mounting and viewing dental radiographs

Mounting and Dismounting of Rolling Bearings potx

Mounting and Dismounting of Rolling Bearings potx

... bearing servicemen and maintenancemen on handling, mounting and dismounting, lubrication and maintenance of rolling bearings A special chapter deals with bearing failures and their causes The ... tolerances of bearings and their mating components, bearing clearance and FAG rolling bearing greases Arcanol For information on special mounting and dismounting tools and methods and on measuring ... must select the right bearing type and design and match the bearing properties to those of the mating components Mounting and dismounting, lubrication, sealing and maintenance must also be given...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 00:20

117 134 0
Báo cáo y học: "Aplasia and Agenesis of the Frontal Sinus in Turkish Individuals: A Retrospective Study Using Dental Volumetric Tomograph"

Báo cáo y học: "Aplasia and Agenesis of the Frontal Sinus in Turkish Individuals: A Retrospective Study Using Dental Volumetric Tomograph"

... gender, hormones, and craniofacial configuration) and environmental (climatic conditions and local inflammations) factors control the frontal sinus configuration within each population and contribute ... HD Head and neck imaging In: Som PM, Shugar JMA, Brandwein MS, eds Anatomy and Physiology, 4th ed St Louis: Mosby; 2003:98-100 Dodd G, Jing B Radiology of the Nose, Paranasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx ... intra-observer reliability were 0.89 and 0.93 for the first and second observer, respectively The weighted kappa value for inter-observer reliability between observers and was 0.86 Fig Unilateral absence...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:04

5 578 0
Viewing a WSDL File and Testing a Web Service

Viewing a WSDL File and Testing a Web Service

... Figure 17.5 Notice that the equals (=) and single quote (') characters in the whereClause parameter value of the URL have been converted to the codes %3D and %27 respectively Figure 17.5: Running ... next section Let's take a look at another example; enter the following string as your whereClause and click the Invoke button: CustomerID IS NOT NULL This causes the RetrieveCustomers() method to...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 12:15

7 382 0
Spreading Timeshifted TV Watching and Expanding Online-Video Viewing

Spreading Timeshifted TV Watching and Expanding Online-Video Viewing

... one-seg viewers "sports" and "news" are particularly popular while "movies" and "documentaries and education programs" are less popular (3) Viewing location and average viewing time One-seg viewers ... "NHK on demand" was watched by 3% of online video viewers, "Fuji Television On Demand" and "TBS on demand" by 2% respectively and "Dai2 Nippon Television", "Tereasa Douga (TV Asahi)" and "Anitere ... by gender and age, we see that "video tape recorders" are most common among men and women aged over 60 and women aged 40-59, while "HDDs" most common among men and women aged 16-39 and men aged...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:44

39 404 0


... different working and protect modules, or different near and far-end modules One part number does it all, reducing investment in spare inventory and simplifying circuit provisioning and installa tion ... premises, saving money and installation time 437 10/97 Original © 1997 ADC Telecommunications, Inc All Rights Reserved An Equal Opportunity Employer QFLC and Mounting Chassiss Features and Benefits (cont'd) ... communications and the ability to effectively manage information are seen as strategic components in developing and maintaining a competitive edge Growing demands for faster service, more features and higher...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 05:18

8 420 0


... different working and protect modules, or different near and far-end modules One part number does it all, reducing investment in spare inventory and simplifying circuit provisioning and installation ... determine the cause of a remote alarm, and provide detail necessary to determine whether or not to dispatch a technician to the far end Features and Benefits Features and Benefits • Universal chassis ... protection switching and early warning minor alarm Switching and minor alarm levels can be set according to service requirements 1/02 449 E1 Quad Fibre Loop Converter Features and Benefits • Remote...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 08:20

8 565 0


... lid, and lift out the wire basket by its handles and rest it diagonally on the walls of the steriliser; the contained instruments, etc., are now sterile and ready for use After use, or when accidentally ... manometer tubing—of simple, convenient shape, and graduated by the aid of "standard" pipettes (in hundredths) to contain such quantities as 10, 50, and 90 c mm., and carefully marked with a writing diamond ... convenient receptacle, fill with water and add a handful of "Sapon" or other soap powder See that the tubes are full and submerged Fix the bucket over a large Bunsen flame and boil for thirty minutes—or...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 22:20

666 512 0
Tài liệu Age-related changes of the dental aesthetic zone at rest and during spontaneous smiling and speech pptx

Tài liệu Age-related changes of the dental aesthetic zone at rest and during spontaneous smiling and speech pptx

... spontaneous smiling and speech records, the display of teeth and gingiva was measured In the maxilla and mandible, a central and lateral incisor, a canine, a first and second premolar, and a first molar ... 35–40 years, and 50–55 years) Selection criteria were full maxillary and mandibular dental arches up to and including the first molar, Caucasian, no excessive facial disharmonies, and no visible ... tissues is not equal for the maxilla and mandible or for each situation With age, a decrease of maxillary lip line height and tooth display was found 371 AGE AND THE DENTAL AESTHETIC ZONE Table Correlation...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20

8 490 0
Filling an Urgent Need: Improving Children’s Access to Dental Care in Medicaid and SCHIP ppt

Filling an Urgent Need: Improving Children’s Access to Dental Care in Medicaid and SCHIP ppt

... state and federal policy officials and program administrators, dental professionals, and others, to discuss children’s access to dental care in Medicaid and SCHIP, and to exchange information and ... Bush – provisions that would mandate dental benefits and provide for increased monitoring of dental care access, use, and quality among children enrolled in Medicaid and SCHIP Although the proposed ... Access to Dental Care in Medicaid and SCHIP Report prepared by: Shelly Gehshan and Andrew Snyder National Academy for State Health Policy and Julia Paradise Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 10:20

37 367 0
Enhancing Partnerships for Head Start and Oral Health: Professional Dental Organizations Synthesis Report pptx

Enhancing Partnerships for Head Start and Oral Health: Professional Dental Organizations Synthesis Report pptx

... health status among children and families in Early Head Start and Head Start Both pediatric dentists and dental hygienists expressed the need for more standardized and effective collection of ... Association for State and Territorial Dental Directors and the American Dental Education Association Strategies for Improving Data and Surveillance: n n B Encourage Early Head Start and Head Start programs ... in the care of pediatric patients and the use of the most current oral health techniques Lack of training and education of dental hygiene, dental students, and dental residents in these areas were...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

9 260 0
Extent of Dental Disease in Children Has Not Decreased, and Millions Are Estimated to Have Untreated Tooth Decay pptx

Extent of Dental Disease in Children Has Not Decreased, and Millions Are Estimated to Have Untreated Tooth Decay pptx

... relief of pain and infections, restoration of teeth, and maintenance of dental health Page GAO-08-1121 Medicaid Dental Services for Children Dental Disease and Inadequate Receipt of Dental Care ... experience dental disease and receive dental care, are not new Our reports dating back to 2000 highlighted the problem of chronic dental disease and the factors that contribute to low use of dental ... Appendixes I and II contain more information on our NHANES and MEPS analyses Finally, we obtained information on oral health and the Medicaid population from CDC and from dental associations and experts...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 09:20

46 443 0
Dental Computing and Applications: Advanced Techniques for Clinical Dentistry doc

Dental Computing and Applications: Advanced Techniques for Clinical Dentistry doc

... structures and functions and supporting problem solving processes and management in oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral radiology, restorative and prosthetic dentistry, orthodontics, endodontics, dental ... drilling system whose aim is to aid dentists, dental students and researchers in getting acquainted with the handling of drilling instruments and the skills and challenges associated with cavity preparation ... experience and judgement and the resulting diagnosis and treatment planning implemented in the form of therapy by means of the clinical wisdom and manual dexterity accrued through years of training and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:21

407 407 0
concise dental anatomy and morphology 4th ed.  -  j. fuller, et. al., (univ. iowa college of dentistry, 2001)

concise dental anatomy and morphology 4th ed. - j. fuller, et. al., (univ. iowa college of dentistry, 2001)

... molar Mandibular central incisor Mandibular lateral incisor Maxillary central incisor Maxillary lateral incisor Mandibular canine Mandibular first premolar Maxillary first premolar 10 Mandibular ... eighth from the midline, and thus is a third molar VIII General Oral and Dental Anatomy: &brief definition and description of the various anatomical features of a normal tooth, and its supporting structures, ... on the facial and lingual surfaces and is best observed by viewing these surface outlines from a proximal aspect Actually, mesial and distal surfaces also have heights of contour, and they are...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 17:30

218 1,5K 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Dental pain, oral impacts and perceived need for dental treatment in Tanzanian school students: a cross-sectional study" docx

báo cáo hóa học: " Dental pain, oral impacts and perceived need for dental treatment in Tanzanian school students: a cross-sectional study" docx

... socio-demographics, dental caries, dental pain and dental problems Table showing the oral impacts on daily performances by socio-demographics, dental caries, dental pain and dental problems In ... socio-demographics, dental caries, dental pain and self reported dental problems Table showing subjects with oral impact on daily performance (each item) by socio-demographics, dental caries, dental pain and ... 5:40 Slade GD: Epidemiology of dental pain and dental caries among children and adolescents Community Dent Health 2001, 18:219-27 Kikwilu EN, Mandari GJ: Dental caries and periodontal conditions...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

9 442 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Social and dental status along the life course and oral health impacts in adolescents: a population-based birth cohort" ppt

báo cáo hóa học: " Social and dental status along the life course and oral health impacts in adolescents: a population-based birth cohort" ppt

... schooling and mother employment status and dental status that may cause suffering, such as untreated dental caries in both deciduous and permanent dentition, gingival bleeding, and dental pain, ... proximal level (dental status, dental visit, and current socioeconomic at aged 12) it was observed that adolescents presenting untreated dental caries, dental pain, severe gingival bleeding, and incisal ... associated with dental caries, dental pain and, consequently, impacts on daily life Untreated dental caries in both deciduous and permanent dentition was associated with OIDP in adolescence Dental pain...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

10 469 0
báo cáo hóa học: " The agreement between workers and within workers in regard to occupational exposure to mercury in dental practice assessed from a questionnaire and an interview" potx

báo cáo hóa học: " The agreement between workers and within workers in regard to occupational exposure to mercury in dental practice assessed from a questionnaire and an interview" potx

... All (24) 1976 Both dental nurses (10) One dentist and one dental nurse (13) The year the use of the Dentomat ended All (26) 1995 Both dental nurses (12) One dentist and one dental nurse (12) Both ... difference, and the 10, 50 and 90 percentile of the difference between the pairs of dental personnel in the same clinic, between those pairs that consisted of two dental nurses or two dentists and the ... worked in the dental health services in three counties in the central part of Norway From both private and public dental clinics we obtained lists of 2,247 previous and current dental personnel,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

8 422 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Association between treated/untreated traumatic dental injuries and impact on quality of life of Brazilian schoolchildren" pot

báo cáo hóa học:" Association between treated/untreated traumatic dental injuries and impact on quality of life of Brazilian schoolchildren" pot

... (dental caries and malocclusion) and socioeconomic classification were used as independent and controlling variables Malocclusion was dichotomized as absent (DAI ≤ 25) or present (DAI > 25) Dental ... DG, IP and MV conceptualized the rationale and designed the study CB, SP, CT, AO, DG and MV performed the data collection, statistical analysis and interpretation of the data CB, SP, CT and DG ... Blackwell 2003 Andreasen JO, Andreasen FM, Andersson L: Textbook and color atlas of traumatic injuries to the teeth Copenhagen: Munskgaard, 2007 Cons NC, Jenny J, Kohout FJ: DAI: the dental aesthetic...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

8 291 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Impact of traumatic dental injuries and malocclusions on quality of life of young children" pot

báo cáo hóa học: " Impact of traumatic dental injuries and malocclusions on quality of life of young children" pot

... slowly and over the developmental stages of childhood and adolescence Therefore, AMT usually goes by unnoticed to children and parents and most of them not know the aesthetic, psychological and ... analysis and interpretation of data, and critical manuscript review; MB was responsible for conception design and critical review; DPR was responsible for the conception and study design, and performed ... population and data collection For this cross-sectional study, preschool children aged from to years of both genders and their parents, who sought dental care during the screening program of the Dental...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

7 451 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Dental pain, oral impacts and perceived need for dental treatment in Tanzanian school students: a cross-sectional study" pptx

báo cáo hóa học:" Dental pain, oral impacts and perceived need for dental treatment in Tanzanian school students: a cross-sectional study" pptx

... socio-demographics, dental caries, dental pain and dental problems Table showing the oral impacts on daily performances by socio-demographics, dental caries, dental pain and dental problems In ... socio-demographics, dental caries, dental pain and self reported dental problems Table showing subjects with oral impact on daily performance (each item) by socio-demographics, dental caries, dental pain and ... 5:40 Slade GD: Epidemiology of dental pain and dental caries among children and adolescents Community Dent Health 2001, 18:219-27 Kikwilu EN, Mandari GJ: Dental caries and periodontal conditions...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:20

9 383 0
Báo cáo y học: "Correlation of the Radiographic and Morphological Features of the Dental Follicle of Third Molars with Incomplete Root Formation" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "Correlation of the Radiographic and Morphological Features of the Dental Follicle of Third Molars with Incomplete Root Formation" ppsx

... presence of islands with an ameloblastomatoid feature was reported in dentigerous cysts by Garrocho et al [18] and in follicles by Andrade [10], and cystic 39 degeneration by Andrade [10] Patients ... normality: proliferative sheets and layers of epithelium; islands of epithelium in the connective tissue with squamous metaplasia; islands of epithelium with squamous metaplasia and an area suggestive ... to 2.5 mm and the absence of inflammation between 3.0 mm and 4.0 mm These results are at variance with those of Damante and Fleury [16], who found an association between inflammation and an enlargement...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 16:23

5 314 0