muscles used in facial expression



... working on the function language in use and expression in these terms which during the preliminary research, I myself found prominent This causes readers certain difficulties in understanding ... lý nhóm Internet IETF Nhóm đặc trách kỹ thuật Internet Engineering Task Force Internet IIS Internet Information Dịch vụ cung cấp thông tin Server Internet Message Access IMAP Protocol Internet ... môi trường Internet Là chủ Website người có quyền hạn cao Webmaster: Website CHAPTER III: MAIN FINDINGS I Common Mistakes in understanding When contacting with the words in translating WDT which...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:48

59 524 0
A study on translation of expression used in some vietnamese dishes into english

A study on translation of expression used in some vietnamese dishes into english

... certain knowledge in this field Aims of the study The study is constructed basing on the following aims: Collecting, classifying and analyzing the found documents in order to find out the way in ... essential ingredient in many curries and sauces Fish sauce is a staple ingredient in Filipino, Vietnamese, Thai, Lao, and Cambodian cuisine and is used in other Southeast Asian countries In addition ... Spring onion is put in the dish before enjoying The dish is more delicious along with onion dipped in vinegar and coriander Gia cay is called basing Vietnamese meaning with joining two words gia...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:55

61 679 1
Tài liệu Facial Expressions in Hollywood''''s Portrayal of Emotion ppt

Tài liệu Facial Expressions in Hollywood''''s Portrayal of Emotion ppt

... studied During scenes of great emotion, scrutinize the facial expressions used by Dustin Hoffman, Meryl Streep, or the other actors Then try imagining the actor not with the facial expression ... and disgust, AUs and occurred in the dubious + pattern For the remaining emotions, however, single AUs dominated In anger, AUs 4, 5, 7, FACIAL EXPRESSIONS and 10, and in sadness, AUs 4, 12, and ... studies using posed facial expressions presented to observers under artificial circumstances Few studies in the realm of facial expression would remain standing The skepticism entailed by this line...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 13:20

13 465 0
visual recognition of activities, gestures, facial expressions and speech- an introduction and a perspective in motion-based recognition

visual recognition of activities, gestures, facial expressions and speech- an introduction and a perspective in motion-based recognition

... challenging one Since Ekman and Frisen's work 13] on Facial Action Coding System or FACS, there has been a lot of interest in facial expression recognition in Psychology and Computer Vision For facial ... of labeled points from the training images The PDM approach is extended to automate the process of extracting a training set and building the model automatically The results on tracking sequences ... for determining 3-D hand grasps An intensity image is used for the identi cation and localization of the ngers using curvature analysis, and a range image is used for 3-D cylindrical tting of the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 13:40

14 292 0
Báo cáo y học: "bMisrecognition of facial expressions in delinquents" potx

Báo cáo y học: "bMisrecognition of facial expressions in delinquents" potx

... Consistent with this finding, previous studies investigating expression recognition in individuals with subnormal intelligence did not find specific impairment in the recognition of facial expressions ... toward angry expressions [35] These findings indicate that the impaired expression recognition in delinquents found in this study was attributable to a bias that was independent of intelligence ... will provide clues regarding the cognitive processes underlying expression recognition in delinquents Finally, confounding factors might have contributed to differences in expression recognition...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:21

7 227 0
How group work is used in speaking lesson of the first year major students of english at viet nam university of commerce

How group work is used in speaking lesson of the first year major students of english at viet nam university of commerce

... portion of classroom speaking time when learners are practicing an intonation contour or trying to pinpoint a certain vowel sound, etc - Intensive: includes any speaking performance that is designed ... mainly on developing reading and writing skills The students of English major classes use a curriculum which lays great emphasis on four skills including listening, speaking, reading and writing ... explain the quantitative findings And at last, a comparison between the teachers’ present procedures used in organizing group work in the speaking lesson and the students’ desires when working in...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:50

42 1,9K 4
An investigation into the style of the english language used in advertising slogans issued by some world - famous airlines

An investigation into the style of the english language used in advertising slogans issued by some world - famous airlines

... Language of Airlines’ Advertising Slogans Page 14 Business Advertising Business advertising is often said to be invisible, because unless one is actively involved in some business, he is unlikely ... Advertising Information Advertising information is the principal contents an advertisement wants to disseminate Advertising is a series of planning actions, so the information of advertising should ... setting: • Participants: the sender and receiver of the messages in both interpersonal and noninterpersonal communication • Messages: including meanings, signs, symbols, encoding and decoding...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54

45 1,4K 10
Evaluation of institutional method used in teaching of english in secondary schools of Haripur District

Evaluation of institutional method used in teaching of english in secondary schools of Haripur District

... teaching methods will be required/ used for teaching a language and teaching physical sciences Even in case of learning a language, the four main skills i.e listening, speaking, reading and writing ... design In the DM, the learner was flooded with ungraded speech, thinking that he would learn in a natural way The oral approach was further developed by bringing in the principle of teaching the ... expected to arouse or even evince interest in dull and stultifying matter The textbook is more than a tool’ it is instrument and material combined The other means of infusing interest are the devices...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 10:37

69 588 0
Writing techniques used in classroom

Writing techniques used in classroom

... things such as asking for information, looking for jobs, complaining about something, inviting and so on b Language: Writing letters c Stage of teaching: While-writing d Levels: Except the beginners ... Here are some examples used with this technique: Join these pairs of sentences, using the words in brackets: 1.It was raining heavily We went hunting (Although) 2.I had lived in the North for years ... Levels: All levels e Examples: Here are some examples: interesting / to find / country / we / live / it / in / the →We find it interesting to live in the country travel / world / wish / around / I...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2013, 01:26

19 633 1
Foreign Words Used In English

Foreign Words Used In English

... [Lat.]: in the middle of a sequence of occurences “The film begins in medias res, with a panting, terrified man running through the night.” in situ (in sit'too) [Lat.]: situated in the original ... original or natural position “I prefer seeing statues in situ rather than in the confines of a museum.” in vino veritas (in vee'no vare'i-toss) [Lat.]: in wine there is truth “By the end of the party, ... hoi polloi.” in loco parentis (in loh'koh pa-ren'tiss) [Lat.]: in the place of a parent “The court appointed a guardian for the children, to serve in loco parentis.” in medias res (in me'-dee-as...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2013, 01:25

5 444 0


... or criteria of classifying advertising as follows: (1) Basing on medium criterion, advertising types include print advertising (newspaper, magazines), broadcast advertising (radio, television), ... ( Lý Tùng Hiếu in the book Quảng cáo ngôn ngữ quảng cáo (2004) gives out his definition of advertising after analyzing other definitions of advertising ... advertising is, and which types of advertising exist This will bring the general and basic definitions necessary for understanding the issue as a whole Definitions of advertising “Advertising...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 14:03

45 907 4
Color Atlas of Pharmacology (Part 14): Drugs used in Hyperlipoproteinemias

Color Atlas of Pharmacology (Part 14): Drugs used in Hyperlipoproteinemias

... ingestion an unpleasant experience The statins, lovastatin (L), simvastatin (S), pravastatin (P), fluvastatin (F), cerivastatin, and atorvastatin, inhibit HMG CoA reductase The active group of ... by enhancing the expression of HMG CoA reductase and LDL receptors (negative feedback) At the required dosage, the resins cause diverse gastrointestinal disturbances In addition, they interfere ... combination of a statin with an ion-exchange resin intensifies the decrease in LDL levels A rare, but dangerous, side effect of the statins is damage to skeletal musculature This risk is increased...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 00:15

12 509 0
Vocabulary List 5 - Foreign Language Terms Used in English

Vocabulary List 5 - Foreign Language Terms Used in English

... especially in the arts (adj.) relating to a group of people who develop innovative and experimental concepts, especially in the arts As part of the , Abe’s paintings have always been on the cutting ... cliché (kle · sha) ¯ ¯ (noun) a phrase or saying which has been overused and, as a result, has little significance or meaning Try to avoid using in your writing, as they are not as powerful as vivid, ... against the man who killed his father and vowed he would seek revenge laissez-faire (le·sa· far) ¯ (noun) a doctrine opposing government control of economic matters except in the case of maintaining...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20

14 523 0
Analysis, sequencing and in vitro expression of PCR products

Analysis, sequencing and in vitro expression of PCR products

... template DNA In addition the immobilized template can be reused for multiple sequencing reaction if necessary Cycle sequencing Cycle sequencing involves incorporation of terminators during an asymmetric ... used to perform cycles of denaturation, annealing and extension on a template using a single primer resulting in linear amplification with simultaneous incorporation of dideoxynucleotide terminators ... that represent protein domains are expressed and functionally analyzed using in vitro assays Furthermore, rapid in vitro protein–protein interaction studies could be performed using this technique...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 22:20

24 494 0
FOCUS ON - phrasal verbs used in compound nouns

FOCUS ON - phrasal verbs used in compound nouns

... sharply 73 drop-off n A decline in a business's sales, in the occurrence of an event, or in the interest some people have in something, is a drop-off There has been a drop-off in traffic deaths thanks ... isn't screwed on, and it might leak all over the place sign in sign in & signs in signing in signed in signed in sign in p.v When you sign in, you write your name on a list to show that you have ... assembly line is going to back up if Erik doesn't get the parts he needs soon backup n A backup is a situation in which something is being prevented from moving, progressing, or flowing normally...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 12:20

20 673 1
phrasal verbs used in compound nouns

phrasal verbs used in compound nouns

... sharply 73 drop-off n A decline in a business's sales, in the occurrence of an event, or in the interest some people have in something, is a drop-off There has been a drop-off in traffic deaths thanks ... prevented from moving, progressing, or flowing normally, it is backed up Let's take the train downtown Traffic is always backed up at this time of the morn in a Infinitive present tense -ing form past ... assembly line is going to back up if Erik doesn't get the parts he needs soon backup n A backup is a situation in which something is being prevented from moving, progressing, or flowing normally...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20

13 577 2
A study of the linguistic features of saying verbs used in political documents in english and vietnamese

A study of the linguistic features of saying verbs used in political documents in english and vietnamese

... were used to find out the similarities and differences in the important part in finding the result of the research to produce a linguistic features of SAYING verbs used in political documents in ... the Findings and 23 24 these verbs are classified into five different groups, such as asserting, in certain contexts, which help obtain to good results in using these committing, directing, declaring, ... of Directing “Ask” means say something in order to obtain an answer or some information, talk to different people in order to find out something, enquire about the health or well-being of, say...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:19

13 835 3