my taxes are paying to ship my job to mexico

the big ripoff; how big business and big government steal your money (2006)

the big ripoff; how big business and big government steal your money (2006)

... funded my research This applies across the board: Even after we discover that Enron stood to profit from Kyoto, or General Motors stood to profit from clean air laws, we still ought to listen to ... thanks to my family and friends, who always serve as my editors, censors, interlocutors, and proofreaders Special thanks go to my brother/tenant/roommate Mike who also served on some days as my only ... administration to maintain the status quo were too great The reason for this can be found in Friedman’s symbiotic relationship The contributors to the Republican Party who benefit from corporate welfare are...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2014, 16:56

303 433 0
A beautiful mess - photo idea book 95 inspiring ideas for photographing your friends, your world and yourself

A beautiful mess - photo idea book 95 inspiring ideas for photographing your friends, your world and yourself

... in South America He took photos of their vacations together He took lots of photos of our (very stylish) grandmother He took photos of his children playing Thanks to these photos, we have a very ... but is a fun way to share any message or story! Elsie and Jeremy created these storytelling portraits to include in their wedding thank-you cards They added a little photo message to each one, thanking ... GREAT FAMILY PHOTO Great family photos are something you’ll cherish forever There are as many different kinds of families as there are ways to capture them in photos Don’t be afraid to think outside...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:57

273 572 0
darwins dangerous idea evolution and the meanings of life

darwins dangerous idea evolution and the meanings of life

... controversy.) In contrast to tournaments of pure luck, like the coin-toss tournament, Processes as Algorithms 55 there are tournaments of skill, like tennis tournaments Here there is reason to believe that ... algorithms are manifestly interesting algorithms—interesting to us, at least—not because what they are guaranteed to is interesting to us, but because what they are guaranteed to tend to is interesting ... due to God's purposes But what are God's purposes? That is something of a mystery One way of deflecting discomfort about that mystery is to switch the topic slightly Instead of responding to the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 01:16

262 416 0


... history, this book tells a story about a story The first story comprises what Puritans told each other about death and commemoration The second story is my interpretive shaping of their story – my ... enthusiasms kept me trying to make these old poems as interesting to them as they are to me In particular, Andrea Hammer led me toward deeper insights into the cultural and historical implications ... Marianna Torgovnick’s observation that “The ‘I’ is a heady release conflicted by a potent nostalgia” () I have come to see that much in my personal history prepared me to respond sympathetically to...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:00

282 886 4
A pragmatics and conversation analysis perspective

A pragmatics and conversation analysis perspective

... dissertation to my parents and my siblings, my husband and my two children, who have always given me their love, understanding and encouragement throughout my study To all mentioned, and to many more, my ... would not have had any access to ELI teachers working in Vietnam i My thanks are also extended to all my informants in Hanoi and North America, my friends and students, my colleagues at Hanoi-Amsterdam ... endless support I wish to express my deep indebtedness to Prof Dr Luong Van Hy, the chair of the Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto, Canada for his brilliant scholarship, demanding teaching...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:26

249 825 3


... resources to enhance customer satisfaction Improved customer loyalty leading to repeat business Applying the principle of customer focus typically could lead to: Researching and understanding customer ... 1: Customer focus “Organizations depend on their customers and therefore should understand current and future customer needs, should meet customer requirements and strive to exceed customer expectations.” ... the quality policies focus on customer requirements Top management must ensure that customer requirements are understood and met with the goal of serving customer satisfaction Thus, quality policy...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2013, 17:09

33 934 5
Propelling Business Growth With A Secure And Continuous Information Infrastructure

Propelling Business Growth With A Secure And Continuous Information Infrastructure

... Software 15 Application Integration Software Portal Software 16 Notebook PCs VOIP Infrastructure 17 Document Management Software IT Education and Training 18 Automated Testing Tool Storage Hardware ... Spyware Go to View/Master/Slide Master to type in header Today’s Approach: Secure the Perimeter Go to View/Master/Slide Master to type in header Security Tomorrow: Protect the Information Go to ... Standby site (automatic failover) RTO +/-

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2013, 20:04

27 346 0
2004 02 consumer perceptions pasture raised beef and dairy products internet consumer study

2004 02 consumer perceptions pasture raised beef and dairy products internet consumer study

... 1.3 0.6 Level of awareness of perceived benefits of pasture-raised milk and dairy products Respondents were asked to indicate their level of awareness (ranging from aware to unaware) of a set of ... competitive grants totaling more than $10 million Leopold Center competitive grants are available to researchers and educators at all Iowa colleges and universities, and to investigators at private ... “pasture-raised beef” mean to you? [Open-ended response] Please indicate your level of awareness of the following perceived benefits of pastureraised beef Unaware Somewhat Aware Aware But Aware Disagree With...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2013, 08:52

43 199 1
Evaluation of Dredged Sediment as a Silt and Clay Source for Artificial Tidal Flats

Evaluation of Dredged Sediment as a Silt and Clay Source for Artificial Tidal Flats

... of plankton in the oceans is empirically known to be approximately 16:1 by atoms (the Redfield ratio) (Goldman et al., 1979) Here, the total phosphorus in MS was much higher than the total nitrogen ... the addition of DS which is the factor stimulating benthic microalgal growth Total nitrogen and phosphorus includes the fraction unavailable to benthic According to the Truog’s method, the amount ... experiment was carried out on a laboratory scale, and possibly the test system was sensitive to the chemical constituents of DS due to lack of tidal wave action To determine the acceptable mixing...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

13 586 0
A biodegradation and treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME) using a hybrid up-flow anaerobic sludge bed (HUASB) reactor

A biodegradation and treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME) using a hybrid up-flow anaerobic sludge bed (HUASB) reactor

... were estimated in each reactor to be one third of the active reactor volume with 31 cm of height [4] The gas-liquid solid GLS was placed at the top of each reactor to cope with phenomenon of ... reactors effluents was done daily to be transferred to the analysis laboratory for parameters analysis The related parameters were observed and analyzed daily are Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total ... laboratory scale Hybrid up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket HUASB reactors were employed in this assay to provide more than one comparison R1, R2, and R3 Cylindrical outline of Perspex were the reactors...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11

8 409 0
Designing a Change and Configuration Management Infrastructure

Designing a Change and Configuration Management Infrastructure

... settings These topics are developed to enable students to make sound decisions when designing the CCM infrastructure for their organization or customer Design labs are provided to help students ... course materials to distinguish elements of the text Convention Use Indicates an introductory page This symbol appears next to a topic heading when additional information on the topic is covered ... implementation Perform testing Desktop Engineer/Technical Support Perform troubleshooting Provide facilitation and customer service Perform hardware and software installation, configuration, and...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 12:15

10 449 0
Building a Wealth and Prosperity Mindset

Building a Wealth and Prosperity Mindset

... refusing to face reality You don’t have to become a “Pollyanna” to focus on abundance, but you have to stop obsessing over the challenges and problems in your life A good rule is: Do what you can to ... also have to find a way to make your passions pay That means finding a way to use your interests and talents to contribute value to the world This can be done in any number of ways Here are some ... Mindset One sure way to boost your odds of becoming successful is to have a mindset geared toward wealth and prosperity Why? Because the actions you take on a daily basis – right down to the amount...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 16:15

8 286 0
Write Better Essays - Choosing a Topic and Developing a Thesis

Write Better Essays - Choosing a Topic and Developing a Thesis

... your generation Broad topic: My generation Narrowed topic: My generation’s beliefs Further narrowed topic: My generation’s beliefs about work Sufficiently narrowed topic: My generation’s beliefs ... how that factor may influence the child Broad topic: Narrowed topic: Further narrowed topic: Sufficiently narrowed topic: Topic turned into a question: Tentative thesis: Practice Return to one of ... Frankenstein Broad topic: An issue in Frankenstein Narrowed topic: Responsibility Sufficiently narrowed topic: Responsibility of the creator to his creation Topic turned into a question: What...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20

6 533 2