oxford practice grammar advanced diagnostic test

Oxford practice grammar advanced tests

Oxford practice grammar advanced tests

... Advanced Oxford Practice Grammar Tests George Yule Oxford Practice Grammar Advanced Tests Contents Test 1: Sentences Test 2: Tenses Test 3: Modals Test 4: Negatives and questions Test 5: ... 21 Test 12: Reporting 23 Test 13: Noun clauses 25 Test 14: Relative clauses 27 Test 15: Conditionals 29 Test 16: Adverbial clauses 31 Test 17: Connectors and focus structures 33 Exit Test 35 Test ... passive Test 6: Articles and nouns 11 Test 7: Determiners and quantifiers 13 Test 8: Pronouns, substitution and ellipsis 15 Test 9: Adjectives and adverbs 17 Test 10: Prepositions 19 Test 11:

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2022, 21:23

44 163 0
Oxford practice grammar advanced with answers

Oxford practice grammar advanced with answers

... m BK NHA XUẤT BẦN TỬ Đ IỂN BÁCH KHOA Oxíord Practice Grammar Advanced With answers George Yule OXPORD U N IV E R S IT Y P R E S S NHÀ XUẤT BẢN TỪ ĐIỂN ... la r v e rb s 263 G lo s s a ry 265 In d e x 273 VI) Introduction The Oxíord Practice Grammar series T h e Oxforả Practice G ram m ar is a s e r i e s o f t h r e e b o o k s , e a c h w r i ... is s u i t a b l e f o r t h o s e s t u d y i n g f o r t h e C a m b r i d g e F C E Oxford practice Grammar - A dvan ced is f o r i h o s e w h o h a v e p ro g re s s e d b e y o n d th e

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2022, 08:34

10 5 0


... OXFORD PRACTICE GRAMMAR 21 REVIEW OF PRESENT AND PAST TENSES A Introduction Study the verb forms. Claire ... forms of the verbs Hello This (►) is (be) Kitty Beamish (1)…………………………… (I / speak) to you from Oxford, where the finals of the World Quiz Championships will be held tomorrow The favourite is

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 01:15

12 210 0


... OXFORD PRACTICE GRAMMAR 90 PLACE NAMES AND THE A Introduction Man: Could you tell me where the Classic Cinema ... Bridge 10 journey / across / Rockies 11 look / around / National Gallery 12 boat trip / along / Oxford Canal

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 22:20

12 191 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 43 ppsx

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 43 ppsx

... 114C 3 The alarm isn't loud enough. 117B 4 Jonathan passed the test easily./Jonathan easily passed the test. 113C 5 The children play cards a lot. 115C 6 They didn't sell ... 6 she'd/she had been crying 20C, she'd had/she had had 18A 7 heard, threw 19D Test5 5A 1 I'm/I am living 21B, I've/I have found 21C 2 I think, it belongs 21B ... trying/have tried 2ID 11 have had 21D 12 are taking 21B 13 believe 2IB 14 want21B Test 6 6A 1 going 24A 2 will 23B (Also possible: won't) 3 see 27A 4 not 23C 5 to 26C

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 13:20

10 455 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 5 pptx

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 5 pptx

... (he / have) lots of accidents, you know (12) (he / do) the same thing about two years ago Trang 5Test 3APut in the past participles of the verbs in brackets ► We've found (find) all the answers ... heating has (be) on 11 Have you (sell) your flat yet? 12 I've……… (finish) that job at last Test 3B Complete the second sentence so that it follows on from the first Use the present perfect ... guests are here now The guests 9 I'm still working on the computer I with the computer yet Test 3C Decide which word is correct ► I'd like to borrow this book Has Anna read it yet? a) done

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 674 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 6 docx

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 6 docx

... He ……… (buy) it at the second-hand bookshop, and he (read) it for most of the afternoon Trang 7Test 4ARead the conversation Then look at the answers below and write the correct answer in each ... a) been b) had c) have d) was 8 a) go b) going c) gone d) went 9 a) I'd b) I'll c) I'm d) I've Test 4B Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first Use the word in brackets ... was a knock at the door, (when) 9 Nigel felt sick from eating too many cakes, (because) Trang 8Test 4CWrite the sentences correctly. ► I like this CD I've been having it for ages I've had it

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 538 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 7 ppsx

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 7 ppsx

... bedroom He is clearly the man to watch And now back to the news desk Trang 3TEST 5 Present and past tenses (Unit 21)Test 5A Complete the conversations Put in the correct form of each verb ► A: ... Which is spoken during the journey? 2 a) We'll know the results of the tests next week. b) We might know the results of the tests next week Which sentence is more certain? 3 a) I'm doing two ... time B: OK, sorry The last few weeks (I / have) so little time (I / rush) around all the time Test 5B Read the story and write the missing words Use one word only in each space One day a man

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 650 2
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 8 doc

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 8 doc

... angry 'This is a terrible idea We're all against it,' said Mrs Mary Brent '(6)……… (we / have) a protest march on Saturday I expect everyone in Brickfield (7)……… (be) there We've reached our decision ... together, (while) 5 You can use the computer in a minute I'll have finished with it soon, (when) Trang 7Test 6APut in the missing words Use one word only in each space ► I don't want a steak I think I'll ... to your seat after the play ………… started 10 Martin's got his coat on I think he's to go out Test 6B Write the sentences correctly ► I'm hungry I think I-have-something- to-eat I think I'll

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 372 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 14 pptx

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 14 pptx

... life can be prolonged by the drug. 1 Reporter: Are you going to do any more tests on the drug? Professor: Yes, further tests soon 2 Reporter: What……… the drug ? Professor: It will be called ... would 8 We all tried to push the van, but it……… move a) can't b) couldn't c) won't d) wouldn't Test 10 B Some of these sentences are correct, and some have a word which should not be there If ... entrance 9 You don't have to do all the work yourself 10 Anna wasn't be allowed to take photos Test 10C Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first Use the word in brackets

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 328 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 15 doc

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 15 doc

... her photo, his windows, his car, her eyes, his hair Use these verbs: dean, cut, repair, take, test Trang 9Compare the active and passive ACTIVE PASSIVE to-infinitive: / ought to meet Sarah ... Active and passive forms (A) TV reporter Kitty Beamish is interviewing some workers who are protesting about not being paid enough Complete the workers' statements Put in an active or passive

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 425 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 21 ppsx

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 21 ppsx

... the Director of Marketing 10 a tour by bicycle at the end of the week Trang 3TEST 14 Nouns and agreement (Units 76-82)Test 14A Some of these sentences are correct, and some have a word which should ... business like this Test 14 B Tessa is talking about her shopping trip Write the missing words Use one word only in each space I spent (►)some time looking round the shops in Oxford Street yesterday ... terrible I usually have a coffee and a (10)………of cake, but the cafes were all full, so I didn't bother Test 14C Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first Use the word

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 391 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 23 pot

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 23 pot

... Rockies 11 look / around / National Gallery 12 boat trip / along / Oxford Canal Trang 3TEST 15 A/an and the (Units 83-90)Test15A Complete the story about the theft of a river barge Put in a, ... so there was only ( 1 3) … … … barge on (14) river (15) thief was quickly found and arrested. Test 15B Decide which word or words are correct ► I think that's an awful thing to say a) a awful ... environment 12 Why do they always play music? a) so terrible b) such terrible c) such a terrible Test15C Read the story about a silly mistake and decide if a word needs to go in the space If a

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 345 1
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 27 potx

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 27 potx

... puzzling Lying in a hot bath is relaxing I think the way Jessica behaved was quite shocking The test results were surprising What thrilling news this is! Congratulations! The journey took all ... lie in a hot bath I was quite shocked to see Jessica behaving like that I was surprised at the test results We were thrilled to hear your good news After travelling all day and night they were ... very (9) like/likely that ghosts actually exist, you know I expect you were imagining it Trang 7Test 18AChoose the correct word or phrase ► We walked stew/slowly back to the hotel 1 We could walk

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 557 2
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 30 doc

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 30 doc

... TEST 20 Adverbs and word order (Units 113-117) Test 20A Put each word in brackets into the sentence. ► Anna arrives for ... meeting, (still) 9 The others are getting ready, (just) 10 I have to go to work, (on Saturdays) Test 20B Put the words in the right order to form a statement. ► I / love / really / these trousers ... / paid / the bill 3 enough / isn't / loud / the alarm 4 easily / Jonathan / passed / the test 5 a lot / cards / play / the children 6 didn't / enough / sell / they / tickets 7 ask

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 221 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 32 doc

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 32 doc

... Trang 1TEST 21 Prepositions (Units 118-125)Test 21A Write the sentences correctly ► I'll see you at Monday I'll see you ... time 6 Anna drove at the garage to get some -petrel 7 We were sitting -in the back of the room Test 21B Read Polly's postcard and write the missing words Use one word only in each space Sometimes ... but we go out every evening Last night's disco went on very late, and today we slept (10) eleven Test 21C Some of these sentences are correct, and some have a word which should not be there If

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 372 6
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 33 ppsx

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 33 ppsx

... before ► Rachel (a week ago): I'm taking my driving test tomorrow You (today): When I saw Rachel, she said she was taking her driving test the next day 1 Emma (two days ago): I've only had ... you (can't catch up) 5 The sunny weather is nice Last week was terrible, (is making up) Trang 5Test 22APut the words in the right order to form a statement ► I won't forget the titles of the ... leaving / me / prevented / the police 6 This programme is boring, going to / I'm / it / off / turn Test 22 B Decide which word is correct ► I'm not speaking to Oliver I've fallen out with him a)

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 457 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 36 pdf

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 36 pdf

... Daniel applied for the job No other candidate as suitable as him applied Trang 3TEST 24 Relative clauses (Units 137-143)Test 24A Decide which word or phrase is correct ► What I really need is a long ... unsafe (It was built only two years ago.) A bridge 4 People have marched to London (They are protesting against pollution.) 5 Tennis fans have been queuing all night at Wimbledon (They hope to ... 10 We passed shops ……… windows were decorated for Christmas a) the b) their c) which d) whose Test 24 B Each of these sentences has a mistake in it Write the correct sentence ► I've found the

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 462 1

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