... sales of indulgences and enhancing the postpurchase satisfaction of customers This research also has important implications for consumers As former Massachusetts Senator Paul Tsongas once said, ... conditions, participants in the control group were randomly assigned to one of four subconditions in a (temporal perspective: near versus distant past) × (decision: disposable versus nondisposable product) ... anticipatory regret on immediate preferences and choices That is, previous studies have emphasized the possibility of regret during consumers’ decision processes Because consumers not typically...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 20:20
... have features as the sum of production experience of the people The form of customary law, there are provisions for applied offenses and punishments The purpose of such punishments is to deter ... provisions of sin and punishments also appeared such as warning punishment, punishment of compensation, the penalty of expulsion from the village, etc 2.2.2 Customary law of Lach people and some ... public ownership These are properties used by all villagers so customary law prohibit actions such as business or exchange of public properties For private properties, according to customary law...
Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2014, 17:13
Customary law of the lach ethnic group in Lac Duong district, Lam Dong province and it's influence on modern life
... and help us during the learning process and completing this thesis Sincere thanks! Hanoi, 2012 AUTHOR LIST OF ACRONYMS No ACRONYM Assoc.Prof Associate Professor MA Master Pg page LIST OF ... the population of Co ho community reaches 166.112 people (as of April)2 Co ho ethnic group consists of various local subgroups such as Lach, Sre, Co Don, Cil, Nop, etc Among these subgroups, ethnic ... that forest is gold, if forest is destroyed, people 's life shall be seriously impacted and punished by natural disasters, floods, droughts, poor crops, poverty, etc Thus, protecting forest is the...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2015, 17:36
Philosophy s influence on technology des
... of a US Defence project researching possibilities for network packets) Once we drop our preconceived ideas that transmitting information is their only purpose – an assumption that carries with ... it a shortsighted vision – the possibilities of what we could create are endless From communication to understanding This misconception of communication also applies to our sense of understanding ... industry – whatever you might make of it – has been built on the understanding that we often want to express (or be seen to express) good wishes on auspicious days The linguistic philosopher,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2016, 23:44
studying customer satisfaction’s impact on customer loyalty and shirt repeating purchase behavior of urban customers in vietnam under the influence of involvement and fashion style
... impact on the expressions of loyalty; (2) Expressions of loyalty have the positive impact on repurchasing; (3) Satisfaction have positive impact on repurchasing; (5) Impact of the relationship of satisfaction, ... and fashion style” 1.2 Research objectives, questions and missions 1.2.1 Research objectives This thesis focuses on evaluating, testing the impact of satisfaction on loyalty and repurchase behavior ... also provides recommendations and strategic directions proposed marketing solutions suitable for businesses clothes fashion towards enhancing satisfaction, loyalty and promote repurchase behavior...
Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2014, 11:17
Vai trò của Marketing trong việc ổn định thương hiệu kem đánh răng P/S của Unilever tại thị trường Việt Nam
... sản phẩm được người tiêu dùng ưa cḥng như: P/ S bảo vệ hai lần P/ S Ḿi + vitamin E P/ S vitamin P/ S chanh P/ S trà xanh P/ S trà xanh hoa cúc P/ S bảo vệ lần trắng P/ S complet1 12 P/ S ... lơ p P /S vitamin_phục vụ cho tầng l p P /S bảo vệ lần trắng_phục vụ cho tầng l p P /S Ḿi + vitamin E_ phục vụ cho thị trường các tỉnh ven biển P/ S chanh_phục vụ cho giới trẻ đợng P/ S ... đợng P/ S trà xanh hoa cúc_ phục vụ những người có mức thu phâ p cao P/ S complet1 12_ phục vu cho nhóm khách hàng thích s ̣ tiện lợi P/ S bé ngoan _ phục vụ cho các bé mầm non...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2013, 11:07
Influence of brand name on consumer decision Ảnh hưởng của thương hiệu lên quyết định lựa chọn của khách hàng (P1)
... symbols for consuming conspicuously.108 Conspicuous consumption is related to the person s social class, generally the upper class consumer would purchase and display exclusive items to show-off ... Making Decision Rules Non Compensatory Decision rule Compensatory Decision rule Social Class Conspicuous consumption Purchase Intention The reason I have developed the flow chart is because so that ... consumer makes a comparison among the brands on the basis of second most important attribute This process goes on until the consumer can make his purchase decision.97 Elimination by aspects rule,...
Ngày tải lên: 14/06/2014, 10:19
Báo cáo toán học: "On the Kronecker Product s(n−p,p) ∗ sλ." ppsx
... If p = 1, then hp−1 = h0 = 1, by convention Thus, s( n p, p) ∗ s = (hn p hp − hn p+ 1hp−1 ) ∗ s = (hn p hp ) ∗ s − (hn p+ 1 hp−1 ) ∗ s and, by Garsia-Remmel, we have s( n p, p) ∗ s = sD1 sD2 ... that s appears in the decomposition of s( n p, p) ∗ s is the partition whose parts are λ1 − p, λ2 , , λ (λ) , p, reordered to form a partition Moreover, this s appears with multiplicity Proof: ... and (p) If n ≥ λ2 + |λ| + 2p and s appears in the decomposition of s ∗ s( n p, p), by Proposition 4.2 we have λ1 − p ≤ ν1 ≤ λ1 + p and ¯ ¯ thus |λ| − p ≤ |¯| ≤ |λ| + p Also, by Proposition 4.3...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21
báo cáo khoa học: " Shared communication processes within healthcare teams for rare diseases and their influence on healthcare professionals’ innovative behavior and patient satisfaction" pdf
... Despite the considerable challenges associated with decision making for rare diseases, investigations into the shared decision-making process, its implications, and its impact on innovative behavior ... healthcare performance and more specifically to patient satisfaction In conclusion, based on the above-mentioned assumptions, this study aims to test the following hypotheses concerning the impact on patient ... has a direct positive influence on patient satisfaction Hypothesis 5: HCPs’ innovative behavior positively influences patient satisfaction Methods Design The overall design is an empirical study...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:23
The influence of store attributes on consumer attitudes towards private labels the case of metro cash and carry vietnam
... scope of this dissertation, SCO consumers are chosen to examine because of its largest ratio in both consumers share and sales share In another reason, SCO is also the consumer type of other supermarkets, ... psychosocial risks It also has a positive association with specific private labels in consumer minds and affects on the consumer decision of private label purchase through its six attributes: product ... measuring consumer attitudes towards private labels 32 The distributions showed a satisfactory spread on the scales In the responses for questions of store attributes, the mean score was highest...
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2014, 11:43
... privacy apprehension (The Associated Press, 2008), it is interesting to delve into this issue with respect to the consumers’ privacy concern Previous research has analyzed consumers’ concerns on information ... in participation This application of theory triggers skepticism as positive and negative phrasings of the question may not always correspond diametrically to gains and losses Such aspect is especially ... empirical observation of consumers’ behavioral responses in real online settings Past privacy studies have mostly employed surveys, similar to Smith s instrument mentioned above, 23 wherein consumers...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 08:16
Costs and benefits of business government relations an explorative study on a firm¿s perceived influence on law and regulation in transition economies
... questions, the number of firms that responded to all these sensitive questions was smaller than the number of respondents I conducted a standard mean comparison test to assess the nonresponse ... businesses to operate in 2.3 Comparison with Previous Studies In business and economic fields, scholars studying business-government relations mostly start from firms’ perspective Thus, this ... - 31 CHAPTER DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 6.1 Discussion This paper presents the costs of and benefits from building businessgovernment relations and analyzes the consequence of business-government...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 08:00
... Surplus History (for Models and 3) Our conceptual framework proposes that three rules may lead to more equalized consumer surplus Suppose consumers form expectations based on their previous experience ... increasing participation probabilities, and the minority “rich” bidders are less likely to join in penny auctions This provides consistent results as the previous models Besides, we explored the potential ... practitioners and scholars’ attentions Among these innovations penny auction is a typical one that is still understudied by IS scholars Online penny auction sites are becoming more and more popular...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2015, 21:33
... analysis using Statistical Packages for the Social Science (SPSS) First, this is followed by the examination and presentation of demographic profile of respondents using Descriptive Statistic ... attitudes toward performance appraisal may play an increasingly important role in appraisal processes as the procedures and systems continue to develop As mentioned previously, the reactions of subordinates ... appraiser (self, coworkers or supervisor) Subjective assessments are commonly used in performance appraisals and often involve the use of rating scales Subjective assessments are more likely to provide...
Ngày tải lên: 06/04/2016, 17:58
... subjects for this study So the response rate is estimated at 97 percent The analysis will based on these respondents Table 3: Response rate Number of respondent II Delivered questionnaires 195 Acceptable ... emotional appeals such as love, humor, pride and joy” Emotional advertising appeal places stress on meeting consumers’ psychological, social, or symbolic requirements, where many purchase motives ... exaggeration, pun, sarcasm, silliness, surprise, comparison and personification To be more detailed, (1) comparison means putting two or more element together to produce humorous situation (2) Personification...
Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2016, 16:26
A study to indicate the importance of consumer based-brand equity on consumer perception of brand (a case study of fast food restaurants).pdf
... responses • Subject or participant error: this arises from respondents feelings such as physical condition, mental and stress at the time of answering the question This can lead to low response, ... focus on consumers based perception Consumer based brand equity can be divided into consumer perception i.e (brand awareness, perceived quality, brand association) and consumers behaviours (brand ... of consumers Also, the economic situation, occupation, self-concept and consumers personality • Psychological factors include perception, motivation, learning, attitude and belief of the consumers...
Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2012, 17:19