fundamentals of electric circuits
... Introduction 478 Balanced Three-Phase Voltages 479 Balanced Wye-Wye Connection 482 Balanced Wye-Delta Connection 486 Balanced Delta-Delta Connection 488 Balanced Delta-Wye Connection 490 Power ... must pay because it costs money to stay connected to the power line As energy consumption increases, the cost per kWh drops It is interesting to note the average monthly consumption of household ... Repeated Poles Complex Poles Applicaton to Circuits 666 Transfer Functions 672 The Convolution Integral 677 Application to Integrodifferential Equations 685 Applications 687 15.9.1 15.9.2 15.10 Summary...
Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2014, 15:37
... photon electron = × 1011 ⋅ × 1019 ( C / electron) ⋅ ∆t sec photon × 1011 × × 10 −19 C/s = 0.8 × 10 -8 C/s = nA Chapter 1, Solution 22 It should be noted that these are only ... For half-scale deflection, Im = Im = E R + Rm + Rx Chapter 2, Solution 76 For series connection, R = x 0.4Ω = 0.8Ω V (120) p= = = 18 kΩ (low) R 0.8 For parallel connection, R = 1/2 x 0.4Ω = 0.2Ω ... 2, Solution v = iR i = v/R = (16/5) mA = 3.2 mA Chapter 2, Solution p = v2/R → R = v2/p = 14400/60 = 240 ohms Chapter 2, Solution R = v/i = 120/(2.5x10-3) = 48k ohms Chapter 2, Solution (a) (b)...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2016, 14:12
fundamentals of electric circuits
... Introduction 504 Balanced Three-Phase Voltages 505 Balanced Wye-Wye Connection 509 Balanced Wye-Delta Connection 512 Balanced Delta-Delta Connection 514 12.6 Balanced Delta-Wye Connection 516 12.7 ... move on to the next section Complete solutions to the practice problems are available to students on ARIS Application Sections The last section in each chapter is devoted to practical application ... must pay because it costs money to stay connected to the power line As energy consumption increases, the cost per kWh drops It is interesting to note the average monthly consumption of household...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2016, 13:35
... action of f If a function is both injective and surjective, then it is said to be bijective (one-to-one and onto) Examples e e U is not onto because T is not in R( f) Also U is not one-to-one ... operation is a function acting on a Cartesian product set S T When T ¼ S, one speaks of a binary operation on S 1.2 Vector Spaces over Fields A field F is a nonempty set F and two binary operations, ... every s S, one and only one t T exists such that (s, t) U The function evaluated at the element s gives t as a solution ( f(s) ¼ t), and each s S as a first element in U appears exactly once 1-1...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 08:21
parasitic-aware optimization of cmos rf circuits
... capacitor is that its behavior is non-monotonic In order to obtain a monotonic function for the capacitance, the bulk can be disconnected from the drain and source connection and tied to the most positive ... model, the modulation of this resistance, which is caused by transitions between the sub-regions within the inversion region is still not taken into consideration [16] Modeling of On- Chip Passive ... tight control of the bonding process [1] This issue is addressed in a later section Monolithic spiral inductors have traditionally been fabricated on GaAs substrates because in addition to providing...
Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 10:55
The Fundamentals of Drawing in Colour
... and limitations Because pencils are easy to control, they are frequent favourites among beginners Later on, of course, one realizes that the control doesn’t come from mental determination but purely ... mixed) yield strong red and weak blue in crimson; strong blue and weak red in violet; strong blue and weak yellow in turquoise; strong yellow and weak blue in yellow-green; strong yellow and weak ... experience, leading you to work out tonal values to your own satisfaction And please don’t believe that there is only one correct way; try out every variation that occurs to you while working,...
Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 14:19
Fundamentals of Linux Final
... Workspace One Click on the Text Note icon on the Front Panel to open a Text Note window 10 Once the Text Note window has been opened, convert the window to an icon 11 Convert the Text Note icon back ... mouse button, or MENU button, is clicked or held down, a menu of choices will appear The options available on the menu will be determined by the position of the mouse pointer when button was pressed ... personalized settings will be the default whenever a CDE session is initiated The Left Mouse Button Most actions use the left mouse button, alternatively known as button or the SELECT button This...
Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 10:11
Learning JavaScript A Hands-On Guide to the Fundamentals of Modern JavaScript
... JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Objects 47 Creating Interaction Loops 47 48 Conditionals 48 switch Statement Functions 49 50 Anonymous Functions 51 46 Contents Callback Functions Methods Events ... For sales outside the United States, please contact: International Sales Visit us on the Web: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication ... Functions 106 Anonymous Functions Scope 107 108 Calling a Function with a Function Returning Data 110 A Function as a Method 112 109 103 Contents Loops 113 for Loop 114 Conditionals 116 if Statement...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2013, 15:51
... OFDM in WiMAX 4.4 Timing and Frequency Synchronization 4.4.1 Timing Synchronization 4.4.2 Frequency Synchronization 4.4.3 Obtaining Synchronization in WiMAX 4.5 The Peak-to-Average Ratio 4.5.1 ... predictions He additionally contributed to parts of Chapter 3, as did Wan Choi and Aamir Hasan Jaeweon Kim and Kitaek Bae contributed their extensive knowledge on peak-toaverage ratio reduction techniques ... For sales outside the United States, please contact: International Sales Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Andrews,...
Ngày tải lên: 27/04/2013, 08:58
Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics, 7th edition
... Equation for Steady One-Dimensional Flow 551 608 10.7 Gas Refrigeration Systems 612 10.7.1 Brayton Refrigeration Cycle 612 9.12.3 Determining Stagnation State 555 9.13 Analyzing One-Dimensional ... Considerations 238 5.2 Statements of the Second Law 239 5.2.1 Clausius Statement of the Second Volumes at Steady State Considerations 238 Work 5.1.3 Aspects of the Second Law 4.5.2 Modeling Considerations ... Reacting Mixtures and Combustion 777 12.4.1 Mixture Processes at Constant Composition 743 12.8.3 Dehumidification 685 11.9.5 Ideal Solution 741 12.8.2 Conditioning Moist Air at Constant 11.9.3 Fundamental...
Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2013, 09:33
Fundamentals of Operator Overloading
... phone invokes operator>> by implicitly issuing // the non-member function call operator>>( cin, phone ) cin >> phone; 65 66 cout
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 07:20
Fundamentals of Machine Design P34
... fatigue stress concentration factor Alternatively, Goodman’s equation or Gerber’s line may be used to calculate the root area and hence the size of the bolts The fatigue stress concentration factor ... doing extensive experimentation A few figures are shown in Table Version ME , IIT Kharagpur Table 2: Fatigue Stress Concentration Factor Metric Grade Fatigue stress Conc factor 3.6 - 5.8 2.1 – ... allowable fatigue stress k−1 = fatigue stress concentration factor tabulated below Version ME , IIT Kharagpur Table 3: Fatigue stress concentration factor ( k−1 ) Type of weld k−1 Reinforced butt...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 09:15
LabView - Engineering Fundamentals of Digital Electronics
... grouped to demonstrate special relationships of advanced devices on certain basic gates For example, the CPU operation is dependent on the concept of registers and two input operations This manual ... of the six patterns on the face of a die © National Instruments Corporation 2-1 Fundamentals of Digital Electronics Lab Encoders and Decoders On closer inspection, there are only four unique patterns ... use a Wait function to slow down the action for demonstration Note that the While Loop control is left unwired Each time this VI is called, the next value is returned On the front panel, select...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 11:15
Fundamentals of Wireless Communication
... looking at the expression (3.18) for the error probability of BPSK conditional on the channel gains: h SNR Q (3.37) We can break up the total received SNR conditional on the channel gains into ... antenna separation of half to one carrier wavelength is sufficient For basestations on high towers, larger antenna separation of several to 10’s of wavelengths may be required One should observe ... the constellation is per degree of freedom We use the upper bound Q(x) ≤ e−x /2 , for x > 0, to get P {x1 → x2 } 42 Figure 3.3: (a) Rotated constellation of diversity code (b) Constellation of...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 07:15
Fundamentals of WiMAX (P1)
... OFDM in WiMAX 4.4 Timing and Frequency Synchronization 4.4.1 Timing Synchronization 4.4.2 Frequency Synchronization 4.4.3 Obtaining Synchronization in WiMAX 4.5 The Peak-to-Average Ratio 4.5.1 ... predictions He additionally contributed to parts of Chapter 3, as did Wan Choi and Aamir Hasan Jaeweon Kim and Kitaek Bae contributed their extensive knowledge on peak-toaverage ratio reduction techniques ... For sales outside the United States, please contact: International Sales Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Andrews,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 07:15
Fundamentals of WiMAX (P2)
... to connect to the network from different locations via different base stations; mobility implies the ability to keep ongoing connections active while moving at vehicular speeds 1.1 Evolution ... first-generation LOS systems were deployed internationally in the 3.5GHz band 8 Chapter • Introduction to Broadband Wireless 1.1.3 Second-Generation Broadband Systems Second-generation broadband ... traditional telephone companies move into the entertainment area with IP-TV (Internet Protocol television), portable WiMAX could be used as a solution to extend applications and content beyond the...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 05:15
Fundamentals of Machine Design P37
... important that one has to identify the higher tension side and the lower tension side, which is shown in Fig 13.1.3 Belt motion T2 Friction on belt T2 T1>T2 T1 Driven pulley T1 Friction on pulley ... higher tension side and T2 is lower tension side Continuing the discussion on belt tension, the figures though they are continuous, are represented as two figures for the purpose of explanation The ... initial tension in the belt Tight side elongation ∝ (T1 – T i ) Slack side contraction ∝ (T i – T ) Where, Ti is the initial belt tension Since, belt length remains the same, ie, the elongation is...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 12:15