... the main targets for the development of anti-HIV drugs used in multidrug combination therapy regimens [2]. HIV-1 RT contains two distinct inhibitor binding sites for Keywords drug resistance; ... coloured red for wild-type RT and cyan for mutant RTs. For clarity, the side-chains at the site of mutation are shown in magenta for wild-type and green for the mutants. Hydrogen bonds linking drug to ... Hydrogen bonds linking drug to protein and drug to water molecules are marked in dashed lines, coloured yellow for wild-type and blue for mutant RTs. HIV-1 RT drug resistance mutations at 101 and 138...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 13:20
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 11:21
báo cáo hóa học:" Non-expanded adipose stromal vascular fraction cell therapy for multiple sclerosis" pptx
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 15:20
Báo cáo sinh học: "Careful adjustment of Epo non-viral gene therapy for β-thalassemic anaemia treatment" pot
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 19:22
Báo cáo y học: "Oral Rehydration Therapy for Preoperative Fluid and Electrolyte Management"
... 4. Eligibility standard for oral rehydration therapy I. Patients eligible for oral rehydration therapy (receiving oral rehydration solution) 1. Those who give an informed consent and have not ... and electrolyte management is usually performed by intravenous therapy. We investigated the safety and effectiveness of oral rehydration therapy (ORT) for preoperative fluid and electrolyte ... consume at least 500 mL, received intravenous therapy. For pa- tients with malignant gastric cancer, the timing of consumption was limited to up to 6 h before surgery because of the possibility...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:51
... vaccination in combination with imatinib therapy for a CML patient. A 51 year-old male with CML in CP, who showed a resistance against imatinib therapy for 2.5 years, began to be treated with ... μg/ml for l antibody periments Int. J. Med. Sc Figure 2. WT performed in a the 20th admi PE-modified-t y for WT1 pept peptide/MHC 3. Kinetics o Comple blood cell dif WT1 peptid therapy. ... anti-tumor immunotherapy as in this case. These data suggested the possible usefulness of treatment for suppressing the function of regulatory T cells in combination with anti-tumor immunotherapy in- cluding...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:39
Báo cáo y học: "Comparison between single antiplatelet therapy and combination of antiplatelet and anticoagulation therapy for secondary prevention in ischemic stroke patients with antiphospholipid syndrome"
... not yet been obtained in therapy for secondary prevention in ischemic stroke patients with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). We therefore compared single antiplatelet therapy and a combination ... in the single antiplatelet therapy group, and one subcutaneous hemorrhage was found in the combination therapy group. As for the patient in the single antiplatelet therapy group who developed ... assigned to either single antiplatelet therapy (aspirin 100 mg) or a combination of antiplatelet and an- ticoagulation therapy (target INR: 2.0-3.0; mean 2.4±0.3) for the secondary prevention of stroke...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:48
CHALLENGES FOR GAME DESIGNERS - non-digital exercise for video game designers
... de- sign tests for potential candidates. You might also consider holding periodic “design exercises for non- designers” at your company, presenting some material and running a challenge for people ... your knowledge in the area. None of the challenges requires any computer programming or even a computer unless needed for research. Even then, good ol’ books will do. Non- Digital Shorts: A range ... too easy, too difficult, or optimal for only certain groups of players. When play is balanced, it provides a consistent challenge for its target audience. For competitive multiplayer games, it...
Ngày tải lên: 10/02/2014, 18:15
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Helicases ) feasible antimalarial drug target for Plasmodium falciparum pptx
... responsible for the most severe form of the disease and this par- asite is developing resistance to the major antimalarial drugs. Therefore, in order to control malaria it is necessary to identify new drug ... prefers a fork-like substrate for its unwinding activity [18]. Helicases as drug and therapeutic target Resistance to the most efficient, reasonably priced and safe antimalarials has called for the ... cel- lular RNA helicases as antiviral targets. Nat Rev Drug Discov 4, 845–853. 27 Frick DN (2003) Helicases as antiviral drug targets. Drug News Persp 16, 355–362. 28 Frick DN & Lam AM (2006)...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 16:20
Tài liệu Allergic and Non‐Allergic Sinusitis for the Primary Care Physician: Pathophysiology, Evaluation and Treatment pdf
... Whichrequireapproximately1week for regeneration B. Whichrequireapproximately6weeks for regeneration C. Whichrequireapproxi mately12weeks for regeneration D. Whichrequireapproximately6months for regeneration E. ... )was for children12years oryounger.(5‐7)Aprimarydiagnosisofacuteorchronicsinusitisaccounted for 58.7%ofallexpenditures($3.5 billion).(5‐7)Itisestimatedthat2.2billiondollarsisspentyearly onprescriptionandnonprescriptionmedication. (5‐7)About12%eachofthecosts for asthmaandchronicotitismediaand eustachiantubedisorderswere 45 Allergicand Non AllergicSinusitis for thePrimaryCarePhysician: Pathophysiology,EvaluationandTreatment CHAPTER4 ALLERGYANDSINUSDISEASE INTRODUCTION AccordingtotheAmericanAcademyofAllergy,Asthma,andImmunology(AAAAI),over50million Americanssufferfromsomeformofallergiesthatgreatlyimpactstheirqualityoflifeaswellashealthcarecoststhat areestimatedatapproximately20billiondollarsayear.( 1)Allergicrhinitisaloneisestimatedtoaffect20to30 millionAmericanseachyearandaccounts for anestimated3%ofallmedicalofficevisitsandranksasthesecond mostcommonreasonpatientsseekprofessionalhealthcare.(1)InmanygeographicareasoftheUnitedStates, allergiesplay asignificantroleascontributoryfactorsofsinusdiseaseaswellassecondarycauseofsinusinfections. Itisofgreatvaluetothepractitionertounderstandtheunderlyingimmunologicfactors,availablediagnostictests andtreatments.(2‐8) Itisespeciallyvaluable for thepractitionertobewellversedin allergybecausemanypatientsareconfused aboutthedifferencebetweensinusitis ... arance.” Rhinology. 2006;44(3):193‐6. 23.BoatsmanJ,CalhounK,RyanM.“RelationshipBetweenRhinosinusitisSymptomsandMucociliaryClearance Time.”OtolaryngolHeadNeckSurg.2006;134(3):491‐493. 24.BeckerDG.SeptoplastyandTurbinateSurgery.AestheticSurgJ2003;23:393‐403. 25.CookPR,BegegniA,BryantC,DavisWE.Effectofpartialmiddleturbinectomyon nasalairflowandresistance. OtolaryngolHeadNeckSurg1995;113:413‐419. 26.PankeyGA,GrossCW,MendelsohnMG.ContemporaryDiagnosisandManagementofSinusitis.NewtownPA: HandbooksinHealthCare,2000. 27.FacerGW,KernEB.Sinusitis:currentconceptsandmanagement.In:BaileyBJ,editor.HeadandNeckSurgery– Otolaryngology.Philadelphia,PA: JBLippincott,1993. 28.ReulerJB,LucasLM,KumarKL.Sinusitis.Areview for generalists.WestJMed1995;163:40–48. 29.StammbergerH.FunctionalEndoscopicSinusSurgery.Philadelphia,PA:BCDecker,1991. 19 Allergicand Non AllergicSinusitis for thePrimaryCarePhysician: Pathophysiology,EvaluationandTreatment CHAPTER2 SIGNSANDSYMPTOMSOFSINUSDISEASE SinusitisisoneofthemostcommonhealthcarecomplaintsintheUnitedStates.(1‐8)Approximately1in8 peopleintheUnitedStateswillhavesinusitisatonetimeintheirlives.TheNationalCenter for DiseaseStatistics reports thatsinusitisisnowthenumberonechronicillness for allagegroupsintheUnitedStates.The1993National HealthInterviewSurveyfoundthatsinusitiswasthemostcommonlyreportedchronicdisease,affecting approximately14%oftheUnitedStatespopulation,andAnandreporteda16%incidenceinhis2004 study.(9)A 2006studybyKoyandCoonsontheincidenceofchronicconditionsreportedthatapproximatelythree‐fifths (62.5%)ofthestudysamplereportedatleastoneof18chronicmedicalconditions;sinusitis(24.8%)wasthemost commonlyreportedcondition,followedbyhypertension(23.5%)andarthritis(21.5%).( 10) Sinusdiseaseaffectsroughly31millionpeopleannually.Furthermore,10%ofthepopulationsuffersfrom allergicsinusdisease.Between1990and1992,reportsindicatedthatsinusitissufferershadapproximately73 milliondaysofrestrictedactivity—a50%increasefrom4yearsearlier.Sinusitisaccounted for nearly25million physicianoffice visitsintheUnitedStatesin1993and1994.(Ofcourse,manymorecasesareunreported,andmany patientssufferwithoutseeingaphysician,sothetrueincidenceofsinusitisisunknown.)Althoughtheyaretypically notseriousandrespondpromptlytopropermedicaltreatment,inflammatorydiseasesofthesinusesare aleading causeoflossofproductivitybothatworkandatschool. RhinosinusitisposesanimmenseeconomicburdenintheUnitedStates.(9)Thecostoftreatingsinus diseaserunsintothebillionsofdollars,withouttakingintoaccountlossofwork.Overallhealthcareexpenditures attributableto sinusitisin1996wereestimatedat$5...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Exploiting Non-local Features for Spoken Language Understanding" pptx
... ap- proach to exploit non- local information in the next section. 3 Incorporating Non- local Information 3.1 Using Trigger Features To exploit non- local information to sequential la- beling for a statistical ... language tasks. Thus, we need new methods to import non- local information into se- quential models. There are two types of method for using non- local information. One is to add edges to structure to ... bet- ter than CRF (the structured model) not only for time cost but also for the performance on our ex- periment 4 . This result shows that local informa- tion provides the fundamental decision clues....
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 12:20
Draft Report on Alternative (Non-Animal) Methods for Cosmetics Testing: current status and future prospects – 2010 doc
... assay for androgen receptor binding: a practical approach for EDC screening 1281 using the chimpanzee AR. Toxicol Lett 26-9-2008;181:126-131. 1282 [67] Anon. US-EPA: Integrated summary report for ... combination of alternative approaches. 1025 Therefore, for reproductive toxicity testing, animal studies will remain the last resort for 1026 foreseeable time. This is caused by e.g. the often ... There are a number of international efforts to bring together existing toxicological 772 information on reproductive toxicology in an electronic format. For data that are publicly 773 available...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20
Drug dictionary for dentistry potx
... and 250 mg/5 mL. (iv) Powder for reconstitution for oral administration 750 mg and 3 g. (v) 250 mg and 500 mg vials for reconstitution for injection. Dose (1) For management of dental infections ... occur with this drug, therefore rapid changes in patient position should be avoided. Drug interactions There is increased sedation when used in combination with CNS depressant drugs such as ... Berlin Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries Published in the United States by Oxford University Press Inc., New York â Oxford...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 11:20
A review of non-financial incentives for health worker retention in east and southern Africa pot
... health worker issues. Long-term stability in Tanzania, for example, provides an important context both for health workforce planning and for external funding, while higher domestic financing in ... government introduced payment of non- practice, risk and extraneous allowances for doctors, dentists and pharmacists in public service, and risk and uniform allowances for nurses and other health ... documents were forthcoming. The searches, in general, looked for documents referring to HCW that also addressed financial incentives, non- financial incentives, motivation, performance, HIV and...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20