most important data and information gathering technique for the system developer

Tài liệu Data and Information on Women’s Health in the European Union docx

Tài liệu Data and Information on Women’s Health in the European Union docx

... expectancy data and provides information on the quality of years lived rather than the quantity. HLYs also provide information on the structural and nancial burdens the health care system faces ... Europe (based on data from Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the UK, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland) increased ... prevalent in Southern than in Northern European countries, and as a result the incidence pattern will change in the near future. 6 7 Foreword Dear Reader, This report Data and Information on...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 23:20

92 728 0


... Monitoring and evaluation, and information systems The female condom is not integrated into any monitoring and evaluation system at the global nor, for most countries, at the national level. ... of the single-pill formulation, but the majority of the product sold outside of Europe and the US is a two-pill formulation. The benefits of the single pill formulation are ease-of-use; there ... choice and variety and more competition and therefore lower prices on the international female condom market. This will facilitate more and better access for men and women who want to use them and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 04:20

29 449 0
USAID Supported a Wide Range of Child and Maternal Health Activities, but Lacked Detailed Spending Data and a Proven Method for Sharing Best Practices pptx

USAID Supported a Wide Range of Child and Maternal Health Activities, but Lacked Detailed Spending Data and a Proven Method for Sharing Best Practices pptx

... survey and financial data were sufficiently reliable for our analysis. Page 45 GAO-07-486 Global Health years 2004 and 2005. Furthermore, the missions and bureaus had their own systems for ... annual performance plans and their goals for accountability for the effective and efficient use of resources. 10 Because the Office of the Administrator did not require missions and bureaus ... although it assigned the Bureau for Global Health the role of disseminating health research and innovations, the agency does not know whether the mechanisms used by the bureau and other USAID entities...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 09:20

64 379 0
Tài liệu Essential Skills for the Agile Developer: A Guide to Better Programming and Design pptx

Tài liệu Essential Skills for the Agile Developer: A Guide to Better Programming and Design pptx

... away, because they are not part of the API of the service and we don’t want any other object, now or in the future, to become coupled to them (the way they work or even that they exist at all). ... to write the function and then effort to integrate it into the system. Where do you spend most of your time? Writing the function or integrating it in?” About 95 percent of the time, the answer ... the forces at work around them. Mostly, engineers tried to improve practices and to learn what they could from failures. It took a long time—centuries—before they acquired a solid understanding...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 15:20

262 1.5K 1
Tài liệu   Allergic and Non‐Allergic Sinusitis for the Primary Care Physician:  Pathophysiology, Evaluation and Treatment  pdf

Tài liệu   Allergic and Non‐Allergic Sinusitis for the Primary Care Physician:  Pathophysiology, Evaluation and Treatment  pdf

...  36 LABORATORYEXAMINATION Severallaboratorytestsmaybeconsideredin the workupofpatientswithrefractorychronicorrecurrent acutesinusitis.Theseincludecompletebloodcount(CBC)withdifferential, and serumimmunoglobulintests,.Also, sweatchloridetestingmaybeperformedtoruleoutcysticfibrosis,especiallyinchildrenwithnasalpolyps or chronicorrecurrentsinusitis.  RADIOLOGY WhenanX‐raymustbedone, the imagingprocedureofchoiceis the computerizedtomography(CT)scan, whichisrecommendedprimarilyinevaluating the extent and severityofdiseaseinchronicsinusitis and in complicatedsinusitis(Fıgs.5–6).SinusCTscans and MRIscanshavealloweddoctorstodirectlyvisualize the pathologywithin the sinuses and depictnormal and abnormalanatomy.Thesetoolsareanimmenseimprovement overplainfilmsinusdepiction and cangivereliablereproducible information. (14‐24) The CTscanisnow the goldstandard and hasreplaced plainX‐raysas the imagingstudyofchoiceinchronic sinusitis.CTscans,especially the coronalimages,areusefulinimaging the underlyingsinusanatomyindetail. The combinationofnasalendoscopy and CTscansin the evaluationofchronicsinusdiseaseallows for precisediagnosis and treatment. CTscan isaninvaluabletoolin the evaluationof the sinuses.Oneof the primarystrengthsofsinusCT imagingisimprovedcontrastresolution:thatistosay, the abilitytodepictbone/air and bone/softtissueinterfaces. AnotherprimarystrengthofCTscansisimprovedspatialresolution:thatis, the ability todepictverysmall structures. The surgeon and the radiologist,workingtogether,hopetoobtainnumerousspecificpiecesof information fromCTscansofpatientswithsinusdisease.This information includes the statusof the bonywalls, the natureofmaterialwithin the sinuses, and the statusof the adjacentnormal structuressuchas the eye,brain, and midface. The statusof the bonywallsof the sinusesis important bothinbenignsinusdisease and alsoinsinus tumors.Ittakesnewer‐generationscannersonlyminutestoprovidehigh‐resolutionimagesoftissueslabsthatare ...  9 The sinusescommunicatewith the nasalcavityvianarrowopeningscalledostia.(11)Ostiadrainintospaces within the nosecalledmeatiwhichareborderedbyverticallyorientedbonesknownasturbinates. The tearduct (naso‐lacrimalduct)drainsinto the inferiormeatus(whichisborderedby the inferior turbinatebone).Thisisone reasonwhyournosedripswhenwecry. The maxillary,frontal, and ethmoidsinusesdraininto the middlemeatus, whichisborderedby the middleturbinatebone(FIGURE2).Someof the ethmoidsinusesalsodraininto the superiormeatus,whichisaspacedefined bysuperiorturbinatebone.While the maxillary,frontal, and sphenoid sinusesaresolitary,well‐definedcompartments, the ethmoidsinusis–inactuality–acollectionofseveralsmall sinuses,structuredlikeabeehive.Itis for thisreasonthat the ethmoidsinuseshavevarieddrainagepatterns. The sphenoidsinusdrains into the spheno‐ethmoidalrecess,locatedbetween the superiorturbinatebone and the nasal septum.(3,11,12) Air and mucusenter and exit the sinusthrough the sinusostia. The functionsof the nose and sinusesinclude olfaction(senseofsmell),respiration, and defense.(3,11,12) The nose and sinusesproducemucustokeep the nasal and upperrespiratorypassagewaysmoist, and haveaneffectonvocalresonance.Among the important physiologicalrolesof the sinusesare the humidification and warmingofinspiredair, and the removalofparticulate matterfromthisair.Humidification and warmingof inspiredairareaccomplishedby the waterysecretionsof the serousglands,whichcanproduceupto1–2litersofsecretionsperday. ... terlevelrises and areservoirforms.Similarly,if the osteomeatalcomplexisblocked,abackupofmucusoccurs.Thiscanleadtoa conditionthatleadstoinfection.Bacterialivein the nose and sinuses;however, inaninfectiousstatesomesubset(s) ofbacteriahavereproducedoutofproportiontoothers.Thisbacterialovergrowthisoftenpresentinsinusitis– particularlyacutesinusitis.Anyprocessthatcausesmucosalinflammationinto the sensitiveareaof the osteomeatalcomplex(OMC)canocclude the othersinusesthatdrainintothis crossroadzone.(16‐20) Blockageof the smallopeningsfromswelling(causedbyinfection,allergy, and othercauses)canalsoresult insinusitis.Whenobstructionoccurs, the mucusisretainedin the sinuscavity.Thesestagnantsecretionsthicken and provideamedium for bacterialgrowth.Obstructionalsoimpairsaeration and gasexchangewithin the sinus cavity.Absorptionoftrappedoxygenleadstohypoxiaordecreasedoxygenlevelswithin the sinus,which exacerbatessinusitis.Thesechangesleadtodamage and dysfunctionof the cilia and epithelium. The retained secretions and infectionleadtofurthertissueinflammation,whichinturnleads tofurtherblockage.Thesechanges ...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 08:20

156 519 0
Mammography and Beyond: Developing Technologies for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer pptx

Mammography and Beyond: Developing Technologies for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer pptx

... scientific and engineering research, dedi- cated to the furtherance of science and technology and to their use for the general welfare. Upon the authority of the charter granted to it by the Congress ... into the system in rather crude form, it can be diffi- cult and problematic to judge them solely on the basis of their early versions. ASSESSMENT OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES The dominant framework for ... to the study by speaking at meetings or by providing data and other written materials. The names and affiliations of all the speakers and other contributors are listed in Appendix A. All of the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 12:20

311 1.3K 0
Acquisition and Competition Strategy Options for the DD(X) potx

Acquisition and Competition Strategy Options for the DD(X) potx

... review will be performed and the Navy will negotiate contracts for the detail design of the ship and warfare system and construction and test of the lead ship. In most major system acquisitions, ... the then-current DDG 51 system, the Aegis combat sys- tem was procured separately by the Navy and provided to the shipbuilders as government-furnished equipment (GFE). For the DD 21 system, the ... funded research and development center sponsored by the OSD, the Joint Staff, the Unified Combatant Commands, the Department of the Navy, the Marine Corps, the defense agencies, and the defense...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 20:20

164 395 0
Ethics and Professionalism: A Guide for the Physician Assistant ppt

Ethics and Professionalism: A Guide for the Physician Assistant ppt

... students and teachers to better deal with the stresses of life and to be more effectively attuned to their patients, so they can understand them and help them, and to their col- leagues, so they ... 1-4). These principles and values are used as the basis for the guidelines for a PA’s work as a professional engaged with patients, other pro- fessionals, the health-care system, and society. The American ... Honor and integrity, excellence, and respect for others are three of the six elements of profes- sionalism. By using another student’s work and ben- efiting from it, the student who copied the other’s work...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 04:20

241 488 1
Investigation of au and in as solvents for the growth of silicon nanowires on si(1 1 1)

Investigation of au and in as solvents for the growth of silicon nanowires on si(1 1 1)

... coefficients of gold and indium on silicon, the solubility of substrate atoms in the two metals, the surface tension of gold and indium and the surface energy of silicon and silicon oxide. The diffusion ... experimental para- meters and a possibility to position the nanowires which is essential for most of the applications. In this work, the investigation of Au and In as solvents for the growth of silicon ... size and distribution of gold and indium droplets on the silicon surface that we observed by SEM and TEM after cooling down (Figs. 1–3) may be therefore reasonably explained considering the influence...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:17

6 565 0
TiO2nanotubes and CNT–TiO2hybrid materials for the photocatalytic oxidation ofpropene at low concentration

TiO2nanotubes and CNT–TiO2hybrid materials for the photocatalytic oxidation ofpropene at low concentration

... reported for the preparation of TiO 2 -nanotube materials: the hydrothermal synthesis [1–7], the anodic oxidation [8–11] and the template synthesis [12–17]. The advantage of the template-based synthesis ... rates for the photocatalytic oxidation are lower for the nanotubes than for P25. The results for the conversion of propene at 100 ppmv and the calculated activities are shown in Tables 3 and 4, ... caused by the multiphase nature containing anatase and rutile [34,35]. (c) The most intriguing result is the performance of the CNT–TiO 2 hybrid, which showed the highest conversion and activity values...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 13:11

7 456 0


... the BSAI, the 2008 discard rates were 13% and 4% for fixed and trawl gear, respectively. In the GOA, however, the corresponding discard rates were 8% and 15%. One explanation for the relatively ... 15. The estimates for halibut are in terms of bycatch mortality because the bycatch limits for halibut are set and monitored using estimated discard mortality rates. The estimates for the other ... displacement of the foreign and joint-venture fisheries by the domestic fishery between 1984 and 1991 can be seen by comparing Figures 1 and 2. By 1991, the domestic fishery accounted for all of the commercial...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:20

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BUILDING COMMUNITY AND COMBATING HATE - Lessons for the Middle School Classroom pot

... tell them that they are to take a position in the room based on whether they agree, disagree, or are unsure about the accuracy of the statement. 3. Read some or all of the statements below and ... exclusion Process 1. Write the word prejudice on the board. Instruct students to respond in a free-writing exercise about their understanding of the word and any feelings that the word evokes for them. Allow ... that they have experienced or witnessed. Tell students to ask the people who are telling them about these experiences to share how they felt at the time and how they feel now thinking back on the...

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Financial Accounting: A comprehensive and practical online guide for the basics of financial accounting docx

... Accounting Understand the Accounting Framework Understand the Accounting Process Understand the process of Finalization Understand the Financial Statement Analysis Understand Depreciation Accounting Understand ... influences the financial statements and thereby the pre-tax income and the income tax payable. When the tax reporting and financial reporting differs, it leads to differences in income and deferred ... reporting and the importance of financial standards in security analysis and valuation. The course explores the role of financial reporting standard-setting bodies worldwide and the International...

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