Mac Kung Fu pot
... solution is to use Automator to it for you (to learn what Automator is, see Exploring OS X Lion: Automator, on page 232) Here are the steps: report erratum • discuss Automatically Rename Photos • 31 ... Command Line Quickly Create a Text Copy of Emails Search Spotlight from a Terminal Window Enable the Root User Wake Your Portable Mac When the Power’s Attached Pass Command- Line Output to GUI Apps ... 6—Renaming files automatically using Automator 10 Once saved, you can quit the Automator program There’s no need to click the Run button or test anything 11 Your new Automator action icon will be where...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 20:20
... supposed to be motivated to limit the scope of criminal liability, judges need to know by how much Or if the hypothetical drafter of a testamentary document is supposed to be disinclined to disinherit ... hypothetical applications of the rule, felicitous and infelicitous, if asked how the rule was intended to apply, each member of the majority sufficient to pass the rule would give the very same answer ... to carry out their role Norm (1) forces rule makers to consult the dictionaries and grammars of their time in order to maximize their ability to effectuate their determination of what ought to...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20
... and to identify the factors which make the students inhibited and unwilling to speak English, and to make some recommendations to motivate students to speak English more IV Method of the study To ... teacher to to 15 16.2 58.5 10.3 16.3 16.7 21.1 45.9 motivate you to speak? A Not to interrupt you when you make mistakes B To accept a variety of answers C To give you a reading text based on topics ... social contexts to a wide variety of audiences In addition, to be effective communicators, students need to be able to adapt and adopt their oral language techniques and contents to whatever social...
Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:33
the events leading up to the international style of architecture being used in america
... first building in the International Style, while to others it still holds onto characteristics of Streamline Moderne In can be considered to be in the International Style primarily because ... the picture below, it does hold true to the geometric shapes and simple cubic design (McGraw-Hill Bldg, 1931) While skyscrapers were making its way to the top, there were other avenues of the ... snuggly into the frame It is no wonder it is called the 'Grand Confort' The revolutionary idea of exposing the steel frame transformed a traditional club chair into a modern object destined to become...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:54
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Changes in the mycorrhizal status of some mountain spruce forests" potx
... 2004–2006, roots and mycorrhizae were sampled during the spring to early summer period (June 5 to July 3), and the autumn period (October to 9) Five samples were taken from each study plot Each sampling ... 42 to 99 species of fungi, the average percentage proportion of mycorrhizal species of fungi increased from 50% to 69%; in Sněžka the increase from 24 to 44 species was observed and from 28% to ... pollution impact in the past According to Fabiánek et al (2003), who assessed the forest health condi- tions in the monitoring plot Pec pod Sněžkou from 1986 to 2003, the average defoliation increased...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 03:22
Bài thuyết trình bằng tiếng anh về Phong cách thời trang quý tộc của nữ hoàng Elizabeth đệ nhị THE IMPECCABLE STYLE OF QUEEN ELIZABETH II
... when the Queen came to the throne until today, she just stick with two designers, that are Norman Hartnell and Hardy Amies – Hartnell designed the dress for her when she came to the throne (6/1953) ... a teenager until today, when at the age of 87 5/12/15 American Headway • As a child and a teenager, her outfit is not particular 1937 King George VI and Queen Elizabeth were to attend an event ... Elizabeth sat at the table reading a book in her 1952, Princess Elizabeth sat as models for artists to living room in Buckingham Castle make a portrait 5/12/15 American Headway • • 5/12/15 6/1953,...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2015, 22:39
An investigation into the style of the english language used in advertising slogans issued by some world - famous airlines
... going to like us – Trans World Airlines (TWA) • The past tense: Because you were born to fly – TAM Brazilian Airlines 4.1.4 Semantic features Semantic ambiguity Ad slogans have to conform to the ... Airlines Cathay Pacific The heart of Asia – Cathay Pacific Airways Use of questions Questions help to arouse the curiosity of the customers and entice them to read on to find the solution to ... that They use every opportunity to exhort the potential customers to act, to buy and to consume It is not surprising that they would use imperative sentences to make a slogan while this kind...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54
Báo cáo y học: " The sequence of the CA-SP1 junction accounts for the differential sensitivity of HIV-1 and SIV to the small molecule maturation inhibitor 3-O-{3'''',3''''-" Chia sẻ:
... the CASP1 junction is highly resistant to DSB Mutations in the SP1 region have been reported to inhibit HIV-1 assembly [6] To produce virus stocks and to determine whether the mutations affected ... the HIV-1 cleavage site were found to confer strong resistance to the drug, while three substitutions in this region of SIV rendered the virus highly sensitive to DSB Results We previously reported ... clones were transfected into 239T cells and the culture supernatants were quantified for virus content by p24 ELISA (HIV-1 stocks) or reverse transcriptase (RT) activity (SIV stocks) In all cases,...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 13:20
A survey on the attitude of teachers and students toward the integration of some cultural elements in the textbook New English file - elementary in speaking les
... usually 7:30 am to 8:30 am, Lunch is 12:00 to 2: 00, and dinner is 7:00 to 9: 00 When asked whether to eat or drink time (would you like something to eat / drink?), we usually used to be polite ... a useful tool in any discipline, but it can be of special importance in the foreign language classroom as a tool to help raise cultural consciousness Teachers should guide learners to take note ... According to them, foreign language seems to be too difficult to learn well Therefore, they learn English just because it is a compulsory subject and they need to pass the exam 2.1.2 The instruments...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:55
An investigation into the attitudes of teachers and students at the hanoi college of industrial economics towards speaki
... more creative 46 way, to learn how to persuade other people, how to express their ideas, how to negotiate to get their objectives They also learn how to work in a group, to help each other Teachers ... They have to appointed to speak The easy questions should be given to the bad ones to assure their keeping face Thirdly, students‟ anxiety in public speaking is also problematic To order to solve ... order to be able to speak a foreign language, it is obviously necessary to have micro-linguistic skills, that is, to understand some grammar, vocabulary and the rules governing how words are put together...
Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2015, 12:50
... to cassava meal The antinutritional factors present in cassava meal may affect apparent digestibility of ash (NRC, 1993) The anti-nutritional factors can interfere with digestion by binding to ... (Ctenopharyngodon idella) conducted by photometry (Czarnocki et al., 1961; Fenton and Fenton, 1979) The fish were fed by hand to visual satiety once a day After days of acclimatization with the reference ... for grass carp This study was conducted in laboratory conditions and the information gained is a good base for scientists and extension workers to develop feed strategies based on plant ingredients...
Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2013, 09:14
... as a volunteer to be Simon, the others had to as Simon told them to According to the rule, Simon had to begin any requirements with “Simon says”, if not he was out (Lexical set of commands) E.g.: ... structures Also, great attention is paid to pronunciation Vocabulary according to Total Physical Response is emphasized over other language areas by using commands to direct behavior and action sequence ... teaching vocabulary effectively When we try to adapt vocabulary teaching method under the guidelines of CLT into Vietnamese EFL classroom, we have to consider these following principals: Understanding...
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:04
A study of some linguistic features of expressions describing the villains in kiều story and their english translational equivalents
... Story, reduplicatives are widely used in Ki u’s Story clear enough, but only a few words to refer to the ancient story, event and play a very important role in the poem as well They are used to ... come to the following conclusions: Lexically, the translators found it difficult to obtain the exact equivalent in English version since the layers of words to describe the villains in Ki u’s Story ... provide illustrations to clarify the study Below are the steps to collect data for the corpus: - Reading the poem thoroughly to collect all the samples of EDVs in Ki u’s Story and in the three...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21
A study of the dominant topics in some typical works of augustan period (1700 1745) = nghiên cứu về những chủ đề nổi bật trong một số tác phẩm điển hình thời kì augustan (1700 1745)
... agility and courage helped him to escape from death, such as when he rescued Friday or when Robinson disguised to be Island Landlord to cheat pirates to get the opportunity to leave the island Extraordinary ... desolated island was almost due to his experience and knowledge he learned from the human society He knew the way to grow oat, to hunter goal, to build house, to use gunpowder, to make ship and so many ... that the shortest way to them was to kill all:" It is cruelty to kill a snake or a toad in cold 46 blood, but the poison of their nature makes it a charity to our neighbors, to destroy those creatures!...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:41
Tài liệu Resource Mobilization, Financial Liberalization, and Investment: The Case of Some African Countries doc
... effect on output If, however, it is at the cost of informal credit market (-N) it will lead to a fall in total private sector credit, working capital and output The loss of informal sector credit ... said to lead to the establishment of positive interest rates on deposit loans This, in turn, is said to make both savers and investors appreciate the true scarcity price of capital, leading to ... of growth of real output, p is the productivity of capital and (S/Y) is the ratio of total domestic saving to income which, in equilibrium, is equal to the ratio of investment to income (I/Y) Accordingly,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 05:15
Some register features in agreement between the united states of america and the socialist republic of vietnam on trade relations = một số đặc điểm ngữ vực trong hiệp định thương mại việt mỹ
... as well as WTO’s rules Vietnam's commitments to the BTA are similar to those to the WTO Therefore, the implementation of the BTA is a part of Vietnam's preparation for entering the WTO The BTA ... relation to social situation In addition, structural theories are basically paid attention to This means the small units were arranged into and combined into the larger ones However, linguists ... context into two types: linguistic and non ’ linguistic The former encompasses and accompanies the piece of discourse under analysis The later includes the type of communicative event, the topic,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 18:26
difficulties in teaching reading comprehension with the new english textbook “tieng anh 10” (the set of standard textbooks) to the 10th form students at ke sat high school
... faster and to read in meaningful "chunks" Another way to impose students' reading speed is to make reading activities a class race or to give students passages to read and ask them to time themselves ... the moment Some students want to go to English in order to improve their English However, it is impossible for them to go to the English centres, because they are too far from the school So they ... they can use them to speak, to listen and to write in the next lessons To help the students to understand the usefulness of reading lessons, the teacher should introduce it to the students at...
Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 14:43
Tài liệu Báo cáo " Grammatical and semantic features of some adjectives denoting happiness - the feeling of pleasure " pdf
... with to as in: Please make an effort to be pleasant to your brother “Pleasant” means “fine, fair and comfortable” when it is used to describe the weather “Unpleasant” (adj) is the antonym of ... complementation type of to- infinitive post-modification; but cannot take comparison structures, and cannot be a pre-modifier of noun phrases: I shall be only too glad to help you study history The last ... regard to translating an English discourse, which contains these five words, into another language or vice versa, the translators should carefully analyze the context of the discourse and the linguistic...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 20:20
Tài liệu (Forthcoming, The Johns Hopkins Encyclopedia of Digital Textuality) doc
... a linguistic attempt to reclaim and sanitize “hacker.” Unsurprisingly, many hackers also questioned the term As more automation tools became available, many also started to use the derogatory ... knowledge to bypassing defenses Da : Yeah I’ve heard 'obtaining lower level understanding of a system to bypass systems'… which is a reasonable definition Genres of Hacking To hackers themselves, to ... and foremost committed to security, and tend to steer clear of defining their actions in such overtly political terms, even if hacking tends to creep into political territory Among those in the...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Unraveling the catalytic mechanism of lactoperoxidase and myeloperoxidase A reflection on some controversial features Elena Ghibaudi and Enzo Laurenti docx
... answer to the four questions addressed in this paper According to Scheme 5, the native enzyme, once incubated with H2O2, gives rise to Cpd I-[FeIV¼O; p+•], which is able to oxidize peroxide to molecular ... belong to an alternative or to Ôdead endÕ pathway Alternatively Cpd I-[FeIV¼O; p+•] (t1/2 ¼ 100 ms) decays first to Cpd I-[FeIV¼O; aa+•], whose t1/2 is still unknown, and subsequently to Cpd II ... the higher sensitivity of LPO towards peroxide inactivation with respect to MPO Unanswered is the question: which factors are discriminant in determining a peroxidase to possess catalase activity?...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 02:21