nih it and informatics environment design for the future

Tài liệu Infrastructure Protection and Security Service Integration Design for the Next Generation WAN Edge v2.0 pptx

Tài liệu Infrastructure Protection and Security Service Integration Design for the Next Generation WAN Edge v2.0 pptx

... Protection and Security Service Integration Design for the Next Generation WAN Edge v2.0 38 OL-11727-01 Design and Implementation iACL and Logging on the Cisco 7304 and the 7301 Platforms On the Cisco ... Less 191118 Scalability and Performance In addition to the additional security components, network fundamentals such as scalability and performance, high availability, QoS, and routing protocols ... more flexibility and allows more redundancy options The CPU of the WAN router runs the outer barrier (iACL and its logging, as well as QoS for the WAN circuit) offloading it from the crypto aggregation...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20

184 747 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Editorial Cross-Layer Design for the Physical, MAC, and Link Layer in Wireless Systems" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Editorial Cross-Layer Design for the Physical, MAC, and Link Layer in Wireless Systems" doc

... use the transmit buffer information at the receiver (TBIR) when the transmitter has a partial channel state information The author develops a design framework for systems that utilize feedback and ... control algorithm on the PHY layer and a backoff algorithm on the MAC layer The protocol is an excellent example of the gains to be had by a joint design across these two layers The paper “Further development ... reconciling the realistic amount of signaled CSI at the transmitters with the throughput demands set by the users The extensive evaluations confirm that the proposed algorithm is superior to the existing...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20

3 376 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Jointly Decoded Raptor Codes: Analysis and Design for the BIAWGN Channel" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Jointly Decoded Raptor Codes: Analysis and Design for the BIAWGN Channel" pdf

... choosing the rate splitting between the precode and the LT code 4.1 The Rate Splitting Issue In literature, the rate of the precode is usually chosen very close to 1, for the following reason The ... whether the asymptotic analysis of the joint decoder remains valid for finite length design Indeed, in the asymptotic regime, the concentration theorem [16] ensures that the performance of a randomly ... universal on other channels than the BEC: they cannot adapt to themselves to an unknown channel noise and approach the capacity of the channel arbitrarily closely However, it turns out that the distributions...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20

11 488 0
Design for the Environment Program Alternatives Assessment Criteria for Hazard Evaluation pot

Design for the Environment Program Alternatives Assessment Criteria for Hazard Evaluation pot

... Toxicity Categories [31] Table 10 Irritation Criteria for Hazard Designations Irritation/Corrosivity Eye Irritation/Corrosivity Skin Irritation/Corrosivity Very High High Irritation persists for ... EPA Design for the Environment Program Alternatives Assessment Criteria for Hazard Evaluation Version 2.0 August 2011 Table A2 Environmental Toxicity and Fate - 42 - U.S EPA Design for the Environment ... 2011 4.2 Environmental Toxicity and Fate 4.2.1 Aquatic Toxicity Chemicals will be assigned hazard designations based on either the LC50 or EC50 values for acute aquatic toxicity, and the no or...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 23:20

50 409 0
Design for the Environment Program Alternatives Assessment Criteria for Hazard Evaluation potx

Design for the Environment Program Alternatives Assessment Criteria for Hazard Evaluation potx

... Toxicity Categories [31] Table 10 Irritation Criteria for Hazard Designations Irritation/Corrosivity Eye Irritation/Corrosivity Skin Irritation/Corrosivity Very High High Irritation persists for ... EPA Design for the Environment Program Alternatives Assessment Criteria for Hazard Evaluation Version 2.0 August 2011 Table A2 Environmental Toxicity and Fate - 42 - U.S EPA Design for the Environment ... 2011 4.2 Environmental Toxicity and Fate 4.2.1 Aquatic Toxicity Chemicals will be assigned hazard designations based on either the LC50 or EC50 values for acute aquatic toxicity, and the no or...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 02:20

50 289 0
Design for the Environment ppt

Design for the Environment ppt

... effect, positive or negative, of the factor The recyclability of a product impacts the environment directly and positively – the better the recyclability, the greater the environmental benefit The indirect ... one-use-only so therefore they can be replaced with the paper bags for the same purpose, or even with bags that are designed for more than one use therefore eliminating unnecessary waste in the environment ... Teaching Unit 35 Design for the Environment (1.0) Salustri, Mirceski, Bouma It is intuitive that neither case will provide a positive impact, and these results reinforce this idea However, the fact...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 02:20

41 343 0
Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 1 ppt

Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 1 ppt

... The Design for X System Objective Properties and Design for X Tools Choice of Design for X Tools and Their Use in the Design Process Design for X and Design- Centered ... is the quantity of goods produced Consequently, the greater the increase in resources it ingests and transforms, and the greater the increase in objects it produces and waste it discards, the ... redesign (Product and Process Design, Design for Use, Design for End-of-Life, or, more generally, Design for X) These tools, and the issues correlated with them (evaluation of environmental impact...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:21

63 611 1
Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 2 potx

Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 2 potx

... sum of the direct and indirect emissions quantifies the total emissivity that can be associated with the process and, therefore, with the final product • The sum of the energy contents of the materials ... process) • The emissivity associable with the production of the unit weight of each material used • The emissivity associable with the production of the unit of energy • The direct emissivity associable ... materials and of the energy introduced quantifies the energy content of the final product, and expresses the consumption of energy resources associable with it and with the activity that generated it...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:21

24 360 0
Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 4 potx

Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 4 potx

... present the most effective technique for evaluating the environmental performance of a product or system, its complexity limits its use in the design phase Currently, it is used only at the end of the ... 94 Product Design for the Environment the functional outputs of the product system.” The main aim of the definition of the functional unit is to provide a reference unit to which input and output ... necessary for the compilation and preparation of the definition of goal and scope for LCA, and for performing, interpreting, and reporting a Life Cycle Inventory analysis (LCI) General framework for the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:21

27 495 0
Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 6 pdf

Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 6 pdf

... as the definition, assessment and allocation of environmental costs and expenditures for the purpose of cost and resource management, compliance reporting, and capital budgeting, planning, and ... externalities of the economic system They are due to the impacts of activities on the environment and on human health, and they can be monetized using some evaluation methods included in the approach ... interacts with the two systems (economic and natural) through the cost flows internal and external to the economic system • The field of application of LCCA is limited to the economic system; therefore,...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:21

15 334 0
Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 7 potx

Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 7 potx

... 1990; Smith and Eppinger, 1997; Smith and Morrow, 1999), the integration of activities does not in itself constitute the universal answer for the improvement of the design process Rather, its effectiveness ... 159 with the definition of the problem and identification of the requirements, continues with the definition of the product concept, and concludes with the detailed specification of a producible design ... dividing the complex system into subsystems and components and, since it is the basis for the definition of the product architecture, this decomposition is one of the key factors of effective design It...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:21

35 342 0
Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 8 docx

Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 8 docx

... Of these, Design for Manufacturing and Design for Assembly (concerning the necessities of the production phase) and Design for Reliability, Design for Maintainability, and Design for Quality ... how these are performed Focusing on the material flows, and therefore on the physical dimension of the product-entity, the environmental performance of the life cycle can be improved through the ... by the environmental requirements The design phases, where the most appropriate tools of the DFX system are applied (Design for Disassembly—DFD, Design for Serviceability—DFS, and Design for...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:21

29 311 0
Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 9 doc

Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 9 doc

... within a preset time span Reliability is, therefore, a product requisite determining the necessity for the maintenance or repair interventions foreseen and favored by Design for Serviceability ... from minimizing the time and costs of the necessary processes and in both the preservation and the exploitation of the materials recovered (the greater the purity of the materials, the © 2006 by ... on the development and use of design rules formulated to take into account both reliability and maintainability (Kusiak and Lee, 1997) 9.2.1 Design for Serviceability Using the term “service” for...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:21

34 341 0
Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 10 ppsx

Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 10 ppsx

... approaches: • Design for infinite life • Design for finite life • Design for critical dimensions of defects Of the three approaches, the first is based on Wöhler’s theories The underlying hypothesis is ... 10.4.1 Product Design for the Environment Thermography Thermography, from the Greek thermos (heat) and graph (write), is the measurement of the infrared radiation emitted by an object The term commonly ... deformations may be present due to the nonhomogeneity of the material itself, and to the nonuniform distribution of the stresses and strains Later, Golos and Ellyin proposed substituting ⌬wp with...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:21

43 446 0
Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 11 potx

Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 11 potx

... identify the units offering the best opportunities for reuse (units 2, 3, 6) and those most suitable for recycling (units 1, 4) Unit offers broadly equivalent opportunities (the complexity of the ... redesign intervention The first phase of system redesign is the analysis of opportunities for architecture redesign based on the functionality and performance constraints imposed on the main units, ... for a correct definition of the most suitable interventions for preexisting products and an evaluation of environmental criticality • Product redesign for the improvement of environmental performance...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:21

29 353 0
Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 12 pot

Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 12 pot

... Product Design for the Environment Analysis of Production Feasibility On the basis of the form required (Sh) and of the expected use (Us), the analysis of production feasibility suggests some hypothetical ... Product Design for the Environment between materials and the design activity, confirmed by the significance of the issues related to the efficient integration of materials selection in the product ... superimposition of mechanical and thermal loading) below the mechanic resistance limits of the materials • Global strain state (due to the superimposition of mechanical and thermal loading) within the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:21

22 334 0
Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 14 ppt

Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 14 ppt

... single entity during the disassembly sequence, unless they are predefined on the basis of their homogeneity, the compatibility of their materials, or other criteria of affinity between the elements ... coherent with the reusability of the elements and the recyclability properties of the materials In fact, for elements 0, 1, and (nonreusable, ABS/low recyclable fraction) the algorithm suggests their ... 14.5.1) The compilation of the characterization matrices (14.4) in fact requires, for each element, the typology index together with its constituent material, weight, reusability, and cost and environmental...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:21

32 354 0
Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 16 (end) docx

Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 16 (end) docx

... to the end of useful life, it is seen that: • If Pfu > Pfr then DCFu < 1; therefore, the component is not critical • If Pfu < Pfr then DCFu > 1; therefore, the component is critical and is the ... with a high c factor, given the importance of the failure The higher the value of BCI, the more critical the behavior under examination, both for the effect of its failure on the system and for ... operating conditions over the arc of its useful life and allows the quantification of both the need for servicing operations and the possibility of reusing the component In the case where DI < 1, the need...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:21

19 299 0
On the adaptive and learning control design for systems with repetitiveness

On the adaptive and learning control design for systems with repetitiveness

... the ability to learn from and adapt to their environment, and the ability to invoke weak assumptions about the underlying physical phenomena responsible for the generation of the input data It ... performance index of the control system using the inputs, the states, the outputs and the known disturbances From the comparison of the measured performance index and a set of given ones, the ... approaches for nonlinear dynamic systems with repetitiveness The main contributions lie in the following aspects: AC design for systems with periodic repetitiveness in parametric form, ILC design for...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 10:15

271 265 0
China’s banking reform: Issues and prospects for the future

China’s banking reform: Issues and prospects for the future

... accompanied by capital injections up to the required solvency ratio to comply with Basel I and with precise timetable • Necessary for soundness but also to improve its profitability • Clarify how ... Particularly for capital adequacy! – The spirit of the low probably more important than the letter of the law  Better corporate governance: Strengthened functions and accountability of board of ... doing? Suggestions for future steps Restricted Why all care for China’s financial reform?  China’s outstanding growth performance justifies optimism  And yet, such huge saving and investment ratios...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 16:15

20 472 0