object oriented concepts interview questions in java

Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 1 - Basic Object Oriented Concepts doc

Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 1 - Basic Object Oriented Concepts doc

... data are merged into a single indivisible thing an object. ■ Close match between objects in the programming sense and objects in the real world. Object Oriented Programming with C++/ Session ... Session 1/ 39 of 50 Defining Objects ■ exampleclass object1 ,object2 ; defines two objects, object1 and object2 , of class exampleclass. ■ The definition actually creates objects that can be used ... Class: Shape Methods: Draw Move Initialise Subclasses Object Oriented Programming with C++/ Session 1/ 38 of 50 Using the class (Contd.) main program{ //define the objects of class exampleclass exampleclass object1 ,object2 ;...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 01:20

50 814 0
Some studies on a probabilistic framework for finding object-oriented information in unstructured data

Some studies on a probabilistic framework for finding object-oriented information in unstructured data

... contribution Bearing in mind the importance of searching information on the Web, studies have shown that current search engine is not suitable for finding object in a specific domain on the Internet. ... searching for object with focus on the probabilistic framework for finding object- oriented information in unstructured data. This chapter also gives their advantages and shortcoming in solving object ... relevance ranking in answering object- oriented queries. This chapter gives an insight into document-level information retrieval (web- page search), its shortcoming, as a result, motivating to object- level...

Ngày tải lên: 23/11/2012, 15:04

51 394 0
Object Orientation in Java

Object Orientation in Java

... called late binding in Java. ) ■ Tip Keep in mind that this is just an introduction to Java. I recommend you read Bruce Eckel’s Thinking in Java for a good explanation of these concepts ( http://www.bruceeckel.com ). Encapsulation Encapsulation ... wish. **/ import java. io.*; class JavaBookExcept { public static void main(String args[]) { char castChar = ' '; System.out.println("Starting JavaBookExcept "); try { System.out.print("Please ... PM Page 64 Another interesting aspect of interfaces is that Java will allow you to define variables in your interface, but they will automatically be declared static and final. This makes sense (to...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 10:20

22 385 0
Tài liệu The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming with Java and UML pptx

Tài liệu The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming with Java and UML pptx

... understanding of objects and designing systems using objects. I have found that just because programmers are using an object- oriented programming language, it doesn't mean they are writing ... for OO development, object- oriented designs are inherently easier to design and maintain over time. Object- Oriented Languages There are several object- oriented programming languages available ... including Smalltalk, Eiffel, C++, Objective C, Objective Pascal, Java, Ada, and even a version of Lisp. There are two clear marketplace winners, C++ and Java. Today, Java is the emerging object- oriented...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 21:16

364 442 0
No starch press object oriented PHP concepts techniques and code

No starch press object oriented PHP concepts techniques and code

... biggest disincentive to using objects in PHP 4. NOTE A notion closely related to data protection is information hiding. Access modifiers make information hiding possible by exposing an interface ... are competing interests. In many cases you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. For example, retaining inconsistent function naming conventions may be necessary to maintain backward ... />"; ?> </body> </html> Listing 4-4: Creating an instance of the DirectoryItems class Since we are going to create an instance of the DirectoryItems class, we need to include this class by requiring the file...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 15:45

210 471 0
Tài liệu Object-Oriented Programming in C++, 3rd Edition docx

Tài liệu Object-Oriented Programming in C++, 3rd Edition docx

... User-Defined String Type The Standard C++ string Class Defining and Assigning string Objects Input/Output with string Objects Finding string Objects Modifying string Objects Comparing string Objects Accessing ... Item to the List Displaying the List Contents Self-Containing Classes Augmenting linklist Pointers to Pointers Sorting Pointers The person** Data Type Comparing Strings A Parsing Example Multidimensional ... Cards C-Strings C-string Variables Avoiding Buffer Overflow String Constants Reading Embedded Blanks Reading Multiple Lines Copying a String the Hard Way Copying a String the Easy Way Arrays of Strings Strings...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 06:20

1,1K 661 2
Tài liệu Building Skills in Object-Oriented Design pot

Tài liệu Building Skills in Object-Oriented Design pot

... doubling of the bet at each loss and running into the table limit. Rather than attempt to recoup all losses in a single win, this system looks to recoup all losses by waiting for four wins in a ... Building Skills in Object- Oriented Design, Release 2.1.1-Python A close parallel to this is exploring variations in rules and how these different rules have an in uence on outcomes. Questions include ... gift shop?” 13 Building Skills in Object- Oriented Design, Release 2.1.1-Python 12 Chapter 1. Preface Building Skills in Object- Oriented Design, Release 2.1.1-Python Maintenance is just another...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 05:20

317 1,3K 0
Object Oriented Programming With Java pptx

Object Oriented Programming With Java pptx

... through 11 introduce graphical user interface programming in Java, a topic that is increasingly finding its way into the early part of the CS curriculum. Finally, Chapter 12 provides an introduc- tion ... Northeast Compositors, Inc. Text Design: Delgado Design, Inc. Printing and Binding: Courier Westford Cover printing: John Pow Company, Inc. This book was typeset in Quark 4.1 on a Macintosh G4. The font ... 1 0.1 What is Java? 2 0.2 Using the Internet 3 0.3 Downloading the Java 2 SDK for Windows, Unix (Solaris), and Linux Users 4 0.4 Downloading Java 2 SDK Documentation 4 0.5 Creating a Java Software...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 13:20

846 4,2K 2
Object Oriented Programming in C++ ppt

Object Oriented Programming in C++ ppt

... the listing, pointing to the opening brace following main. If you want to start somewhere other than the beginning of the program, position the cursor on the line where you want to start debugging. ... program and type in your own lines. If your starting with an existing file, read the section “Starting with Existing Files.” Saving A Project The text you see in the Project Source window is a source ... has been writing books about computer programming since 1982. His best-selling titles include Assembly Language Programming for the IBM PC, C Programming Using Turbo C ++ , C ++ Interactive Course,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 20:20

988 6,4K 2
An Introduction to Object-Oriented TM Programming with Java Fifth Edition docx

An Introduction to Object-Oriented TM Programming with Java Fifth Edition docx

... programming. Object- oriented pro- gramming is a style of programming gaining wider acceptance today. Although the concept of object- oriented programming is old (the first object- oriented program- ming ... in this book is Java, the newest object- oriented programming language, developed at Sun Microsystems. 0.4 Java Java is a newobject -oriented languagethat is receiving wide attention from bothindus- try ... 3 www.it-ebooks.info Preface xvii Object- Oriented Approach We take the object- first approach to teaching object- oriented programming with emphasis on proper object- oriented design. The concept of objects...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:20

1K 2,3K 1
Friday Freebies: Object-Oriented Javascript pdf

Friday Freebies: Object-Oriented Javascript pdf

... with Infinity as one of the operands will give you Infinity: >>> Infinity - 20 In nity >>> -Infinity * 3 -In nity >>> Infinity / 2 In nity >>> Infinity ... "number" Infinity There is a special value in JavaScript called Infinity. It represents a number too big for JavaScript to handle. Infinity is indeed a number, as typing typeof Infinity in the ... 102 instanceof Operator 102 Functions that Return Objects 103 Passing Objects 104 Comparing Objects 105 Objects in the Firebug Console 106 Built -in Objects 107 Object 108 Array 109 Interesting...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:20

354 687 0
Object-Oriented Programming in C++, Fourth Edition ppt

Object-Oriented Programming in C++, Fourth Edition ppt

... Pointers to Objects 467 A Linked List Example 469 A Chain of Pointers 469 Adding an Item to the List 471 Displaying the List Contents 472 Self-Containing Classes 473 Augmenting LINKLIST 473 Pointers ... demonstrates cin, newline #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int ftemp; //for temperature in fahrenheit cout << “Enter temperature in fahrenheit: “; cin >> ftemp; int ... 718 Summary 720 Questions 720 Exercises 722 xv 00 3087 FM 11/29/01 2:15 PM Page xv OBJECT- ORIENTED PROGRAMMING IN C++, FOURTH EDITON xii Copying a String Using Pointers 454 Library String Functions...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 02:20

1K 9,8K 6
Overview of Object-Oriented SoftwareDesign and Java Programming potx

Overview of Object-Oriented Software Design and Java Programming potx

... 35 Object Oriented Programming ã When writing object- oriented programs, first one must define the classes (like Car). ã Then, while the program is running, the instances of the classes (objects) ... 7 Creating an object  Defining a class does not result in creation of an object.  Declaring a variable of a class type creates an object. You can have many variables of the same type (class). Instantiation ... it. ã The class being inherited from is the superclass. ã The class that inherits properties is the subclass. 60 OOP Terms Java Equivalents Object Class object or class instance Instance variable...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 20:20

68 565 0