pair work and group work in speaking classes

A study on students'''' behavior in group work in speaking classes at Vinh Uiniversity

A study on students'''' behavior in group work in speaking classes at Vinh Uiniversity

... set out in chapter 4.2.Findings 4.2.1 The reality of applying group work in speaking classes at Vinh University’ opinions of the importance of group work in speaking classes ... to work in “Same proficiency level grouping” 38 4.2.2.Students’ behavior in group work in speaking classes’ misbehavior perceived by group members in speaking classes Group work ... fact of applying group work in speaking classes at Vinh University, how students behave under that situation and some ideas of improving students’ behavior in group work in speaking classes The researcher...

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2015, 18:36

83 470 0
Organizing pair work and group work in speaking lessons

Organizing pair work and group work in speaking lessons

... Do this work at home The effect of pair work and group work in the speaking lessons After step by step carrying out the ways of applying pair work and group work in speaking lessons in Tiếng ... of pair work and group work in speaking lessons at Yen dinh High School I have conducted a survey to find out the real information about the application of pair work and group work in speaking ... teacher, all of them confirm that pair work and group work are very effective in speaking lessons Table Students’ feelings when taking part in pair and group work in speaking Excited Nervous Timid Bored...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2017, 10:38

22 224 0
improve the efficiency of pair and group works in english lesson in high schools

improve the efficiency of pair and group works in english lesson in high schools

... roles of pair work and group work in teaching and learning a foreign language AIMS OF THE RESEARCH - To introduce pair work and group work and to show the advantages of working in pairs and groups ... GENERAL DEFINITIONS How to pair work and group work Main advantages, problems and solutions to the problems II ORGANIZING PAIR WORK AND GROUP WORK .6 Group and pair work organization ... unlimited in using pair work and group work ,so it can be funny B CONTENTS I GENERAL DEFINITIONS 1.How to pair work and group work 1.1 Pair work: The teacher devices the whole class into pairs Every...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2017, 15:43

21 264 0


... THE ORIGIN OF CLASSES Effect of classes Dr Durkheim's Theory of Origin Origin in grouping of totems Dr Durkheim on origin of eight classes Herr Cunow's theory of classes 86-92 CHAPTER IX KINSHIP ... tribes, there are two kinds of organisation, one—the eanda—descending in female line and regulative of marriage, is clearly the totem kin; property remains [11 ]in the eanda, and consequently descends ... influence in bringing about a change in the rule of descent Here, too, the change in the rule of descent may be put down in the main to economic causes also in a broad sense Dumping was not in...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 05:20

164 344 0


... THE ORIGIN OF CLASSES Effect of classes Dr Durkheim's Theory of Origin Origin in grouping of totems Dr Durkheim on origin of eight classes Herr Cunow's theory of classes 86-92 CHAPTER IX KINSHIP ... tribes, there are two kinds of organisation, one—the eanda—descending in female line and regulative of marriage, is clearly the totem kin; property remains [11 ]in the eanda, and consequently descends ... influence in bringing about a change in the rule of descent Here, too, the change in the rule of descent may be put down in the main to economic causes also in a broad sense Dumping was not in...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 03:20

215 354 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Global alliances and independent domination in some classes of graphs" pdf

Báo cáo toán học: "Global alliances and independent domination in some classes of graphs" pdf

... is independent if and only if it is a maximal independent set and that in every graph, γ(G) ≤ i(G) ≤ β(G) where γ(G) and i(G) are respectively the minimum cardinality of a dominating set and ... N Linial, D Peleg, Y Rabinovich and M Saks, Sphere packing and local majorities in graphs, in: Proceedings of the second ISTCS, IEEE Computer Society Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1993, 141-149 [8] ... all graphs or in some classes of graphs In [3], Chellali and Haynes compared in trees the independence number β to the four parameters γa , γa , γo , γo by establishing some inequalities between...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20

9 278 0
An investigation into the effectiveness of communicative tasks in speaking classes for navigational students at Duyen Hai Vocational College

An investigation into the effectiveness of communicative tasks in speaking classes for navigational students at Duyen Hai Vocational College

... areas: Establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships, and through this to exchange information, ideas, opinions, attitudes and feelings, and to get things done Acquiring information from ... IV.1.2 Existing problems affecting the effectiveness of using CT in speaking classes 36 IV.1.3 Possible reasons affecting the effectiveness in using communicative tasks in speaking classes to ... writing a cheque, finding a street destination and helping someone across a road In other words, by „task‟ is meant the hundred and one things people in everyday life, at work, at play, and in...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:23

54 707 0
Colloquial language used in speaking classes by the English major sudents of Foreign Language Faculty - Thai Nguyen University= Ngôn ngữ thông tục được sử dụng

Colloquial language used in speaking classes by the English major sudents of Foreign Language Faculty - Thai Nguyen University= Ngôn ngữ thông tục được sử dụng

... features used in students‟ speaking classes Table 7: Analysis of morphological features used in students‟ speaking classes Table 8: Analysis of syntactic features used in students‟ speaking classes ... topics; for example, formulas for greeting and replying to greetings in informal situations, saying goodbye, asking for information, thanking people and responding to thanks The researcher suggests ... in the speaking classes has been carried out Aims of the study The study aims at assessing FLF English major students‟ frequency and competence of using colloquial English in their speaking classes...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:36

59 609 1
Using language games to motivate the first year students in speaking classes at Thai Nguyen Medical College = Sử dụng trò chơi ngôn ngữ để khích lệ sinh viên nă

Using language games to motivate the first year students in speaking classes at Thai Nguyen Medical College = Sử dụng trò chơi ngôn ngữ để khích lệ sinh viên nă

... as if speaking included all other kinds of knowing However, teaching and learning speaking today does not meet the study objectives English teaching now in general and teaching speaking in particular ... used in speaking class  Vary classroom interaction modes: The class activities should be various: individual to whole class, in pair work or group work  Give clear instructions: While instructing ... games in teaching and learning process Teaching language in general and teaching speaking in classroom in particular effectively and successfully requires different types of methods and techniques...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:32

65 932 0
Using language games to motivate the first year students in speaking classes at Thai Nguyen Medical College

Using language games to motivate the first year students in speaking classes at Thai Nguyen Medical College

... other kinds of knowing However, teaching and learning speaking today does not meet the study objectives English teaching now in general and teaching speaking in particular is still far from satisfactory ... year students in speaking classes at Thai Nguyen Medical College” for my minor thesis with the hope that it might be helpful to both teachers and students in teaching and learning speaking Aims of ... motivation in speaking classes?  What are the suggestions and implications of using language games in speaking lessons? Scope of the study For the limitation of time, conditions, and materials, in this...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:42

4 588 7
A study on the effectiveness of information gap on the tenth grade students participation in speaking classes at nguyen hue high school submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements of the degree of bach

A study on the effectiveness of information gap on the tenth grade students participation in speaking classes at nguyen hue high school submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements of the degree of bach

... literature review in brief, the definitions of speaking, teaching speaking, techniques for teaching speaking as well as the definition and benefits of participation to speaking class and some negative ... Joyce (1997) and Louma (2004:2), speaking is defined as an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving and processing information Its form and meaning are dependent ... participation in speaking classes and effectiveness of information gap on the tenth grade students‟ participation in speaking classes Students‟ participation in speaking class is expressed in various...

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2016, 15:55

99 493 1
using pair work and group work techniques to increase students' participation and interest in communicative english classes at hanoi university of industry

using pair work and group work techniques to increase students' participation and interest in communicative english classes at hanoi university of industry

... working in pairs and groups and playing games more relaxing and interesting In addition, they said that when working in pairs and groups they felt more confident in communicating in English and ... found pair work and group work interesting In other words, they were interested in working in pairs and in groups This indicated that the students’ interest was increased when they took part in pair ... (43.36 %) were interested in pair work and group work activities About 30% of them even were very interested in working in pairs and in groups This showed that pair work and group work could attract...

Ngày tải lên: 06/02/2014, 14:45

43 1,6K 5
An investigation into group work activities in the 10th graders' english speaking classes at quy hop II high school in nghe an province

An investigation into group work activities in the 10th graders' english speaking classes at quy hop II high school in nghe an province

... their English in truly communicative situations 2.3 Group work in teaching speaking 2.3.1 Definition of group work Group work has been incorporated into language teaching and learning in most parts ... Combine speaking with listening and reading • Incorporate the teaching of speech acts in teaching speaking Teaching speaking aims to teach the learners how to organize their thoughts in a meaningful ... communicative in the target language for group work in learning speaking skill - To find out the perceptions of using group work for teaching and learning speaking among students and teachers...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:08

110 1,1K 6
A study on increasing students’ participation in communicative activities in large classes by using group work and questioning technique at marie curie high school, hai phong

A study on increasing students’ participation in communicative activities in large classes by using group work and questioning technique at marie curie high school, hai phong

... applies group work and questioning in teaching English in large classes, there are more students participating in the lessons in the two experimental classes than those in control classes in which ... the time in explaining lesson content including grammar items and new words In addition, they all got their students to work individually all the time Pair work, group work and questioning were ... large classes Among performance indicators for language skills, reading, speaking, writing, and listening, speaking is the best in expressing the students' participation, and most effective in observing...

Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2014, 22:02

42 617 2


... teaching methods of using pair work and group work 31 activity in using pair work and group work activities in English speaking class Teachers’ difficulties in using pair work and group work ... Advantages and disadvantages of using pair work and group work 13 activities Advantages of using pair work and group work activities 13 Disadvantages of using pair work and group work ... teaching methods of using pair work and group work activities in English speaking class Table 11: Teachers’ difficulties in using pair work and group work activities to teach English speaking...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:00

61 1,7K 11
SKKN -Làm việc theo cặp hoặc tổ (nhóm) -  áp dụng cho sách giáo khoa tiếng Anh 7 (pair work and group work in grade 7)

SKKN -Làm việc theo cặp hoặc tổ (nhóm) - áp dụng cho sách giáo khoa tiếng Anh 7 (pair work and group work in grade 7)

... (pair work and group work) : thực hành đoạn hội thoại trước lớp, em tự tin Gặp trường hợp  Làm việc theo cặp (pair lớp học có số học sinh lẻ (ví dụ work) thường áp dụng dạy 35 em) em học sinh ... Khiêm chia lớp +Work in pairs, please thành nhóm dễ dàng +Can you go into works, please lớp có phân chia thành tổ, +In fours (in groups of four) please tổ thành nhóm +Turn round and face your neighbour ... Topic : Pair work and group work in grade + In halves, you first, then you ! Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm năm học 2004 - 2005 Hưng Giáo viên : Quách Hồng III PHẦN THỰC HÀNH Phần thực hành sau xin trình...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2015, 10:47

14 600 0
Teacher and students’ factors affecting students’ participation in pair work and group work – A case study at Luong Van Tuy Gifted High School

Teacher and students’ factors affecting students’ participation in pair work and group work – A case study at Luong Van Tuy Gifted High School

... Procedures for Pair work and Group work: II.3.3 Seating arrangement in pair work and group work: III Students’ participation and factors affecting their participation in Pair work and Group work III ... are pair work and group work applied in English speaking class at Luong Van Tuy Gifted High School in Ninh Binh?” and “How actively are the students involved in pair work and group work? ”, The pair ... to language teaching, pair work and group work arrangement in language teaching and learning and human factors affecting the students’ participation in pair work and in group work I COMMUNICATIVE...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:40

16 610 7
skkn The effectiveness of pair work and group work in teaching and learning English

skkn The effectiveness of pair work and group work in teaching and learning English

... apply pair work and group work in most of my teaching English periods B AIMS OF THE RESEARCH - To introduce pair work and group work and to show the advantages of working in pairs and groups - ... of pair work and group work in teaching and learning English D CONTENT I GENERAL INTRODUCTION What are pair work and group work? 1.1 Pair work: The teacher divides the whole class into pairs Every ... of pair work and group work in teaching and learning English The teacher has less control over what students are doing in pair work and group work than in normal class To stop activities getting...

Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2016, 18:01

18 720 2

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