases with time This is because the probability of its strike price remaining in the money also increases with time The delta of an at-the-money option remains at...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20

23 256 0