new possibilities for analysis and design

Báo cáo hóa học: " Editorial Novel Techniques for Analysis and Design of Cross-Layer Optimized Wireless Sensor Networks" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Editorial Novel Techniques for Analysis and Design of Cross-Layer Optimized Wireless Sensor Networks" docx

... different bit rates and reliabilities The eighth paper, titled “An energy-efficient adaptive modulation suitable for wireless sensor networks with SER and throughput constraints” and authored by J ... (MBACDSs) achieve superior performance, and develop distributed algorithms for finding them The commercial attractiveness of some WSNs comes from their ability to gather and aggregate very heterogeneous ... strategy for mobile sinks in data-gathering sensor networks,” Y Bi et al develop an innovative algorithm for performing the sink movement, that is based on the observation that it is best for the...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

3 281 0
báo cáo khoa học: "The behaviour change wheel: A new method for characterising and designing behaviour change interventions" pps

báo cáo khoa học: "The behaviour change wheel: A new method for characterising and designing behaviour change interventions" pps

... wheel: A new method for characterising and designing behaviour change interventions Susan Michie1*, Maartje M van Stralen2 and Robert West3 Abstract Background: Improving the design and implementation ... interventions and policies is important for intervention design, the BCW goes beyond providing this It forms the basis for a systematic analysis of how to make the selection of interventions and policies ... Strategy for England London; 2010 National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence: Obesity: the prevention, identification, assessment and management of overweight and obesity in adults and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:23

12 328 0
John wiley  sons data modelers workbench {tools and techniques for analysis and design} (2002)

John wiley sons data modelers workbench {tools and techniques for analysis and design} (2002)

... number of initial rows and daily updates required to the CUSTOMER structure TIP For the blueprint analogy, we use a new design comparison for a new application and a design for an addition on something ... their understanding and reuse, standards help make concepts conform and be consistent with each other In the case of naming standards, they are for the good of the company and not just for a specific ... capability and obligation to educate and influence These communication prerequisites form the foundation of the application analysis and design activities Having this foundation in place before the design...

Ngày tải lên: 23/05/2018, 13:58

495 177 0
principles of chemical reactor analysis and design new tools for industrial chemical reactor operations

principles of chemical reactor analysis and design new tools for industrial chemical reactor operations

... CHEMICAL REACTOR ANALYSIS AND DESIGN New Tools for Industrial Chemical Reactor Operations Second Edition UZI MANN Texas Tech University PRINCIPLES OF CHEMICAL REACTOR ANALYSIS AND DESIGN PRINCIPLES ... F Froment and K B Bischoff, Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design, 2nd ed., Wiley, New York, 1990 K G Denbigh and J C R Turner, Chemical Reactor Theory, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1971 ... transformation can be expressed in many forms called chemical formulas, and we have to select one of them as the framework (or basis) for the analysis To illustrate this point, consider, for example,...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 10:36

494 855 0
A new numerical method for rotating systems in engineering analysis and design

A new numerical method for rotating systems in engineering analysis and design

... A NEW NUMERICAL METHOD FOR ROTATING SYSTEMS IN ENGINEERING ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SZE PAN PAN (B.Eng (Hons.), NUS) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ENGINEERING ... disk and the load is involved The latter case is different from the former not only in the addition of centrifugal force but also Coriolis effect Therefore, it is only a good approximation for former ... stresses, friction force and aerodynamic, for the rotating disk studied The general interests lie mainly in finding ways to increase the critical speeds and expand the stability region For instance,...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 15:43

121 451 0
System Analysis and Design - Complete Introductory Tutorial for Software Engineering

System Analysis and Design - Complete Introductory Tutorial for Software Engineering

... the design of the system 2) System analysis and design: Here apart from the analysis work, Analyst is also responsible for the designing of the new system/application 3) Systems analysis, design, ... the information can be categorized as: strategic information, managerial information and operational information Strategic information is the information needed by top most management for decision ... calculated for each function 40 An expected value is then computed using the following formula where, EV stand for the estimation variable Sopt stand for the optimistic estimate Sm stands for the...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 23:15

123 2,8K 12
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Jointly Decoded Raptor Codes: Analysis and Design for the BIAWGN Channel" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Jointly Decoded Raptor Codes: Analysis and Design for the BIAWGN Channel" pdf

... a Gaussian random variable with mean m and variance σ = 2m [14] We call information content (IC), the mutual information between a random variable representing a transmitted bit and another one ... Caire, and S Verdu, Design methods for irregular repeat accumulate codes,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 50, pp 1711–1727, 2004 [13] A Venkiah, C Poulliat, and D Declercq, Analysis ... tandem decoding (TD) is used: it consists in decoding the LT code first and then the precode independently, using the soft extrinsic information on the input symbols as a priori information for...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20

11 488 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Analysis and Design of Timing Recovery Schemes for DMT Systems over Indoor Power-Line Channels" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Analysis and Design of Timing Recovery Schemes for DMT Systems over Indoor Power-Line Channels" pdf

... activity includes digital signal processing for communications, primarily synchronization and channel estimation for PLC and xDSL systems, and performance analysis of wireless MIMO systems ... he has worked for many years His experience includes most of its applications, that is, voice band, DSL and cable modems, satellite, mobile, and power-line communications, and so forth, as well ... conventional one and, as shown in Figure 10, it performs less than dB worse than the LS in a quite wide region Therefore, it has been selected for the subsequent analysis performance, but due...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 20:20

11 644 0
suggested analysis and design procedures for combined footings and mats

suggested analysis and design procedures for combined footings and mats

... needed to give good agreement between the analysis ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF COMBINED FOOTINGS AND MATS and performance (Bowles 1974) End-spring doubling for beams will give a minimal spring coupling ... all edges; and (c) mat ideally suited for analysis using finite grid method, since ribs make direct formulation of element properties difficult ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF COMBINED FOOTINGS AND MATS ... geotechnical engineering analysis and judgement are needed to make the values meaningful to the design ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF COMBINED FOOTINGS AND MATS CHAPTER REFERENCES 8.1 -Specified and/ or recommended...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 22:01

21 677 2
Exact BER analysis and design of prerake combining schemes for direct sequence ultra wideband multiple access systems

Exact BER analysis and design of prerake combining schemes for direct sequence ultra wideband multiple access systems

... EXACT BER ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF PRERAKE COMBINING SCHEMES FOR DIRECT SEQUENCE ULTRA-WIDEBAND MULTIPLE ACCESS SYSTEMS CAO WEI (B Eng, M Eng) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR ... this thesis to my husband, my parents and my brother for their i Acknowledgment great care and endless love to me throughout the years I will be forever indebted to them for all that they have ... and PSD In Fig 1.1, the emission limits and spectral mask assigned by FCC for indoor and outdoor UWB communication systems are illustrated Figure 1.1: FCC regulated spectral mask for indoor and...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 11:00

159 353 0
Analysis and design of power electronic cell for modular power electronic systems AC DC operation

Analysis and design of power electronic cell for modular power electronic systems AC DC operation

... been studies for adaptation to power electronics They are open plug and play architecture, cellular design, hierarchical design[ 4],[8] • Plug and Play Power The idea of an open plug and play architecture ... to the bridge formed monolithically, or to the bridge built on three acres of land The bridge, phase leg, and switching cell will be primary PEBBs and thus ”well posed” candidates for primary units ... to design standard cells, which can implement any of converter operation mode such as AC/DC, AC/AC, DC/AC and DC/DC in single phase, paralleled phases and three phases Since UPEC is designed for...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2015, 12:52

117 473 0
Analysis and design of power electronic cell for modular power electronic systems DC AC converter configurations

Analysis and design of power electronic cell for modular power electronic systems DC AC converter configurations

... integration and standardization [16] Power electronics products are essentially custom-designed, with a long design cycle time The equipment is designed and manufactured largely using non-standard ... develop a standardized modular approach to power processing This approach will enable significant improvements in the design and manufacturing process and enhance system performance and reliability ... architecture One is for lower cost and increased application The demand for new power electronics products exceeds the resources to supply them The next generation engineer want to design systems...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2015, 12:55

198 761 0
Electromagnetic analysis and design of semiconductor qubit structures for the realization of the quantum computer

Electromagnetic analysis and design of semiconductor qubit structures for the realization of the quantum computer

... 6.4 and 6.5 For the coplanar A-gate structure, two donor positions are shown (at z=-35 nm and -55 nm) For the split-ground A-gate structure, results for two A-gate widths are shown (Wp=7 nm and ... material for this new generation of devices These new structures incorporate the quantum properties of charges and spins Quantum computers and spintronic devices are two major examples of this new ... other hand, we will not be able to introduce optimum and practical algorithms for quantum information processing Nevertheless, as solid state NMR quantum has shown to be a suitable platform for...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 06:37

135 291 0
High level framework for game analysis and design

High level framework for game analysis and design

... into the future New technical possibilities for location-based and mobile gaming present many new possibilities for game form and experience We need clear languages for discussing and making decisions ... gameplay and narrative can now be viewed as a competition between these respective gestalt formation and performance processes for perceptual, cognitive, and motor effort Within the range of effort ... heuristic design rules comprising Hal Barwood's "400 Design Rules" [1,2] All of these tools represent complementary and evolving methods for game design They cannot yet be regarded as stable and fully...

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2018, 15:22

7 84 0
SAP2000®  Linear and Nonlinear  Static and Dynamic  Analysis and Design  of  Three-Dimensional Structures

SAP2000® Linear and Nonlinear Static and Dynamic Analysis and Design of Three-Dimensional Structures

... used in the analysis The message in Figure 37 indicates that the analysis and design sections are different The goal is to repeat the analysis and design process until the analysis and design sections ... AISC-ASD89 form to close it Click the Cancel Button to close the Steel Stress Check Information form E To rerun the analysis with the new analysis sections, click the Analyze menu > Run Analysis command ... Preferences > Steel Frame Design command The Steel Frame Design Preferences form shown in Figure 35 appears Figure 35 Steel Frame Design Preferences form - 34 Step 10 Design the Steel Frame Objects...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 15:56

47 1,4K 2
SAP2000 Integrated Finite Elements Analysis and Design of Structures

SAP2000 Integrated Finite Elements Analysis and Design of Structures

... 42 In this dialog box select the Linear tab, input 24 for X, for Y and for Z Input for the number 43 Click the OK button and the geometry for the columns will be replicated twice at a 24-foot ... linear static and dynamic analysis by clicking Run on the Analyze menu Next select Run Static Pushover from the Analysis menu to perform the pushover analysis The results are now ready for viewing ... 6, and in part D for information on viewing results See part E for additional discussion of results Note that for real problems (as contrasted with tutorial problems) you should always run and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 15:56

127 1,5K 2
Information Systems Analysis and Design

Information Systems Analysis and Design

... Oriented Analysis and Design Designing the Human Interface Systems Implementation and Operation myriam.lewkowicz@u Chapter Information Systems: The Big Picture Chapter Objectives Understand the ... the term information systems (IS) Understand IS components: Technology, people, organizations Understand IS career opportunities Understand types of information systems Understand IS and organizational ... of Information Systems Management Information Systems (MISs) Examples: Sales forecasting Financial management and forecasting Manufacturing planning and scheduling Inventory management and planning...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 19:15

371 710 1
Tài liệu UML Applied - Object Oriented Analysis and Design using the UML doc

Tài liệu UML Applied - Object Oriented Analysis and Design using the UML doc

... was best for analysis and data-intensive information systems OOSE (Object Oriented Software Engineering) featured a model known as Use Cases Use Cases are a powerful technique for understanding ... inception and elaboration phases simple and use the waterfalls for construction only ã2001 Ariadne Training Limited 15 UML Applied - Object Oriented Analysis and Design ... Oriented Analysis and Design using the UML We would also need a data model to support these functions We need to hold information about Students, Tutors, Exams and Courses, so we would design a...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:16

123 747 2
Object oriented analysis and design understanding system development with UML 2 0 2005 !

Object oriented analysis and design understanding system development with UML 2 0 2005 !

... Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Understanding System Development with UML 2.0 Mike O’Docherty Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Understanding System Development ... paper responsibly manufactured from sustainable forestry in which at least two trees are planted for each one used for paper production For Alice and George Contents Introduction 1.1 Background ... in UML 8.5 Designing for Concurrency 8.6 Designing for Security 8.6.1 Digital Encryption and Decryption 8.6.2 General Security Rules 8.7 Partitioning Software 8.7.1 Systems and Subsystems 8.7.2...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 09:10

580 1,5K 2