SharePoint Products and Technologies Overview
... 11/3/05 9:53 PM Page 24 CHAPTER ■ SHAREPOINT PRODUCTS AND TECHNOLOGIES OVERVIEW Topics and Areas SPS aggregates and organizes content through the use of topics and areas Topics are branches on a tree ... 11/3/05 9:53 PM Page 27 CHAPTER ■ SHAREPOINT PRODUCTS AND TECHNOLOGIES OVERVIEW Stand-Alone Server The stand-alone server is the simplest deployment option and the one that you will use throughout ... understanding of the Office System as a solution platform Figure 2-1 shows a simplified drawing of the SharePoint products and technologies related to the Office suite Figure 2-1 SharePoint and...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 14:20
... yielding them These products are also called primary products, main products, or coproducts Joint products not necessarily have to be totally different products; the definition of joint products has ... 1,132,000 357 Chapter Cost Allocation for Joint Products and By -Products ACCOUNTING FOR BY -PRODUCTS AND SCRAP Because the distinction between by -products and scrap is one of degree, these categories ... “by -products into demand products Management should not ignore the significance of such products and should seek new uses or markets for them 359 Chapter Cost Allocation for Joint Products and...
Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 09:12
... tables and indexes and perform “what if” analysis to estimate space and proper storage procedures Tablespace and Rollback Segment Maintenance D Query, add, drop, and alter tablespaces and rollback ... a combination of Oracle and third-party products and services D Core Technology Services help you through support, system and applications audits, performance tuning, and technology upgrades ... as a client SQL*Forms application and “manage” the target database over a SQL*Net connection Related Products and Services DĆ3 DĆ4 Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL Using Procedure Builder...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment - Subgroup Report on the Lowermoor Water Pollution Incident pdf
... Lowlands and St Minver Highlands 259 Appendix 7*: Water quality data for the parishes of Camelford and Davidstow, 1989 259 Appendix 8*: Water quality data for the parishes of St Teath, Tintagel and ... Figure 18: Camelford model and samples 68 Figure 19: St Teath model and samples 68 Figure 20: Helstone model and samples 69 Figure 21: Port Isaac and St Endellion model and samples 69 Figure 22: ... 2004) Table Standards and guidelines for drinking water quality Parameter 1984 Guideline Value (WHO, 1984) Standard 1990 – 2003 (1989 Regs) Current Standard (2000 Regs) Basis of standard Aluminium...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu Study on the Development and Marketing of Non-Market Forest Products and Services ppt
... care products Plant products End product Builders joinery and carpentry and profiled wood products Continuously shaped wood Glued products Treated products Pulp and Paper Other wood including products ... Development and Marketing of Non-Market Forest Products and Services Group Good/Service Sub-group products Fuelwood Non-wood forest products Edible plant products Animal products Medical plants and heath/personal ... prevention Maintenance of productivity on arable land Maintenance of natural productive soils Maintenance of soil vitality and ecosystem productivity Land and landscape conservation Flood protection Storm...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 21:20
... healthier root systems, and improve the overall health of plants SOIL THERAPY™ for lawns and landscapes STC lawn and landscape blend is a general use product that has been composted and screened to provide ... matter to help rejuvenate soils Improve soil aeration and the breakdown of plant residue • • Increase water retention in sandy soils Increase water distribution in clay soils and help reduce compaction ... Lava Sand: The sand-sized and smaller waste material left from lava gravel mining is an excellent, high-energy soil amendment material It can be used in potting soils, germination media, and bed...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20
Credit Derivatives Explained Market, Products, and Regulations pptx
... established a number of SPCs in both the Cayman Islands and the Channel Islands We are also able to issue out of Gibraltar, the Netherlands, and Ireland Other groups of investors may only be allowed ... liquidity, market size, funding costs, supply and demand, and counterparty risk The asset swap buyer can leverage credit exposure As time passes and interest rates and credit spreads change, the mark-to-market ... concentrated on the 2-, 3-, 5-, and 10-year maturities Non-standard maturities are less liquid and demand a wider bid-offer spread This also depends on the type of credit For banks and corporates, liquidity...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:20
Always On, Always Connected Finding Growth Opportunities in an Era of Hypermobile Consumers The 2012 Accenture Consumer Electronics Products and Services Usage Report pdf
... consumer technologies and services This annual research is intended to help consumer technology executives better understand the purchase patterns and use of consumer technologies and to gain deeper ... uniform in consumers’ device purchase and use The consumer base and buyer values are fragmented due to demographics (especially age and geography), social factors and more Thus, companies must be ... retailers and online) have made significant inroads in the past five years • Smart and mobile: Consumers are reaching a state of “hypermobility,” rapidly adopting mobile technologies and downloading...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 10:20
... (meat and eggs) The consumption per capita, multiplied by population (urban and rural), gives estimates of rural and urban demand for poultry products Finally, the total demand for poultry products ... current levels of demand and supply of poultry and poultry products 2 METHODOLOGY EXISTING LITERATURE AND MAJOR DATA SOURCES Research on livestock resources in Bangladesh, in general, and poultry sub-sector, ... involves projecting demand derived from the consumption of poultry products (meat and eggs) The approach may be called "Demand Approach" In usual conditions, demand for poultry products is expected...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 09:20
new to improve the mutual influence between new products and societal change processes potx
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 15:20
mẫu powerpoint biểu đồ ma trận về sản phẩm và dịch vụ, products and services
... BIỂU ĐỒ MA TRẬN ANSOFF - ANSOFF GROWTH MATRIX Tiêu đề phụ SẢN PHẨM & DỊCH VỤ (PRODUCTS & SEVICES) Trình bày - Present New THỊ TRƯỜNG THÂM NHẬP PHÁT TRIỂN SẢN PHẨM New THỊ TRƯỜNG ... DẠNG Thị trường thâm nhập - Market penetration Mô tả nội dung SẢN PHẨM & DỊCH VỤ (PRODUCTS & SEVICES) Trình bày - Present New THỊ TRƯỜNG THÂM NHẬP PHÁT TRIỂN SẢN PHẨM New THỊ TRƯỜNG ... DẠNG Phát triển sản phẩm - Product development Mô tả nội dung SẢN PHẨM & DỊCH VỤ (PRODUCTS & SEVICES) Trình bày - Present New THỊ TRƯỜNG THÂM NHẬP PHÁT TRIỂN SẢN PHẨM New THỊ TRƯỜNG...
Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2014, 16:52
... weight of: (1) volatile organic compounds (VOC) in consumer products, antiperspirant and deodorant products, and aerosol coatings products as those terms are defined in Title 17, California Code ... 310 DETERMINATION OF VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC) IN CONSUMER PRODUCTS AND REACTIVE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN AEROSOL COATING PRODUCTS APPLICABILITY 1.1 This method (Method 310) applies to the ... Subchapter 8.5 (Consumer Products) , commencing with section 94500, and (2) low vapor pressure-volatile organic compounds (LVP-VOC) as that term is defined in section 94508(a), and (3) the reactive...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 20:20
A Shopper’s Guide to Bank Products and Services ppt
... and paying for and what you are not.” How the FDIC Can Help You Shop The FDIC offers a variety of assistance to help consumers understand how to handle their money, shop for financial goods and ... binding contract with the lender and you are obligated to abide by the terms disclosed to you.” Among the key terms and conditions to know: the interest rate and when and how it could change (low ... the mouse you can easily find and compare different products and rates,” said Aurelia Cardamone, a Senior Technology Specialist in the FDIC’s Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection “Some...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 02:20
... Habitat change and resource competition due to water and land use Demand projections indicate, however, that the consumption of some metals and oil and gas will outstrip supply and may exhaust ... environment and tropical grassland and savannah causes especially severe impacts The exploitation of tropical forests and coastal regions is considerable and increasing Expanding forestry and pasture ... these impacts and who causes these environmental pressures In analysing the causes, we look at the immediate emitters and resource extractors, and the demand for the materials and products that...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20
Adsorption of heavy metal inons on soils and soil constituents
... between planes and β and between β and d are plane condensers with capacitance G1 and G2 , respectively, the relation between charge and potential is given by: σ0 Ψ0 − Ψβ = (15) G1 and σ0 + σd σd ... on soils and soil constituents is influenced by a variety of parameters, the most important ones being pH, type and speciation of metal ion involved, heavy metal competition, soil composition and ... first 10 and equilibrium was attained within h [127] Fig 10 shows Cd adsorption isotherms for two soils, a loamy sand and a sandy loam, as a function of pH The sorption capacity of the soil increases...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:09
Effect of sludge processing mode, soil texture and soil ph on metal mobility in undisturbed soil columns
... polyethylene tub A soil sample was then taken, preweighed masses of sludge were added and the soil and sludge were thoroughly mixed The soil/ sludge mixture was then returned to the soil column and ®rmly ... fragments (all soils were largely free of stones and pebbles), and stored in polyethylene bags Soil pH was determined in 1:1 soil/ distilled water suspensions, mixed at and 0.5 h and measured at ... Pollution 109 (2000) 327±346 Fig Old site Hudson (OS) and Hudson control (H) soil column percolate and soil pH, plotted by soil type and initial soil pH: *, OS5; *, OS7; !, OS natural; !, OS>7; &,...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:07
Effects of nutrient supply and soil cd con
... exchangeable Cd (NH4 NO3 ) and carbon content in topsoil and subsoil used in the lysimeters Soil type pH Total Cd ( g kg−1 ) Exchangeable Cd ( g kg−1 ) C (%) Topsoil Subsoil 6.7 6.9 296 231 4.9 ... weight basis) and total Cd amount per plant in leaves (L), stems (S), cuttings (C) and roots (R) for each clone (81090 and 78183), nutrient level (N1 and N2) and soil Cd concentration (Cd0 and Cd1) ... concentration (dry weight basis) and total amount of Cd in the stem for each clone (81090 and 78183), nutrient level (N1 and N2) and soil Cd concentration (Cd0 and Cd1) The plants are 2-years...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:07
Heavy metal contamination in soils of urban highways (comparision between runoff and soil concentration
... soil, especially for Pb, Zn and Cu They reported exchangeable percentages of Pbdust : 13%, Pbsoil: 2%; Zndust : 10%, Znsoil: 3%; Cudust : 11%, Cusoil: 2%; Cddust : 27%, Cdsoil: 19% Hamilton and ... mainly in the strongly bound organic and residual phases Hewitt and Candy (1990), examined levels of Pb, Cd and Zn in soil and dust samples collected in and around the city of Cuenca, Ecuador ... contamination of soils along highways, with the main emphasis on Pb For example, Vandenabeele and Wood (1972), who worked on highway soil samples in Utah, found 180 to 215 ppm Pb in surface soil and 65...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:25
Study on the Development and Marketing of Non-Market Forest Products and Services potx
... share of forests designated for water and soil protection are Germany (34%), Romania and Belgium (each 25%) and Poland (21%), while Cyprus, Ireland and the Netherlands reported that no forests are ... Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania and the United Kingdom 18 | P a g e Study on the Development and Marketing of Non-Market Forest Products ... Non-Market Forest Products and Services (FORVALUE Study): • Task 1: An overview of all goods and services provided from and by forests in the EU and identification of non-market forest goods and services,...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 09:20