object oriented programming concepts classes and objects

OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P14 pot

OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P14 pot

... an object? ??why should an object need to pass a copy of itself in order to make a method call? On the other hand, this is an easy and natural way to incorporate functions such as mysql_stat and ... serialize and unserialize. They control how an object is represented so that it can be stored and recreated. The way that you store or communicate an integer is fairly trivial, but objects are ... attribute of your newly cloned object is changed, and the output shows that this change does not affect the original object. In PHP 5, cloning an object makes a copy of an object just as the assignment

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 07:20

10 223 0
OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P15 pptx

OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P15 pptx

... that PHP 5 returns a reference to an object rather than a copy may have serious implications for aggregate objects written under PHP 4 and running under PHP 5. Objects formerly returned by value ... the reflection classes. The Reflection Group of Classes The reflection group of classes or Application Programming Interface (API) is made up of a number of different classes and one interface, ... getProperties returns an array of ReflectionProperty objects. These methods and the objects returned make it possible to fully describe a class’s methods and data members. You will recall that I promised

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 07:20

10 365 0
OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P16 ppt

OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P16 ppt

... not-yet-existent object. Method and Data Member Modifiers It is essential to know the access modifiers for methods and data members of a class. Both the ReflectionMethod and the ReflectionParameter classes ... only ReflectionMethod objects or ReflectionProperty objects are passed into this method so you use the operator, instanceof. This operator was introduced with PHP 5 and replaces the now-deprecated ... page to display information about all internal and user-defined classes. We’ll create a sidebar of links to all existing classes and interfaces, and display detailed information in the main

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 07:20

10 319 0
OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P17 pps

OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P17 pps

... about object- oriented programming (OOP) is excep- tion handling. Procedural error trapping is not only tedious, it clutters up your code and can make it unreadable. Taking an OO approach and using ... appropriate. There are three built-in, ready-to-use SQLite objects: an SQLite database, a buffered result set, and an unbuffered result set. All three classes will be used in this chapter, but the focus ... using SQL from the command line. However, let me make one more suggestion. At some point you will want to dump your database, and if you have created it from the command line the output won’t

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 07:20

10 194 0
OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P18 potx

OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P18 potx

... easily handled by PDO by calling the fetchAll method against a statement. The two remaining query methods of SQLite, query and unbufferedQuery, return SQLiteResult and SQLiteUnbuffered objects, ... The difference between the object models of SQLite and PDO makes a direct comparison a bit awkward. Principally, querying a PDO connection returns a statement object, and this statement effectively ... some of you may be thinking). However, PHP Data Objects (PDO) can’t be ignored because they are packaged with PHP version 5.1 and higher, and they are “something many of the PHP dev team

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 07:20

10 291 0
OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P19 pdf

OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P19 pdf

... yourself with statements and makes it easy to switch to a database that supports this capability. Fetching Objects For an OO programmer, the ability to retrieve rows as objects is important. ... There are three PDO classes: PDO; the database or connection class, PDOStatement; and PDORow. By far the most interesting and unfamiliar class is the statement class, and this is where we’ll ... create an instance of stdClass, the generic object class. What these various ways of creating objects have in common is that they instantiate an object, creating data members from the columns

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 07:20

10 416 0
OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P20 ppsx

OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P20 ppsx

... reference in the function definition when passing non -objects (not required for objects, as noted above). ==& In PHP 5 assignment of objects is equivalent to assignment by reference under ... differ and they have unique signatures. Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) An international standard for representing documents; both HTML and XML are derived from SGML Standard ... itself an object application programming interface (API) The public face of a class Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) A web development technique that incorporates JavaScript, XML, and other

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 07:20

10 172 0
OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P21 pptx

OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P21 pptx

... DirectoryIterator class, 89 displaying objects, using __toString,78 document element of an RSS file, 101 Document Object Model (DOM). See DOM documentation of built-in classes, 126 external, 126 internal, ... 104 O object( s) attribute of, 17 copying, 14 definition, 6 displaying, using __toString, 78 returned by reference, 121 reusability of, 7–8, 63, 74 object method, calling, 22 OOP (object- oriented ... function, 133 in_array function, 151 information hiding, 12 inheritance, 6–8 and classes, 77, 78 important concept of OOP, 74 and interfaces, 84, 86 initializing data members with constant values,

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 07:20

10 210 0
Classes and Objects in Java_Object-oriented programming pps

Classes and Objects in Java_Object-oriented programming pps

... Classes and Objects in Java Object- oriented programming Classes and objects in Java 2 Đại học Công nghệ. ĐHQG Hà Nội Outline  Classes  Working with objects  Attributes, methods, and ... executed 02 classes in 02 files creates an instant / object of the class myGradeBook is the reference to it Classes and objects in Java 5 Đại học Công nghệ. ĐHQG Hà Nội 5 ObjectsObjects are ... class GradeBookTest Classes and objects in Java 6 Đại học Công nghệ. ĐHQG Hà Nội Objects and Object references myGradeBook GradeBook Heap memory // create a GradeBook object and assign it to

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 15:20

13 269 0
Lecture Data structures and other objects using C++ - Chapter 2: Object-oriented programming - Trường Đại học Công nghiệp Thực phẩm Tp. Hồ Chí Minh

Lecture Data structures and other objects using C++ - Chapter 2: Object-oriented programming - Trường Đại học Công nghiệp Thực phẩm Tp. Hồ Chí Minh

... button? ?and? ?the thinking cap  button? ?and? ?the thinking cap  will speak the sentence  will speak the sentence  from the green slot’s paper from the green slot’s paper And? ?same for the red  And? ?same for the red  ... (3)Using the? ?Object? ??s Slots You may put a piece of  You may put a piece of  paper in each of the two  paper in each of the two  slots (green? ?and? ?red), with a  slots (green? ?and? ?red), with a  ... The class will have  two components called  two components called  green_string green_string? ?and? ?? ?and? ? red_string red_string.  These .  These  (9)Thinking Cap Implementation The two components 

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2021, 19:25

10 16 0
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 1 - Basic Object Oriented Concepts doc

Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 1 - Basic Object Oriented Concepts doc

... of traditional programming • Object- Oriented programming s Discuss basic Object- Oriented concepts such as: • ObjectsClasses • Properties Object Oriented Session Objectives (Contd.) • Methods ... } Object Oriented Defining Objects s exampleclass object1 ,object2 ; defines two objects, object1 and object2 , of class exampleclass s The definition actually creates objects that can be used by ... Specifications for exampleclass objects object_ data 350 object2 exampleclass class specifier Object Oriented Passing Objects s Objects can be passed to a function and returned back just like normal

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 01:20

50 814 0
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 2 More on Classes potx

Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 2 More on Classes potx

... Oriented Objects, data members and member functions in memory Object 1 Object 3 data 1 data 1 mem_function1() data 2 data 2 mem_function2() Object 2 data 1 data 2 Object Oriented ... pointers to objects  Define and use Constructors  Define and use Destructors  Define the "Const" keyword Object Oriented Programming with C++/ Session 2/ 3 of 37 Session Objectives ... Object Oriented Programming with C++/ Session 2/ 1 of 37 More on Classes Session 2 Object Oriented Programming with C++/ Session 2/ 2 of 37 Session Objectives  Use the

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 01:20

37 586 1
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 3 Function Overloading and References ppt

Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 3 Function Overloading and References ppt

... Object Oriented Programming with C++/ Session 3 / 1 of 35 Function Overloading and References Session 3 Object Oriented Programming with C++/ Session 3/ 2 of 35 Session Objectives ... Object Oriented Programming with C++/ Session 3/ 10 of 35 Friend Functions (Contd.) Class Friend Function Private! Keep out! Except members and friends [...]... display(); }; Object Oriented ... object1 ; second object2 ; object1 .display(); //no function overloading takes place object2 .display(); } • The scope is strictly confined to the classes in which they are declared Object

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21

35 688 0
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 6 Multiple Inheritance and Polymorphism pot

Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 6 Multiple Inheritance and Polymorphism pot

... Describe Virtual Base Classes • Constructors and Destructors s Use Pointers to Objects to access Member Functions Object Oriented Programming with C++ / Session / of 44 Session Objectives(Contd.) ... those of member objects, and then the base classes Object Oriented Programming with C++ / Session / 10 of 44 Points to be noted Virtual function should be declared in the base class and cannot be ... binding will be used s Object Oriented Programming with C++ / Session / 35 of 44 Pure Virtual functions s Some classes such as class Shapes, represent abstract concepts for which objects cannot exist

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21

44 540 1
Tài liệu The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming with Java and UML pptx

Tài liệu The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming with Java and UML pptx

... member objects. object The basic unit of object orientation. An object is an entity that has attributes, behavior, and identity. Objects are members of a class, and the attributes and behavior ... encapsulated objects can respond to messages and send their own messages to others objects in response. Objects in the system interact via well-defined messages with other objects in the system. Object ... introduction to objects and the benefits of object- oriented software development. Chapter 2 covers the fundamental concepts of object orientation. Object orientation has many important concepts, and of...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 21:16

364 442 0
No starch press object oriented PHP concepts techniques and code

No starch press object oriented PHP concepts techniques and code

... “include and reuse; don’t rewrite.” In a sense, object- oriented programming (OOP) is just an extension of this concept. Objects simplify web development by eliminating the need to cut, paste, and ... Friday, May 5, 2006 2:25 PM 2 BASICS OF OBJECT- ORIENTED PROGRAMMING This chapter is aimed at an audience unfamiliar with the basic concepts of object- oriented programming (OOP). The intent is to ... PageNavigator Class 57 Chapter 9: Database Classes 65 Chapter 10: Improvement Through Inheritance 75 Chapter 11: Advanced Object- Oriented Programming Concepts 91 Chapter 12: Keeping It Fresh 99 Chapter...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 15:45

210 471 0
OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P2 doc

OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P2 doc

... to an OO approach, Object- Oriented PHP can ease the transition from procedural to object- oriented programming (OOP). Basic concepts are introduced using simple but useful classes. In short, ... 111 __get and __set 112 Is It Worth It? 113 __isset and __unset 113 __call 114 __autoload 115 __sleep and __wakeup 116 __clone 116 Where’s Waldo? 117 clone 118 Aggregate Classes 119 A Get Method for Object ... excellent understanding of OOP and numerous classes that can easily be reused in a variety of circumstances. But, more importantly, you’ll be able to create your own classes and extend existing...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 07:20

10 322 0
OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P3 ppsx

OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P3 ppsx

... central to OOP: classes, access modifiers, and inheritance. Classes define objects, access modifiers determine how objects can be used, and inheritance makes it easy to adapt objects for different ... “include and reuse; don’t rewrite.” In a sense, object- oriented programming (OOP) is just an extension of this concept. Objects simplify web development by eliminating the need to cut, paste, and ... Friday, May 5, 2006 2:25 PM 2 BASICS OF OBJECT- ORIENTED PROGRAMMING This chapter is aimed at an audience unfamiliar with the basic concepts of object- oriented programming (OOP). The intent is to...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 07:20

10 359 0
OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P4 docx

OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P4 docx

... an object is passed to a function or method, but objects are now passed by reference because of the implicit assignment. Prior to PHP 5, the default behavior was to assign objects by value and ... Classes The reflection classes included in PHP 5 provide ways to introspect objects and reverse engineer code. The average web developer might be tempted to ignore these classes, but Chapter ... how objects are created and destroyed. The PHP 4 style of object creation is still supported, but you are encouraged to use the new magic method approach. PHP 5 deprecates some existing object- related...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 07:20

10 438 0
OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P5 ppsx

OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P5 ppsx

... should you care? Because OO programming assumes that other programmers may use your objects and vice versa. Bruce Eckel refers to this as client programmers using objects created by class creators. 1 ... the variable or instance of the object, and new both allocates memory and, in association with the class name, invokes the constructor. (When creating an object under PHP 4, it is advisable ... this. When properly ordered and created, a directory and its subdirectories can function like a database and its tables; in fact, for some databases, a table is a directory and its contents. If...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 07:20

10 332 0

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