optical phase conjugation in sbs

Báo cáo y học: "Optical Coherence Tomography in ocular toxoplasmosis"

Báo cáo y học: "Optical Coherence Tomography in ocular toxoplasmosis"

... serous chorioretinopathy [1]. OCT measurements of retinal thickness have a good reproducibility as demon- strated in repeated examinations. The main applica- tion of OCT in inflammatory eye ... Ivyspring International Publisher. All rights reserved Short Communication Optical Coherence Tomography in ocular toxoplasmosis Dominique Monnet, Kristel Averous, Emmanuelle Delair, Antoine ... retinochoroiditis. Ac- tive lesions were observed in 16 subjects and scarred lesions in 9 subjects. Active areas appeared as hyper- reflective images, which were localized in the retina in 15...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 11:01

2 381 0
phase transformations in wo3 thin films during annealing

phase transformations in wo3 thin films during annealing

... is 3 observed. The thin film with monoclinic structure (part A in Fig. 3b) exhibits a typical contrast with parallel strips. This contrast has been interpreted as being twinned microdomains elongated in the w 100 x direction, ... concerns thin oxide films, which can exhibit some specific metastable structures. The final structure of WO observed in thin films 3 annealed in air at 450 8C is the monoclinic structure, with WO in ... (g) intensity profile Is f (D)(the plane indices correspond to the hexagonal WO structure). 3 the annealing temperature; we define three temperature steps where one or two phases are predominant. 3.2.1....

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 13:05

8 324 0
explosive phase transformation in excimer laser ablation

explosive phase transformation in excimer laser ablation

... ‘normal heating’ line indicates the heating process of a liquid metal when the tempera- Fig. 1. P–T diagram near the critical point. ture is below the boiling temperature. At the boiling temperature, ... evaporation. Under rapid heating, it is possible to superheat the liquid metal to temperatures above the boiling point wx 5 . The superheating process is represented by the ‘superheating’ line in Fig. 1. However, ... critical wx point 9 . The decrease of density is mainly due to the intensified fluctuation of the specific volume, DV, and the increase of the specific heat is mainly due to the increasing fluctuation...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 08:55

6 329 0
jht xu willis non equilibrium phase change in metal induced by ns pulsed laser irradiation

jht xu willis non equilibrium phase change in metal induced by ns pulsed laser irradiation

... applica- tions including PLD and micromachining. The nucleation process in liquid leading to phase explosion is discussed in detail. 2 Thermal Mechanisms of Laser Ablation and Phase Explosion The phase ... boiling tem- perature. At the boiling temperature, the liquid and vapor phases are in equilibrium, which is shown in Fig. 1 as the intersection between the normal heating line and the binode line. ... and phase change in metal induced by a high power nanosecond pulsed laser, with an emphasis on phase change mechanisms and nonequilibrium phase change kinetics at the evaporating surface. Phase...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 08:55

6 256 0
non equilibrium phase change in metal induced by nanosecond

non equilibrium phase change in metal induced by nanosecond

... additional incoming laser energy is con- sumed by nucleation instead of raising the temperature, and the nucleation rate increases exponentially around the spinode. In a brief summary, these four independent ... temperature correspond- ing to its surface pressure. In this case, the heating process devi- ates from the binode, but follows a superheating line shown in Fig. 1, and the liquid is in a metastable state. ... Sokolowski-Tinken, K., Bialkowski, J., Boing, M., Cavalleri, A., and von der Linde, D., 1999, ‘‘Bulk Phase Explosion and Surface Boiling during Short Pulsed Laser Ablation of Semiconductor,’’ in Quantum...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 08:57

6 270 0
study of blueshift of optical band gap in zinc oxide (zno) nanoparticles

study of blueshift of optical band gap in zinc oxide (zno) nanoparticles

... al. Functional finishing in cotton fabrics using zinc oxide nanoparticles. Bulletin of Materials Science 2006;29:641–5. [4] Al-Kahlout A. ZnO nanoparticles and porous coatings for dye-sensitized ... Straumal PB, Goering E, et al. Amorphous grain boundary layers in the ferromagnetic nanaograined ZnO films. Thin Solid Films 2011;520:1192–4. [14] Straumal BB, Myatiev AA, Straumal PB, Mazilkin AA, Protasova ... sample. (2). Correction of instrumental broadening of β 2θ arising due to slit width of the K α1 and K α2 lines is also made. The diffraction broadening only due to grain size β g is given by the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 13:26

4 419 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Efficient implementation of 90° phase shifter in FPGA" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Efficient implementation of 90° phase shifter in FPGA" pptx

... implementation of 90° phase shifter in FPGA Punithavathi Duraiswamy * , Johan Bauwelinck and Jan Vandewege Abstract In this article, we present an efficient way of implementing 90° phase shifter using Hilbert ... a high accuracy of phase shift. Introduction Phase shifters have wide s pread applications [1-3], in particular, 90° phase shifters are used in wireless com- munication for single side band generation, ... adder a bc in s Tap adder b c in a s bc in a b c in a s s Tap adder Tap adder Tap adder Figure 2 Hardware implementation. Duraiswamy et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2011,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

5 303 0
Annuities and Other Retirement Products: Designing the Payout Phase (Directions in Development)_1 doc

Annuities and Other Retirement Products: Designing the Payout Phase (Directions in Development)_1 doc

... con- tract decreases. An investor wishing to hedge a rise in the interest rate to 6 per cent could pay 0.02 for the 94.00 put. An investor wishing to hedge a fall in the interest rate to 5.5 per ... purchasing an XYZ 100 put for a cost of 4. If XYZ declines in price, you now have the right to sell it at 100. A put option hedges a decline in the value of an underlying asset 3  Pricing ... that he receives an income while awaiting a decline. The disadvantage is that XYZ may increase in price, and he will miss a +4 XYZ –6 90 96 100 105 +4 Figure 2.3 Selling a put The risk/return...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20

23 173 0

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