... contextual disambiguation, either by machine or as part of an interactive man -machine system. We also plan to explore probabilistic models for Arabic/English transliteration. Simply identify- ... from katakana back to En- glish, i.e., back -transliteration. Automating back- transliteration has great practical importance in Japanese/English machine translation. Katakana phrases are the ... transliteration. The information-losing aspect of transliteration makes it hard to invert. Here are some problem in- stances, taken from actual newspaper articles: 1 ITexts used in ARPA Machine...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 03:20
... models to guide its hypotheses on phone boundaries. Bayesian Model for Segmentation Our model is inspired by previous applications of nonparametric Bayesian models to segmentation problems in NLP and ... 40–49, Jeju, Republic of Korea, 8-14 July 2012. c 2012 Association for Computational Linguistics A Nonparametric Bayesian Approach to Acoustic Model Discovery Chia-ying Lee and James Glass Computer Science ... three sub-problems as well as the unknown set of sub-word units as la- tent variables in one nonparametric Bayesian model. More specifically, we formulate a Dirichlet pro- cess mixture model where...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Unsupervised Coreference Resolution in a Nonparametric Bayesian Model" potx
... Claire Cardie. 2002. Improving machine learn- ing approaches to coreference resolution. ACL. NIST. 2004. The ACE evaluation plan. W. Soon, H. Ng, and D. Lim. 2001. A machine learning ap- proach ... anaphoricity and coreference resolution using inte- ger programming. HLT-NAACL. Thomas Ferguson. 1973. A bayesian analysis of some non- parametric problems. Annals of Statistics. Niyu Ge, John Hale, and ... Wagstaff. 1999. Noun phrase corefer- ence as clustering. EMNLP. Hal Daume and Daniel Marcu. 2005. A Bayesian model for su- pervised clustering with the Dirichlet process prior. JMLR. Pascal Denis...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:21
Báo cáo khoa học: "Jointly optimizing a two-step conditional random field model for machine transliteration and its fast decoding algorithm" pdf
... Proceedings of International Confer- ence on Machine Learning, pages 282-289. Haizhou Li, Min Zhang and Jian Su. 2004. A joint source-channel model for machine transliteration, Proceedings of the 42nd ... information into the model for 275 Indian languages. In the “NEWS 2009 Machine Transliteration Shared Task”, a new two-step CRF model for transliteration task has been proposed (Yang et al., 2009), in ... and Min Zhang 2009. Report of NEWS 2009 Ma- chine Transliteration Shared Task, Proceedings of the 2009 Named Entities Workshop: Shared Task on Transliteration (NEWS 2009), pages 1-18 Jong-Hoon...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Punjabi Machine Transliteration" pot
... Linguistics Punjabi Machine Transliteration M. G. Abbas Malik Department of Linguistics Denis Diderot, University of Paris 7 Paris, France abbas.malik@gmail.com Abstract Machine Transliteration ... is useful for machine transla- tion, cross-lingual information retrieval, multilingual text and speech processing. Punjabi Machine Transliteration (PMT) is a special case of machine translitera- tion ... ir- respective of the type of word. The Punjabi Machine Transliteration System uses transliteration rules (charac- ter mappings and dependency rules) for transliteration of Shahmukhi words into Gurmukhi....
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Joint Source-Channel Model for Machine Transliteration" doc
... the C2E back -transliteration as ),,(maxarg , γβαα γα P= (5) An n-gram transliteration model is defined as the conditional probability, or transliteration probability, of a transliteration ... more challenging as the E2C transliteration may have lost some original phonemic evidences. The Chinese-English backward transliteration process is also called back -transliteration, or C2E (Knight ... # unique Chinese transliteration (close) 28,632 # training entries for open test 34,777 # test entries for open test 2,896 # unique transliteration pairs T 5,640 # total transliteration pairs...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Nonparametric Bayesian Filtering for Location Estimation, Position Tracking, and Global " doc
... are sum- marized in Ta ble 3. 3. BAYESIAN FILTERING FOR MOBILE TERMINAL POSITIONING 3.1. Foundations of the Bayesian filter and basic algorithm The recursive Bayesian filter (RBF) [17] is a probabilistic framework ... a working GSM network is calculated using a 3D radio propagation tool. The motion model of the Bayesian filter utilizes simulated inertial mea- surements. Real-world experiments in a semiurban ... positioning problems within the con- text of the mapping approach. Section 3 discusses the basics of Bayesian filtering, introduces world model utilized, and gives implementable algorithms for the different...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Hindi-to-Urdu Machine Translation Through Transliteration" pptx
... 2: Translation or Transliteration transliteration can be very effective in machine translation for more than just translating OOV words. We have addressed two problems. First, transliteration helps ... we consider partially known transliterations to be as bad as fully unknown transliterations. The parameter ψ controls the trade-off between LM- known and LM-unknown transliterations. It does not ... functional words (which are often transliterations). This heuristic favors translations that also appear in the n-best transliteration list over only-translation and only -transliteration options. We...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Lightly Supervised Transliteration for Machine Translation" ppt
... elissar g’wbani giovanni Table 4: Transliteration examples generated cor- rectly from the test set 6 Integration with machine translation We have integrated our system as a module in a Machine Translation ... sys- tems and phonetic inventories. This paper ad- dresses transliteration from Hebrew to English as part of a machine translation system. Transliteration of terms from Hebrew into En- glish is a ... between two types of transliteration (Knight and Graehl, 1997): For- ward transliteration, where an originally Hebrew term is to be transliterated to English; and Back- ward transliteration, in...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:20
bayesian methods for machine learning
... and model averaging 6. Bayesian Discriminative Modelling [20 minutes] o Myth: Bayesian methods = Generative models o Bayes Point Machines vs Support Vector Machines o Bayesian Neural Networks 7. ... fully Bayesian approach. This tutorial aims at introducing fundamantal topics in Bayesian statistics as they apply to machine learning problems, and addressing some misconceptions about Bayesian approaches. ... Further Topics [15 minutes] o Bayesian Active Learning and Bayesian Decision Theory o Bayesian Semi-supervised Learning o Reconciling Bayesian and Frequentist Views 9. Open Discussion of Limitations...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 13:04
Trí tuệ nhân tạo - Introduction to Machine Learning
... conform to new knowledge is impractical, but machine learning metho ds mightbe able to trackmuchofit. 1.1.2 Wellsprings of Machine Learning Workinmachine learning is nowconverging from several ... Workshops on Machine Learning The Annual International Conferences on Genetic Algorithms (The Pro ceedings of the ab ove-listed four conferences are published by Morgan Kaufmann.) The journal Machine ... ortant relationships and correlations. Machine learning metho ds can often b e used to extract these relationships (data mining). Human designers often pro duce machines that do not workaswell as desired...
Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2012, 13:46
Machine Design 7 March 2013
... including plastic injection-molding machines, offshore-drilling equipment, and machine tools. Learn more at www. boschrexroth-us.com/filter. RS# 105 MARCH 7, 201 3MACHINE DESIGN.com6 • Designed Specifically ... prosthetic hands, scan this code or go to http:// machinedesign.com/ article/giving-artificial- hands-a-sense-of- touch-0909 MARCH 7, 2013 MACHINE DESIGN.com 47 Visit www.rollonnews.com for ... technicians to ensure that each machine continues to operate, and that there is no deviation in qual- ity and specifications whatsoever. Banks of computers monitor every machine, alerting the team...
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2013, 12:46
Commande Non Linéaire d’une Machine Asynchrone sans Capteur Mécanique avec Observateur du Flux Rotorique par Mode Glissant
... glissant: Application a une machine asynchrone alimentée en tension“ Thèse de magister, ENP 1999. 8. G.C. Verghese, “Observers for Flux estimation in Induction Machines”, IEEE Trans. on Ind. ... linéaire d’une machine asynchrone sans capteur mécanique avec observateur du flux rotorique à mode glissant. Le découplage est obtenu par la technique de linéarisation E/S du modèle de la machine ... position de la machine synchrone autopilotée “, Revue physique appliquée 1990, PP. 517-527. 2. B. Le Pioufle, “ Comparison o Control strategies for the servomotor”, electric Machines and power...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2013, 16:30
Fundamentals of Machine Design P34
... • Design of welded joints with variable loading 1. Variable loading in mechanical joints: Machine parts are often subjected to variable loading. In many cases pulsating or intermittent ... combustion cycle in cylinders. Often dynamic forces appear in the moving parts, e.g., inertia forces in machines and mechanisms, forces due to unbalance of the rotating components etc. Since these forces...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 09:15
Chuyể n Physical Machine sang Virtual Mac hine
... ROLE TỪ PHYSICAL MACHINE SANG VIRTUAL MACHINE I.Giới thiệu Trong phần này hướng dẫn các chuyển các Server Role của Exchange Server 2010 từ Physical Machine sang Virtual Machine thông qua ... ảo MB02 Trong Virtual Machine Manager Chọn Actions Chọn Virtual Machine Manager Chọn New Virtual machine Trong Select Source Chọn Create the new virtual machine Next TRUNG ... Exchange Server 2010 – Virtualization and High Availability 47 Trong Virtual Machine Manager Chọn Actions Chọn Virtual Machine Manager Chọn Add Host Trong Select Host Location Nhập Username...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 01:20
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