monopoly pricing and parallel trade in pharmaceuticals

Optimal pricing and promotion strategies in IT enabled retail environment

Optimal pricing and promotion strategies in IT enabled retail environment

... from handling product inquiry, marketing & advertising, sales, transaction, and service (Sun 2006) In this study, CRM is defined as the practice of analyzing and utilizing marketing databases and ... modeling to delineate optimal pricing and adoption strategy with LBS We build a novel model that integrates two most popular pricing models in literature, viz Hotelling pricing model for analyzing ... equilibrium profit in the subsequent pricing stages We compare the results for both Internet and LBS infomediaries, and discuss the implications of our findings on retailers’ pricing, promotion and technology...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 08:17

139 449 0


... Nonlinear Marginal Revenue Curve The marginal revenue curve for a nonlinear demand curve is obtained by imagining linear demand curves tangent to every point on the nonlinear demand curve and finding ... seeing the advantage of segmenting the market is by recognizing that reducing the elasticity of demand facing each airline also reduces the marginal revenue of each airline and brings it more in ... of as aimed at increasing the demand for the goods and Chapter 12 Monopoly Power and Pricing Decisions services being produced But demands are also affected by other factors, and many of them...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 15:19

47 431 0
Tài liệu Trade and Financial Integration in East Asia: Effects on Co-movements docx

Tài liệu Trade and Financial Integration in East Asia: Effects on Co-movements docx

... trade and financial integration on output, consumption and price co-movements Concluding remarks follow in Section TRADE AND FINANCIAL INTEGRATION IN EAST ASIA The export-led growth strategy in ... divided into individual countries such as China, Japan and Korea, and a group of remaining countries, ASEAN.3 According to Table 1, East Asia’s share in total global trade continuously increased ... argument, insisting that if intra-industry trade is more pronounced than inter-industry trade, business cycles will become more positively correlated as trade integration strengthens Based on 21 industrialised...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 21:20

21 420 0
Tài liệu AGRICULTURAL TRADE IN THE GREATER MEKONG SUB-REGION: The Case of Cassava and Rubber in Cambodia pdf

Tài liệu AGRICULTURAL TRADE IN THE GREATER MEKONG SUB-REGION: The Case of Cassava and Rubber in Cambodia pdf

... of marketing information and trade services and high cost of trade facilitation Having recognised the importance of agricultural trade development in boosting economic growth and reducing poverty, ... collectors, traders, factory agents and processing factories As illustrated in Figure 4.1, the cassava marketing chain has many layers, with the collectors and traders serving as the main intermediaries ... convenient for them in terms of time consumed majority prefer Option because other options involve them in many other activities including harvesting, cutting roots and drying and collecting cassava...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 04:20

62 557 0
Water Footprint and Virtual Water Trade in Spain doc

Water Footprint and Virtual Water Trade in Spain doc

... two-thirds of this footprint originates outside Britain (Chapagain and Orr 2008b) This study will look in detail at Spanish internal and external footprints and their pattern and evolution from 1996 ... crop water use and total crop water use in irrigated production in province i and year t and LPit is the land productivity of irrigated production in province i and year t, measured in € of crop ... clean water in province i and year t, measured in €  /m3 and LPit is the land productivity of irrigated production in province i and year t, measured in € of crop value per hectare As in the previous...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 04:20

160 395 1
Guide to International Trade in Organics: Laws and Regulations pptx

Guide to International Trade in Organics: Laws and Regulations pptx

... Organic Marketing and Trade Periodicals, Calendars and Trade Shows Trade and marketing magazines and e-zines; market research journals; selected events calendars and organic food trade shows Guide ... prosperity by strengthening the competitiveness of U.S industry, promoting trade and investment, and ensuring fair trade and compliance with trade laws and agreements Trade. gov provides you access ... Export Information including information about Import requirements and a directory of USDA’s Area Veterinarian -in- Charge; Plant Import Information including links to Plant Import Permits and a...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 08:20

28 461 0
The financial crisis and the pricing of interest rates in the Irish mortgage market: 2003-2011 ppt

The financial crisis and the pricing of interest rates in the Irish mortgage market: 2003-2011 ppt

... distress and interest rate type Falling incomes and rising unemployment in recent years have left many borrowers struggling to service outstanding mortgage debt Figures from the Central Bank of Ireland ... banks’ interest margins and funding costs The net interest margins for Irish institutions have declined for the last two decades, as shown in the bottom of Figure The average net interest margin ... 2010, Housing loan rate margins in Finland, Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 10/2010 [14] Raknerud, A., B.H Vatne and K Rakkestad, 2011, How banks funding costs affect interest margins? Norges...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 14:20

40 577 0
Global Production and Trade in the Knowledge Economy pdf

Global Production and Trade in the Knowledge Economy pdf

... potential input suppliers is in nity model by employing information on individual multinational enterprises This includes data on the multinational …rms’ technology investments and their intra-…rm trade, ... technologically complex intermediates hard to o¤shore, intra-…rm trade in these intermediates is less sensitive to increases in transport costs than intra-…rm trade in less complex intermediates.21 ... function of transport costs, and we show how this relationship can be used to infer cross-country and cross-industry variation in the marginal cost facing multinationals in serving foreign markets We...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 02:20

58 398 0


... important factor in pricing errors Using the spline approach described in Section IV, we compare the pricing errors obtained from fitting the CRSP and GovPX data over the period during which GovPX ... gains and ordinary income Since the trade- off between these two rates is a major contributor to any tax effects, it is not surprising that we not find convincing evidence of their existence In ... of tests for understanding the determinants of pricing errors in present values—arbitrage tests and an examination of deviations from a term structure fit We examine each in turn A Arbitrage...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 06:21

30 272 0
TRANSFER PRICING AND VALUATION IN CORPORATE TAXATION: Federal Legislation vs Administrative Practice pptx

TRANSFER PRICING AND VALUATION IN CORPORATE TAXATION: Federal Legislation vs Administrative Practice pptx

... routine functions, as determined in Step Adjusted operating profits, in turn, are computed by eliminating deductions for investments in intangible assets from combined reported operating profits, and ... operating results in the same reporting period By requiring individual members of a multinational group to report gross margins, markups or accounting rates of return that are contained in the interquartile ... perspectives, include costs incurred in conducting audits and analyzing transfer pricing issues, and in resolving conflicts over income allocations with their opposite numbers in other tax jurisdictions...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 11:20

200 311 1
parallel and concurrent programming in haskell

parallel and concurrent programming in haskell

... Evaluating a List in Parallel Example: The K-Means Problem Parallelizing K-Means Performance and Analysis Visualizing Spark Activity Granularity GC’d Sparks and Speculative Parallelism Parallelizing ... Paths in a Graph Pipeline Parallelism Rate-Limiting the Producer Limitations of Pipeline Parallelism Example: A Conference Timetable Adding Parallelism Example: A Parallel Type Inferencer Using ... the command-line arguments, expecting a single argument, the name of the file containing the input data Read the contents of the given file Split the file into lines; each line is a single puzzle...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 15:46

321 1,7K 0
báo cáo sinh học:" Existing capacity to manage pharmaceuticals and related commodities in East Africa: an assessment with specific reference to antiretroviral therapy" ppt

báo cáo sinh học:" Existing capacity to manage pharmaceuticals and related commodities in East Africa: an assessment with specific reference to antiretroviral therapy" ppt

... • Training on selection • Training on quantification methods • Training on inventory management Inappropriate prescribing • Inadequate training • Insufficient number of prescribers • Training ... facets of human resource constraints including inadequate number of personnel being involved in the supply chain, staff being inadequately trained and staff being inadequately remunerated Lessons ... dispensing practices Non-adherence to ART • Inadequate counseling • Inadequate monitoring and reporting • Build skills on appropriate counseling techniques • Training on monitoring and reporting Inadequate...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

5 376 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Fourier-transform infrared anisotropy in cross and parallel sections of tendon and articular cartilage" pptx

báo cáo hóa học:" Fourier-transform infrared anisotropy in cross and parallel sections of tendon and articular cartilage" pptx

... no infrared anisotropy in (c) the axis of the alpha-helix [26], as shown in Figure 7a Since the amide bonds are fixed in the peptide chains and the fibril contains three identical chains in a ... anisotropy in the regular /parallel/ cross sections of tendon and cartilage Since the infrared absorption of the amide I and amide II bonds has been found to have distinct anisotropy in articular ... muscle and sheaths Unfixed fragments of 10 mm long and mm thick were cut, embedded in OCT compound (cryoembedding medium) and snap frozen using liquid nitrogen Special care was exercised in orienting...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

12 384 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Clusters versus GPUs for Parallel Target and Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Images" potx

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Clusters versus GPUs for Parallel Target and Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Images" potx

... to many rows and columns, and hence the inverse operation is calculated in parallel in the GPU (3) Once the δ (RXF) has been computed (in parallel) for every pixel x in the original hyperspectral ... maintaining the same parallel performance 5.6.2 Maintenance The maintenance of a large cluster represents a major investment in terms of time and finance Each node of the cluster is a computer in ... Advances in Signal Processing 11 global void BrightestPixel(short int ∗ d hyper image, float bright matrix, int num bands, long int lines samples) ∗d { // The original hyperspectral image is stored in...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 18:20

18 388 0
Khóa luận tốt nghiệp tiếng anh: The relationship study between Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction at Ministry of Industry and Trade in Vietnam

Khóa luận tốt nghiệp tiếng anh: The relationship study between Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction at Ministry of Industry and Trade in Vietnam

... of Industry and Trade Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Government agencies, performing the function of state management of industry and trade, including the sectors of engineering, metallurgy, ... renewable energy, oil and gas, chemicals, industrial explosives, industrial, mining and mineral processing, consumer goods, industrial food processing and other industrial, commercial and domestic markets; ... understanding of the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction at Ministry of Industry and Trade in Vietnam CHAPTER INTRODUCTION Information about the Ministry of Industry...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 10:08

33 2,7K 5
impact of financial management on the profitability of samll and medium trade and service enterprises in thai nguyen province

impact of financial management on the profitability of samll and medium trade and service enterprises in thai nguyen province

... manager involved in preparing accounting information? (1= Not involvement to = High involvement) (5) What is your manager involved in interpreting and using accounting information? (1= Not involvement ... examining, investigating and describing the behaviour of SMEs in implementing financial management The specific areas of financial management practices including accounting information system, financial ... of accounting information system in reflecting business transactions - Owner/manager involvement in preparing accounting information - Owner/manager involvement in the interpretation and use of...

Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2014, 07:11

105 798 0