notes on time complexity of algorithms

Tài liệu Notes on the use of hand-held test devices for installation of the KRONE Cat.6 KM8 products doc

Tài liệu Notes on the use of hand-held test devices for installation of the KRONE Cat.6 KM8 products doc

... influence on the determination of the cable length by the instrument. 23 Notes on the use of hand-held test devices for installation of the KRONE Cat.6 KM8 products Page 1 of 9 December 2001 Notes on ... has an influence on the determination of the cable length by the instrument. 23 Notes on the use of hand-held test devices for installation of the KRONE Cat.6 KM8 products Page 2 of 9 December 2001 FLUKE ... influence on the determination of the cable length by the instrument. 23 Notes on the use of hand-held test devices for installation of the KRONE Cat.6 KM8 products Page 5 of 9 December 2001 Cat 6/5e...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 18:15

9 602 0
Tài liệu Đề tài " On the complexity of algebraic numbers I. Expansions in integer bases " ppt

Tài liệu Đề tài " On the complexity of algebraic numbers I. Expansions in integer bases " ppt

... quantita- tive version is established (in the sense that one bounds explicitly the number of exceptional subspaces). We now turn to the proof of Theorem 5. Keep the notation and the assumptions of this theorem. ... morphism of constant length, we get, on the one hand, that |U n | |V n | ≤ |W 1 | 1+|W 2 | ≤ r − 1 and, on the other hand, that σ n (u) is a prefix of V n of length at least 1/r times the length of ... every element of Q(β) ∩(0, 1) has an eventually periodic β-expansion. 5. Proofs of Theorems 1 to 4 We begin by a short proof of Theorem 2. Proof of Theorem 2. Let a =(a k ) k≥1 be a non-eventually...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 06:20

20 494 0


... the latter parts of this paper as the discussion turns to the implications of the ability-education-income inter- relationships for the assessment of the contribution of education to growth, the ... question of how many "dimensions" of labor it is useful to distinguish is raised and explored briefly. The puzzle of the apparent constancy of rates of return to edu- cation and of skilled-unskilled ... based on the distribution of the labor force by industries. Bowman [10] provides a very good review and comparison of the Denison and Schultz approaches. 1 NOTES ON THE ROLE OF EDUCATION IN PRODUCTiON FUNCTIONS...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

59 595 0
Sculpture of the Exposition Palaces and Courts Descriptive Notes on the Art of the Statuary at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition San Francisco ppt

Sculpture of the Exposition Palaces and Courts Descriptive Notes on the Art of the Statuary at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition San Francisco ppt

... York. He has done a great deal of municipal work of a high order, among which can be mentioned sculpture work on the interior of the Congressional Library at Washington, a monument to President ... where Time& apos;s spent sands engulf lost peoples and lost trails." - Marion Manville Pope. One of the strongest works of the Exposition in its intense pathos is this conception of the ... Stirling Calder, on whom the honor for the great bulk of the work rests. Besides acting as personal overseer for the execution of the sculpture of the Palaces and Courts of the Exposition, Mr. Calder...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 14:20

67 482 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Empirical Lower Bounds on the Complexity of Translational Equivalence ∗" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Empirical Lower Bounds on the Complexity of Translational Equivalence ∗" pdf

... of dis- continuities. Many types of discontinuous con- stituents exist in text independently of any trans- lation. Simard et al. (2005) give examples such as English verb-particle constructions, ... links from each of these words to NULL. Second, if n words on one side of the bi- text aligned to m words on the other side with m > n then we added NULL links for each of the words on the side ... data 4 980 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 44th Annual Meeting of the ACL, pages 977–984, Sydney, July 2006. c 2006 Association for Computational Linguistics Empirical...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 04:20

8 273 0


... representations can be uniquely derived. 7 Real spot and forward rates The return on a nominal bond can be decomposed into two components: a real rate of return and a compensation for the erosion of ... provide a portion of the curve. 10 For more details, see Anderson and Sleath (2001), Bank of England Working Paper no. 126. 3 start of each of a number of successive periods. Swap contracts are, ... the (annualised) six-month rate of 6%. In six months’ time he receives back this sum plus six months’ interest at 6% (£2.91) which gives him the £100 of funds in six months’ time that he wanted....

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 01:20

6 379 0
Tài liệu Real-time, on-line monitoring of organic chemical reactions using extractive electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry pdf

Tài liệu Real-time, on-line monitoring of organic chemical reactions using extractive electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry pdf

... detection of process deviations and prompt modification of reaction conditions are key to achieving the best control of chemical reactions. However, this demands techniques that are suited for real -time, ... addition of acrylonitrile (shown in Fig. 2) demonstrate the wealth of valuable information provided about ongoing chemical reactions by EESI-MS. At the beginning of the reaction, the protonated ... John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Obtaining comprehensive information on chemical reactions is crucial for the characterization of reaction mechanisms as well as the maximization of production efficiency...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 08:20

6 611 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Effect of annealing time of an ice crystal on the activity of type III antifreeze protein pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Effect of annealing time of an ice crystal on the activity of type III antifreeze protein pdf

... allowing uncontrolled growth at the nonequilibrium T f . This leads to the detection of a nonzero TH value at time zero (0 h of annealing). The height and curvature of the convex ice front are defined ... value reflects the fraction of ice-bound AFPs on the flat ice plane. Indeed, TH increases in proportion with the total concentration of nfeAFP8, as can be seen in Fig. 3A. The fraction of AFPs on the flat ice ... time- dependent amplification of TH explains the detection of a higher TH value at the slower cooling rate, it may be concluded that the time of annealing is an essential influence on the TH value of nfeAFP8. For...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 05:20

8 521 0
Báo cáo " Notes on the water bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in urban areas of Hanoi " potx

Báo cáo " Notes on the water bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in urban areas of Hanoi " potx

... levels of artificial disturbance, e.g. pollution, agricultural work, concretised banks, and absence (or removal) of aquatic vegetation. From our observations, we believe that the presence of ... individual of these species. These species may vanish due to urbanisation and water pollution. However, they may still live around the rural districts of Hanoi, which is out of the scope of this ... Heteroptera of Singapore and Malay Peninsular Malaysia III. Pleidae and Notonectidae, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 52(1) (2004) 79. [10] N.M. Andersen, Phylogeny and taxonomy of the water...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 10:20

5 360 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "On the Computational Complexity of Dominance Links in Grammatical Formalisms" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "On the Computational Complexity of Dominance Links in Grammatical Formalisms" doc

... e 3 ) = 0. Extensions The subsumption of Petri nets is not innocuous, as it allows to derive lower bounds on the computational complexity of MLIGs. Among several extensions of Petri net with ... Computational Complexity We study in this section the complexity of sev- eral decision problems on MLIGs, prominently of emptiness and membership problems, in the general (Section 4.2), k-bounded (Section ... the control word p 1 p 2 · · · p p is a permutation of a member of W ∗ and the dominance relations of W hold in the as- sociated derivation tree. The language L(G) of an UVG-dl G is the set of...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 23:20

11 400 0
Cancer causes and cancer research on many levels of complexity docx

Cancer causes and cancer research on many levels of complexity docx

... multi-stage process of cancer progression explains its long latent period. Exposure to strong radiation may initiate the process by inducing mutations to create an oncogene. One oncogene alone is unable ... patterns of cancer incidences vary greatly across countries. Natives of Japan had high rates of stomach but low rates of colon cancer. Natives of Hawaii had high rates of colon but low rates of stomach ... alleviation of harsh conditions lengthened life expectancy, first of the aristocracy then of the general population. A subtle and complex disease, it was difficult to diagnose. Identification of...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 01:20

15 291 0


... applied to the Argentine National Government for a railway concession in connection therewith. ADMINISTRATION. After various changes of centre the administration offices of the Company were, in ... back of each may be seen the row of offices of the "Sport," which is the betting system of the country. This consists of tickets, which are sold at a fixed price, with the name of one ... reiteration it would be unnecessary to say that there is not one grain of truth in these suggestions as applied to the state of things to- day. Nearly one-fifth of the population of Argentina...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 02:21

213 379 0
chen f.f., chang j.p. lecture notes on principles of plasma processing

chen f.f., chang j.p. lecture notes on principles of plasma processing

... Transition between neutral- and ion-dominated electron collisions The behavior of a partially ionized plasma de- pends a great deal on the collisionality of the electrons. From the discussion above, ... conclusions. The participants in the Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC) at which many of these results were presented de- cided to design a standard configuration that everyone Introduction ... the ions are weakly magnetized, electrons-ion collisions can be treated like electron-neutral collisions, but with a different collision frequency. Light emission excited by fast elec- trons shows...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:17

249 780 0