microsoft net framework 4 multi targeting pack visual studio

microsoft .net framework 4.5 quickstart cookbook

microsoft .net framework 4.5 quickstart cookbook

... are a NET developer and would like to learn the new features in NET 4.5, this book is just for you Prior experience with NET Framework would be useful but not necessary Microsoft NET Framework ... Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Quickstart Cookbook Get up to date with the exciting new features in .NET 4.5 Framework with these simple but incredibly ... upgrade Platform targeting Other risks 203 204 204 205 iii Preface With about 10 years since its first release, Microsoft' s NET Framework 4.5 is one of

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 16:50

226 1,3K 0
mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 4 pot

mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 4 pot

... be familiar with Microsoft Visual Basic or C# and be comfortable with the following tasks: Creating a Windows Forms or WPF application in Microsoft Visual Studio using Visual Basic or C# Adding ... and fonts Enhance the user interface of a NET Framework application by using graphics, images, bitmaps, and icons Enhance the user interface of a NET Framework application by using shapes and ... this chapter: Enhance the user interface of a NET Framework application by using the Sysem.Drawing namespace Enhance the user interface of a NET Framework application by using brushes, pens,

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:22

82 387 0
mcts 70-562 Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ASP.NET Application Development phần 4 pdf

mcts 70-562 Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ASP.NET Application Development phần 4 pdf

... ASP.NET AJAX and Client-Side Scripting Before You Begin To complete the lessons in the chapter, you should be familiar with developing applications with Microsoft Visual Studio using Microsoft Visual ... is an extension to Visual Studio and ASP.NET. It is therefore not covered in this book or on the exam. You can learn more by visiting http://www.asp .net/ajax/ .net/ajax/ net/ajax/ NOTE USING ... extension to Visual Studio and ASP.NET. It is therefore not covered in this book or on the exam. You can learn more by visiting http://www.asp .net/ajax/. n Client-side web service support ASP.NET

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:22

108 343 0
Tài liệu Using Your Sybex Electronic Book Microsoft® .NET Framework pptx

Tài liệu Using Your Sybex Electronic Book Microsoft® .NET Framework pptx

... Internet Professionals  IBM  Microsoft  Novell The i-Net+ exam was designed to test the skills of Internet professionals who are responsible for implementing and maintaining Internet, ... accomplished by obtaining multiple technology certifications, including i-Net+. i-Net+, because of its wide-reaching industry support, is recognized as a baseline of Internet and networking information. ... implementing and maintaining Internet, intranet, and extranet infrastructure and services as well as development of related applications. The exam tests areas of Internet technologies such as the TCP/IP

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 09:20

35 381 0
Tài liệu Lập trình Mạng Microsoft .NET Framework phần 2 ppt

Tài liệu Lập trình Mạng Microsoft .NET Framework phần 2 ppt

... thấy kết xuất như sau: InterNetwork: InterNetwork: InterNetwork: InterNetwork: InterNetwork: 1.3 “Ping” một địa chỉ ... (ipEndPointFrom); // Tạo packet. int PacketSize = 0; IcmpPacket packet = new IcmpPacket(); for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) { packet.Type = ICMP_ECHO; packet.SubCode = 0; packet.CheckSum = ... packet.Data[i] = (byte)'#'; PacketSize = PingData + 8; Byte [] icmp_pkt_buffer = new Byte [PacketSize]; int index = 0; index = Serialize(packet, icmp_pkt_buffer, PacketSize,

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 04:20

10 407 2


... NGỮ C# VÀ .NET FRAMEWORK 10 2.1.2 CÁC PHIÊN BẢN CỦA .NET FRAMEWORK 11 2.2 KIẾN TRÚC CỦA .NET FRAMEWORK (.NET ARCHITECTURE) 15 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA TPHCM CHƯƠNG TRÌNH THẠC SĨ CNTT 4 2.2.1 ... HÌNH THÀNH VÀ PHÁT TRIỂN CỦA MICROSOFT .NET FRAMEWORK 2.1 LỊCH SỬ RA ĐỜI VÀ PHÁT TRIỂN CỦA .NET FRAMEWORK 2.1.1 HOÀN CẢNH RA ĐỜI CỦA NGÔN NGỮ C# VÀ .NET FRAMEWORK Vào khoảng những ... cho Net 3.4 NGUYÊN TẮC TÁCH KHỎI Nguyên tắc tách khỏi được áp dụng rõ nét nhất trong MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework) của Net Framework kể từ version 4.0 về sau (http://msdn .microsoft.

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 17:29

31 769 0
c# 4, 4, and wpf, with visual studio 2010 jump start

c# 4, 4, and wpf, with visual studio 2010 jump start

... Stephens Jump Start C# 4, ASP.NET 4, & WPF with Visual Studio 2010 Wrox Programmer to Programmer™ Join the discussion @ C# 4, ASP.NET 4, & WPF with Visual Studio 2010 Jump ... 42 Extending <outputCache> 43 .NET 4’s New Object Caching Option 44 Historical Debugging with IntelliTrace 47 iv CONTENTS Debugging Multiple Threads 49 ASP.NET MVC 50 Defining Model-View-Controller ... with NET 4 in the namespace System.Diagnostics.Contracts However, there’s no tool included with Visual Studio 2010 You need to download an extension to Visual Studio from Microsoft

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:41

130 441 0
delphi 8 - migrating delphi applications to the microsoft .net framework with delphi 8

delphi 8 - migrating delphi applications to the microsoft .net framework with delphi 8

... applications to the Microsoft  .NET Framework with Delphi 8 Contents Introduction 3 Delphi  7 to Delphi  for the Microsoft  .NET Framework 3 VCL, VCL for .NET, and Windows  Forms 4 Delphi ... the framework, or using VCL for .NET components. This paper discusses the migration of Delphi applications for Win32 to the Microsoft .NET Framework using Delphi 8 for the Microsoft .NET Framework. ... for NET IDE and run as a native NET application (Figure 4) Figure 4: AppEvents sample application for NET 12 Migrating Borland  Delphi  applications to the MicrosoftNET Framework

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:17

22 567 0
mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 2 doc

mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 2 doc

... interface, add the IConvertible interface to the type definition Then use Visual Studio to implement the interface automatically Visual Studio inserts member declarations for 17 methods, including GetTypeCode, ... standards for encoding Unicode The NET Framework uses Unicode UTF-16 (Unicode Transformation Format, 16-bit encoding form) to represent characters In some cases, the NET Framework uses UTF-8 internally ... encoding type The NET Framework then chooses UTF-16 How to Specify the Encoding Type When Reading a File Typically, you not need to specify an encoding type when reading a file The NET Framework automatically

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:22

82 502 0
mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 3 potx

mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 3 potx

... data in a NET Framework application by using collections Improve type safety and application performance in a NET Framework application by using generic collections Manage data in a NET Framework ... experience developing Web-based, Microsoft Windows–based, or distributed applications using the NET Framework Candidates should have a working knowledge of Microsoft Visual Studio Before you begin, you ... familiar with Microsoft Visual Basic or C# and be comfortable with the following tasks: Creating console and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications in Visual Studio using Visual Basic

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:22

82 397 0
mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 5 ppsx

mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 5 ppsx

... thread to interrupt the increment operation IMPORTANT Multithreading Best Practices For more information about how to minimize problems when writing multithreaded applications, read “Managed Threading ... to the \\Chapter07\Lesson2\Exercise1\Partial folder and open either the C# version or the Visual Basic NET version of the solution file Alternatively, you can continue working from the project ... to the \\Chapter07\Lesson2\Exercise2\Partial folder and open either the C# version or the Visual Basic NET version of the solution file Alternatively, you can continue working from the project

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:22

82 348 0
mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 6 pot

mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 6 pot

... the NET Framework remoting system to find an appropriate port on the client’s behalf: Using the Microsoft NET Framework 2.0 Configuration Tool You can start the Microsoft NET Framework ... details.aspx?FamilyID=fe6f2099-b7b4-4f47-a244-c96d69c35dec Then you can start the tool from the Administrative Tools folder on your Start menu or by opening the %WinDir%\Microsoft.NET\ Framework\v2.0.50727\Mscorcfg.msc ... on the Start menu, start the Microsoft NET Framework 2.0 Configuration tool (or open the %WinDir%\Microsoft NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Mscorcfg.msc snap-in) In the NET Framework 2.0 Configuration

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:22

82 397 1
mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 7 pps

mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 7 pps

... CAS MORE INFO 461 NET Framework 2.0 Configuration tool This chapter covers using the NET Framework 2.0 Configuration tool only to manage CAS policy For more information about the NET Framework 2.0 ... uses CAS How to Use the NET Framework 2.0 Configuration Tool to Configure CAS The NET Framework 2.0 Configuration tool provides a graphical interface for managing NET Framework security policy ... located in %Windir%\ Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\) to examine and modify Machine-, User-, and 466 Chapter 11 Application Security Enterprise-level CAS policies Although the NET Framework 2.0

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:22

82 367 0
mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 8 ppt

mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 8 ppt

... Regasm.exe is available in the %Windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ folder and works with all versions of the NET Framework, or you can run it from the Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt (provided ... System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream or System.Net.Security.SslStream classes, the NET Framework throws an exception if either the client or server cannot be properly authenticated Therefore, you 544 ... privileges) How to Register an Assembly Using Visual Studio To register an assembly during the build process using Visual Studio, follow these steps: Create the NET Framework class library From the Project

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:22

82 401 0
mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 9 docx

mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 9 docx

... 0x00000c04 Stroke Count: 0x00020c04 zh-SG Chinese (Singapore) Pronunciation: 0x00001004 Stroke Count: 0x00021004 zh-MO Chinese (Macao SAR) Pronunciation: 0x00001404 Stroke Count: 0x00021404 ja-JP ... 0x00000C0A Traditional: 0x0000040A zh-TW Chinese (Taiwan) Stroke Count: 0x00000404 Bopomofo: 0x00030404 zh-CN Chinese (China) Pronunciation: 0x00000804 Stroke Count: 0x00020804 zh-HK Chinese (Hong Kong ... you should be familiar with Microsoft Visual Basic or C# and be comfortable with the following tasks: Creating a Console application in Microsoft Visual Studio using Visual Basic or C# Adding namespaces

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:22

82 651 0
mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 10 pps

mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 10 pps

... recent version of NET Framework Starting with NET Framework version 2.0, you should derive... serialization In this case, you will be communicating only with other NET Framework based ... While you can use the Net command to start, stop, pause, and continue a service, you cannot use Net to configure user accounts for services D Incorrect: The .NET Framework Configuration ... file because it will be shared by multiple applications The application- specific... hostEvidence As Object() = {New Zone (SecurityZone.Internet)} Dim internetEvidence As Evidence = New Evidence

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:22

90 362 0
mcts 70-562 Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ASP.NET Application Development phần 3 ppsx

mcts 70-562 Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ASP.NET Application Development phần 3 ppsx

... 4, and any future page views). Client Initial page request 1 Respond with cookie 2 Pass cookie 3 4 Pass cookie Web Server FIGURE 4-2 Web servers use cookies to track Web clients NOTE ASP.NET ... run ASP.NET Web applications; however, the service is set up to start manually by default Therefore, when configuring the ASP.NET State Service,... imultaneously s 2 12 CHAPTER 4 ASP.NET State ... information."; } 2 14 CHAPTER 4 ASP.NET State Management //define the Session object for the next page view Session["lastVisit"] = DateTime.Now; NOTE sessiOn state and cOOkies ASP.NET writes a

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:22

108 346 0
mcts 70-562 Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ASP.NET Application Development phần 5 pot

mcts 70-562 Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ASP.NET Application Development phần 5 pot

... FirstName="JoeFirst" Salary="40" /> <employee Id="5cf475e8-1d97-4784-b72f-84bfbf4a8e14" coId="63cd2a1e-c578-4f21-a826-c5dfb50258b0" LastName="MaryLast" ... xmlns=""> Rsa Key 4 34 CHAPTER 7 Using ADO.NET, XML, and LINQ with ASP.NET PPWA1TkWxs2i698Dj07iLUberpFYIj6wBhbmqfmNK/plarau4i1k+xq5bZzB4VJW8 OkhwzcIIdZIXff6INJ1wlZz76ZV1DIbRzbH71t6d/L/qJtuOexXxTi2LrepreK/q3svMLpsJycnDPa... ... Id="0adcf278-ccd3-4c3d-a78a-27aa35dc2756" CompanyName="Contoso"> <employee Id="bc431c32-5397-47b6-9a16-0667be455f02" coId="0adcf278-ccd3-4c3d-a78a-27aa35dc2756"

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:22

108 264 0
Programming Microsoft LINQ in Microsoft .NET Framework 4 doc

Programming Microsoft LINQ in Microsoft .NET Framework 4 doc

... both Microsoft .NET Framework 4. 0 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 on your development machine. This book has been written against the released-to-market (RTM) edition of LINQ and Micro- soft .NET ... audience for this book is .NET developers with a good knowledge of Microsoft .NET 2.0 or 3.x who are wondering whether to upgrade their expertise to Microsoft .NET 4. 0.  This ... operating systems: Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows XP with Service Pack 2, Windows Vista, Windows 7  Microsoft Visual Studio 2010  This...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20

705 1,4K 0
exam 70-516 accessing data with microsoft .net framework 4

exam 70-516 accessing data with microsoft .net framework 4

... Data with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 lesson review to use the questions from the “Lesson Review” sections of this book. Select the (70-516): Accessing Data with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 practice ... http://www .microsoft. com/express/Database. NOTE SQL SERVER INSTALLATION If you are using a 64- bit OS, you should install 64- bit SQL Server before installing Visual Studio 2010. Visual Studio 2010 ... Practice Test CHAPTER 6 ADO .NET Entity Framework Before You Begin Lesson 1: What Is the ADO .NET Entity Framework? Entity Framework Architecture Overview Entity Framework vs. LINQ to SQL Modeling...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 11:21

671 819 1

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