net method s impact on generated sql



... University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece (2008), Leadership s impact on employee engagement - Differences among entrepreneurs and professional CEOs, Leadership & Organization Development ... measures of subordinate performance For the sake of economy of space and in order to avoid repetition, we will refer to this set of characteristics/ states of the collaborators of the CEO, as ... engagement, as a “positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigor, dedication and absorption” (Salanova and Schaufeli, 2008), successfully portrays the composite state...

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2013, 21:59

27 525 1
The Broadband Bonus: Accounting for Broadband Internet’s Impact on U.S. GDP potx

The Broadband Bonus: Accounting for Broadband Internet’s Impact on U.S. GDP potx

... of consumer surplus consistent with Savage and Waldman s estimates, while varying assumptions about prices and conversions TABLE Consumer surplus in millions of dollars (as a fraction of sum ... interpretation and discussion of issues, see Atkinson, Correa, and Hedlund (2008) From Boswell s Life of Johnson addition, between $6.7 and $4.8 billion is new consumer surplus In both cases, this is above ... without aggressive conversion, the total is 4687.9 + 11410.5 = $16,098.4 38 consumer surplus and a commensurate loss for producer surplus Assuming an unaggressive conversion has just the opposite effect...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20

64 311 0
Global Inequalities at Work: Work’s Impact on the Health of Individuals, Families, and Societies pdf

Global Inequalities at Work: Work’s Impact on the Health of Individuals, Families, and Societies pdf

... exposed to asbestos in the United States (Steenland and Stayner, 1997) By 1997, dust-related lung diseases, including silicosis, asbestosis, and coal workers’ pneumoconiosis, accounted for only ... agrichemicals (London, 1994) Exposure to Dusts, Fibers, and Occupational Respiratory Diseases Many kinds of dust in industrial and agricultural activities can cause occupational respiratory diseases such ... 19 and asbestos, which cause pneumoconiosis In addition to causing pneumoconioses, silica and asbestos are known as carcinogens, inducing lung cancer and mesothelioma Asbestos use has declined...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20

354 472 0
Under Threat - Sequestration’s Impact on Nondefense Jobs and Services pdf

Under Threat - Sequestration’s Impact on Nondefense Jobs and Services pdf

... sequestration s effects on Pentagon spending The defense industry has highlighted the potential impact of an across-the-board cut on defense-related jobs and services Some members of Congress ... July 2012 study commissioned by the Aerospace Industries Association found that sequestration s cuts to nondefense spending would reduce the U .S gross domestic product during fiscal years 2012-21 ... medication reduces the amount of virus in a person s blood stream, which reduces his or her ability to pass on the virus to others Thus, a Patients lose access to strong treatment program is essential...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20

181 252 0
pagano and schwartz-a closing call’s impact on market quality at euronext paris

pagano and schwartz-a closing call’s impact on market quality at euronext paris

... opening and closing prices We used the Continuous B stocks as a control sample for the Continuous A stocks’ event date, and vice versa Tests on both of these control samples show far less significant ... regression analysis on the market model R2 statistics using the second-pass technique of Equation (1) to assess the statistical significance of the findings Similar to Tables 3, 4, and 5, we estimate ... stock s time series Thus, RRD explicitly considers the covariation in the residuals across our stock sample whereas the R2 statistic analysis focuses on the residuals for each stock across time Together,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2014, 21:03

57 436 0
studying customer satisfaction’s impact on customer loyalty and shirt repeating purchase behavior of urban customers in vietnam under the influence of involvement and fashion style

studying customer satisfaction’s impact on customer loyalty and shirt repeating purchase behavior of urban customers in vietnam under the influence of involvement and fashion style

... questions and missions 1.2.1 Research objectives This thesis focuses on evaluating, testing the impact of satisfaction on loyalty and repurchase behavior for shirt of Vietnam urban customers, ... the impact of involvement and fashion style Based on the results, this thesis gives some recommendations to enterprises producing and dealing in fashionable shirts to increase satisfaction, retain ... loyalty towards repurchase behavior 1.2.2 Research questions With these above-mentioned objectives, this thesis follows these questions: - How does satisfaction affect the expressions of loyalty...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2014, 11:17

14 364 1


... EDUCATION MASTER PROGRAM UNIVERSITY OF LIÈGE – BELGIUM WATER RESOURCES UNIVERSITY – VIETNAM ON SUSTAINABLE HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES MASTER OF SCIENCE THESIS ASSESSMENT VAM CONG BRIDE S IMPACT ON BASSAC ... pore water pressure, it works to reduce stress acting on soil particles This shows that shear strength decreased less, giving the smooth sandy soil easily converted into flow state contributed to ... domain basin is about 1400 mm, divided into two distinct seasons that are rainy and dry seasons that correspond to the southwest monsoon and northeast as described above Rainfall characteristics are...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2015, 14:42

123 243 0
Human Trafficking in Indonesia  Rethinking the New Order's Impact on Exploitative Migration of Indonesian Women

Human Trafficking in Indonesia Rethinking the New Order's Impact on Exploitative Migration of Indonesian Women

... in Indonesia In Losing Control?: Sovereignty in an Age of Globalization (1996) Sassen discusses international migration in the context of globalization She emphasizes that immigration flows proceeds ... proceeds within specific systems: “large-scale international migrations are highly conditioned and structured, embedded in complex economic, social, and ethnic networks States may insist on treating ... U .S does not evaluate itself In addition, some Indonesian Muslims criticize this report because many of the tier three countries are Islamic countries, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi...

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2015, 14:23

59 278 0


... regulators to assess the valuation and risks of the asset portfolios of savings and loans more accurately Finally, bonds represent a major instrument firms employ to raise their capital This is supported ... than those on newly issued ones Consequently, in a market The Impact Of Firm 's Characteristics On Junk-Bond Default 49 dominated by new issues, the returns could be overestimated Based on the ... outstanding bonds rated below BBB- on the S& P scale, our study addresses the question of whether bond default could be predicted If a set of warning signals can be identified, investors might reassess the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 13:20

9 500 0
Massachusetts Health Reform: Impact on Women’s Health doc

Massachusetts Health Reform: Impact on Women’s Health doc

... programs Along most measures, access to care has also improved, although some women remain at risk for gaps in access to specific services Reasons for this are varied, and include health system ... there has not been a comprehensive assessment of women s experiences with Massachusetts health reform Most research on Massachusetts’ approach stratifies data by income, age, health status, race ... expensive care This leaves young adults enrolled in these plans with exposure for high health care expenses in cases of serious illness (See Malika s Story, Appendix D) Access to Essential Women’s...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 12:20

40 461 0
Children are Everyone’s Business: A practical workbook to help companies understand and address their impact on children’s rights potx

Children are Everyone’s Business: A practical workbook to help companies understand and address their impact on children’s rights potx

... for business The section also refers to the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and other relevant instruments The Children s Rights and Business Principles As businesses express increasing ... not consulted Companies should ensure that stakeholder consultation processes consider the rights of the child Companies should assess the feedback from adults during the consultation process and ... children s rights into core business practices spells out the management process for assessing and addressing the impact of your company It demonstrates the various steps your business can take to respect...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 02:20

120 363 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Cutaneous and mucosal human papillomaviruses differ in net surface charge, potential impact on tropism" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Cutaneous and mucosal human papillomaviruses differ in net surface charge, potential impact on tropism" pptx

... HPV-16 L1 monomer, DZL.pdb [13], was downloaded and used as a template to model L1-monomers for HPV-5 using SWISS MODEL Protein models were also ray-traced ... responsible for the first interaction with the cell surface, one can suspect that the interactions of the viral capsid with the cell surface could affect HPV tropism To study this, the net surface ... has been suggested where binding of alpha HPV to cell surface HS results in conformational change in the capsid, followed by binding to a second receptor [24] This second receptor is suggested...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

6 292 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Editorial Impact of Kirk’s Results on the Development of Fixed Point Theory" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Editorial Impact of Kirk’s Results on the Development of Fixed Point Theory" docx

... and Applications The special issue contains 38 papers accepted Most of the papers touched on all applications of Kirk s fixed point theorem Mohamed A Khamsi Tomas Dominguez-Benavides ...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

2 392 0
the reputation of underwriters, the bonding hypothesis, and the impact on the information environment of u.s cross-listed firms

the reputation of underwriters, the bonding hypothesis, and the impact on the information environment of u.s cross-listed firms

... financials (SIC 6000-6999), utilities (SIC 4900-4949), rights offers, shelf-registration issues, mutual conversion issues, best-efforts, and limited partnership issues are screened out This brings to ... describes the data, and Section 2.4 reports descriptive statistics and univariate tests In Section 2.5, I discuss the results of the multivariate analysis and present findings from robustness ... reputation The traditional literature of cross-listings supports the segmentation hypothesis This hypothesis suggests that the main advantage of cross-listing is that it breaks down investment...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2014, 00:47

177 341 0
abed - 2013 - the impact of auditor’s gender on audit fees - case of jordanian auditors al-badainah

abed - 2013 - the impact of auditor’s gender on audit fees - case of jordanian auditors al-badainah

... corporation, partnership and small family business One of the interviewees performed audit services for limited numbers of corporations This result is consistent with previous studies (e.g., Hardies ... financial statements based on professional guidelines Also, law of audit profession has introduced the establishment of audit firms and recommended the establishment of Jordan Association of Certified ... violation of the Code of Professional Conduct; this result is consistent with previous studies such as (Mocan, 2008) In contrast, male auditors granted that they are more competence to discover unethical...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:41

7 449 0


... accidents, less job stress and less unionization Job dissatisfaction produces low morale among workers and low morale at work is highly undesirable 5.2 Management Implications As above analysis results, ... analysis using Statistical Packages for the Social Science (SPSS) First, this is followed by the examination and presentation of demographic profile of respondents using Descriptive Statistic ... expectancies among employees The reliability test concerned with the stability and consistency measurement to access the goodness of a measure It will answer the questions on how consistently it measures...

Ngày tải lên: 06/04/2016, 17:58

68 879 6
Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

... translation be considered ‘good’ still draws much discussion Translation theorists have their own founded criteria for translation quality assessment Among distinguished scholars of this field is ... the ST In this part, some different views on equivalence will be discussed but there shall be no separate discussion of translation assessment; instead, it is implied that assessment of a translation ... English legal languages The second part discusses different aspects of translation: definition, methods and strategies, and equivalence and assessment Basic characteristics of legal translation...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:36

85 902 5
Xây dựng trang web bán điện thoại trực tuyến sử dụng ngôn ngữ lập trình ASP.NET và cơ sở dữ liệu SQL Server

Xây dựng trang web bán điện thoại trực tuyến sử dụng ngôn ngữ lập trình ASP.NET và cơ sở dữ liệu SQL Server

... quản trị s liệu SQL Server II.4.1 Giới thiệu SQL Server 2000 : SQL Server 2000 hệ thống quản lý s liệu (Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) ) s dụng Trasact -SQL để trao đổi liệu ... với server khác Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), E-Commerce Server, Proxy Server… SQL Server có sao: Enterprise: Chứa đầy đủ đặc trưng SQL Server chạy tốt hệ thống lên đến 32 CPUs 64 ... hình (model) Web Forms Web Services có tất đặt tính ASP .NET, s c mạnh NET Framework NET Framework Common Lanuage Runtime II.3.2 Cấu hình ASP .NET : Đặc điểm hệ thống cấu hình ASP .NET thành phần mở...

Ngày tải lên: 23/11/2012, 11:42

49 1,6K 9
Beyond Brawn the insider''s encyclopedia on how to build muscle and might

Beyond Brawn the insider''s encyclopedia on how to build muscle and might

... internus Semitendinosus Popliteus Biceps femoris Peroneus longus Semimembranosus Tibialis posterior Gastrocnemius Flexor digitorum longus Soleus Flexor hallucis longus Drawings by Eleni Lambrou based ... Teres minor Spinalis dorsi Teres major Longissimus dorsi Latissimus dorsi Ilio costalis lumborum Triceps brachii Serratus anterior Anconeus External intercostal Extensor carpi radialis (longus ... obsessions, they become destructive Some of the world s most successful bodybuilders and powerlifters are testimonies to lives ruined by obsession eir former (or current) awesome physiques and...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2013, 13:19

505 526 0
Changes of temperature data for energy studies over time and their impact on energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The case of Athens and Thessaloniki – Greece

Changes of temperature data for energy studies over time and their impact on energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The case of Athens and Thessaloniki – Greece

... variable-base degree-day cooling calculations ASHRAE Transactions 1987, 93(2), 90-104 Papakostas K.T Contribution to the assessment of energy consumption on heating and cooling systems in Greece, using ... (winter or summer), the slopes for Athens are steeper than those for Thessaloniki, an observation confirming this conclusion, since Athens is located southern and evidently the temperatures observed ... currently Assistant Professor He published numerous papers in National and International Scientific Journals and has various presentations in National and International Conferences with published proceedings...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10

14 548 0