new english file preintermediate teacher s book key

New english file beginner teacher’s book

New english file beginner teacher’s book

... Back of the Student 's Book • For students Workbook MultiROM Student 's website • For teachers Teacher' s Book Video I DVD Class audio C Ds Test and Assessment CD-ROM Teacher' s website The (ommon European ... Kelly 's holiday One man 's dream sentence slress answering questions al>out a story Strangers on a train; song: I'm a believer Strangers on a train strong stress People in the street: What 's the last ... pronouns and possessive adjectives LA NGUA GE personal pronotl ns and possessive adjectives • Give each student a sheet and fncli s on a • Explain that these words are missing from the song The

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2016, 21:17

209 2,5K 5
Tài liệu New english file elementary stuent''''s book part 2 pdf

Tài liệu New english file elementary stuent''''s book part 2 pdf

... /t/ Tim eats out on Tuesdays /fl Natasha likes sushi ‘What newspaper / read? NEWSPAPER /5/ Mick usually watches television heer sports / play? ois SEORS I! Ricky reads Russian writers Trang ... works / doesn’t work She cooks / doesn’t cook She does / doesn’t do housework She reads She watches She drives a ‘She — 0nTV, The father works / doesn’t work He cooks / doesn’t cook ‘He does / ... Thousands of English words come from other languages, e.g Si€8ta (Spanish), ÏWổi (Japanese) Some English words come from French, ? ?New words Every year hundreds of words come into English from new

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 05:20

15 1,1K 6
new english file beginner student''''''''s book

new english file beginner student''''''''s book

... Breakfast is from seven to ten. He&apos ;s Chinese. She isn't Russian, she&apos ;s Spanish. c d Dim sum isn't Polish. lt&apos ;s dim sum / Polish l'm not Hungarian. ... I a Is he from ltaly? b Is she from Italy? 2 a She&apos ;s from Russia. b He&apos ;s from Russia. 3 a Where&apos ;s he from? b Where&apos ;s she from? 4 a lt&apos ;s from Spain. ... EmilyYourEnglishis fantastic What do you do? does has lives listens reads likes speaks works eats drinks finishes Sofia I'm a teacher. I teach Englishat the here in Madrid University EmilyDo you like

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2014, 22:22

33 2,1K 9


... don’t use the new language as the basis for teaching new concepts. • Use as much English as possible, talk to them all the time, so that the children hear as much as possible. This gives them ... flashcards Put flashcards into different coloured hoops Animal flashcards Coloured hoops Swapping places Animal flashcards Story; Where? ?s Spot? Book “Where? ?s Spot?” Fun English for Kids ... able to say simple words and phrases, including asking simple questions and making simple requests Fun English for Kids Fiona L Cooper 9 Possible Units • Animals • Food • School/

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2015, 08:53

38 747 2
English file elementary student s book kho tài liệu học tiếng anh

English file elementary student s book kho tài liệu học tiếng anh

... vowel sounds word C Short life, long life? position of adverbs and expressions of frequenc y adverbs and expressions of can ! can't verb phrases: buy a newspaper, etc sentence stress present continuous ... 28 A Whose ?, possessive 's family \ the letter 30 B What a life! prepositions of lime (at, rn, on) and everyday activities linking and sentence Is she his wife or his sister? stress place (at, ... greetings stress verb be !!l and the world, numbers 21-100 ,." If J \1:; : sentence stress possessive adJectilles: classroom language ;>C f u: u; : the alphabet my, your, etc 10 PRACTICAL ENGLISH

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2019, 15:12

167 185 0
The empirical evaluation of the coursebook “english file beginner student’s book – third edition” for non english major students at a preparatory school in viet tri

The empirical evaluation of the coursebook “english file beginner student’s book – third edition” for non english major students at a preparatory school in viet tri

... What is your students’ progress after the course? Considerable progress Not much progress Moderate progress No progress at all SECTION 3: The suitability of the coursebook to students’ needs What ... Students’ Book, non -English major iii LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1: Teacher? ? ?s assessment of students’ English level at the beginning of the course 30 Table 4.2: Learners’ purposes of learning English ... class, so some students cannot watch the videos Teacher 5: In the material, besides the familiar topics, there are some tasks requiring students’ background knowledge while it is almost new to students;

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2020, 14:47

95 83 0
Đánh giá thực nghiệm giáo trình “english file beginner student’s book   third edition” dùng cho học sinh tiếng anh  không chuyên tại một trường dự bị đại học ở việt trì

Đánh giá thực nghiệm giáo trình “english file beginner student’s book third edition” dùng cho học sinh tiếng anh không chuyên tại một trường dự bị đại học ở việt trì

... Students’ Book, non -English major LIST OF TABLE Table 4.1: Teacher? ? ?s assessment of students’ English level at the beginning of the course .30 Table 4.2: Learners’ purposes of learning English ... Table 4.6: Students’ and teachers’ evaluation of the skills in the coursebook 41 Table 4.7: Students’ suggestions on the proportion of the skills 42 Table 4.8: Teachers’ suggestions on the ... class, so some students cannot watch the videos Teacher 5: In the material, besides the familiar topics, there are some tasks requiring students’ background knowledge while it is almost new to students;

Ngày tải lên: 29/02/2020, 08:36

96 100 0
The empirical evaluation of the coursebook “english file beginner student’s book  third edition for non english major students at a preparatory school in viet tri

The empirical evaluation of the coursebook “english file beginner student’s book third edition for non english major students at a preparatory school in viet tri

... What is your students’ progress after the course? Considerable progress Not much progress Moderate progress No progress at all SECTION 3: The suitability of the coursebook to students’ needs What ... Students’ Book, non -English major iii LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1: Teacher? ? ?s assessment of students’ English level at the beginning of the course 30 Table 4.2: Learners’ purposes of learning English ... class, so some students cannot watch the videos Teacher 5: In the material, besides the familiar topics, there are some tasks requiring students’ background knowledge while it is almost new to students;

Ngày tải lên: 06/04/2020, 09:16

95 106 0
English Unlimited A2 teacher''s Book

English Unlimited A2 teacher''s Book

... skirts / dresses dogs / cats brothers / sisters Chinese food / Japanese food potatoes / bread Learners ask and answer the questions Self-assessment To help focus learners on the self-assessment, you ... Learners discuss what else the speakers say Possible answers: Jessica: Some friends in Spain took her to a fish restaurant, and she was surprised that she enjoyed eating shellfish People eat it on special ... man? ?s sister? ?s cat? ?s parents’ parents Charles? ?s sisters grandparents’ colleagues’ be present: am, is, are ’m ? ?s; isn’t; ? ?s Are; ’m not; ’m are; ? ?s; ? ?s Are; are Is; ? ?s am; are ? ?s; aren’t be past:

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2020, 19:00

124 214 2
The empirical evaluation of the coursebook “English File Beginner Student’s Book – Third Edition” for non-English major students at a preparatory school in Viet Tri

The empirical evaluation of the coursebook “English File Beginner Student’s Book – Third Edition” for non-English major students at a preparatory school in Viet Tri

... What is your students’ progress after the course? Considerable progress Not much progress Moderate progress No progress at all SECTION 3: The suitability of the coursebook to students’ needs What ... Students’ Book, non -English major iii LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1: Teacher? ? ?s assessment of students’ English level at the beginning of the course 30 Table 4.2: Learners’ purposes of learning English ... class, so some students cannot watch the videos Teacher 5: In the material, besides the familiar topics, there are some tasks requiring students’ background knowledge while it is almost new to students;

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:01

95 33 0
The empirical evaluation of the coursebook english file beginner student’s book – third edition for non english major students at a preparatory school in viet tri

The empirical evaluation of the coursebook english file beginner student’s book – third edition for non english major students at a preparatory school in viet tri

... Students’ Book, non -English major iii LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1: Teacher? ? ?s assessment of students’ English level at the beginning of the course 30 Table 4.2: Learners’ purposes of learning English ... What is your students’ progress after the course? Considerable progress Not much progress Moderate progress No progress at all SECTION 3: The suitability of the coursebook to students’ needs What ... class, so some students cannot watch the videos Teacher 5: In the material, besides the familiar topics, there are some tasks requiring students’ background knowledge while it is almost new to students;

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 15:03

114 32 0
(Luận văn thạc sĩ) the empirical evaluation of the coursebook english file beginner student’s book – third edition for non english major students at a preparatory school in viet tri

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) the empirical evaluation of the coursebook english file beginner student’s book – third edition for non english major students at a preparatory school in viet tri

... What is your students’ progress after the course? Considerable progress Not much progress Moderate progress No progress at all SECTION 3: The suitability of the coursebook to students’ needs What ... Students’ Book, non -English major iii LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1: Teacher? ? ?s assessment of students’ English level at the beginning of the course 30 Table 4.2: Learners’ purposes of learning English ... class, so some students cannot watch the videos Teacher 5: In the material, besides the familiar topics, there are some tasks requiring students’ background knowledge while it is almost new to students;

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2020, 09:01

95 29 0
English time 3 teacher s book

English time 3 teacher s book

... File audio CD1: /file/ d/1XdE3vYgz_f4K0oTSldXBaSTKN4DZoRYM/view CD2: /file/ d/18Nuv2kJo_MQn2UD9GKuBEtM1YIWkBg7N/view Storybook: /file/ d/1N8yFrGVkCY4kXwow3Ljh_B-NoRYb_LQl/view ... /file/ d/18Nuv2kJo_MQn2UD9GKuBEtM1YIWkBg7N/view Storybook: /file/ d/1N8yFrGVkCY4kXwow3Ljh_B-NoRYb_LQl/view

Ngày tải lên: 03/03/2021, 10:30

237 21 0
The empirical evaluation of the coursebook english file beginner student’s book third edition for non english major students at a preparatory school in viet tri

The empirical evaluation of the coursebook english file beginner student’s book third edition for non english major students at a preparatory school in viet tri

... What is your students’ progress after the course? Considerable progress Not much progress Moderate progress No progress at all SECTION 3: The suitability of the coursebook to students’ needs What ... Students’ Book, non -English major iii LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1: Teacher? ? ?s assessment of students’ English level at the beginning of the course 30 Table 4.2: Learners’ purposes of learning English ... class, so some students cannot watch the videos Teacher 5: In the material, besides the familiar topics, there are some tasks requiring students’ background knowledge while it is almost new to students;

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2021, 09:03

95 20 0
(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) the empirical evaluation of the coursebook english file beginner student’s book – third edition for non english major students at a preparatory school in viet tri

(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) the empirical evaluation of the coursebook english file beginner student’s book – third edition for non english major students at a preparatory school in viet tri

... strengths and weaknesses of the coursebook ? ?English File Beginner Students’ Book – Third Edition”? Teacher 1: Well, generally speaking the book is quite suitable for nonEnglish major students ... : What is your students’ progress after the course? Considerable progress Not much progress Moderate progress No progress at all SECTION 3: The suitability of the coursebook ... coursebook evaluation, empirical evaluation, English File Beginner Students’ Book, non -English major iii TIEU LUAN MOI download : LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1: Teacher? ? ?s assessment

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2022, 09:58

95 6 0
My first english adventure 2 teacher s book

My first english adventure 2 teacher s book

... recognises actions: Wash your ears, wash your face, My First English Adventure • Resource Bank 151 PROGRESS SHEET UNIT PROGRESS SHEET UNIT My face My clothes • OBJECTIVES: To assess the ch ildren 's ... First English Adventure Components TEACHER' S BOOK The Teacher' s Book gives step-bystep teaching instructions for each core unit in My First English Adventure as well as for the Playtime and Festivals ... Participates actively in the given tasks UNIT 2: MY CLOTHES UNIT 5: ANIMALS Identifies and recognises clothes : Coat, skirt, trousers, T-shirt, hat, shoes Identifies and recognises animals: Goose, cat,

Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2022, 15:18

162 2 0
Ebook English file: Elementary student''s book (Third edition)

Ebook English file: Elementary student''s book (Third edition)

... Listen and repeat the words and sounds Singular | Plural Se snake books lamps tickets ` apen Ss S~ pens | À YS am zebra | photos keys pens o umbrella ⁄% NS a IZ, af glasses dÏuwstll ... cafeteria oho hes pine she only has 4 Mondays and WednesdaysI go She has or lessons £ktra clansee She finishes school b (2)41)) Listen and check On Mondays and she has extra classes to prepare ... PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING sentence stress Sentence stress In sentences we stress the important words Where? ?s she from? She? ?s from China 5 VOCABULARY numbers 21-100 6 LISTENING a (125) Listen and

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2022, 15:35

170 8 0
Luận văn thạc sĩ VNU ULIS the empirical evaluation of the coursebook english file beginner student’s book – third edition for non english major students at a preparatory school in viet tri

Luận văn thạc sĩ VNU ULIS the empirical evaluation of the coursebook english file beginner student’s book – third edition for non english major students at a preparatory school in viet tri

... What is your students’ progress after the course? Considerable progress Not much progress Moderate progress No progress at all SECTION 3: The suitability of the coursebook to students’ needs What ... the coursebook ? ?English File Beginner Students’ Book – Third Edition” meets the course? ?s objectives, the students’ needs and suits the current teaching and learning methods of the course All of ... depending on students’ level in each class Moreover, teachers’ can survey and classify students’ learning styles and purposes so that they can modify the material to fit in with students’ needs For

Ngày tải lên: 06/12/2022, 09:30

95 6 0
English print 5 teacher s book

English print 5 teacher s book

... activities based on the Student? ?s Book Student? ?s CD Contains recordings of the songs, chants and stories for students to listen to at home EP-T5-Intro-0001-0016.indd 25/8/08 11:00:30 These resources ... in my exam,” she said slowly / happily He? ?s a terrible singer He sings badly / well My sister has got a broken leg She walks very well / slowly English class starts in five minutes! I’m doing ... Colombia passport Some yes countries also ask for a Italy visa, and no sometimes we need China yes vaccinations agai nst certain diseases India yes Canada no Student A: I want to visit Italy Do

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2023, 22:39

172 1 0

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