... notion of collocation and the issues in extracting collocations from corpora Section then offers the standard for identifying collocations in Japanese and Korean based on Im’s (2006) proposal ... Since our main objective is to provide a foundation for building a database for linguistic purposes (rather than for educational purposes), we not treat free combinations as collocations in our ... could be regarded as collocations In this article, we point out empirical problems in extracting collocations in Japanese and Korean, and provide a standard for identifying collocations (to be
Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2022, 15:16
... 2006, 313:171-192 HT Colony Grid Analyzer [http://sourceforge.net/project/show files.php?group_id=163953] EMAP toolbox for MATLAB [http://sourceforge.net/project/ showfiles.php?group_id=164376]... ... and study of E-MAP data for the early secretory pathway (ESP) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae [5], and these data were used as a test for our methods. We are presently applying our methods to additional ... technology was used in a high-density E-MAP format [5] essentially as described [12], except for the following exceptions. Manual pinning in 384-format was performed throughout the screen using manual
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 16:21
money and trade considered, with a proposal for supplying the nation with money
... Money and Trade Considered With a Proposal for Supplying the Nation with Money by John Law 1705 Money and Trade Considered with a Proposal for Supplying the Nation with Money. Edinburgh. ... because receiv'd so in France: Then for the same Reason a Crown passing in France for 76 Sols, should pass in Scotland for 76 Pence, and in Holland for 76 Stivers. But on the contrair, even ... product of the several Goods they had occasion for; tho only proper to produce of one kind. So, much of the Land uas unlabour'd,what was labour'd was not employ'd to that by which
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2014, 09:13
idioœmaticity of english terminology in finance and solutions for finding vietnamese equivalents = tính đặc ngữ của thuật ngữ tài chính tiếng anh và biện pháp tìm tương đương trong tiếng việt
... 2006), English for Specific Purposes II compiled by the lecturers of Faculty of English for Specific Purposes at Foreign Trade University (2009), and Oxford Business English Dictionary For Learners ... Solutions for Finding Vietnamese Equivalents” in the hope of shedding some light on idiomatic financial terms and suggesting possible solutions for me and other language users to find proper Vietnamese ... internationality which is shown in both form and meaning With regard to form, it is of great interest to discover that many terms are entirely borrowed from one language to another For example, despite very
Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:32
Responding to the unemployment challenge a job guarantee proposal for greece
... Thresholds for 2009 and 2012 (in euros) Selection Criteria and Point System Poverty Thresholds in Greece (in euros) Information Missing from the Application Form Information Missing for Evaluation ... UNEMPLOYMENT CHALLENGE: A JOB GUARANTEE PROPOSAL FOR GREECE Observatory of Economic and Social Developments, Labour Institute, Greek General Confederation of Labour (Παρατηρητὴριο Οικονομικὼν kαι ... UNEMPLOYMENT CHALLENGE: A JOB GUARANTEE PROPOSAL FOR GREECE Observatory of Economic and Social Developments, Labour Institute, Greek General Confederation of Labour (Παρατηρητὴριο Οικονομικὼν kαι
Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2015, 08:52
The research proposal for recommender systems in academic domain using social network analysis approach
... interests through various methods and provide specific information for users based on their needs Rather than requiring users to search for information, recommender systems proactively suggest content ... tools used for extracting and integrating metadata of computer science publication from online digital libraries We used JAPE grammar of 64 Tin Huynh GATE to define rules, patterns for extracting ... algorithms U1 b U2 d U2 U3 Recommendations: Item ‘d’ should be recommended? ?for? ? U1, item ‘c’? ?for? ?U2 and items ‘c’, ’d’? ?for? ? U3 a b U3 Fig collaborative filtering system research and to provide
Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2015, 08:37
Model based approach for extracting femur contours in x ray images
... the contour 2 Image force, which is the image feature such as image intensity or edges attracting the contour 3 External force, which constrains the deformation of the contour The external force... ... model- based approach for. .. method deforms the initial contour by minimizing the total energy of the contour Three kinds of energy terms can be defined in active contour: 1 Internal energy, ... Contour extraction Registration Shape-constrained snake Model-Based Approach for Extracting Femur Contours in X-ray Images CHEN YING (B Sc (Hon.) in Computer Science, NUS) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2015, 12:31
SEO proposal for SEOER
... website at risk. Keep all client information confidential and private that we receive for the purpose of our SEO work on their sites Avoid using such information for any other purpose unless we ... adapt your strategy so we can dedicate our time to the highest yielding activities We commit to all the things listed in this proposal, plus much more Our objective is to successfully place your ... positions for your most of your keywords on all major search engines within 3-9 months of project initiation For less competitive keywords results can be achieved in as little as 30 days For the
Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2017, 10:46
DSpace at VNU: Dependency-based Pre-ordering For English-Vietnamese Statistical Machine Translation
... by our system for the input sentences from English -Vietnamese test set Go here for more examples of translations for input sentences sampled randomly from our corpus Some phrases in English source ... corpus English -Vietnamese Table 7: Translation performance for the English -Vietnamese task language pair Our study employed dependency syntactic and transformation rules to reorder the source sentence ... English to Vietnamese The dependency parse trees and transformation rules are used to reorder the source sentences and applied for systems translating from English to Vietnamese We evaluated our approach
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2017, 11:14
A technique for extracting behavioral sequence patterns from GPS recorded data
... Accumulated data are used for later modification of the services and for long-term decision making LBSs, such as information systems (e.g., shopping, tourist, traffic information system supporting ... contain detailed information about personal and vehicular mobile behaviors and therefore reveal interesting practical opportunities to find behavioral patterns to be used, for example, in traffic ... revealed that all of the methods have some types of data for which they performed better than the others [19] This data mining task, except for transaction time, is in a sense dimensionless Nevertheless,
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2017, 04:50
An efficient framework for extracting parallel sentences from non parallel corpora
... point out that by deploying our extracting framework, it is feasible to satisfy those requirements 5.1 Wikipedia Resource Data In this work, we use Wikipedia resource for extracting parallel sentence ... Framework for Extracting Parallel Sentences Experimental Results for Similarity Measurement This section will use the artificial resource data for providing experimental evidences to confirm our observation ... filtering capacity which we especially need for our task Research on building a better N -grams similarity measurement forces to boost the performance of the extracting framework and this work will
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2017, 16:51
Barriers to asset recovery an analysis of the key barriers and recommendations for action (vietnamese)
... to Asset Recovery: An Analysis of the Key Barriers and Recommendations for Action ©2011 by International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank 1KͷQJUjRF̫QWURQJF{QJWiFWKXK͛LWjLV̫Q3KkQWtFKQKͷQJUjRF̫QFKtQKYj ... 7KLVZRUNZDVRULJLQDOO\SXEOLVKHGE\WKH:RUOG%DQNLQ(QJOLVKDVBarriers to Asset RecoveryAn Analysis of the Key Barriers and Recommendations for Action LQ7KLV9LHWQDPHVHWUDQVODWLRQZDVDUUDQJHGE\*RYHUQPHQW,QVSHFWRUDWHRI 9LHWQDP*RYHUQPHQW,QVSHFWRUDWHRI9LHWQDPLVUHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKHTXDOLW\RIWKH
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2018, 14:01
proposal for thesis
... d4KHQIlDVAQ6AEwBHoECAYQAQ#v=onepage&q=equation%20pectin%20precipitation&f=false BSc THESIS PROJECT PROPOSAL Student’s name: Phan Le Dan Yen ID: BTBCIU14055 Department: Applied Biochemistry I PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION NAME OF STUDY STUDY ON EXTRACTION, ... citrus peel and apple pomace, but several other sources exist such as sugar beets and sunflower heads [4] Pectin is the most important gelling agent used for jam jelly and marmalade However, the largest ... However, the largest use of pectin has changed to be a stabilizer for acidified milk drinks Pectin has also been investigated for its usefulness in the pharmaceutical industry Among other uses
Ngày tải lên: 17/05/2019, 14:35
Smart money how high stakes financial innovation is reshaping our world for the better
... critical articles and reviews For information, address Basic Books, 250 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10107 Books published by Basic Books are available at special discounts for bulk purchases in the ... 10 For Julia, Eliza, Joe, and Kasia Contents Preface PART I: LESSONS BADLY LEARNED Handmaid to History From Breakthrough to Meltdown The Most Dangerous Asset in the World PART II: A FORCE FOR ... serial entrepreneur, spoke up for Google; Robert Shiller, another Nobel Prize–winning economist, argued for Goldman Wadhwa had the easier task “Would you rather have your children engineering the
Ngày tải lên: 08/01/2020, 10:01
A proposal for measuring interactivity that brings learning effectiveness
... E-Learning: An International Journal, Vol.2, No.1 A Proposal for Measuring Interactivity that Brings Learning Effectiveness Tosh Yamamoto* Department of Media Informatics, Kanazawa Institute ... Having defined the four types of interest, another question that we cannot avoid before moving forward is the definition of knowledge and learning T Reeves and S Harmon (1994) argue for a pedagogical ... in the form of Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal, Vol.2, No.1 11 relationships “Stimulus of thinking” is our desire to determine the significance of some act, performed
Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 07:31
Our peaceful planet healing ourselves and our world for a sustainable future
... OUR PEACEFUL PLANET OUR PEACEFUL PLANET Healing Ourselves and Our World for a Sustainable Future YASMIN DAVAR NEW YORK NASHVILLE • MELBOURNE • VANCOUVER OUR PEACEFUL PLANET Healing Ourselves ... others — our parents, our partner, our boss, the government, or people from another country or group — for things that seem outside of our control We sometimes overlook the part we play in our everyday ... responsibility for these things, all directly shape our world Change in the world can only happen when each of us takes responsibility for our impact on the world It is up to each of us to heal our internal
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2020, 08:06
Tài liệu SAMPLE TEST QUESTION FOR CSET: Vietnamese subtest II docx
... California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide Vietnamese Subtest II California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide Annotated Responses to Sample Multiple-Choice Questions for ... of California educators Performance Characteristics and Scoring Scales for CSET: Vietnamese Subtest II A SHORT (FOCUSED)-RESPONSE QUESTIONS Performance Characteristics The following performance ... significant Using your knowledge of Vietnamese history and culture, write a response, in either Vietnamese or English, in which you: • describe two reasons for Buddhism's appeal to the Vietnamese people;...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 03:20
Tài liệu Proposal for Fast-TrackingNIST Role-Based Access Control Standard doc
... Need for consistent, universally understood semantics for RBAC • Vendors value “establishing a taxonomy and a shared vocabulary for us, our customers, and the industry as a whole” Is RBAC ready for ... Dynamic Separation of Duty Relations Conformance • Standard provides for conformance by vendor self-declaration • Standard provides foundation for thirdparty conformance testing sought by vendors ... can be combined into relevant packages giving: – IT consumers a basis for uniform acquisition specification and a basis for making purchasing decisions – Vendors a set of benchmarks use in the...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 15:20
Tài liệu Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on Alternative Investment Fund Managers and amending Directives 2004/39/EC and 2009/…/EC ppt
... provided for in Article 19 for each AIF that they manage, the additional information provided in paragraph of this Article The AIF annual report shall include the following additional information for ... European Commission has committed to bring forward a proposal for a comprehensive legislative instrument establishing regulatory and supervisory standards for hedge funds, private equity and other ... authorities, information that is relevant for monitoring and responding to the potential consequences of AIFM activity for systemically relevant financial institutions across the EU and/or for the orderly...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu The Tampa Center City Plan Connecting Our Neighborhoods and Our River for Our Future docx
... 5.26 Plan Development Our Waterfront, Our Neighborhoods, Our Future Tampa’s Plan for Its Center City The Tampa Center City Plan - Connecting Our Neighborhoods and Our River for Our Future | 13 I-Town ... City Plan - Connecting Our Neighborhoods and Our River for Our Future | 35 Building Block 36 | The Tampa Center City Plan - Connecting Our Neighborhoods and Our River for Our Future A Reimagined ... priorities for next investment (extend to west bank of Hillsborough River, more boating facilities, comfort amenities) 20 | The Tampa Center City Plan - Connecting Our Neighborhoods and Our River for Our...
Ngày tải lên: 25/02/2014, 01:20