Part Number: X08-42046 Course Number: 2410A Released: 08/2001 Delivery Guide DesigningaChangeandConfigurationManagementInfrastructure Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, places or events is intended or should be inferred. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT, Active Desktop, Active Directory, IntelliMirror, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Visio are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and/or other countries. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Course Number: 2410A Part Number: X08-42046 Released: 08/2001 DesigningaChangeandConfigurationManagementInfrastructure iii Contents Introduction Course Materials 2 Prerequisites .3 Course Outline .4 Facilities .5 Module 1: Introduction to ChangeandConfigurationManagement Design Overview 1 Introduction to ChangeandConfigurationManagement .2 Defining the Requirements for CCM .9 Defining the CCM Solution .26 Selecting a Course of Action .35 Review .41 Module 2: Designinga Workstation Installation and Upgrade Strategy Overview 1 Determining the Operating System Environment 2 Determining the Organizational Requirements 7 Identifying Clean Operating System Installation Options .10 Identifying Operating System Upgrade Options 16 Assessing the Appropriate Installation Options .20 Lab A: Meeting Operating System Installation Requirements 27 Review .35 Module 3: Designinga Software Distribution andManagement Strategy Overview 1 Determining Current Software Distribution Strategy 2 Determining Software Distribution andManagement Needs 7 Evaluating Software Distribution andManagement Options 10 Selecting Software Distribution andManagement Options .17 Lab A: Meeting Organizational Software Requirements .24 Review .32 Module 4: Designinga User Data Management Strategy Overview 1 Determining Current User Data Strategies 2 Determining the Organizational Requirements 7 Categorizing User Data Management Needs .9 Identifying Available User Data Management Options .15 Selecting Appropriate User Data Options 28 Lab A: Meeting User Data Management Requirements 33 Review .40 iv DesigningaChangeandConfigurationManagementInfrastructure Module 5: Designinga User Settings Management Strategy Overview . 1 Identifying Current User Settings Environment 2 Determining Organizational Requirements . 5 Categorizing User Settings Management Needs . 7 Identifying Available User Settings Options 14 Selecting the Appropriate User Settings Options 18 Lab A: Meeting User Settings Management Needs 22 Review 29 Module 6: Designinga Computer Management Strategy Overview . 1 Determining the Current Environment 2 Determining the Organizational Requirements . 9 Group Policy Settings for Computer Management . 11 Selecting CCM Options for Computer Management 20 Lab A: Meeting Computer Management Requirements . 23 Review 27 Module 7: Using Group Policy to Design a CCM Solution Overview . 1 Determining How the Organization Currently Manages Group Policy 2 Identifying Designs for Group Policy . 8 Identifying Group Policy Design Options . 11 Determining the Organization’s Group Policy Management 14 Determining the Organization’s Administrative Needs 18 Identifying Group Policy Design Scenarios 19 Best Practices for Group Policy Management 27 Lab A: Designing Group Policy to Meet Requirements . 32 Review 38 DesigningaChangeandConfigurationManagementInfrastructure v About This Course This section provides you with a brief description of the course, audience, suggested prerequisites, and course objectives. Description This course provides the knowledge and skills necessary to design aChangeandConfigurationManagement (CCM) infrastructure. Topics for this course include operating system deployment on computer clients, software distribution and management, user data management, user settings management, and Group Policy settings. These topics are developed to enable students to make sound decisions when designing the CCM infrastructure for their organization or customer. Design labs are provided to help students analyze key business requirements and practice making decisions. Audience This course is intended for an audience that includes two different groups of Information Technology (IT) professionals. The first group consists of technology architects. Members of this group are responsible for the Active Directory ™ directory service design, and typically hold the skills of network engineers or Microsoft ® Windows ® 2000 Server specialists. They have the skills to integrate Windows 2000 features in an enterprise environment. The other group consists of Windows 2000 desktop engineers, who hold the skills of planning anddesigning the users’ desktop configurations. Student Prerequisites Before attending this course, students should have successfully met the following prerequisites. Successful completion of one of the following courses: Course 1560B, Updating Support Skills from Microsoft ® Windows NT ® 4.0 to Microsoft Windows 2000 Course 2151, Microsoft ® Windows ® 2000 Network and Operating Essentials Course 2152, Implementing Microsoft ® Windows ® 2000 Professional and Server Course 2153, Implementing a Microsoft ® Windows ® 2000 Network Infrastructure Course 2154, Implementing and Administering Microsoft ® Windows ® 2000 Directory Services vi DesigningaChangeandConfigurationManagementInfrastructure Technology Architect/Network Design and Implementation Identify strategic customer requirements. Determine systems solutions. Provide strategic direction for systems configurationand interoperability. Provide high-level technology logistics. Understand the implementation of systems. Define security requirements and implement security solutions. Perform analysis and design. Perform configurationand implementation. Perform testing. Desktop Engineer/Technical Support Perform troubleshooting. Provide facilitation and customer service. Perform hardware and software installation, configuration, and upgrades. Perform system operations, monitoring, and maintenance. Perform security administration. Provide technical support to a production environment. Course Objectives After completing this course, the student will be able to: Understand the principles of Change and ConfigurationManagementand how to apply them. Assess the appropriate installation options and select the one that meets the needs of an organization. Evaluate software distribution andmanagement options based on business needs, and based on the current and planned environment. Evaluate user data management options based on business needs, and based on the current and planned environment. Evaluate user settings management options based on business needs, and based on the current and planned environment. Evaluate computer management options based on business needs, and based on the current and planned environment. Evaluate Group Policy management options based on business needs, and based on the current and planned environment. DesigningaChangeandConfigurationManagementInfrastructure vii Course Timing The following schedule is an estimate of the course timing. Your timing may vary. Day 1 Start End Module 9:00 9:30 Module 0: Introduction 9:30 10:30 Module 1: Introduction to ChangeandConfigurationManagement Design 10:30 10:45 Break 10:45 11:15 Module 1: Introduction to ChangeandConfigurationManagement Design (continued) 11:15 12:00 Module 2: Designinga Workstation Installation and Upgrade Strategy 12:00 12:30 Module 2, Lab A: Meeting Operating System Installation Requirements 12:30 1:30 Lunch 1:30 2:45 Module 3: Designinga Software Distribution andManagement Strategy 2:45 3:30 Module 3, Lab A: Meeting Organizational Software Requirements 3:30 3:45 Break 3:45 5:15 Module 4: Designinga User Data Management Strategy Day 2 Start End Module 9:00 9:15 Day 1 Review 9:15 9:45 Module 4, Lab A: Meeting User Data Management Requirements 9:45 10:30 Module 5: Designinga User Settings Management Strategy 10:30 10:45 Break 10:45 11:30 Module 5, Lab A: Meeting User Settings Management Needs 11:30 12:15 Module 6: Designinga Computer Management Strategy 12:15 1:15 Lunch 1:15 2:00 Module 6, Lab A: Meeting Computer Management Requirements 2:00 2:45 Module 7: Using Group Policy to Design a CCM Solution 2:45 3:00 Break 3:00 3:45 Module 7: Using Group Policy to Design a CCM Solution (continued) 3:45 4:45 Module 7, Lab A: Designing Group Policy to Meet Requirements viii DesigningaChangeandConfigurationManagementInfrastructure Trainer Materials Compact Disc Contents The Trainer Materials compact disc contains the following files and folders: Default.htm. This file opens the Trainer Materials Web page. Readme.txt. This file contains a description of the compact disc contents and setup instructions in ASCII format (non–Microsoft Word document). 2410A_ms.doc. This file is the Manual Classroom Setup Guide. It contains the steps for manually installing the classroom computers. 2410A_sg.doc. This file is the Classroom Setup Guide. It contains a description of classroom requirements, classroom configuration, instructions for using the automated classroom setup scripts, and the Classroom Setup Checklist. Errorlog. This folder contains a template that is used to record any errors and corrections that you find in the course. Fonts. This folder contains fonts that are required to view the Microsoft PowerPoint ® presentation and Web-based materials. Powerpnt. This folder contains the PowerPoint slides that are used in this course. Pptview. This folder contains the PowerPoint Viewer, which is used to display the PowerPoint slides. Setup. This folder contains the files that install the course and related software to computers in a classroom setting. StudentCD. This folder contains the Web page that provides students with links to resources pertaining to this course, including additional reading, review and lab answers, lab files, multimedia presentations, and course- related Web sites. Tools. This folder contains files and utilities used to complete the setup of the instructor computer. Webfiles. This folder contains the compact disc Web page files. DesigningaChangeandConfigurationManagementInfrastructure ix Student Materials Compact Disc Contents The Student Materials compact disc contains the following files and folders: Default.htm. This file opens the Student Materials Web page. It provides you with resources pertaining to this course, including additional reading, review and lab answers, lab files, multimedia presentations, and course- related Web sites. Readme.txt. This file contains a description of the compact disc contents and setup instructions in ASCII format (non-Word document). AddRead. This folder contains additional reading pertaining to this course. Answers. This folder contains answers to any questions in the modules and hands-on labs. Flash. This folder contains the installer for the Macromedia Flash 5.0 browser plug-in. If there are no Flash animations in the course, this folder does not appear. Fonts. This folder contains fonts that are required to view the PowerPoint presentation and Web-based materials. Webfiles. This folder contains the files that are required to view the Student Materials Web page. Mplayer. This folder contains the setup file to install Microsoft Windows Media ™ Player. Wordview. This folder contains the Word Viewer that is used to view any Word document (.doc) files that are included on the compact disc. x DesigningaChangeandConfigurationManagementInfrastructure Document Conventions The following conventions are used in course materials to distinguish elements of the text. Convention Use Indicates an introductory page. This symbol appears next to a topic heading when additional information on the topic is covered on the page or pages that follow it. bold Represents commands, command options, and syntax that must be typed exactly as shown. It also indicates commands on menus and buttons, dialog box titles and options, and icon and menu names. italic In syntax statements or descriptive text, indicates argument names or placeholders for variable information. Italic is also used for introducing new terms, for book titles, and for emphasis in the text. Title Capitals Indicate domain names, user names, computer names, directory names, and folder and file names, except when specifically referring to case-sensitive names. Unless otherwise indicated, you can use lowercase letters when you type a directory name or file name in a dialog box or at a command prompt. ALL CAPITALS Indicate the names of keys, key sequences, and key combinations — for example, ALT+SPACEBAR. monospace Represents code samples or examples of screen text. [ ] In syntax statements, enclose optional items. For example, [filename] in command syntax indicates that you can choose to type a file name with the command. Type only the information within the brackets, not the brackets themselves. { } In syntax statements, enclose required items. Type only the information within the braces, not the braces themselves. | In syntax statements, separates an either/or choice. Indicates a procedure with sequential steps. . In syntax statements, specifies that the preceding item may be repeated. . . . Represents an omitted portion of a code sample. . viii Designing a Change and Configuration Management Infrastructure Trainer Materials Compact Disc Contents The Trainer Materials compact disc contains. management options based on business needs, and based on the current and planned environment. Designing a Change and Configuration Management Infrastructure vii