... differences are shown for cancers of the oesophagus in Thailand, for those of bladder and for leukaemia in both Thailand and China, and for cancers of the breast, and of cervix ... these regions/ subregions 4.1 Survival data for developing regions To estimate survival for developing regions, where little or... to mortality ratios by age and sex for each ... from vital registration data for countries in the A regions (Amro A, Euro A and Wpro A) and for countries in Euro B and Euro C Vital registration data for Amro B did not include...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:21
... Profile classes and partial well-order for permutations Maximillian M. Murphy School of Mathematics and Statistics University of St. Andrews Scotland max@mcs.st -and. ac.uk Vincent R. Vatter ... m× n matrix and (i, j) ∈ [m]×[n], we denote by M i,j the entry of M in row i and column j.ForI ⊆ [m]andJ ⊆ [n], we let M I×J stand for the submatrix (M i,j ) i∈I,j∈J . We write M t for the transpose ... Tarjan [17], and Spielman and B´ona [16]. In order to show that certain subsets of permu- tations are partially well-ordered, Atkinson, Murphy, and Ruˇskuc [3] introduced profile ∗ Partially supported...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 07:21
Inspection frequency optimization and partial discharge monitoring for condition based maintenance of substations
... variable x has degrees of membership 0.6 for “low” and 0.3 for “medium”, and the variable y has degrees of membership 0.2 for “small”, 0.35 for “large” and 0.45 for “very large”, the following computations ... random values for A, B and C are assigned for each value of index i, while a new value for random number r is assigned fro each value of index j The index D is a randomly chosen chromosome and it is ... OPTIMIZATION AND PARTIAL DISCHARGE MONITORING FOR CONDITION BASED MAINTENANCE OF SUBSTATIONS ZHOU RONGCHANG NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2006 INSPECTION FREQUENCY OPTIMIZATION AND PARTIAL DISCHARGE...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2015, 16:18
The study of partial and excess molar volumes for binary mixtures of nitrobenzene and benzaldehyde with xylene isomers from T = (298.15 to 318.15) K and P = 0.087 MPa
... Uncertainties for x = 0.0002 q = ±5 Â 10À4 (g cmÀ3) and for VEm, Vm,i and Vm,iE = ±0.0005 (cmÀ3 molÀ1) 774 H.R Rafiee and F Frouzesh Table Densities q, excess molar volumes VEm, partial molar ... Uncertainties for x = 0.0002 q = ±5 Â 10–4 (g cmÀ3) and for VEm, Vm,i and Vm,iE = ±0.0005 (cmÀ3 molÀ1) 776 H.R Rafiee and F Frouzesh Table Densities q, excess molar volumes VEm, partial molar ... Uncertainties for x = 0.0002 q = ±5 Â 10À4 (g cmÀ3) and for VEm, Vm,i and Vm,iE = ±0.0005 (cmÀ3 molÀ1) 778 H.R Rafiee and F Frouzesh Table Coefficients of the Redlich–Kister equation, Eq (5) for excess...
Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2020, 04:51
The Green Investment Report The ways and means to unlock private finance for green growth pot
... is required for up-front capacity building and preparatory work, continued implementation of mechanisms that compensate for opportunity costs, reforestation and to make payments for forest protection ... investment gap that must be filled, and to spell out the ways and means to address the gap in green infrastructure investment I appreciate this collective effort and would like to thank, in particular, ... the combined global economic and climate challenge and demands new such approaches for triggering action This makes it a pertinent agenda for the World Economic Forum Since receiving an invitation...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 08:21
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Partial Transmit Sequences for Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction in Multiantenna OFDM" pptx
... small DFT sizes and small numbers of partial sequences and allowed phases/shifts. For example, for D = 4, V = 2 (carrier d = 0 and 1 are combined and 2 with 3), BPSK signaling and 2 phases/shifts ... by b and/ or sh. by δ ··· Weighting by b and/ or sh. by δ Weighting by b and/ or sh. by δ sPTS Optimization ··· Weighting by b and/ or sh. by δ Weighting by b and/ or sh. by δ ··· Weighting by b and/ or ... given the number V of partial sequences and number J of candidates, for PTS the slope may well be approximated by C = V 2 · J 2 . (13) For reference, this theoretical curve for choosing (on average)...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Zero-Forcing and Minimum Mean-Square Error Multiuser Detection in Generalized Multicarrier DS-CDMA Systems for Cognitive Radio" docx
... Communications and Networking MRC Zero-forcing − Rc CT y11 HH 11 x1 ··· yu1 Zero-forcing − Rc CT HH u1 yu2 Zero-forcing − Rc CT HH u2 xu ··· Zero-forcing − Rc CT yup HH up ··· Zero-forcing − Rc ... For example, for the OZF-MUD and OMMSEMUD as shown in (19) and (33), both of them need to compute the inverse of a time-variant (K × K) matrices, which has a complexity of O(K ), where O(·) means ... of Figures and 8, explicitly, the SMMSE-MUD-I outperforms the SMMSEMUD-II, and the OMMSE-MUD outperforms both the SMMSE-MUD-I and SMMSE-MUD-II, when considering the achievable BER performance As...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Partial Crosstalk Cancellation for Upstream VDSL Raphael Cendrillon" pot
... 692–695, Hong Kong, China, April 2003 [13] R Cendrillon, M Moonen, G Ginis, K V Acker, T Bostoen, and P Vandaele, Partial crosstalk cancellation exploiting line and tone selection in upstream ... requires algorithms to exploit both forms of se- lectivity and in Section 8 we describe such algorithms. The performance of the algorithms is compared in Section 9 and conclusions are drawn in Section ... matrix, and z n k e H n Λ −1 k U H k z k . Here we use [A] row n and [A] col n to denote the nth row and column of matrix A, respectively. Note that E {|z n k | 2 }=σ 2 k (λ n k ) −2 .Thepre- and...
Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20
... accounting for 43% of total farm; 6.202 farms, accounting for 30.9%; 4.443 aquaculture farm seafood, accounting for 22.1%; 737 collective farms, accounts for 3.7% and 51 forest farms, accounting for ... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING THE UNIVERSITY OF DANANG NGUYEN VAN ANH RESEACH AND APPLY BIOGAS - DIESEL FOR ENGINES ASSEMBLING ON ROAD MOTORIZED MEANS FOR RURAL TRANFIC IN VIETNAM ... motorized means for rural tranfic in Vietnam" is urgently needed, and contribute to reducing environmental pollution, just search are clean alternative fuels, contributing to diversify fuel sources for...
Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2017, 20:23
Generation mean analysis for yield and its contributing traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
... observed in cross and for days to 50% flowering; in cross 2, cross and cross for days to maturity; in cross and for plant height; in cross for productive tillers per plant; in cross for grains per panicle; ... grains per panicle; in cross for 100 seed weight; in cross and cross for grain yield per plant; in cross 2, and cross for harvest index Table.1 Scaling test for yield and its contributing characters ... (2016) for grains per panicle,100 seed weight, kernel L:B ratio and Kumar et al., (2017) for kernel L:B ratio Significant and negative dominance (h) effect was observed for grains per panicle and...
Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2020, 17:00
A Unifi ed Approach to Measuring Poverty and Inequality
... 3.13: Partial Means and Partial Mean Ratios for Subnational Regions, 2003 178 3.14: Distribution of Population across Quintiles by Subnational Region, 2003 180 3.15: Subnational ... curves conveys information on lower partial means, with a higher generalized Lorenz curve indicating agreement among all lower partial means As income standards, the lower partial means are insensitive ... cutoff (the lower partial means) or above the cutoff (the upper partial means) , such as the mean of the lowest 20 percent and the mean of the highest 10 percent Each of these income standards indicates...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2015, 19:13
báo cáo hóa học:" Psychosocial stress, demoralization and the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and medical drugs by veterinarians" ppt
... the German Society for nutrition, the thresholds for high-risk alcohol consumption were taken as > 20 g pure alcohol per day for men and > 10 g pure alcohol for women [25] Information on binge ... not for citation purposes) Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 2009, 4:4 http://www.occup-med.com/content/4/1/4 Table 2: Adjusted Odds Ratios for Intense Psychosocial Stress and for ... study and it was shown that the mean number of hours worked per week was 51.5 h and that there was a correlation between the high number of working hours and stress Gardner and Hini [4] performed...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20
... that x1 = and ≤ x2 < imply that x = (1,t, ,t) = te + (1 − t)v1 for some t ∈ [0,1) Let x2 = 8 Inequalities on the mean and standard deviation If x3 = 0, then x4 = x5 = · · · = xm = 0, and thus ... (1.13) for p = 0,1,2, The equality holds if and only if y1 = y2 = · · · = yn−1 Using this inequality, we prove that if y1 = y2 = · · · = yn−1 , then u p (y) = y1 for all p, and if yi < y j for ... the mean and standard deviation Then s(x) ≤ x1 , m(x) + √ n−1 √ x1 ≤ m(x) + n − 1s(x) (1.3) (1.4) Equality holds in (1.3) if and only if x1 = x2 = · · · = xn−1 Equality holds in (1.4) if and...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Speckle Reduction and Structure Enhancement by Multichannel Median Boosted Anisotropic Diffusion" pptx
... Higher PSNR means a better match between the ideal and processed images PSNR cannot distinguish the bias errors and random errors In most cases, the bias errors are not as harmful as the random errors ... reduction and boundary enhancement,” in Proc 7th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, vol 4, pp 258–263, Orlando, Fla, USA, July 2003 K Z Abd-Elmoniem, A M Youssef, and ... (11) where (6) holds and Speckle noise is signal-dependent noise Typically, the bright regions have stronger noise than the dark regions With the boosting term, the bright regions will be modified...
Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20
Estimation of mean and variance response surfaces in robust parameter design
... procedure for estimating the mean and variance models A method for specifying the levels of the noise variables based on estimates for the means and variances of those variables is proposed The true means ... the mean and variance models is examined The effect of errors in estimating the means and variances of the noise variables on the estimated mean and variance models is investigated Formulas for ... Properties of the Estimators for the Mean and Variance Models 33 2.5.1 Bias and Variance of the Estimator for the Mean Model 33 2.5.2 Bias and Variances of the Estimators for the Variance Model 37...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2015, 21:29
Time varying mean and volatility spillover in asian securitized real estate markets
... (1990) and Chan, Gup & Pan (1992) looking at Asian markets and the US market, found limited presence of integration Boyer, Gibson and Loretan (1999), Loretan and English (2000), and Forbes and Rigobon ... (Susmel and Engle, 1994); the asymmetry effects of positive and negative shocks (Bae and Karolyi, 1994; Koutmos and Booth, 1995); different influence of global and local s hocks (Lin, Engle and Ito, ... East market While Ng (2000), Tay and Zhu (2000), Worthington and Higgs (2004), Caporale, Pittis and Spagnolo (2006), Engle, Gallo and Velucchi (2008), and Li and Rose (2008) studied stock markets...
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 12:00
a discourse analysis of opening and closing speeches by masters of ceremonyon reality television showsin american english versus vietnames
... Opening and closing speeches in this thesis are both formal and informal spoken spontaneous language They are not prepared beforehand but impromptu spoken in the reality TV shows 2.2.6 Cohesion and ... in Vietnamese opening and closing speeches can come in following form: ADJ + Meanwhile, its form in American is quite different: For short adjectives: the ADJ + _est And for long adjectives: the ... poppenst MC, and she can kill it on the dance floor, the beautiful and bold, Lil Mama In (50), MCs use informal contractions like “first off” and “is gonna be” which means “first of all” and “is going...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 12:41
... which is used for special emphasis, is typical of formal the rhetoric and formal writing In English, there several words which are negative in meaning, but not in form They are seldom and rarely ... be seen that inversion sometimes can cause a difference in the meaning of the sentence as a whole For example: [7] Tom is here (1) means he is in this room / building / town etc… But (THM, 1985:54) ... after the verb There is usually a different in meaning between Tom comes here and Here comes Tom Whereas the former means that it is habit to come to this place, the latter implies that he has...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:48
A study on imperative and errors made by vietnamese learners
... The negative imperative form of English verbs is formed by the present tense form of the verb “do” followed by the adverb “not” and then the affirmative imperative form For example: Negative Infinitive ... misunderstand the meanings of language Thus, it’s necessary for learners to grasp imperative mood to use it naturally and effectively in communication I hope that it will be useful for those ... persuasion or anger For example: You just sit down and relax for a bit You take your hands off me You wait here In the negative imperative, to emphasize we can use “you” after “do not” 19 For example:...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:51