Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 11:11
Own Your Space Teen Book All Chapters
... “backdoor” to your computer that allows for easy re-entry. The backdoor allows someone else to control your computer system or access your files without your permission or knowledge. This allows the ... page that generates the pop-up ad claiming your machine is infected actually does infect your computer with malware that continually redirects your web browser to ads for their software. Naïve ... installed without your knowledge that can eat up system resources, affect performance, and steal confidential information. As the name suggests, spyware literally spies on you when you use your...
Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 10:57
... TABLE ALLPO(d DATE,SaleOrder PO); Bảng ALLPO sẽ được tạo ra với nội dung như sau: SQL> DESC ALLPO … 4. Tạo một bảng (table) lưu đối tượng PO theo dòng: CREATE TABLE ALLPO OF PO; Bảng ALLPO ... tạo ra với nội dung như sau: SQL> DESC ALLPO … 5. Chèn PO (đơn đặt hàng) mới vào bảng ALLPO CHƯƠNG 1 CHƯƠNG ORACLE OBJECT TYPE 1. Kiểu đối tượng (Object type) là gì? So với các kiểu dữ liệu...
Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 09:50
Tự tạo Object trong visual basic
... lại được thật sự là khi ta chỉ cần dùng object code, đó là code đã được compiled rồi, tức là hoàn toàn không đụng đến source code. Vì hể cho phép User sửa source code là tạo cơ hội cho bugs xuất ... nữa. Có một cách định nghĩa khác cho Object là một Object gồm có data structure và các Subs/Functions làm việc trên các data ấy. Thông thường, khi ta dùng Objects ít khi giám thị chúng, ngược ... Trong thí dụ trên ta declare firstForm và secondForm là những Objects của Class frmMyForm. Sau đó ta làm nên (instantiate) các Objects firstForm và secondForm bằng statements Set = New firstForm...
Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 11:04
C++ Basics - Functions for All Subtasks
... Addison-Wesley Call-by-reference The function call: f(age); void f(int& ref_par); Call-by-value The function call: f(age); void f(int var_par); Call Comparisons Call By Reference ... changed the arguments found in the function call Call-by-reference parameters allow us to change the variable used in the function call Arguments for call-by-reference parameters must be variables, ... Value Memory hours initial age Name ContentsLocation 1004 23.51003 A1002 34 1001 Slide 5- 14 Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Call-by-Reference Parameters Call-by-value...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 22:49
Object-oriented Design
... expressed in terms of object services. Shared data areas are eliminated. Objects communicate by message passing. Objects may be distributed and may execute sequentially or in parallel. ©Ian Sommerville ... parallel process (server) with entry points corresponding to object operations. If no calls are made to it, the object suspends itself and waits for further requests for service. Active objects • ... service. Active objects • Objects are implemented as parallel processes and the internal object state may be changed by the object itself and not simply by external calls. ©Ian Sommerville 2004...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2012, 11:27
All For Love
... possession of the public. You are robbed of your privacy and friends, and scarce any hour of your life you can call your own. Those, who envy your fortune, if they wanted not good-nature, ... counsel was remaining to you, but what was founded on yourself; and that indeed was your security; for your diligence, your constancy, and your prudence, wrought most surely within, when they ... expression might be allowed me) to create them. Your enemies had so embroiled the management of your office, that they looked on your advancement as the instrument of your ruin. And as if the...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 14:12
Our Mutual Friend
... the Twemlow; fourteen in company all told. Four pigeon-breasted retainers in plain clothes stand in line in the hall. A fifth retainer, proceeding up the staircase with a mournful air as who ... and, dining, discovered that all of them were the most intimate friends Veneering had in the world, and that the wives of all of them (who were all there) were the objects of Mrs Veneering's ... of London. Everything about the Veneerings was spick and span new. All their furniture was new, all their friends were new, all their servants were new, their plate was new, their carriage was...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 09:09
Tài liệu Quản trị mang Subnet Zero and All-Ones Subnet
... Subnet Zero and the All Ones Subnet Subnet Zero and the All Ones Subnet Introduction Subnet Zero The All Ones Subnet Problems with Subnet Zero and the All Ones Subnet Subnet Zero The All Ones Subnet Using ... subnet obtained is called the all ones subnet. With reference to the example above, the last subnet obtained when subnetting network, subnet, is called the all ones subnet. Note ... subnet−zero command was used. Subnet Zero and the All Ones Subnet The All Ones Subnet Use of the all ones subnet for addressing has been discouraged in the past because of the confusion inherent in...
Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2012, 11:22
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